Crystal Encyclopedia
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How to Use This Directory:
Welcome to your all-in-one guide to crystals and their healing properties! Each crystal is listed by its main type, and then by sub type. For example, Blue Calcite is listed under “Calcite, Blue” so you would find it in the “C” section for “Calcite” rather than the “B” section for “Blue.”
Curious about how these crystals get associated with their given properties? Crystal meanings are rooted in history, intuitive insight, color energy, and more. Be sure to check out our article about where crystal properties come from with some additional information. I hope you find this crystal encyclopedia useful as you deepen your healing practice and knowledge of stones!
If there’s a stone that you’re interested in learning more about, but you don’t see it listed here, please feel free to contact us and request that Ashley do a quick write-up about it or feature it on an upcoming blog post article.
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AGATE: Use for grounding, enhancing protective energy and shielding practices, promoting inner strength, encouraging flexibility, and helping you surrender and go with the flow.
- AGATE, BAHIA: Use for promoting feelings of safety and security, facilitating feelings of nurturing support, enhancing self-love, and for encouraging you to create and stick to a healthy self-care routine.
- AGATE, BEAN: Use for promoting general health and wellness, encouraging self-reflection and inner work, and for cleansing energy.
- AGATE, BERBER: Use for promoting creativity, facilitating a connection with your ancestors, and accessing the meaning of important spiritual lessons.
- AGATE, BLACK: Use for grounding, calming, protection, channeling your inner strength, keeping your body in balance, assisting in clear decision-making, promoting mystical experiences, connecting with liminal spaces and energies, accessing ancestral knowledge and wisdom, facilitating journey work, enhancing protection, promoting grounding via Earth connection, helping when doling out tough love and maintaining peace in stressful households.
- AGATE, BOTSWANA: Use to embrace water element energy and for help reminding you to go with the flow.
Agate, Blue Lace: Click here to read the full article.
Agate, Botswana Apricot: Click here to read the full article.
Agate, Botswana Brown: Click here to read the full article.
Agate, Botswana Pink: Click here to read the full article.
Agate, Brazilian Banded: Click here to read the full article.
- AGATE, BUBBLEGUM: Use for energetically supporting you during inner child work, appreciating beauty, encouraging playfulness, assisting you as you work to not take life so seriously, facilitating self-care.
Agate, Crazy Lace: Click here to read the full article.
- AGATE, DAY AND NIGHT: (May be the same stone as Sardonyx) Use to promote balanced energy among the body, mind and spirit, facilitating shadow work, and encouraging personal growth.
Agate, Dendritic: Click here to read the full article.
- AGATE, DRAGON’S EYE: Use to facilitate a connection with the energy of the Fire Element, promote personal growth and transformation, transmute stagnant energy, support you as you release bottle up emotions and energy in a healthy way, connect with your inner wisdom, and facilitate your clairvoyant skills and psychic sight.
- AGATE, DRYHEAD: Use to promote grounding, assist you in finding your roots, aiding and supporting you as you set boundaries, and discover your soul purpose.
Agate, Fire: Click here to read the full article.
- AGATE, GOBHI DESERT: (Also known as Wind-Worn Gobhi Agate) Use to balance elemental energy (in your energy field or in your space) and to bring the light of the Sun into your life to promote feelings of happiness and joy.
- AGATE, HOLLY: See Holley Blue Agate
- AGATE, HOLLEY BLUE: (Also known as Holly Blue Agate, Holly Agate, Holley Agate, Holly Blue Chalcedony, Holley Chalcedony, Holly Chalcedony, or as Holley Blue Chalcedony) Use to facilitate communication with your ancestors or those who have crossed over, promote cooperation amongst family, enhance your psychic awareness, strengthen communication with beings from the animal, mineral, and plant realms; access your higher consciousness, banish feelings of shame, foster protection during astral travel, promote lucid dreaming, and enhance shamanic journeying or vision quests. Element: Air Flower: Blue Bellflower Essential Oil: Blue Tansy Companion Stone: Pink Calcite As Holley Blue Agate is a form of banded Blue Chalcedony, these properties also apply.
- AGATE, HOLLY BLUE: See Holley Blue Agate
- AGATE, LAKE SUPERIOR: (Also known as Lakers) Use for grounding, enhancing your connection to the physical realm, connecting you with the energy of the water element (the life-giving source), helping you draw what you need from the limitless Universal energy that surrounds you, and aiding you in supporting the Earth’s bodies of water.
- AGATE, LANDSCAPE: See Dendritic Agate
- AGATE, MARBLE: Use to facilitate communication with angels, promote clarity & clear memory, strengthen your intuition and aid in clarifying difficult situations.
- AGATE, MEDICINE BOW: Use to aid in journey work, ritual or ceremony; gain wisdom and insight from ancestors, instill a sense of courage and bravery, energetically repair the aura (especially any holes or leaks in your energy field), and promote soothing on all levels.
- AGATE, MONTANA: Use to bring peace and tranquility to yourself, encourage quick and successful grounding, promote feelings of inner peace, instill ecological consciousness, and promote caring for the earth.
Agate, Moss: Click here to read the full article.
- AGATE, MUSHROOM: Use to energetically support you as you work through upsetting news or changes in plans, transmute unwanted or negative energy into energy that will be supportive of you, help you shift your perspective to see the gifts in a challenging person or situation, and encourage eco-consciousness and a love for the Earth.
- AGATE, OREGON EYE: Use to encourage you to step out of your comfort zone and be a bit more outgoing and to facilitate weather magic (when it is for the highest good of all).
- AGATE, PAINTED: Use to enhance your creativity and creative expression, facilitate your energy work practice, and promote happiness and joy.
- AGATE, RAINBOW: See Fire Agate
- AGATE, RED: Use to promote vitality, facilitate grounding, support you as you work to release pent up emotions in a healthy way, encourage you to openly communicate about your emotions.
Agate, Red Banded: Click here to read the full article.
Agate, River: Click here to read the full article.
- AGATE, SCENIC: See Dendritic Agate
- AGATE, SHIVA’S EYE: Use to connect with the energies of Lord Shiva, enhance the power of prayer, deepen meditation and promote present moment awareness, facilitate karmic upliftment (by removing karmic obstacles), connect you with source energy and enhance feelings of oneness, facilitate energetic cleansing and purification of the aura, aid in the development of your psychic skills, and promote balance and harmony.
- AGATE, SNAKESKIN: Use to encourage transformation through the shedding of what no longer serves you, bring peace & calming, enhance self-love & relationships, initiate the clearing of energetic pathways within the energy body, help camouflage yourself in crowds or situations, improve self-esteem & self-awareness, energetically support you as you experience grief, aid in finding lost items, soothe stress and ease worries.
- AGATE, SOUTH DAKOTA: Use to shed new light on a subject of contemplation, heighten your senses, connect yourself with the energy of ancient peoples, channel guidance from your ancestors, and instill an appreciation for the land.
- AGATE, SPOTTED: See King Cobra Jasper
- AGATE, SWEETWATER: Use for enhancing your connection to the Plant Kingdom, encouraging gratitude, and promoting an appreciation for the good things in your life.
- AGATE, TEEPEE CANYON: Use to aid you in the process of recapitulation after journey work, instill a sense of energetic safety and security, encourage harmony with nature, and to promote independence.
Agate, Tree: Click here to read the full article.
Agate, Turritella: Click here to read the full article.
- AGATE, WHITE: Use to invoke protection & strength, promote positive dreams, minimize stress, guard against energy drain, encourage energetic cleansing and purification, to facilitate distance healing work, and clear the obstacles in your life.
- AGATE, WIND-WORN GOBHI: See Gobhi Desert Agate
- AGATE, YELLOWSTONE RIVER: Use to assist you with energetic healing of the waters of the planet (rivers, lakes, streams, ponds, oceans, etc.), for instilling eco-consciousness, and to promote feelings of oneness and community.
Alexandrite: Click here to read the full article.
Amazonite: Click here to read the full article.
- AMBER, HONEY: (Also known as Amber, Butterscotch) Use to promote feelings of divine love, promote wellness and regeneration, help you recognize and appreciate all of the sweet things in life, enhance your motivation and drive toward success, and encourage a compassionate attitude toward all beings. Since this is a type of Amber, the general properties of Amber also apply.
- AMETHYST, GREEN: See Prasiolite
Amethyst, Brandberg: Click here to read the full article.
Amethyst, Chevron: Click here to read the full article.
Amethyst, Indian: Click here to read the full article.
Amethyst, Oaxacamer: Click here to read the full article.
Amethyst, Red-Capped: Click here to read the full article.
Amethyst, Thunder Bay: Click here to read the full article.
Amethyst, Uruguayan: Click here to read the full article.
Amethyst, Vera Cruz: Click here to read the full article.
Ametrine: Click here to read the full article.
Angelite: Click here to read the full article.
ANYOLITE: See Ruby-Zoisite
APACHE TEAR: (Also known as Brown Obsidian or as Apache Tear Drop) Use for instilling joy and banishing sadness, encouraging strong bonds between family and friends, spiritual protection, instilling inner strength during difficult experiences and enhancing courage. Apache tears are a natural form of volcanic glass — mainly obsidian, often with a dusting of perlite. The name “Apache tears” comes from a combination of history and legend. In the 1870s, a band of Apache warriors was hiding from the US Cavalry in the rugged mountains of Arizona. They believed their hiding spot was too remote for anyone to find, but the soldiers managed to track them, taking them by surprise with overpowering numbers. Fifty Apache men were killed in the ambush; the rest escaped only by running their horses off a cliff and falling to their deaths. For years afterward, people found their bones among the stones of the Pacacho Canyon. They also found the globules of dark, volcanic glass we now know as Apache tears. The legend arose that these were the tears of the Apache women, frozen into stone so their grief might never be forgotten. A later addition to this legend claims that anyone given an Apache tear as a gift will never have to cry again, because the Apache women shed enough tears to last forever, for all the people of the world. People carry them now as a reminder of the cleansing power of grief.
APATITE: (Also known as Pyroguanite or as Augusite) Use to cultivate inner strength, for clarity and focus, and to enhance your connection to the land.
Apatite, Blue: Click here to read the full article.
- APATITE, GOLDEN CAT’S EYE: (Also known as Golden Cat’s Eye Pyroguanite, Golden Cat’s Eye Kietyogite, Golden Cat’s Eye Fluocollophanite, Golden Cat’s Eye Estramadurite, or as Golden Cat’s Eye Agustite) Use to bring the light of the divine into your heart, enhance inner strength and will power, facilitate a connection with the earth and with the sun, aid you in recognizing the importance of the planetary and other astrological influences, and remove the ego from delicate situations.
Apatite, Green: Click here to read the full article.
APOPHYLLITE: (Also known as Fish-Eye Stone) Use to amplify energy, for assisting you when connecting with your guides and angels, for promoting inner peace, to enhance meditation, and to aid you in uncovering your past lives.
- APOPHYLLITE, COLORLESS: (Also known as Fish-Eye Stone) Use to facilitate astral travel and lucid dreaming, assist in dream healing, enhance energy healing practices, purify or cleanse your aura or energy environment, bring spiritual progress, aid you in changing karmic patterns and release you from karmic cycles, open yourself to universal energy and divine wisdom, and help you to realize your perfect nature. Apophyllite is a name that refers to several related minerals, mostly clear-to-green. We often see it in the form a four-sided, very clear pyramid with the top tip squared off. But it also comes in crystal clusters, ranging in color from white to pale green, and more rarely in other colors. It’s a very high-vibration stone, great for bringing inner light and pure, positive energy. Apophyllite can also help create links between the physical and spiritual realms, making it a favorite for meditation and energy healing. The name “apophyllite” comes from a Greek root word that means “It flakes off,” which refers to its tendency to break off in little scales if it gets dried out due to heat, so store this mineral in a cool place out of direct sunlight.
- APOPHYLLITE, GREEN: (Also known as Fluorapophyllite or as Green Fish-Eye Stone) Use to facilitate astral travel and lucid dreaming, assist in dream healing, enhance energy healing practices, open your heart and allow you to receive angelic love and protection, purify or cleanse your aura or energy environment, connect you with nature and to the fairy realm (including all of its creatures), open yourself to universal energy and divine wisdom, and help you to realize your perfect nature. Apophyllite is a name that refers to several related minerals, mostly clear-to-green. We often see it in the form a four-sided, very clear pyramid with the top tip squared off. But it also comes in crystal clusters, ranging in color from white to pale green, and more rarely in other colors. It’s a very high-vibration stone, great for bringing inner light and pure, positive energy. Apophyllite can also help create links between the physical and spiritual realms, making it a favorite for meditation and energy healing. The name “apophyllite” comes from a Greek root word that means “It flakes off,” which refers to its tendency to break off in little scales if it gets dried out due to heat, so store this mineral in a cool place out of direct sunlight.
Aquamarine: Click here to read the full article.
ARAGONITE: (Also known as Iron Bloom) Use for grounding, to help you concentrate, and for emotional support. Aragonite is a form of calcium carbonate, the same material as calcite but in a different structure. It is the material that makes up sea shells. We often see it in two main color patterns: a brown/golden/white variety, which sometimes appears striped; and an eye-catching robin’s egg blue. The little brown-sugar colored clusters called “sputniks” are especially popular, maybe because they give off such a friendly vibe — sort of like a little mineral pet. Rarer forms of aragonite appear as clusters of colorless spikes or needles, or blue coral-like masses. This abundant mineral is found all over the world. Some forms of aragonite may contain lead or other dangerous elements, so do not use aragonite directly to make elixirs.
Aragonite, Blue: Click here to read the full article.
Aragonite, Brown: Click here to read the full article.
- ARAGONITE, GOLDEN RAY: (Also known as Golden Ray Iron Bloom) Use to bring inner joy that shines forth and affects those around you, facilitate a connection with the divine, help you achieve a feeling of oneness with all beings, promote feelings of gratitude and love, and help you overcome life’s most difficult obstacles.
ASTROPHYLLITE: Use to allow universal healing energy to flow in and cleanse your mind and spirit; soothe past life trauma, encourage you to reach for your goals, serve as a reminder to be in the present and to live in the moment, and instill feelings of gratitude for what you have in life.
ATLANTISITE: (Also known as Atlantis Stone, as Stitchitite-Serpentine or as Serpentine-Stitchitite) Use to aid in connecting you with the ancient civilizations of Atlantis and Lemuria and help soothe past life trauma stemming from incarnations there, enhance your connection with nature and the plant kingdom, expand your knowledge and wisdom of how to use herbs and soothing plants, and stimulate your clairvoyant gifts (psychic sight).
ATLANTIS STONE: See Ocean Jasper
AUGUSTITE, GOLDEN CAT’S EYE: See Golden Cat’s Eye Apatite
AUSTRALIA STONE: See Noreena Jasper
AURALITE-23: Use to activate higher levels of conscious awareness, enhance meditation, energize the Merkaba Energy Body, and for Lightbody Activation.
AVALONITE: (Also known as Blue Druzy Chalcedony) Use to facilitate a connection with your guardian angels, help you to resist temptation, foster protection, enhance meditation, promote wellness, stimulate vitality, balance the male and female energies in your energy body, create a portal for connecting with those on the other side, and give you strength.
AVANTURINE: See Aventurine
AVENTURINE: (Also known as Adventurine or as Aventurine) Use for shifting your perspective, to spark new ideas, for grounding, and to instill a sense of wonder and magic.
- AVENTURINE, BLUE: (Also known as Blue Avanturine, or Blue Adventurine) Use to promote communication with spirit, for enhancing mystical experience, to connect you with the energy of the cosmos, to enhance the practice of astrological divination, and for enhancing intuitive insights.
Aventurine, Green: Click here to read the full article.
Aventurine, Orange: Click here to read the full article.
Aventurine, Red: Click here to read the full article.
- AVENTURINE, WHITE: (Also known as White Quartz, White Avanturine, or White Adventurine) Use to promote purification of mind and spirit; instill a high standard of values, morals, and ethics; cleanse any negativity from the aura, and repair any voids within the energy body.
AVVENTURINA: See Goldstone
AZEZTULITE: Use to enhance meditation and prayer (especially for world peace), stimulate the merkaba energy body, aid in the interpretation on sacred geometrical patterns in everyday life, assist with the creation of energetic vortices, and bring a feeling of peace and calming.
Azurite: Click here to read the full article.
BAMBOO STONE: (Also known as Bamboo Stone Jasper or as Bamboo Jasper) Use to promote personal growth, connect one with nature, encourage regeneration, instill a calm and centered state of mind, and enhance your meditation practice.
BARITE, BLUE: Use to enhance your communication with guardian angels, promote psychic sight and vision, bring clarity, and clear blockages on a Karmic level.
BARITE, BROWN ROSE: (Also known as Brown Barite Desert Rose) Use to promote soothing emotional wounds of the heart, help your heart blossom into the rose of love, enhance feelings of sharing and communication (especially between you and your lover), and instill a sense of independence within yourself (especially when co-dependence has been a problem).
BARITE, COLORLESS: Use to help you to see situations more clearly, rein in new opportunities, aid you in keeping your composure during difficult times, and provide you with mental strength.
BARITE, GOLDEN: Use to promote happiness and joy, help you feel connected with Divine energy, instill a feeling of Oneness within yourself, and clear & dissolve spiritual blockages.
BARITE, PEACH: Use to enhance your feminine energy, aid in inner reflection, promote peace and calming, stimulate growth in plants, encourage healthy eating habits, and keep you grounded during times of turmoil.
BASALT: Use to assist with grounding, enhance vitality, increase motivation (especially when beginning new projects or journeys), and facilitate journey-work in order to soothe trauma in your ancestral line that is continuing to cause present-life conflicts.
BERYL, GOLDEN: See Heliodor
BERYL, YELLOW: See Heliodor
BIOTITE, BLACK: See Biotite Black Mica
BISMUTH: Bismuth is a semi-metal. In nature, it is silver-gray and is not found in its crystallized form. Bismuth does not crystallize naturally, because there is usually not enough space for its crystals to form properly. With a little help from humans, it is melted and re-crystallized into a beautiful iridescent rainbow form. Bismuth is excellent for improving concentration during visualization, especially for use during meditation or journey work. It has also been known for its ability to lift one’s awareness to the celestial realm while maintaining grounding. Bismuth is a stone of transformation, moving things from chaos to order. In addition, Bismuth has been known to promote cooperation in group situations and also in relationships. Bismuth is a chemical element that usually combines with other substances into ores. But when it’s in a pure state and isolated from the outside environment, it can form little pyramids with an amazing rainbow sheen. The chemical element Bismuth is the active ingredient in Pepto-Bismol, and over-the-counter remedy for digestive complaints. Pepto-Bismol was originally formulated over a hundred years ago to deal with infant diarrhea, at the time the number one cause of death among babies in the United States. The original formula was a complex concoction, and no one really knew how it worked. Once scientists figured out that bismuth was the active ingredient, the useless parts were removed, leaving the pink liquid we know today. You wouldn’t ordinarily think to use a rock to settle your stomach, but the bismuth in Pepto-Bismol is used for just that! The mountains on Venus are covered with “bismuth snow,” a bismuth sulfide that condenses from the atmosphere and accumulates at higher elevations. A similar “snow” on Venus forms from a sulfide of lead.
BLOODSTONE: (Also known as Heliotrope or as Bloodstone Jasper) Use for energetic cleansing, to promote general wellness, to transform negative energy into positive energy, to aid in receiving and interpreting guidance from your inner self, for grounding, for energetic protection, to encourage intuitive dreaming, to increase your energetic vitality and vigor, to promote feelings of courage and confidence, to facilitate brave actions, to aid you in trusting your intuition and acting upon it when it suits you, to ease difficult matters of the heart. Bloodstone is a type of green jasper (a chalcedony) that contains flecks of red hematite, which has attracted the attention of magic users since ancient times. Pliny the elder claimed it was the stone of invisibility, and Damigeron believed it control weather and eclipses. Bloodstone was also called the “Stone of Babylon,” because the ancient Babylonians believed so strongly in its magic that they used it to make important artifacts like seals and amulets. It has also been used in various ways for divination. In modern times, some crystal workers have come to associate Bloodstone with doing well in competitive situations, such as legal battles and athletic contests. Bloodstone is also known as heliotrope, a name associated with some pretty remarkable beliefs about this stone that come down to us from ancient times. Heliotrope means “sun-turner,” and not only did they believe this stone had the power to turn the sun’s rays red, they believed this would initiate other magical happenings. At various times, people have believed this stone could make water boil, change the weather, and make an amulet that would render its wearer invisible, detect the presence of poison, and produce blood from water. This is only one of the ways it has been associated with blood. It was also used historically to stop bleeding, even hemorrhaging, in various cultures too far removed to have had any cultural exchange of this belief.
BOGWOOD, GREEN: See Gary Green Jasper
BOJI STONES: Use to connect with a feeling of Universal Oneness, enhance grounding, foster protection, remove the ego, facilitate a connection with nature, instill courage, promote a sense of lightness, and encourage wellness.
BORNITE: (Also know as Peacock Ore, as Peacock Rock, or as Chalcopyrite) Use to stimulate creativity, promote wellness, instill inner-strength, encourage happiness and joy, remove negativity, and increase vitality.
BRAZILIANITE: Use to bring soothing energy into the heart, aid in facilitating successful shamanic journeying, and promote wellness and recovery.
BRONZITE: Use to balance your masculine and feminine energies, aid in grounding the astral body during astral travel, promote wellness and regeneration, enhance self-confidence, encourage inner-reflection, and instill radiance.
BUDDSTONE: (Also known as African Jade, as Plasma, or as Budstone) Use to foster balance, promote wellness & renewal, help in the speedy recovery of unhealthy plants, and enhance your connection with nature.
BUDSTONE: See Buddstone
Bumblebee Stone:
BUSTAMITE: Use to enhance the energy of other crystals, provide a feeling of being nurtured and supported, and encourage you to find and pursue your true calling in life.
BYTOWNITE: (Also known as Golden Labradorite) Use to instill Divine wisdom, connect with Angelic guides, enhance meditation, and promote safety during astral travel & dream work.
CACOXENITE: Use to raise your energetic vibration, push negativity from your energy field, enhance the soothing qualities of other minerals, ignite inspiration, deepen your meditation practices, and shed new light on a situation.
CALCITE, APPLE: Use to help you to resist temptation, promote general wellness, stimulate vitality, balance the male and female energies in your energy body, and allow you to become a clear and perfect channel for divine universal soothing energy.
CALCITE, BLACK: (Also known as Master Shamanite) Use to facilitate shamanic journeying & meditation practices, promote powerful spiritual protection, aid in your grounding exercises, dispel negative energies, prevent psychic attacks, and assist with spiritual cleansing & purification.
CALCITE, BLUE: Use to cool the flames of anger, enhance wellness, promote peace & tranquility, balance your emotions, encourage truth in communication, and instill happiness & joy.
CALCITE, BROWN: Use to deepen communication with your inner self, instill a playful relationship with your inner child, balance your emotions, encourage joy & happiness, and help you recognize the love you deserve.
CALCITE, CHAMPAGNE: Use to enhance your self-confidence, allow your inner light to shine through, increase joy & happiness, bring prosperity & abundance, regulate your emotions and promote an “attitude of gratitude.”
CALCITE, COLORLESS: (Also known as Optical Calcite, White Calcite, and Iceland Spar) Use to intensify visual imagery during meditation, astral travel, dreaming, and shamanic journeying; to provide clarity, reveal the veiled meaning in a situation, to cleanse yourself, your aura, and your environment of negative energies; to increase vitality, quicken your spiritual development, increase awareness, facilitate intuitive visions and psychic powers, aid in channeling, encourage motivation and dispel laziness, offer you a space for reflection, and stimulate your memory. PLEASE NOTE: This stone is only known as Optical Calcite or Iceland Spar when it is held up to images or words and creates a double-refracted image.
CALCITE, EMERALD: (Also known as Emerald Green Calcite) Use to instill in yourself a sense of self-love, soothe your broken heart, enhance your grounding practices, bring protection, and shield your aura from outside energies.
CALCITE, GOLD: See Golden Calcite
CALCITE, GOLDEN: (Also known Gold Calcite) Use to enhance self-confidence, let your inner light shine through and be seen by others, encourage wellness, increase joy and happiness, manifest prosperity and abundance, stabilize the emotional body, and deepen one’s “attitude of gratitude.”
CALCITE, GREEN: Use to enhance vitality, promote wellness, diminish jealous behaviors, stimulate plant growth, enhance your connection with nature, and banish negative thought allowing you to have a more positive outlook.
CALCITE, HONEY: Use to harness the energy of the sun, promote self-confidence, stabilize the emotional body, enhance feelings of warmth & soothing for restored wellness, instill joy & happiness, balance your male & female energies, aid in journeying work, facilitate meditation & conscious awareness, increase the effectiveness of breath-work and bring abundance & prosperity.
CALCITE, OPTICAL: See Colorless Calcite
CALCITE, PINEAPPLE: Use to increase will and self-confidence, instill optimism, calm sarcastic, pessimistic and overly analytical personalities; alleviate anger and frustration, calm worries, soothe nerves, enhance wisdom, and facilitate transitional periods and adjustments.
CALCITE, RAINBOW: Use to instill happiness and joy, promote positive thinking, and calm negative feelings from emotional trauma. This is a banded variety of Calcite that contains many varied colors. It holds the combined properties of any color of Calcite that is exhibited in the specific piece.
CALCITE, RED: Use for energetic support, to promote inner strength, calm you when you’re feeling fear, assist you with problem-solving, help you attract love, and connect you with the fire element.
CALCITE, RED CORAL: Use to instill emotional balance, promote vitality, connect with the energy of the water element, and encourage wellness & renewal.
CALCITE, ROOTBEER: Use to enhance communication with your inner self, facilitate a playful relationship with your inner child, balance your emotions, bring inner joy and happiness, and remove feelings of self-hatred that may keep you from treating yourself with the love you deserve.
CALCITE, STRAWBERRY: Use to promote vitality, to enhance sexual and creative energies, to help you energetically remove stagnant emotional energies, to promote motivation, to instill willpower, to elevate the spirit, to dispels laziness, and to promote feelings of determination.
CALCITE, WHITE: See Colorless Calcite
CALSILICA, RAINBOW: Use to align the spiritual, emotional, and astral bodies, and to balance your energy.
CARBORUNDUM: See Silicon Carbide
CASSITERITE: Use to help keep you grounded while performing shamanic or dream work, as well as to assist with manifestation.
CATACLASTITE: See Cataclysmic Jasper
CATACLYSMITE: See Cataclysmic Jasper
CELADONITE: Use to facilitate a connection with the fairy realm, connect with your inner child, enhance your connection with the earth and with the plant kingdom; and provide clarity of thought, approaching a situation from the heart.
CELESTINE: See Celestite
CELESTITE: (Also known as Celestine) Use to enhance your intuition, to facilitate communication with your guides or with animal archetypes, to enhance feelings of peace and compassion, to stimulate hope, to help you overcome loss and work through grief in a healthy way, to enhance group communication and aid everyone involved in working toward a common goal, and to allow you to speak or express your highest truth. Celestite is an ore of strontium, the element used to produce brilliant red fireworks. But the mineral itself is a beautiful pale blue color, which is where it gets its “heavenly” name. It forms beautiful geodes, and in fact, the largest known geode is a 35-foot celestite. While it’s too fragile to use in jewelry, it’s a wonderful stone to use for prayer and meditation. Celestite is a brittle mineral and pieces of celestite geodes break off easily, so handle it carefully. It’s also best to keep it away from water and direct sunlight.
CERUSSITE: Use to help you to maintain a connection to the physical body and to the earth during spirit work or shamanic journeying; and enhance meditation.
CHALCEDONY, BLACK MYSTIC: Use to stimulate intuition and psychic development, promote psychic self-defense and protection, “lock” your aura for protection against outside energies or planetary influences, help you see the bright side even in the darkest of times, bring balance to body, mind, and spirit, and allow you to acknowledge and then transform your shadow side and negative aspects for the good of all beings. The name chalcedony (pronounced “kal-SEH-dony” or “chal-SEH-dony”) is a blanket term for many varieties of cryptocrystalline (small-grained) quartz. Often when jewelers and gemologists talk about chalcedony, they mean the white-to-blue variety, but we’ve also seen lovely specimens of black mystic chalcedony, and other types exist in almost every color. In fact, many forms of quartz are technically also forms of chalcedony: jaspers, agates, onyx — even petrified wood! The reason for this is that when Earth’s geological activity break up her abundant supply of quartz, small crystals often morph into something new, picking up all kinds of minerals and other stuff in the process. Metaphysical uses: Chalcedony in a stone of balance, which can counteract any scattered tendencies, as when sometimes we want to have things both ways. Compromise and generosity, chalcedony’s gifts, encourage our better side. The stone fosters openness, agreeability, and personal charm. Its milky appearance suggests some of the properties historically associated with it; for example, Italian women traditionally wear chalcedony beads after childbirth for successful lactation.
CHALCEDONY, HOLLEY: See Holley Blue Agate
CHALCEDONY, HOLLY: See Holley Blue Agate
CHALCEDONY, PINK: Use to aid in recovering your positive childhood memories, help you to value all life (even the tiniest creature), instill compassion toward all living things, connect with the energies of the Goddess Kuan Yin, and balance your emotions. The name Chalcedony (pronounced “kal-SEH-dony” or “chal-SEH-dony”) is a blanket term for many varieties of cryptocrystalline (small-grained) quartz. Often when jewelers and gemologists talk about Chalcedony, they mean the white-to-blue variety, but we’ve also seen lovely specimens of Black Mystic Chalcedony, and other types exist in almost every color. In fact, many forms of quartz are technically also forms of Chalcedony: jaspers, agates, onyx — even petrified wood! The reason for this is that when Earth’s geological activity break up her abundant supply of quartz, small crystals often morph into something new, picking up all kinds of minerals and other stuff in the process. Chalcedony in a stone of balance, which can counteract any scattered tendencies, as when sometimes we want to have things both ways. Compromise and generosity, Chalcedony’s gifts, encourage our better side. The stone fosters openness, agreeability, and personal charm. Its milky appearance suggests some of the properties historically associated with it; for example, Italian women traditionally wear Chalcedony beads after childbirth for successful lactation.
CHERT, GREEN: Use to soothe emotions and promote mental stability. Green Chert is a dense, cryptocrystalline quartz mineral colored green by traces of oxidized iron.
CHIASTOLITE: (Also known as Cross Stone): Use to align and balance your energy body, to balance the body, mind, and spirit, to help you manage his or her responsibilities, to open your heart after you’ve been emotionally hurt, to more deeply instill your values and ethics and help to make them a priority in your life, to lift your spirit, and to promote group cooperation. Since Chiastolite is a variety of Andalusite, these properties also apply.
CHRYSANTHEMUM STONE: (Also known as Flowering Gabbro) Use to balance the flow of yin & yang energies, allow you to see your positive and negative aspects (to help in overcoming dependence on the ego), and aid you in growing into your spiritual self.
CHRYSOCOLLA, DRUZY: (Also known as Gemmy Chrysocolla or Gem Silica) Use for strengthening your relationship with your parents or children, bringing emotional balance, kindling inner strength, and improving communication. Since this is a variety of Chrysocolla, properties such as promoting peace and compassion, deepening your connection to Earth, and supporting planetary healing, also apply. Druzy Chrysocolla is a natural formation, in which a fine layer of quartz druze forms over chrysocolla. Some of these pieces also have small inclusions of malachite and/or calcite. These pieces come from Peru. The name ‘Chrysocolla’ means ‘gold glue,’ because the ancient Greeks used it in soldering that metal. It’s one of a group of brightly colored minerals — along with turquoise, malachite, azurite and a few others — that indicates the presence of copper veins. Safety note: Since chrysocolla contains copper, please don’t use it to make elixirs.
CHRYSOCOLLA, GEMMY: See Druzy Chrysocolla
CINNAMON STONE: See Hessionite Garnet
CLINOZOISITE: Use to aid with detoxification, promote clarity and ease stress. Clinozoisite is bicolored because it combines an epidote-based mineral with pink manganese silicate.
CONCRETION, FAIRY STONE: (Also known as Fairy Stone) Use to open portals to other worlds, to call on the fairies to help your wishes come true, facilitate communication with beings from the fairy realm (i.e. fairies, sprites, nymphs, ents, etc.), for grounding, bringing magic back into your love life, and encouraging a sense of peace and calming in yourself. These fascinating shapes formed in Canadian glacial lakes when calcium carbonate settled into glacial clay formations. We call them “fairy stones,” the English version of their Algonquian name, though their shapes have inspired many other whimsical names such as “mud babies.” After forming in lakes these concretions washed downstream, where curious people would pick them up and puzzle over their rounded, often human- or animal-like shapes. Another name for them is Harricana, meaning “river biscuit,” which is also the name of one main river where they’re found. Canadian natives collected the stones as protective amulets, both to carry and to place in the home, to protect against bad spirits and bring good luck. They were very lucky when given to others, so that an especially beautiful one might make a gift for a loved one. Though I’ve never seen any reference to them being used as toys, they look so much like people, animals and objects that it’s hard not to imagine Algonquian children collecting and playing with them.
COPPER: Use for aiding in motivation, increasing self-love, encouraging an optimistic attitude, enhancing confidence, overcoming negative thought patterns and conditioning, creating balance between the physical and ethereal bodies, stimulating telepathy, bringing in good luck, grounding and amplifying energy and intention. Copper is a metal sometimes found in a pure state, and sometimes as part of a variety of colorful ores, including chrysocolla, cuprite, azurite and malachite. It was the earliest metal discovered and developed by mankind. The human race began developing technology through this easy-to-find, easy-to-work metal, and it is still very important today. Pipes, electrical wiring, and the Statue of Liberty are made of copper. It’s also the key element in important alloys, such as bronze, brass and sterling silver. Copper was the earliest metal to come into common use all over the world. One of the reasons is that it’s often found in a relatively pure form, close to the surface. This natural formation of metal is called “native copper.” In the Midwest, we have our own native copper mines in Michigan’s Upper Peninsula, where Native Americans discovered copper nuggets. Over time, they learned to use stone mauls to hammer the metal out into a foil, using fire and water to make it less brittle. Once they had the pure foil, they could use it to form lots of useful, decorative and ceremonial objects. In various Native American cultures, native copper turned into beads, tools, rings, earrings, weapons, armor and bells. Europeans who had been cultured to believe Native Americans were “primitive” were amazed when they saw that, in reality, these people produced an amazing array of sophisticated metal items. Use care! While copper, in very small amounts, is necessary to the human body, in larger amounts it is toxic. Please don’t use it in elixirs, take care when handling it, and don’t let children put it in their mouths.
CORAL, FOSSIL: See Coral Fossil
CORAL, RED: Use to increase vitality, aid in grounding, enhance spiritual devotion, promote wellness, foster protection from negative energy, and facilitate communication with your ancestors.
CORAL, WHITE: Use to connect with the water element and to encourage communal tending of waterways and water sources.
CORUNDUM, BLUE STAR: See Blue Star Sapphire
CORUNDUM, YELLOW: See Yellow Sapphire
COVELLITE: Use to enhance your intuition and psychic skills, provide guidance about your life path or soul journey, motivate you to accomplish your goals, foster protection during journey shamanic work, and enhance the energy of ritual or ceremony.
CREEDITE: Use to allow yourself to work through your emotions safely & naturally, connect with the element of water to wash away feelings & thoughts that need to be released, promote energetic cleansing and purification of the emotional body, shield and protect delicate or sensitive energies, aid you in recovering (mentally, spiritually, emotionally) after someone has invaded your space or depleted your energy (consciously or subconsciously), and assist you in learning how to deflect a psychic attack.
CROCODILE ROCK: See Kambaba Jasper
CROCODILE STONE: See Kambaba Jasper
CROSS STONE: See Chiastolite
CUPRITE: Use to promote feelings of safety, facilitate rites of passage, and support you as you work to soothe emotional wounds.
CYANITE, BLACK: See Black Kyanite
CYANITE, BLUE STAR: See Blue Star Kyanite
CYANITE, GREEN: See Green Kyanite
DALMATIAN DACITE: See Dalmatian Jasper
DANBURITE: Use to open your heart to divine love, stimulate intuitive insight, and facilitate & enhance meditation.
DIAMOND, BLUE: Use to enhance spiritual communication, promote purification, motivate you in your creative endeavors, boost inspiration, increase vitality & well-being, and stimulate will power & inner-strength.
DIAMOND, PECOS VALLEY: See Pecos Diamond Quartz
DIOPSIDE, BLACK STAR: Use to promote mystical experiences, encourage inner-reflection, stimulate psychic activity, awaken your dream consciousness while in the waking state, and aid in connecting yourself with the Universe and all that is.
DIOPTASE: Use to balance the energy body, to open the heart to new relationships or experiences, to support you during the grieving process, to aid in manifesting, for emotional balance, to work through past life issues, and to promote self-love and self-forgiveness.
DISTHENE, BLACK: See Black Kyanite
DISTHENE, BLUE STAR: See Blue Star Kyanite
DISTHENE, GREEN: See Green Kyanite
DOLOMITE: Use to provide inner strength and will power, allow you to remain firm in your boundaries even when it is very difficult (as in a parent showing “tough love” to a child), aid you in not taking things personally, and help to strengthen and soothe your broken heart.
DRAGON STONE: See Dragon’s Blood Jasper
DRAGON’S EYE: See Red Tiger’s Eye
DUMORTIERITE: (Also known as Blue Quartz or as Dumortierite Quartz) Use to promote peace and tranquility, enhance your creativity, strengthen your organizational skills, instill mental clarity, increase your intuitive wisdom, promote happiness and joy, cool anger, connect yourself with the water element and help you to “go with the flow,” and promote wellness & regeneration.
ECLIPSE STONE: See Eclipse Jasper
EGYPTIAN MARBLE: See Walnut Jasper
ELESTRA: (This stone is Elestial Quartz with Lepidocrocite inclusions) Use to enhance love, instill integrity, create clarity of mind, and increase joy.
EPIDOTE: Use to remove stagnant energy and replace it with fresh energy, to aid in facilitating a connection with nature (especially with trees and flowers), and to help calm you when you’re dealing with stress.
EUCLASE: Use to instill joy and happiness, promote intuitive awareness, cleanse and purify all of the meridians and energy channels in the body, stimulate creativity, enhance one’s passion for life, assist in manifesting all things mental and spiritual, and aid in meditation.
EUDIALYTE: Use for inner strength, to promote self-respect, to encourage new love to grow, to help you connect with your angels and guides, to nurture your inner-self, and for emotional soothing and balance.
EYE OF THE STORM: See Judy’s Jasper
FAIRY CROSS: See Staurolite
FAIRY STONE: See Fairy Stone Concretion
FAIRY TEAR: See Staurolite
FALCON’S EYE: See Red Tiger’s Eye
FELDSPAR, GOLDEN: Use for encouraging energetic balance, connecting you with the energies of the Sun and Moon, enhancing cosmic connection, promoting oneness and interconnectedness, and to facilitate happiness and joy.
FISH-EYE STONE: See Apophyllite, Colorless
FISH-EYE STONE, GREEN: See Apophyllite, Green
FLUORAPOPHYLLITE: See Apophyllite, Green
FLUORITE, BLUE: (Also known as Blue Fluor Spar) Use to connect with beings from the angelic realm, open yourself to receiving soothing energy from angelic beings, soothe geopathic stress, balance and calm your emotions, bring inner peace and connect with the element of water (for cleansing, emotional support, etc.). Fluorite, once called the “home of the rainbow,” is a stone of amazing variety. First, there are the colors: green, purple, blue, yellow, often found in beautiful banded formations. Only tourmaline shows more color variation. But fluorite also shows fluorescence (and yes, it is the source of that word) under ultraviolet light, and, in some forms, with heating. One form called chlorophane will even glow if you simply hold it in your hand! The name “fluorite” comes from the Latin word for “flow,” because fluorite melts at fairly low temperatures. And because it’s so easy to melt, it has long been shaped into figurines, drinking vessels, and other useful items. The Romans thought fluorite cups made their wine taste better — probably because of the resin melted in to make the cup hold its form.
FLUORITE, COLORLESS: (Also known as Colorless Fluor Spar) Use to promote ultimate clarity of thought, to aid in purification, alignment and energization; to enhance communication with your guides (especially with Norse deities), and bring the light of the divine into the heart. Fluorite, once called the “home of the rainbow,” is a stone of amazing variety. First, there are the colors: green, purple, blue, yellow, often found in beautiful banded formations. Only tourmaline shows more color variation. But fluorite also shows fluorescence (and yes, it is the source of that word) under ultraviolet light, and, in some forms, with heating. One form called chlorophane will even glow if you simply hold it in your hand! The name “fluorite” comes from the Latin word for “flow,” because fluorite melts at fairly low temperatures. And because it’s so easy to melt, it has long been shaped into figurines, drinking vessels, and other useful items. The Romans thought fluorite cups made their wine taste better — probably because of the resin melted in to make the cup hold its form.
FLUORITE, GREEN: (Also known as Green Flour Spar) Use to enhance focus and concentration (especially while studying or while learning new skills), to promote wellness and recovery, soothe geopathic stress, and open your heart to allow you to love yourself as well as to allow you to love and trust others. Fluorite, once called the “home of the rainbow,” is a stone of amazing variety. First, there are the colors: green, purple, blue, yellow, often found in beautiful banded formations. Only tourmaline shows more color variation. But fluorite also shows fluorescence (and yes, it is the source of that word) under ultraviolet light, and, in some forms, with heating. One form called chlorophane will even glow if you simply hold it in your hand! The name “fluorite” comes from the Latin word for “flow,” because fluorite melts at fairly low temperatures. And because it’s so easy to melt, it has long been shaped into figurines, drinking vessels, and other useful items. The Romans thought fluorite cups made their wine taste better — probably because of the resin melted in to make the cup hold its form. CaF2
FLUORITE, LAVENDER: (Also known as Fluor Spar, Lavender) Use to disintegrate negative energy and replace it with positive energy, promote purification and protection, soothe geopathic stress, aid you in seeing your own divine nature, enhance meditation, access the energies of the Violet Flame, and aid you in connecting with your angels. Fluorite, once called the “home of the rainbow,” is a stone of amazing variety. First, there are the colors: green, purple, blue, yellow, often found in beautiful banded formations. Only tourmaline shows more color variation. But fluorite also shows fluorescence (and yes, it is the source of that word) under ultraviolet light, and, in some forms, with heating. One form called chlorophane will even glow if you simply hold it in your hand! The name “fluorite” comes from the Latin word for “flow,” because fluorite melts at fairly low temperatures. And because it’s so easy to melt, it has long been shaped into figurines, drinking vessels, and other useful items. The Romans thought fluorite cups made their wine taste better — probably because of the resin melted in to make the cup hold its form. CaF2
FLUORITE, PURPLE: (Also known as Purple Fluor Spar) Use to create clarity of mind, enhance your focus (especially when studying), and aid in psychic and spiritual calming. Fluorite, once called the “home of the rainbow,” is a stone of amazing variety. First, there are the colors: green, purple, blue, yellow, often found in beautiful banded formations. Only tourmaline shows more color variation. But fluorite also shows fluorescence (and yes, it is the source of that word) under ultraviolet light, and, in some forms, with heating. One form called chlorophane will even glow if you simply hold it in your hand! The name “fluorite” comes from the Latin word for “flow,” because fluorite melts at fairly low temperatures. And because it’s so easy to melt, it has long been shaped into figurines, drinking vessels, and other useful items. The Romans thought fluorite cups made their wine taste better — probably because of the resin melted in to make the cup hold its form.
FLUORITE, YELLOW: (Also known as Yellow Fluor Spar) Use to promote wellness and recovery, protect your aura and subtle bodies, enhance self confidence, instill joy and happiness, bring financial abundance, bring the warmth of the sun into the body, soothe geopathic stress and ease sorrow. Fluorite, once called the “home of the rainbow,” is a stone of amazing variety. First, there are the colors: green, purple, blue, yellow, often found in beautiful banded formations. Only tourmaline shows more color variation. But fluorite also shows fluorescence (and yes, it is the source of that word) under ultraviolet light, and, in some forms, with heating. One form called chlorophane will even glow if you simply hold it in your hand! The name “fluorite” comes from the Latin word for “flow,” because fluorite melts at fairly low temperatures. And because it’s so easy to melt, it has long been shaped into figurines, drinking vessels, and other useful items. The Romans thought fluorite cups made their wine taste better — probably because of the resin melted in to make the cup hold its form. CaF2
FLUOR SPAR, BLUE: See Blue Fluorite
FLUOR SPAR, COLORLESS: See Colorless Fluorite
FLUOR SPAR, GREEN: See Green Fluorite
FLUOR SPAR, LAVENDER: See Lavender Fluorite
FLUOR SPAR, PURPLE: See Purple Fluorite
FLUOR SPAR, YELLOW: See Yellow Fluorite
FOOL’S GOLD: See Pyrite
FOSSIL BOGWOOD: See Gary Green Jasper
FOSSIL, BRYOZOAN: Use to promote wellness, aid you in getting from one place to another (emotionally and spiritually), encourage personal growth, and provide support in difficult times. As this is a type of fossil, these properties also apply.
FOSSIL, CORAL: (Also known as Fossil Coral or as Petoskey Stone) Use for enhancing your connection with nature, to promote relaxation, to tap into ancient wisdom from your ancestors, and to increase strength. PLEASE NOTE: This is only known as Petoskey Stone if its origin is Michigan. As this is a type of fossil, these properties also apply.
FOSSIL, CORAL RED AGATIZED HORN: Use to instill a sense of bravery, summon the courage to do new and unfamiliar things, and promote wellness and recovery. As this is a Fossil, the properties of Fossil Coral also apply.
FOSSIL, DINOSAUR EGGSHELL: Use to access the Akashic Records, facilitate communication with your ancestors in order to receive guidance or information; enhance vitality, encourage growth (mental or spiritual), assist in making new breakthroughs in life, and to strengthen one’s sense of independence. As this is a fossil, the properties of Fossils also apply.
FOSSIL, SAGE BRUSH: Use to enhance purification, remove negative energies and replace them with positivity; to foster protection of your space, and connect you with the spirit of the plant realm. As this is a fossil, the properties of Fossils also apply.
FOSSIL, SEA URCHIN: Use to promote feelings of peace and calming, connect with the water element, promote a feeling of lightness when surrounded by heavy or negative energies, to promote wellness and regeneration, and aid you in accessing the Akashic Records. As this is a fossil, the properties of Fossils also apply.
FOSSIL, SHARK TOOTH: Use to promote wellness, connect with ancestors, remember your past lives, and encourage strength and growth. As this is a fossil, the properties of Fossils also apply.
FOSSIL, STROMATOLITE BUTTON: Use to promote wellness and recovery, aid in personal growth, help to get past another’s harsh exterior to understand the person at his or her core, encourage new love to grow, help you to see and appreciate your divine feminine power, connect you with the energy of the Virgin of Guadalupe, and aid in soothing past life trauma. As this is a fossil, the properties of Fossils also apply.
FOSSIL, TRILOBITE: Use to promote change and adaptability (especially with stubborn personalities), help you to stay afloat in troubled waters, enhance your knowledge and wisdom, and help you to return to your roots. As this is a fossil, the properties of Fossils also apply.
FOSSILIZED ECHINOID (SEA URCHIN): Use to enhance your connection to the water element.
FUCHSITE: (Also known as Green Mica) Use to help you appreciate the beauty in all things, open your heart to feelings of goodwill toward all beings, add a sense of magic and wonder to your time with your children, and attract fairies and sprites.
GABBRO, FLOWERING: See Chrysanthemum Stone
GABBRO, INDIGO: (Also known as Mystic Merlinite) Use to enhance your magical abilities, to connect you with the wisdom of your ancestors and guides, for balance, to stimulate your intuition and your innate psychic abilities, to help work through past life issues, to promote personal peace, and to encourage self-forgiveness.
GARNET, ANDRADITE BLACK: (Also known as Melanite) Use to aid in grounding, foster protection of your energy body from psychic attack, stimulate your clairvoyant abilities (psychic sight), promote wellness, facilitate trance states (especially for channeling), and provide a window into the Akashic Records to learn about past, present, and future. Garnet refers to a whole family of stones that usually range in color from red to burgundy to black. There are even some with more of a cinnamon color, and other variations besides. Since it’s a very imprecise term, we’ve described and pictured a number of minerals that go by the name “garnet” below. The word “garnet” comes from the same root as the word “pomegranate”: granum, which is Latin for seed. But if you look at a handful of these small, regularly-shaped gems, they do look a bit like pomegranate seeds. The red of garnet is so intense that this stone has often been associated with drops of blood, and this is reflected in various stories from all over the world. For example, a myth from India says that when the demon Vala was slain, his finger- and toenails were scattered all over the world as garnets. There are also legends about its brightness, claiming that garnet’s internal light glows bright enough to light up a room. In fact, the Koran says that the fourth heaven is filled with garnets that bathe it in warm light. About the word “carbuncle,” which often refers to garnet: Geology may be slow, but the names of crystals change a lot — so much so that it’s confusing to read older texts about crystals, because it’s hard to know what stone they actually refer to. For example, “carbuncles” might actually mean rubies, sapphires, or even diamonds — though most often, a carbuncle is a garnet. But those old references turn up some pretty weird stories, too. A German botanist investigating plant life in New Guinea turned up this one: The queen of the Island of Amboin had left her baby in a hammock while she worked. (Amboin’s pretty small, so being queen there didn’t have many perks.) When she came back to check on her child, she was horrified to see a big snake dangling over his hammock, and a bright spot on the boy’s body exactly the color of blood. She ran to the hammock, hoping to kill the terrible stake that she believed had killed her baby. But instead of blood, she found that the shining red she’d seen was actually a carbuncle the snake had dropped on the little boy. The grateful queen kept the lucky snake nearby for the rest of its life, feeding and caring for it. As for the little prince, his stone shone so bright, he used it as a nightlight. And when he grew up, he presented his treasure to the King of Siam and became a favorite of that powerful ruler. Care and safety: Since many forms of garnet contain aluminum, it should not be used in crystal elixirs.
GARNET, DEMANTOID GREEN: Use to connect with beings from the fairy realm, aid you in seeing the beauty and magic of trees, assist you in developing a great appreciation of nature, enhance your knowledge and understanding of the plant kingdom (especially herbalism), shield and protect yourself from outside energies, support the emotional body, and foster protection from envy or jealousy (either from having these feelings toward others or vice versa). Garnet refers to a whole family of stones that usually range in color from red to burgundy to black. There are even some with more of a cinnamon color, and other variations besides. Since it’s a very imprecise term, we’ve described and pictured a number of minerals that go by the name “garnet” below. The word “garnet” comes from the same root as the word “pomegranate”: granum, which is Latin for seed. But if you look at a handful of these small, regularly-shaped gems, they do look a bit like pomegranate seeds. The red of garnet is so intense that this stone has often been associated with drops of blood, and this is reflected in various stories from all over the world. For example, a myth from India says that when the demon Vala was slain, his finger- and toenails were scattered all over the world as garnets. There are also legends about its brightness, claiming that garnet’s internal light glows bright enough to light up a room. In fact, the Koran says that the fourth heaven is filled with garnets that bathe it in warm light. About the word “carbuncle,” which often refers to garnet: Geology may be slow, but the names of crystals change a lot — so much so that it’s confusing to read older texts about crystals, because it’s hard to know what stone they actually refer to. For example, “carbuncles” might actually mean rubies, sapphires, or even diamonds — though most often, a carbuncle is a garnet. But those old references turn up some pretty weird stories, too. A German botanist investigating plant life in New Guinea turned up this one: The queen of the Island of Amboin had left her baby in a hammock while she worked. (Amboin’s pretty small, so being queen there didn’t have many perks.) When she came back to check on her child, she was horrified to see a big snake dangling over his hammock, and a bright spot on the boy’s body exactly the color of blood. She ran to the hammock, hoping to kill the terrible stake that she believed had killed her baby. But instead of blood, she found that the shining red she’d seen was actually a carbuncle the snake had dropped on the little boy. The grateful queen kept the lucky snake nearby for the rest of its life, feeding and caring for it. As for the little prince, his stone shone so bright, he used it as a nightlight. And when he grew up, he presented his treasure to the King of Siam and became a favorite of that powerful ruler. Care and safety: Since many forms of garnet contain aluminum, it should not be used in crystal elixirs.
GARNET, GREEN: See Uvarovite Garnet
GARNET, GROSSULAR GREEN: (Also known as Green Grossularite) Use to shield the aura from negativity, enhance prosperity, promote wellness, overcome major life obstacles, and bring wealth and prosperity. Garnet refers to a whole family of stones that usually range in color from red to burgundy to black. There are even some with more of a cinnamon color, and other variations besides. Since it’s a very imprecise term, we’ve described and pictured a number of minerals that go by the name “garnet” below. The word “garnet” comes from the same root as the word “pomegranate”: granum, which is Latin for seed. But if you look at a handful of these small, regularly-shaped gems, they do look a bit like pomegranate seeds. The red of garnet is so intense that this stone has often been associated with drops of blood, and this is reflected in various stories from all over the world. For example, a myth from India says that when the demon Vala was slain, his finger- and toenails were scattered all over the world as garnets. There are also legends about its brightness, claiming that garnet’s internal light glows bright enough to light up a room. In fact, the Koran says that the fourth heaven is filled with garnets that bathe it in warm light. About the word “carbuncle,” which often refers to garnet: Geology may be slow, but the names of crystals change a lot — so much so that it’s confusing to read older texts about crystals, because it’s hard to know what stone they actually refer to. For example, “carbuncles” might actually mean rubies, sapphires, or even diamonds — though most often, a carbuncle is a garnet. But those old references turn up some pretty weird stories, too. A German botanist investigating plant life in New Guinea turned up this one: The queen of the Island of Amboin had left her baby in a hammock while she worked. (Amboin’s pretty small, so being queen there didn’t have many perks.) When she came back to check on her child, she was horrified to see a big snake dangling over his hammock, and a bright spot on the boy’s body exactly the color of blood. She ran to the hammock, hoping to kill the terrible stake that she believed had killed her baby. But instead of blood, she found that the shining red she’d seen was actually a carbuncle the snake had dropped on the little boy. The grateful queen kept the lucky snake nearby for the rest of its life, feeding and caring for it. As for the little prince, his stone shone so bright, he used it as a nightlight. And when he grew up, he presented his treasure to the King of Siam and became a favorite of that powerful ruler. Care and safety: Since many forms of garnet contain aluminum, it should not be used in crystal elixirs.
GARNET, GROSSULAR PINK: (Also known as Pink Grossularite) Use to shield the aura from negativity by transmuting negative energy into loving energy; balance the emotions, promote wellness, and enhance feelings of compassion and empathy. Garnet refers to a whole family of stones that usually range in color from red to burgundy to black. There are even some with more of a cinnamon color, and other variations besides. Since it’s a very imprecise term, we’ve described and pictured a number of minerals that go by the name “garnet” below. The word “garnet” comes from the same root as the word “pomegranate”: granum, which is Latin for seed. But if you look at a handful of these small, regularly-shaped gems, they do look a bit like pomegranate seeds. The red of garnet is so intense that this stone has often been associated with drops of blood, and this is reflected in various stories from all over the world. For example, a myth from India says that when the demon Vala was slain, his finger- and toenails were scattered all over the world as garnets. There are also legends about its brightness, claiming that garnet’s internal light glows bright enough to light up a room. In fact, the Koran says that the fourth heaven is filled with garnets that bathe it in warm light. About the word “carbuncle,” which often refers to garnet: Geology may be slow, but the names of crystals change a lot — so much so that it’s confusing to read older texts about crystals, because it’s hard to know what stone they actually refer to. For example, “carbuncles” might actually mean rubies, sapphires, or even diamonds — though most often, a carbuncle is a garnet. But those old references turn up some pretty weird stories, too. A German botanist investigating plant life in New Guinea turned up this one: The queen of the Island of Amboin had left her baby in a hammock while she worked. (Amboin’s pretty small, so being queen there didn’t have many perks.) When she came back to check on her child, she was horrified to see a big snake dangling over his hammock, and a bright spot on the boy’s body exactly the color of blood. She ran to the hammock, hoping to kill the terrible stake that she believed had killed her baby. But instead of blood, she found that the shining red she’d seen was actually a carbuncle the snake had dropped on the little boy. The grateful queen kept the lucky snake nearby for the rest of its life, feeding and caring for it. As for the little prince, his stone shone so bright, he used it as a nightlight. And when he grew up, he presented his treasure to the King of Siam and became a favorite of that powerful ruler. Care and safety: Since many forms of garnet contain aluminum, it should not be used in crystal elixirs.
GARNET, HESSIONITE: (Also known as Cinnamon Stone or as Peach Garnet) Use to balance the emotional body, increase the positive and balance the negative aspects of your astrological sign, bring out your masculine energies, and aid you in connecting with yourself. Garnet refers to a whole family of stones that usually range in color from red to burgundy to black. There are even some with more of a cinnamon color, and other variations besides. Since it’s a very imprecise term, we’ve described and pictured a number of minerals that go by the name “garnet” below. The word “garnet” comes from the same root as the word “pomegranate”: granum, which is Latin for seed. But if you look at a handful of these small, regularly-shaped gems, they do look a bit like pomegranate seeds. The red of garnet is so intense that this stone has often been associated with drops of blood, and this is reflected in various stories from all over the world. For example, a myth from India says that when the demon Vala was slain, his finger- and toenails were scattered all over the world as garnets. There are also legends about its brightness, claiming that garnet’s internal light glows bright enough to light up a room. In fact, the Koran says that the fourth heaven is filled with garnets that bathe it in warm light. About the word “carbuncle,” which often refers to garnet: Geology may be slow, but the names of crystals change a lot — so much so that it’s confusing to read older texts about crystals, because it’s hard to know what stone they actually refer to. For example, “carbuncles” might actually mean rubies, sapphires, or even diamonds — though most often, a carbuncle is a garnet. But those old references turn up some pretty weird stories, too. A German botanist investigating plant life in New Guinea turned up this one: The queen of the Island of Amboin had left her baby in a hammock while she worked. (Amboin’s pretty small, so being queen there didn’t have many perks.) When she came back to check on her child, she was horrified to see a big snake dangling over his hammock, and a bright spot on the boy’s body exactly the color of blood. She ran to the hammock, hoping to kill the terrible stake that she believed had killed her baby. But instead of blood, she found that the shining red she’d seen was actually a carbuncle the snake had dropped on the little boy. The grateful queen kept the lucky snake nearby for the rest of its life, feeding and caring for it. As for the little prince, his stone shone so bright, he used it as a nightlight. And when he grew up, he presented his treasure to the King of Siam and became a favorite of that powerful ruler. Care and safety: Since many forms of garnet contain aluminum, it should not be used in crystal elixirs.
GARNET, PEACH: See Hessionite Garnet
GARNET, RHODOLITE RED VIOLET: Use to cleanse and purify, enhance prosperity & abundance, stimulate vitality, amplify your life force energy, bring clarity of mind, encourage spiritual exploration, deepen meditation, and to bring your spiritual consciousness into the physical realm. Garnet refers to a whole family of stones that usually range in color from red to burgundy to black. There are even some with more of a cinnamon color, and other variations besides. The word “garnet” comes from the same root as the word “pomegranate”: granum, which is Latin for seed. But if you look at a handful of these small, regularly-shaped gems, they do look a bit like pomegranate seeds. The red of garnet is so intense that this stone has often been associated with drops of blood, and this is reflected in various stories from all over the world. For example, a myth from India says that when the demon Vala was slain, his finger- and toenails were scattered all over the world as garnets. There are also legends about its brightness, claiming that garnet’s internal light glows bright enough to light up a room. In fact, the Koran says that the fourth heaven is filled with garnets that bathe it in warm light. About the word “carbuncle,” which often refers to garnet: Geology may be slow, but the names of crystals change a lot — so much so that it’s confusing to read older texts about crystals, because it’s hard to know what stone they actually refer to. For example, “carbuncles” might actually mean rubies, sapphires, or even diamonds — though most often, a carbuncle is a garnet. But those old references turn up some pretty weird stories, too. A German botanist investigating plant life in New Guinea turned up this one: The queen of the Island of Amboin had left her baby in a hammock while she worked. (Amboin’s pretty small, so being queen there didn’t have many perks.) When she came back to check on her child, she was horrified to see a big snake dangling over his hammock, and a bright spot on the boy’s body exactly the color of blood. She ran to the hammock, hoping to kill the terrible stake that she believed had killed her baby. But instead of blood, she found that the shining red she’d seen was actually a carbuncle the snake had dropped on the little boy. The grateful queen kept the lucky snake nearby for the rest of its life, feeding and caring for it. As for the little prince, his stone shone so bright, he used it as a nightlight. And when he grew up, he presented his treasure to the King of Siam and became a favorite of that powerful ruler. Since many forms of garnet contain aluminum, it should not be used in crystal elixirs.
GARNET, SPESSARTINE: (Also known as Spessartite or as Garnet, Orange) Use to stimulate vitality, enhance sexual energy and desire, aid in animal communication and connect yourself with animal archetypes. Garnet refers to a whole family of stones that usually range in color from red to burgundy to black. There are even some with more of a cinnamon color, and other variations besides. Since many forms of garnet contain aluminum, it should not be used in crystal elixirs.
GARNET, ORANGE: See Spessartine Garnet
GARNET, UVAROVITE: (Also known as Garnet, Green) Use to connect with nature (the elements, nature spirits, and Mother Earth herself), instill a sense of compassion for all beings, promote earth healing, re-open your heart after hurt or heartbreak, and shield your aura from negativity. Garnet refers to a whole family of stones that usually range in color from red to burgundy to black. There are even some with more of a cinnamon color, and other variations besides. The word “garnet” comes from the same root as the word “pomegranate”: granum, which is Latin for seed. But if you look at a handful of these small, regularly-shaped gems, they do look a bit like pomegranate seeds. The red of garnet is so intense that this stone has often been associated with drops of blood, and this is reflected in various stories from all over the world. For example, a myth from India says that when the demon Vala was slain, his finger- and toenails were scattered all over the world as garnets. There are also legends about its brightness, claiming that garnet’s internal light glows bright enough to light up a room. In fact, the Koran says that the fourth heaven is filled with garnets that bathe it in warm light. About the word “carbuncle,” which often refers to garnet: Geology may be slow, but the names of crystals change a lot — so much so that it’s confusing to read older texts about crystals, because it’s hard to know what stone they actually refer to. For example, “carbuncles” might actually mean rubies, sapphires, or even diamonds — though most often, a carbuncle is a garnet. But those old references turn up some pretty weird stories, too. A German botanist investigating plant life in New Guinea turned up this one: The queen of the Island of Amboin had left her baby in a hammock while she worked. (Amboin’s pretty small, so being queen there didn’t have many perks.) When she came back to check on her child, she was horrified to see a big snake dangling over his hammock, and a bright spot on the boy’s body exactly the color of blood. She ran to the hammock, hoping to kill the terrible stake that she believed had killed her baby. But instead of blood, she found that the shining red she’d seen was actually a carbuncle the snake had dropped on the little boy. The grateful queen kept the lucky snake nearby for the rest of its life, feeding and caring for it. As for the little prince, his stone shone so bright, he used it as a nightlight. And when he grew up, he presented his treasure to the King of Siam and became a favorite of that powerful ruler. Since many forms of garnet contain aluminum, it should not be used in crystal elixirs.
GASPEITE: Use to promote wellness, facilitate a connection with and project love onto your inner child, enhance communication with plants and animals as well as nature spirits and fairies, rid you of toxic energies and negative traits.
GIRASOL: See Girasol Quartz
GOLD: Use to balance your masculine and feminine energies, embrace the energy and warmth of the sun, promote a willingness to change (to be malleable), assist in regulating your emotions, and aid you in overcoming dependencies.
GOLDEN ANGEL HAIR: See Golden Rutile
GOLDEN VENUS HAIR: See Golden Rutile
GOLDSTONE: (Also known as Monk’s Gold, Monkstone, Stelleria, Avventurina, and Aventurine Glass) Use to promote self-love and replace unnecessary complications with simplicity. Goldstone is a type of synthetic, or man-made, glass which is made with copper. The copper forms tiny crystalline clusters within the glass. The most common form of Goldstone is reddish-brown, although, in fact, the color is produced by the copper crystals and the glass itself is actually colorless. Some goldstone varieties use colored glass, usually blue or violet, and more rarely green. Goldstone’s alternate name, “Stelleria”, is based on Goldstone’s starry, night-sky-like appearance. Because of its copper content, Goldstone can be used for energetic support, although its energy is not nearly as strong as that of natural Copper. Please see Copper for additional properties. PLEASE NOTE: This is a man-made stone. Another name for goldstone is avventurina, which comes from the Italian word for “by chance.” Hence, another alternate name for Goldstone is “aventurine glass.” This derives from the story about goldstone’s beginnings: that it was developed by chance by alchemists trying to transform copper into gold. Another story goes that a monk working with both molten copper and glass accidentally mixed the two together, and in a classic “You-got-chocolate-in-my-peanut-butter” moment, goldstone was born. Either way, goldstone reminds us that accidents can have happy results. Nowadays, red goldstone is made by suspending copper particles in glass, which results in a reddish sparkling mineral. It’s good for balancing physical and etheric bodies, grounding, and motivation. Blue goldstone uses the same process, but substitutes cobalt or manganese for copper, and is good for overcoming negative thoughts and vision work. Green goldstone, glass colored with chromium, is great for amplification of energy and all-around good luck. The three types of Goldstone have a lot of properties in common, but each has its own individual character: Blue Goldstone: Manmade glass colored with cobalt or manganese. Use to promote self-love, increase motivation, overcome negative thought patterns, stimulate telepathy, aid in grounding, assist in the amplification of energy, bring good luck and encourage vitality. Green Goldstone: Manmade glass colored with chromium. Use to promote self-love, increase motivation, overcome negative thought patterns, balance between physical & etheric bodies, stimulate telepathy, aid in grounding, assist in the amplification of energy and bring good luck. Red Goldstone: Manmade glass infused with copper. Use to promote self-love, increase motivation, overcome negative thought patterns, balance between physical & etheric bodies, stimulate telepathy, aid in grounding, assist in the amplification of energy and bring good luck.
GROSSULARITE, GREEN: See Green Grossular Garnet
GROSSULARITE, PINK: See Pink Grossular Garnet
GYPSUM, DESERT ROSE: (Also known as Desert Rose Selenite) Use to facilitate a connection with the earth element, open your conscious awareness into a state of divine bliss and Christ-like consciousness, promote regeneration, and facilitate the blossoming of your lotus mind into enlightenment.
GYPSUM, GOLDEN: See Golden Selenite
HALITE, BLUE: Use to promote purification of your subtle bodies, enhance psychic awareness, cut your energetic cords and connections, strengthen your channeling abilities, connect you to the energies of the archangels (especially with Archangel Metatron), and stimulate conscious awareness.
HALITE, PINK: Use to disintegrate negative energy and replace it with positive energy, shield and protect a sensitive heart from outside influences, support the emotional body, ease past emotional hurts and soothe old wounds, encourage attitudes of forgiveness and understanding, repair damaged friendships or relationships, and create a positive environment for children.
HEALER’S GOLD: Use this powerful combination of Pyrite & Magnetite to enhance the vibration of energy channeled to your clients during a healing session, raise the energetic vibration of a healing space or sacred space, call in beneficial helpers (i.e. guardian angels) during a healing session and facilitate the continued healing of the client even after the session has ended.
HELIODOR: (Also known as Golden Beryl or as Yellow Beryl) Use to instill joy, light and warmth during the darker months; enhance self-confidence, soothe you in times of grief, and help you in overcoming fear of all kinds.
HELIOTROPE: See Bloodstone
HEMATITE: (Also known as Kidney Ore or as Bloodstone) Use for grounding, balancing the mind, body, and spirit, for astral travel, transforming negative energy into positive energy, bringing peace and calming, encouraging confidence, aiding in the removal of addictions and in acceptance of one’s life, increasing concentration and focus in studying, stimulating memory, encouraging creativity, promoting inner-reflection, creating protection, aiding in curbing materialism, and promoting rest. PLEASE NOTE: Hematite is only known as Kidney Ore when it appears in its botryoidal form. The connection between hematite and human blood is strong and ancient. Hematite, in the form of either stone or powder, has been found in human burials dating back to the Neolithic, in places far apart as western Europe and China. Hematite is iron ore. Iron is, of course, an important part of our blood; it also constitutes 70% of hematite, which accounts for this stone’s metallic shine. The Egyptian Book of the Dead recommends burying a corpse with either a headrest of an amulet symbolizing one, and these were often made of hematite. The purpose of the headrest for the deceased was to ensure that his or her head would not be taken away. (In case sounds a little odd, tomb robbery was common in those days, and grave desecration was serious politics.) Even if you’re not dead, hematite can help you “keep your head” in the sense of grounding. Since hematite is iron ore, it will rust in water, and should not be used for elixirs. Special note about “magnetic hematite”: “Magnetic hematite” is not pure hematite at all. It looks the same as polished hematite: a smooth, dark gray mineral with a metallic sheen. It also has the same basic chemical components: iron bound with oxygen. To make magnetic hematite jewelry, manufacturers mix ground-up hematite and magnetite into a matrix, usually glass, then heat and cool the mixture while exposing it to a strong magnetic force. While pure hematite can be magnetized, the charge will be weak and temporary. Different manufacturers have varying processes and formulas for “magnetic hematite,” formulas which are closely-guarded trade secrets. Whatever its real makeup, you feel a noticeable improvement when wearing jewelry made of magnetic hematite. One theory is that the magnet attracts heavy metals circulating through our bloodstream. This seems pretty unlikely, though, since most of these substances aren’t magnetic, whereas the natural iron in our blood is. A more likely theory is that magnets affect the electrical signals running through our nerves in such a way that people feel calmer and more energetically “put together.” Others say that magnetic jewelry works by giving iron in the blood a temporary magnetic charge, and that this in turn improves the blood’s ability to circulate oxygen and nutrients. One thing is certain: Different people have widely varying subjective reactions to this material — some positive, some negative, some neutral. It’s a good idea to experiment; if you’re interested in buying hematite jewelry, try wearing it for a few minutes to see how it makes you feel.
HEMATITE, GOLDEN RUTILATED: Use to balance the yin and yang energies in your body, bring the universal healing light to any situation, and connect you with celestial and planetary energies. As this is a combination stone, the properties of Hematite and Golden Rutile also apply.
HEMATITE, SPECULAR: Use to aid you in contemplating the mysteries of the universe, encourage positive or discourage negative planetary influences, enhance the positive attributes of your zodiac sign, and facilitate astral travel while maintaining a grounded connection with the earth. As this is a variety of Hematite, these properties also apply.
HEMIMORPHITE, BLUE: Use to call upon the energies of the oceans and the sea, to aid in releasing stagnant emotional energy, to wash away habits and patterns that are no longer serving your highest good, to instill a sense of child-like wonder that may be unfamiliar or forgotten to you as an adult, and to aid you in releasing fears resulting from negative or difficult past-life experiences.
HEULANDITE, GREEN: Use to allow excess heart energy to flow out to the universe for the good of all beings, promote wellness and regeneration, open your heart in a protected manner, to aid you in releasing negativity & toxicity.
HEULANDITE, PINK: Use to aid you in becoming more gentle (in your actions as well as words), promote wellness and vitality, allow you to realize your full potential (without the presence of the ego), bring balance and harmony during stressful times, and provide support while making difficult decisions.
HIDDENITE: (Also known as Green Spodumene) Use to instill a sense of compassion for all beings, encourage you to act with Lovingkindness (even in difficult or frustrating situations), promote joy and a sense of child-like wonder, remind you to be grateful for the small things in life, ease stress, promote flexibility of mind, and aid in developing a new outlook on a situation or to understand the opposing viewpoint of a conflict or argument.
HOLY STONE: (Also known as Mongolian Magic Stone or as Holey Stone) Use to dissolve energetic blockages and open all meridians within your subtle bodies, assist with cleansing and purification, promote wellness, ease emotional pain, and facilitate connection with your ancestors.
HOLEY STONE: See Holy Stone
HOWLITE: Use for enhancing lucid dreaming practices, banishing nightmares and encouraging “sweet dreams,” aiding you in feeling rested after sleep, strengthening your ability to recall dreams, stimulating intuition and psychic awareness, and promoting feelings of oneness with all beings.
HYALITE: See Hyaline Opal
HYPERSTHENE: Use to remove entity attachments, foster a protection from psychic attack, shield your energy body from negative energy, deter the evil eye, and fill your auric field with positivity.
ICELAND SPAR: See Colorless Calcite
IDOCRASE, PURPLE: See Purple Vesuvianite
INCA’S GOLD: See Pyrite
INDICOLITE: See Blue Tourmaline
INDIGOLITE: See Blue Tourmaline
INFINITE: (Also known as Infinite Serpentine) Use to facilitate communication with beings of the fairy realm, establish a deep-rooted connection with nature, promote strength and wellness, encourage mental and spiritual renewal and to assist with embarking on a fresh start. As Infinite is a type of Serpentine, the properties of Serpentine also apply.
IRON BLOOM, GOLDEN RAY: See Golden Ray Aragonite
IRONSTONE: Use to aid in grounding, connect with your ancestors, promote earth healing, assist with cloud busting or shifting weather, enhance creativity, and help you realize the beauty in all things.
JADE, AFRICAN: See Buddstone
JADE, BLUE: Use to enhance group communication and cooperation, allow yourself to speak your inner truth, bring good fortune, enhance your creativity, stimulate success in your business endeavors, and bring peace and calming during chaotic situations. The term “Jade” can refer to several minerals, but its traditional properties correspond amazingly well. Chinese nephrite jade and ancient Mesoamerican jadeite were both held to be the most precious stones, and are associated with wealth and luck in life as well as good standing in the afterlife. In both cultures, burial practices included jade: in China, pieces of jade were pressed into the nine body openings of the deceased, while in Mesoamerica mourners placed a piece of jade on the deceased’s tongue to serve as his or her heart in the afterlife. It’s truly amazing to see this amount of correspondence between cultures who had no way of knowing about each other! Some forms of jade (jadeite) contain aluminum and iron, and therefore should not be used to make elixirs.
JADE, GREEN: Use for gaining wisdom and insight through meditation, to bring love and compassion, for energetic protection, to bring your mind, body, and spirit into balance, to bring luck, to encourage new friendships, to instill independence, to stimulate creativity, to bring intuitive dreams, to promote peace and calming, to cleanse your energetic body, to assist you with manifesting wealth and prosperity, and for personal growth. The term “Jade” can refer to several minerals, but its traditional properties correspond amazingly well. Chinese nephrite jade and ancient Mesoamerican jadeite were both held to be the most precious stones, and are associated with wealth and luck in life as well as good standing in the afterlife. In both cultures, burial practices included jade: in China, pieces of jade were pressed into the nine body openings of the deceased, while in Mesoamerica mourners placed a piece of jade on the deceased’s tongue to serve as his or her heart in the afterlife. It’s truly amazing to see this amount of correspondence between cultures who had no way of knowing about each other!
JADE, GREEN JADEITE: See Green Jadeite
JADE, HUNAN: Use to aid in personal development and growth, assist in emotional soothing of the heart, promote inner peace, encourage compassionate attitudes, help you find stillness during meditation, and encourage Buddha-like attitudes. The term “Jade” can refer to several minerals, but its traditional properties correspond amazingly well. Chinese nephrite jade and ancient Mesoamerican jadeite were both held to be the most precious stones, and are associated with wealth and luck in life as well as good standing in the afterlife. In both cultures, burial practices included jade: in China, pieces of jade were pressed into the nine body openings of the deceased, while in Mesoamerica mourners placed a piece of jade on the deceased’s tongue to serve as his or her heart in the afterlife. It’s truly amazing to see this amount of correspondence between cultures who had no way of knowing about each other! Some forms of jade (jadeite) contain aluminum and iron, and therefore should not be used to make elixirs.
JADE, NEPHRITE GREEN: (Also known as Green Nephrite) Use to bring wealth and prosperity, to facilitate a connection with nature, for energy support, to assist you as you grow your knowledge of plants and the plant kingdom (especially in skills such as herbalism), to encourage good health habits, and to promote good luck. As Green Nephrite is a type of Jade, the properties of Green Jade also apply.
JADE, NEW: See Serpentine
JADEITE, GREEN: (Also known as Green Jadeite Jade) Use to disintegrate negative energy, restore wellness, aid in manifesting spiritual abundance, to bring protection (especially of women an children), and remove obstacles on your path to enlightenment. As Jadeite is a type of Jade, the properties of Jade also apply. The term “Jade” can refer to several minerals, but its traditional properties correspond amazingly well. Chinese nephrite jade and ancient Mesoamerican jadeite were both held to be the most precious stones, and are associated with wealth and luck in life as well as good standing in the afterlife. In both cultures, burial practices included jade: in China, pieces of jade were pressed into the nine body openings of the deceased, while in Mesoamerica mourners placed a piece of jade on the deceased’s tongue to serve as his or her heart in the afterlife. It’s truly amazing to see this amount of correspondence between cultures who had no way of knowing about each other! Some forms of jade (jadeite) contain aluminum and iron, and therefore should not be used to make elixirs.
JASPER, AFRICAN: (Origin – Africa) Use for grounding, centering, calming your energy, meditation, & working through difficult situations. You may also encounter African Banded Jasper, which shares the same qualities but also displays prominent banding.
JASPER, AFRICAN BANDED: (Origin – Africa) Use for grounding, centering, calming your energy, meditation, & working through difficult situations.
JASPER, AFRICAN TURQUOISE: Use for fostering great change and transformation, opening your mind to new possibilities, encouraging balance, increasing confidence, promoting self-development, expanding wisdom, clearing and focusing your mind and finding your higher purpose.
JASPER, AUTUMN: (Origin – Unknown) (Also known as Confetti Jasper) Use for balancing your spiritual aspects, earth/nature connection, & honoring the earth. This material may be a trade name for a very low-grade of Unakite with additional Quartz.
JASPER, AUTUMN LEAF: (Origin – Atlas mountains, Morocco) Use for grounding, enhancing mystery, stimulating your intuition, ancestor work, & personal journeys. This material is entirely different from the Autumn Jasper listed above.
JASPER, BAHIA: See Judy’s Jasper
JASPER, BAMBOO: See Bamboo Stone
JASPER, BANDED AFRICAN: Use for grounding and centering, calming your energy, facilitating meditation, and coping with difficult situations. Jaspers are primarily quartz (silicon dioxide, or SO2) which has been broken down and reformed within the earth, often picking up traces of other minerals in the process. Red Jasper, for example, contains traces of hematite. More complex jaspers may even include veins or small pieces of other minerals. Some jaspers are actually agates, rhyolites, or… well, whatever. For the sake of this list, we’re just going to go by what they’re commonly called. In general, jaspers are associated with grounding and connection to Mother Earth. The heavily patterned ones are often also associated with creativity and mental focus.
JASPER, BANDED TIGER: (Origin – Africa) Use for instilling compassion, inner-strength, self-confidence, intuitive insight, energetic protection, courage, peace and calming, and abundance. This material may be a trade name for a low-grade of Tiger Iron (a combination of Red Jasper, Hematite, and Golden Tiger’s Eye), where the Golden Tiger’s eye does not display any chatoyancy.
JASPER, BAT CAVE: (Origin – Prineville, Oregon, USA) (Also known as Rim Jasper) Use for emotional support, gentle grounding, communication, trusting instincts, & helping you to see things clearly.
JASPER, BIG BANG: (Origin – various) Use for pulling things together and cementing things into place. This name seems to be given to any conglomerate Jasper.
JASPER, BIGGS BLUE PICTURE: (Origin – Oregon, USA) Use for creative expression, releasing things that no longer serve you, breaking old patterns, & reconnection with your authentic self. This is a variety of Biggs Formation Picture Jasper that displays additional qualities due to the blue color, but it also maintains all of the properties of Biggs Formation Picture Jasper.
JASPER, BIGGS FORMATION PICTURE: (Origin – Oregon, USA) Use for creativity, release, nurturing, & emotional support.
JASPER, BIRD’S EYE RHYOLITE: (Origin – Chihuahua, Mexico) Use for protection, dealing with changes, completion, understanding & listening to messages, creativity, motivation, grounding, & dispelling negative energy.
JASPER, BLACK: (Origin – India) Use for grounding, protection, removal of the ego, honesty, & self-reflection.
JASPER, BLUE DREAM: (Origin – Nevada, United States) This is likely a similar material to Maligano Jasper, but with a different origin. It has similar properties to Maligano Jasper.
JASPER, BOEKENHOUT (WITH SPIRIT QUARTZ): (Origin – Boekenhout, South Africa) Use for enhancing meditation, promoting cosmic consciousness, connecting you with your guides, and instilling feelings of oneness. NOTE: Melody listed this as a “Grand Formation” stone.
JASPER, BOGWOOD: See Gary Green Jasper
JASPER, BRAZIL: (Origin – Brazil) Use for promoting creativity, enhancing energetic protection while traveling, and for enhancing your dream work.
JASPER, BRAZIL BANDED: (Origin – Brazil) Use for setting boundaries, walking the liminal spaces between realms, & spirit or ancestor communication.
JASPER, BRECCIA: See Big Bang Jasper
JASPER, BRECCIATED: (Origin – South Africa, Australia) Use to aid you in sorting through details, assist in pulling strands of your life together, strengthen friendships and family bonds, mend broken relationships, provide strength, bring mental clarity, remove negativity and unwanted energy, facilitate soul retrieval practices, and enhance journey work. This material typically consists of an aggregate of Red Jasper & other materials, but can be made from any type of Jasper.
JASPER, BRECCIATED MOOKAITE: See Mookaite Jasper, Brecciated
JASPER, BROWN: See Walnut Jasper
JASPER, BRUNEAU: See Bruneau Canyon Jasper
JASPER, BRUNEAU CANYON: (Origin – Bruneau, Idaho) (Also known as Bruneau Jasper) Use for being in the flow of cosmic timing, reverence for spirit, completion of cycles, and for promoting balance and alignment in whatever ways you need it.
JASPER, BUTTERMILK: (Origin – Mozambique) Use for inner strength & independence. NOTE: This material may be another trade name for Archaean Butterstone (a type of Serpentine).
JASPER, CALDERA: See Gary Green Jasper
JASPER, CAMOUFLAGE: (Origin – China) Use for promoting spiritual strength, attracting abundance, inviting in new opportunities, and for supporting you if you are struggling with performance worries.
JASPER, CAPPUCCINO: (Origin – China or India) Use for supporting you as you find healthy ways to deal with stress, enhancing your grounding practice, and for energizing you when you are feeling drained.
JASPER, CATACLYSMIC: (Origin – the ‘Diamond Region’ of Namibia, Africa) Use for promoting new beginnings, facilitating transformation, encouraging inner strength, and for instilling hope. This stone formed suddenly under intense pressure.
JASPER, CHERRY CREEK: (Origin – China) Use for assisting you when making important decisions, to instill happiness, to provide you with insight as to your life purpose, and to help encourage or restore your passion or zest for life.
JASPER, CHIPBOARD RHYOLITE: (Origin – La Paz County, Arizona) Use for stimulating your awareness of important “to-do’s”, to help you determine what’s truly important so you can focus on easing your worry about unimportant things, to help you see the bigger picture in a situation, and to bring hidden things to the surface where they can benefit from your attention.
JASPER, CHOHUA: See Scenic Jasper
JASPER, COBRA: Use to bring clarity and peace, assist you in moving forward on your path, foster spiritual growth, instill confidence and the courage to grow and change, and help toddlers take their first steps emotionally.
JASPER, CONFETTI: See Autumn Jasper
JASPER, COSMIC: (Origin – Marovato Region of Madagascar) Use for expanding your way of thinking about a situation or about the world, to assist with astral travel, for promoting dreamwork, and to enhance dream recall and interpretation.
JASPER, CROCODILE: See Kambaba Jasper
DALMATIAN JASPER: (Origin – Chihuahua, Mexico) Use for promoting a deeper connection with nature, enhancing animal communication and connection with your companion animals or familiars, and facilitating communication with your guides. This stone is sometimes incorrectly called Panther Jasper, not to be confused with the true Panther Jasper.
JASPER, DENDRITIC: Use to bring focus and clarity, cultivate peace and calming, foster a connection to earth and plants, help you see the bigger picture, and aid in your writing endeavors.
JASPER, DESCHUTES: (Origin – Biggs Junction, Oregon) Use for promoting rest & rejuvenation and for restoring balance between your mind and body.
JASPER, DRAGON’S BLOOD: (Origin – South Africa) Use for instilling courage & bravery, for energetic support during times of emotional support, to increase inner strength, to enhance feelings of personal power that will support you, to bring luck, to enhance knowledge and wisdom, and for energetic shielding and protection.
JASPER, DUNBOYNE: See Palagonite Jasper
JASPER, DYNASTY: (Origin – Jalisco, Mexico) Use for promoting comfort, to help you get clarity surrounding the emotions you’re feeling, and to help you tap into your intuition for guidance about the most supportive way forward through a situation. This stone may be the same stone as Imperial Jasper under a different name.
JASPER, ECLIPSE: (Origin – Indonesia) Use for bringing balance to light & dark and for supporting you during spiritual shadow work. Please Note: Since this is a form of Bumblebee Jasper, it also holds the energies of that stone.
JASPER, EMPEROR: See Sea Sediment Jasper
JASPER, FABRIC: (Origin – India) Use for encouraging you to nurture yourself, and to plant and grow the seeds of things you’d like to manifest. This may be an alternative name for Green Lace Jasper.
JASPER, FANCY: (Origin – India) (Also known as Rainbow Jasper) Use to encourage inner peace and calming, promote group cooperation, aid in your grounding practices, assist with shamanic journeying and dreaming exercises, promote meaningful dreams, instill balance in the mind, body, and spirit; enhance emotional strength, activate creativity, and increase positive thinking. This is a low quality form of Ocean Jasper/Orbicular Jasper/Atlantis Stone so the properties of this stone also apply.
JASPER, FIREWORKS: See Star Burst Jasper
JASPER, FLOWER GARDEN: (Origin – New Zealand) Use for enhancing creativity and the flow of ideas, to facilitate change, to encourage progress, to facilitate your ability to find joy in the moment, clearing out past energies to make way for the future, and for guiding you on your personal life quests.
JASPER, FOREST FIRE: (Origin – Africa) Use for enhancing motivation, for increasing passion for your hobbies or interests, supporting you as you start a new project or new path in life, connecting you with the fire element, facilitating release and ending old cycles, for transformation, and instill you with vigor and excitement for change. Please Note: Since this stone is predominantly a form of Red Jasper, it also displays the energies of that stone.
JASPER, FREEDOM: See Gary Green Jasper
JASPER, GALAXY: See Cosmic Jasper & Kambaba Jasper
JASPER, GARY GREEN: (Origin – McDermitt, Nevada area on the Nevada / Oregon border, United States) (Also known as Green Bogwood, Green Larsonite, McDermitt Green Jasper, Gary Green Larsonite Jasper, McDermitt Green Larsonite Jasper, Green Larsenite, or as Green Larsonite Jasper) Use to absorb positive vibrations from the universe, aid you in feeling safe and protected by mother nature, help you maintain wellness, facilitate a connection with nature (especially with tree spirits and other members of the plant kingdom), help you to stay afloat while in troubled waters (emotional or spiritual), combine earth & water element energies for restoration and ritual, and soothe and balance your energy. It took ages for this stone to form so it encapsulates the idea that good things take time and reminds you that you must have patience
JASPER, GUINEA FOWL: Use to cultivate daily protection and guidance, guard yourself against evil, and promote renewed wellness and gentle endings.
JASPER, IVORY: Use to stimulate good luck, promote compassionate attitudes, enhance group cooperation, and connect with strong, positive energies.
JASPER, K2: Use to help you see the bigger picture, enhance your insight, intuition and higher awareness; promote clarity and grounding, and aid you in reaching higher consciousness.
JASPER, KAMBABA: Use to deepen your connection with nature, facilitate a connection to beings of the Fairy Realm, enhance meditation, instill Lovingkindness and compassion, and promote peace and calming.
JASPER, KING COBRA: (Also known as Spotted Agate) Use for grounding after intense spiritual work, facilitating deepened states of awareness during meditation, and removing unwanted or stagnant energy from the aura.
JASPER, LEOPARD SKIN: (Also known as Leopard Stone, Leopard Skin Rhyolite or as Leopard Skin Rhyolite Jasper) Use to manifest restorative energies, cleanse and increase energy in the etheric body, restore and maintain wellness, increase your personal strengths, bring balance to mind, body, and spirit; banish negative energies, bring peace and calming, encourage a helping hand both to and from others, stimulate shamanic journeying and astral travel, bring protection, facilitate accurate pendulum dowsing sessions, bring will power, stimulate courage, increase organization of your environment, and stimulate cognition.
JASPER, LIONSKIN: Use to cultivate compassion, protection and self-confidence; aid in completing tedious tasks and sorting details; encourage success in tests & exams and encourage happiness.
JASPER, MARBLE: Use to enhance wellness, bring balance & stability, instill attitudes of gratitude, promote sweet and kind outlooks of compassion, deepen your connection to the earth, center yourself, facilitate deep meditation, aid in past life regression and reveal karmic causes in this lifetime.
JASPER, MARIAM: See Coquina Jasper
JASPER, MARIYAM: See Coquina Jasper
JASPER, McDERMITT GREEN: See Gary Green Jasper
JASPER, MELARITE: Use to bring tranquility and wholeness. Known as the “Supreme Nurturer,” Melarite Jasper protects and absorbs negative energies, re-energizes, restores, and instills courage.
JASPER, MIRIAM: See Coquina Jasper
JASPER, MOODY GREEN: (Origin – La Paz County, Arizona) Use for promoting tranquility and feelings of wholeness, encouraging nurturing behavior, protecting you from outside energies, reenergizing, and for instilling courage. This green stone contains Epidote and is also known as Green Zebra Jasper (not to be confused with the more common black and white Zebra Jasper).
JASPER, MOOK: See Mookaite Jasper
JASPER, MOOKAITE: (Origin – Australia) (Also known as Mookaite, Mookite, Moukaite Jasper & Mookite Jasper) Use to instill creativity, for emotional balance, to encourage the healthy expression of your emotions through art and music, to encourage you to open yourself to positive new experiences, to promote inner-strength, for flexibility in your thinking, to help lift the fog that unwelcome doubt can sometimes cast over areas of your life, to encourage the presence of mind and overall awareness, to promote kindness, to assist you in getting clarity for decision-making, and to help ground you by connecting you to the earth’s energy.
JASPER, MOOKAITE BRECCIATED: (Origin – Australia) This stone is a brecciated conglomerate rock that is transitional from sedimentary to metamorphic and combines the energetic properties of Brecciated Jasper and Mookaite Jasper.
JASPER, MOSAIC : (Origin – Brazil) Use for connecting with your ancestors, tapping into earth energies, and for recognizing and integrating important lessons learned from nature and the natural world. True Mosaic Jasper is black, tan, brown, and is mottled with white Quartz-y patches, but is often misidentified as Ibis Jasper. The name Mosaic Jasper is also used to describe Brecciated Jasper which has been dyed and used to make beads or costume jewelry.
JASPER, MOUKAITE: See Mookaite Jasper
JASPER, MOZAMBIQUE: See Buttermilk Jasper
JASPER, MUGGLESTONE: (Origin – Africa) Use for protecting you from outside energies, promoting clarity of mind, helping you to see the truth in a challenging situation, enhancing your creativity, promoting strength, instilling courage, increasing your vitality, enhancing your willpower, and for bringing your energy field back into balance. Mugglestone Jasper is sometimes incorrectly used interchangeably with Tiger Iron, but they do differ slightly. Tiger Iron should include bands of Red Jasper, chatoyant Golden Tiger’s Eye, and Hematite, but Mugglestone (though it looks similar) usually lacks the chatoyant Golden Tiger’s eye and instead has more of a low-quality matte Tiger’s eye (or even possibly Yellow Jasper).
JASPER, NAVAJO SPLASH: (Origin – Some sources identify the origin of this stone as Arizona, though most identify the correct origin as Durango, Mexico) Use for connecting you with the spirit of the land you occupy, enhancing grounding, promoting general wellbeing, enhancing your meditations by helping you access the inner landscapes of your mind, and promoting inner stillness and peace.
JASPER, NET: See Spiderweb Jasper
JASPER, NEW ZEALAND: (Origin – Birdlings Flat, Canterbury, New Zealand) Use for helping you relax and go with the flow, enhancing your connection to others, grounding, and for enhancing energetic stability and balance.
JASPER, NGUNI: (Origin – South Africa) Use for enhancing energetic protection, promoting gentleness and kindness, connecting you with Mother nature, helping you to slow down and think things through, encouraging you to reflect and respond rather than react, unlocking hidden ancestral wisdom and magic, and walking between worlds. Zulu Moon Market says the “markings and patterns resemble the hide of the indigenous Nguni cattle from South Africa.”
JASPER, NO NAME: (Origin – Exact origin unknown, but likely from the Western United States) Likely another name for Yellow Feather Jasper.
JASPER, NOREENA: (Origin – Noreena Station, Western Australia) Use for enhancing creativity, birthing new things into the world, enhancing your inner strength, releasing the things that don’t serve you, promoting a sense of adventure, supporting you during times of growth and change, helping you to see things from a new perspective, and for encouraging intuitive dreamwork. Noreena Jasper is a silicified Mudstone estimated to have formed 2.6-2.7 million years ago. It is nearly identical to Pilbara Jasper, but Pilbara Jasper comes from the Pilbara region, while Noreena Jasper specifically comes from the type locality at the Noreena Station area.
JASPER, NORENA: See Noreena Jasper
JASPER, OCEAN ®: (Origin – Madagascar) Use for help you establish a connection with the earth and with the sea, for learning and integrating spiritual lessons, to help you connect you with your ancestors, to instill joy, to promote a positive outlook, and for balancing of the mind, body, and spirit. The name Ocean Jasper ® is the trademarked name for Orbicular Rhyolite Jasper from Madagascar. The trademark was originally owned by Richard Morris of the gem Shop in Cedarburg, Wisconsin, but it is now owned by Enter the Earth in North Carolina.
JASPER, OWYHEE: (Origin – Oregon, United States) Use for energizing, connecting with the land, shifting your perspective so you can see things from another point of view, uncovering things you may have overlooked, grounding (especially before readings and intuitive work), and for promoting creativity through activities like movement and dance. This stone is very similar in appearance to biggs Formation Picture Jasper (and may even include the shades of blue that are desirable in Biggs Blue Jasper.
JASPER, PAINTBRUSH: Use for creativity & for artistic inspiration, helping you focus and finish projects all the way through, helping you to follow the natural ebb and flow of your creative energy, and assisting with communication & storytelling. This stone is also sometimes confusingly called Picture Jasper, but it should not be confused with the speckled brown Picture Jasper that is much more common.
JASPER, PALAGONITE: (Origin – Round Hill area near the Marawhenua River, New Zealand) Use for connecting with earth energy, reflecting on the past, instilling perseverance, and for encouraging patience.
JASPER, PANTHER: (Origin – Namibia, Africa) Use for nurturing and support of others, enhancing your intuition, promoting mystical experiences, encouraging you to set achievable goals, facilitating journeys in liminal space, opening a path forward, enhancing mental clarity, promoting rest when it’s needed, facilitating shadow work, enhancing imagination, instilling creativity in your artistic endeavors, encouraging mindful awareness, and for planning for the future.
JASPER, PARROT WING: (Origin – Africa & Mexico) This stone is likely not a Jasper at all, but rather is probably a combination of Copper-based minerals like Chrysocolla, Malachite (and possibly others) in a Quartz matrix.
JASPER, PEPPERMINT: (Origin – New Mexico, United States) Use for enhancing nurturing attitudes, connecting with mother earth, promoting compassion, inviting in new fresh energy when things have felt stagnant (in your space or in life), encouraging family connection, and for enhancing appreciation and gratitude for the people & things in your life. This stone contains traces of gold!
JASPER, PICASSO: (Also known as Picasso Stone or as Picasso Marble) Use to stimulate your creative energies, promote inspiration to try new things & have new experiences, aid you in overcoming your current life challenges, facilitate communication (especially when expressing yourself about difficult situations or feelings), for inner harmony, and to aid you in the ability to receive divine insight.
JASPER, PICTURE: (Origin – Kalahari Desert, South Africa) (Also known as Kalahari Jasper, Kalahari Desert Jasper or as Kalahari Picture Jasper) Use for aiding you in seeing the beauty in all things, stimulating your creative energy, enhancing visualization exercises, connecting you with the energy of a specific place or time, promoting mental clarity, enhancing meditation, and bringing inner peace and harmony. The name Picture Jasper is also sometimes incorrectly used to describe Paintbrush Jasper.
JASPER, PILBARA: (Origin – Pilbara area of Western Australia) Use for enhancing creativity, birthing new things into the world, enhancing your inner strength, releasing the things that don’t serve you, promoting a sense of adventure, supporting you during times of growth and change, helping you to see things from a new perspective, and for encouraging intuitive dreamwork. Pilbara Jasper is a silicified Mudstone estimated to have formed 2.6-2.7 million years ago. It is nearly identical to Noreena Jasper, but Pilbara Jasper comes from the Pilbara region, while Noreena Jasper specifically comes from the type locality at the Noreena Station area.
JASPER, POLYCHROME: (Origin – Madagascar) Use for balancing and aligning your energy body, stimulating creative energy (especially for painters), encouraging you to change and shift with your circumstances in order to produce a favorable outcome (rather than fighting the incoming energies), enhancing meditation, instilling a sense of tranquility, and inducing a peaceful state of mind.
JASPER, POPPY: (Origin – Morgan Hill, California, United States) Use for for ancestor connection & reverence, for underworld journeys of descent & ascent, for reinventing the self, for grief & mourning a loss, for helping you cope with & release difficult emotions, ending of cycles so that something new may begin.
JASPER, PORCELAIN: (Origin – Sonora, Mexico) Use for coping with stress, uplifting you when you feel low, encouraging love and compassion, promoting energetic balance, boosting your creativity, instilling joy and happiness, enhancing your wisdom and understanding, encouraging feelings of security, facilitating the completion of cycles or of important tasks, connecting you with mother earth, and supporting the energy body.
JASPER, PURPLE COW: (Origin – McDermitt, Oregon) Use for promoting happiness & joy, enhancing loyalty, birthing something new, nurturing yourself, and for finding peace and beauty in everyday moments.
JASPER, RAINBOW: (Origin – Africa) Use to enhance energetic protection, to help give you the courage to speak your mind, to promote personal independence, to help banish fear, and to assist you as you deal with emotional stress.
JASPER, RAINBOW: See Fancy Jasper (Not to be confused with the genuine Rainbow Jasper of the same name)
JASPER, RED CREEK: See Cherry Creek Jasper
JASPER, RED FOREST: (Origin – Peru) Use to enhance grounding practices, to encourage you to remember & interpret your dreams, to help you channel your passions in a focused direction, and to instill respect for all living things.
JASPER, RED HEMATITE-BANDED: (Origin-Africa) This stone is a combination of Red Jasper banded with Hematite. It is often mislabeled as Mugglestone (but is missing the Yellow Jasper or matte Tiger’s Eye that Mugglestone should also contain). It displays the combined properties of both Red Jasper and Hematite.
JASPER, RED POPPY: See Poppy Jasper
JASPER, RED RHYOLITE: See Bird’s Eye Rhyolite Jasper
JASPER, RIM: See Bat Cave Jasper
JASPER, ROYAL SAHARA: (Origin – Eastern Sahara Desert – Northern Africa) This is a type of Picture Jasper that looks similar to a Biggs Jasper, but is from Norhtern Africa rather than Oregon, USA. says these stones were “formed from hot mud flows approximately 35 to 40 million years ago when the North African Sahara Desert was a combination of volcanic regions, tropical forests, and saltwater seas.” This stone shares the properties of Picture Jasper.
JASPER, SCENIC: (Origin – Indonesia & China) Use for enhancing creativity, banishing procrastination, aiding in manifesting abundance, and bringing hopes or ideas to fruition.
JASPER, SEA: See Sea Sediment Jasper
JASPER, SEA SEDIMENT: (Origin – Madagascar) Use for facilitating release, promoting emotional balance, enhancing intuition, and for connecting with the energetic aspects of the water element. Sea Sediment Jasper is most likely a low-quality variety of Ocean Jasper ® with additional Quartz pockets and not much variation in color. Most of the material is lacking in the prominent orbs displayed in most Ocean Jasper ®. This material should be confused with the brightly colored, manufactured “stones” used to make beads and costume jewelry. The majority of the sea sediment “jaspers” on the market are this man-made, dyed resin/polymer material (this resin-based sea sediment “jasper” is also called Impression Jasper).
JASPER, SEA SHELL: See Shell Jasper
JASPER, SEDONA RED: (Origin – Peru) – Use for grounding, enhancing dream recall, instilling feelings of compassion, and for making yourself & your life a priority when needed. This variety of Red Jasper is named for its similarity in appearance to the red rocks of Sedona, Arizona (which makes the fact that it comes from Peru a little confusing). This stone also has the properties of regular Red Jasper.
JASPER, SEDONA SUNRISE: See Sedona Sunset Jasper
JASPER, SEDONA SUNSET: (Origin – Some sources cite Arizona as the origin, but others say it’s from the Sonoran Desert in Mexico) This stone is actually not a Jasper at all, but is a combination of Red Cuprite with teal Chrysocolla, so it displays the properties of both. CUPRITE: Use to promote feelings of safety, facilitate rites of passage, and support you as you work to soothe emotional wounds. CHRYSOCOLLA: Use to connect with Goddess energy, allow you to speak from the heart, support a deep connection with nature, instill compassion, and provide inner strength during difficult times.
JASPER, SESAME: See Lotus Jasper
JASPER, SHELL: (Origin – China) Use for grounding, enhancing energetic protection, instilling inner strength, promoting energetic balance of your energy body, and for facilitating relaxation & tranquility. According to, “Although Shell Jasper is marketed as jasper, it is actually marble, a metamorphic limestone”
JASPER, SILVER LACE: (Origin – Mexico) Use for enhancing vitality, grounding, helping you stick with new habits & routines, enhancing your focus, and for encouraging you to lend or receive a helping hand in times of need. This stone is sometimes incorrectly called Silver Lace Agate or Silver Crazy Lace Agate.
JASPER, SILVER LEAF: See Silver Lace Jasper
JASPER, SNAKESKIN: See Coquina Jasper
JASPER, SPIDERMAN : (Origin – near the Oregon/Idaho border in the Owyhee River Valley in Oregon, United States) Use for instilling determination when you’re facing challenges or obstacles and for remembering your inner power. According to this stone “formed when iron seeped unto small cracks of hardened mud that was further solidified by volcanic activity during the Tertiary period, 60 million years ago.” adds “Spiderman Jasper is composed of volcanic ash and solidified under intense heat and pressure. This stone formed and then was broken by geologic stresses on the material, allowing rust-colored veins to evolve in the dark volcanic matrix.”
JASPER, SPIDERWEB: (Origin – Mexico & the Southwestern United States) Use for enhancing energetic protection, driving away unwanted energy, encouraging present-moment awareness, promoting relaxation, helping you to create an environment of comfort and tranquility, enhancing your grounding practices, helping to facilitate gentle endings, an for enhancing interconnectedness of energies.
JASPER, SPIDERWEB GREEN: (Origin – Oregon & Idaho, United States) Use for branching out, facilitating personal growth, and for promoting inner calm. This stone was discovered in the 1960’s.
JASPER, SPIRIT: See Cosmic Jasper
JASPER, SPOTTED: See King Cobra Jasper
JASPER, SQUIRREL RHYOLITE: (Origin – Mexico) Use for enhancing focus and mental clarity, encouraging moderation, planning ahead, and enhancing ingenuity. This stone isn’t a Jasper at all, but is actually a Stronmatolite (algae) fossil.
JASPER, SQUIRREL TAIL: See Squirrel Rhyolite Jasper
JASPER, STAR BURST: (Origin – Mexico) Use for enhancing energetic protection, promoting intuitive dreaming, enhancing creativity and new ideas or perspectives, instilling tenacity, encouraging justice, and for facilitating astral travel. According to, “The starbursts form during the cooling of magma, as Crystals (feldspar?) aligned themselves into star-like patterns.” This stone is often confused for Coquina/Miriam/Mariyam Jasper, but although it displays similar colors, the patterns are quite different. The patterns in Coquina Jasper are more like organic squiggles whereas the patterns in Starburst Jasper appear more like fireworks (lots of lines in clusters radiating out from one central point).
JASPER, STAR FOSSIL: See Star Burst Jasper
JASPER, STARRY: (Origin – Australia) Use for connecting you with the energy of the sky and the heavens, helping you tap into the energy of the air element, facilitating astral travel, soothing on a soul level, enhancing feelings of hope, and for encouraging you to let your inner light shine. This stone is an aggregate of Brecciated Red, Black, and White Jasper with inclusions of Pyrite (therefore, it also displays the energetic properties of all of these stones as well).
JASPER, TIGER: See Palagonite Jasper
JASPER, TURQUOISE: (Origin – Africa) Use for stabilizing during times of Great change, encouraging transformation, opening your mind to new possibilities, promoting balance, enhancing confidence, encouraging self-development, promoting wisdom, clearing and focusing the mind, and for assisting you with finding your higher purpose and soul calling. This stone is often incorrectly sold as Turquoise, but it is just turquoise in color.
JASPER, VOGESITE: (Origin – South Africa) Use for facilitating ancestor connection, enhancing your creativity, increasing your inspiration & motivation, supporting you energetically as you work through emotional issues, believing in yourself, releasing, and for facilitating movement out of stuck or stagnant energy.
JASPER, WALNUT: (Origin – Egypt, it’s possible it may not be found in other localities as well) Use for grounding, instilling compassion, enhancing wit and wisdom, facilitating earth healing, and promoting courage. This stone looks a lot like Picture Jasper, but its coloring and patterns are a bit different. Some crystal workers classify this stone as a type of Picture Jasper (in which case, it would also share those properties).
JASPER, WONDERSTONE: (Origin – Nevada & Utah, United States) Use for instilling hope, promoting a positive outlook, encouraging relaxation & calming, facilitating intuitive insight to help guide your next action steps, and for helping you to release unnecessary worries. This stone may be a type of Rhyolite.
JASPER, YELLOW: (Origin – South Africa, India, Australia, & more) Use for instilling confidence, promoting inner strength, increasing vitality, manifesting abundance, aiding you with developing your talents and personal gifts, bringing happiness & joy (especially to children), enhancing energetic protection of the aura (the energy body), and for enhancing your creativity when you begin new projects.
JASPER, YELLOW FEATHER: (Origin – Utah, United States) Use for facilitating earth healing, enhancing your connection with mother earth, instilling compassion, promoting unity, and for encouraging cooperation. According to, “The ‘feathers’ are dendrites, manganese oxide of the mineral pyrolusite.” adds, “The name ‘yellow feather’ was inspired by dark feather-like markings that cut across a yellowish background. The feathers are usually brown to black in color. The background colors vary, but they are usually in the range of yellow, orange, and tan. The background color of some pieces can be red or brown.”
JASPER, ZEBRA: (Also known as Zebra Marble, Zebra Rock or Zebra Stone) (Origin – Kunnanurra in Western Australia) Use for bringing your energy body into balance, promoting harmony and tranquility, instilling your values, promoting love for your shadow side and helping to encourage the transformation of your shadow aspects, enhancing motivation, instilling a sense of calm, facilitating a connection with Mother Earth, revealing your inner nature, aiding with manifestation, instilling courage, and for helping you to avoid over-thinking things by bringing more present moment awareness.
JET: Use to balance the male and female energies within your body, connect with your ancestors, aid you in learning to appreciate nature and the plant kingdom, instill respect for all things ancient (as well as for the elderly), “sweep” negative energy that has come about from arguments or other negative interpersonal encounters, help soothe grief and calm fear by putting things into perspective, aid in self reliance to instill happiness, and boost your energy and overall vitality. Element: Earth Flower: Black Elderberry Essential Oil: Oregano Companion Stone: Amber. Jet is a living material: coal exposed to water. Burnt pieces of firewood washed out to sea may in time transform into Jet. The mineral’s most famous fan was no doubt England’s Queen Victoria, who favored jewelry made of Jet and hematite during her long years of mourning. Queen Victoria popularized the idea of wearing somber clothing and jewelry for mourning, but English Jet had already been used for centuries for rosaries and other religious artifacts. English monks and nuns found praying with a rosary of Jet particularly effective for combating delusions, bad dreams and evil spirits, and promoting happiness. Irish wives burned Jet to ensure the safety of their husband while the men were out at sea. This protective stone has also been worn in many places to counteract the evil eye. Jet originates from fossilized wood, and in nature is a dull, dark material. But it can be polished to a high shine, and so makes very nice jewelry. When compared to other black, polished stones, it is very light and feels almost “plasticky.” Jet has a little bit more of a silvery black appearance than just a straight black color. It’s also very lightweight because it’s carbon-based. You’ll notice its weight difference in comparison to other tumbled stones. It also usually has a very high polish on it depending on its place of origin. An exception to this rule about the highly polished surface is Tibetan Jet. This type of Jet can have an almost matte finish. Tibetan Jet is rarely seen in larger, rounded, tumbled stones. It’s typically found in flatter pieces because the nature of the material.
KIETYOGITE, GOLDEN CAT’S EYE: See Golden Cat’s Eye Apatite
KIDNEY ORE: See Hematite
KIMBERLITE: This mineral is associated with the growth of Diamonds. Use Kimberlite when you need a boost in your inner strength, for enhancing your ability to find the beauty in mundane things, and for connecting with your spiritual side.
KYANITE, BLACK: (Also known as Black Disthene and as Black Cyanite) Use for protection from negativity, to enhance grounding practices, to stimulate intuitive guidance, to promote vivid dreams, to enhance your creativity when you’re branching out into new endeavors, for journey work, and to promote feelings of energetic safety and security. Kyanite fractures easily and is water sensitive. It also contains aluminum, so please don’t use it in crystal elixirs.
KYANITE, BLUE STAR: (Also known as Blue Star Disthene or as Blue Star Cyanite) Use to bring celestial and planetary energies into your body, promote safe and significant astral travel, open you to the power of divine love, and aid you in developing your psychic awareness. Since this is a form of Blue Kyanite, these properties also apply. Kyanite has a reputation for purity, and many healers agree that it will not hold negative energy and therefore never needs to be cleansed. Because of this energetic perfection, some believe kyanite to be the material of Archangel Michael’s Sword of Truth. The symbolism behind this idea is that only a material of great purity can “cut to the truth of the matter.” According to angel expert Doreen Virtue, “Michael carries a sword that cuts all attachments to negativity.” A flaming sword also has to endure some pretty extreme conditions, and kyanite — the ore for the material used in spark plugs — is able to withstand plenty of heat. But while Archangel Michael is usually depicted ready to go into battle with helmet, shield and sword, the real battle he fights is a spiritual one: choosing truth over deception. (Just as well, since kyanite would be awfully brittle in an actual sword fight!) No doubt this is why this extremely pure stone is thought to make the angel’s perfect “weapon.” And as a throat stone, blue kyanite works for anyone who wants to discern and speak the truth. Kyanite fractures easily and is water sensitive. It also contains aluminum, so please don’t use it in crystal elixirs.
KYANITE, GREEN: (Also known as Green Disthene or as Green Cyanite) Use to repair your aura, facilitate Earth healing, expel negative energy form the body, and help you enhance your own wellness. Kyanite fractures easily and is water sensitive. It also contains aluminum, so please don’t use it in crystal elixirs.
LAKERS: See Lake Superior Agate
LAPIS LAZULI: Use to facilitate spiritual enlightenment, aid in dreaming practices, encourage psychic power and intuition, stimulate spiritual and shamanic journeying and astral travel, promote stress management, bring peace and calming, promote protection and purification, connect with your ancestors or with ancient cultures, banish negative energy, aid in speaking your truth, bring balance to your mind and spirit; encourage happiness, facilitate communication, encourage virtuous behavior, penetrate illusions of the mind, stimulate compassion, increase creativity, promote rest, boost wellness, and help you recognize the powerful microcosm-macrocosm relationship of the water within your body and your cells in relation to all the water here on earth. Lapis Lazuli is the astrological stone for Saggitarius, November 22 – December 21. Lapis is a mineral with a history. “Lazuli” is derived from the name of the ancient Persian mine where it was once mined. Thanks to its deep blue color, it has been used for at least 5000 years in jewelry, pigment, boxes, Egyptian scarabs and other carvings, and many other ornamental uses. Cleopatra even ground it up and used it as eye shadow! Throughout time, people have associated Lapis with connections to other worlds. In one ancient Babylonian myth, the goddess Ishtar decks herself out from head to toe in Lapis Lazuli to prepare for passage into the Underworld. It was believed that blue gemstones could house gods. Though not many go as far as Ishtar, Sagittarians love travel, learning and adventure. Lapis helps with the spiritual aspect of this adventurous spirit. With its abundant history, it’s no surprise that Lapis has acquired many spiritual associations. Buddhists associate it with calm and peace, and frequently carve small Lapis Buddhas. Christians have used it for centuries to repel the evil eye. Because of the connection to other worlds, it often decorates items associated with burial. (Safety note: since Lapis contains pyrite, please do not use it to make elixirs. In fact, water can damage it, so best to keep it away from water altogether.)
LAPIS LAZULI, DENIM: Use to allow yourself to clearly and openly communicate with beings form the angelic realm, help you to find your own unique voice, enhance clairvoyance, encourage psychic insight and intuition for assistance in your decision-making process, and prepare yourself for learning from the spirit/ether element.
LARSENITE, GREEN: See Gary Green Jasper
LARSONITE, GREEN: See Gary Green Jasper
LARVIKITE: (Also known as Silver Labradorite) Use to connect your conscious mind with beings from other dimensions, aid in channeling, support the spiritual body, facilitate safe astral travel practices, and shield your energy body from negativity of all kinds.
LAVULITE: See Sugilite
LEOPARDITE: Facilitates connection to and communication with animals, Promotes beauty and sensuality, Assists with multi-tasking, Helps you to discover your animal archetype or familiar, Promotes a connection with your roots and with your ancestors, Enhances your natural leadership skills, Instills courage when you’re feeling fearful or anxious, Helps energetically support you while you work to manage your stress, Enhances quick wit and reflexes, Encourages flexibility in your mindset when deeply rooted beliefs are being challenged, Assists with your connection with the divine feminine, Helps you understand the cycle of birth, death, and rebirth, Promotes inner strength and personal power
LEOPARD STONE: See Leopard Skin Jasper
LIBYAN DESERT GLASS: (Also known as Golden Tektite) Use to aid in clearing obstacles on the path to enlightenment, facilitate communication with your higher self, open yourself to the divine, promote spiritual balance, enhance past-life recall and remembrance of your karmic obligations or soul contracts, and stimulate self-awareness. As Libyan Desert Glass is a Tektite Meteorite, the properties of Tektite also apply.
LINGAMS: See Shiva Lingam Stones
LINGAM STONES: See Shiva Lingam Stones
LINGHAMS: See Shiva Lingam Stones
LINGHAM STONES: See Shiva Lingam Stones
LODESTONE: Use to promote grounding and protection, assist in working through trauma, attract a suitable partner and other positive people into your life, aid in manifesting for the good of all beings (including yourself), help keep yourself from being drawn into negative situations, and protect yourself from adverse planetary energetic influences.
LUVULITE: See Sugilite
MAGNETITE: Use to attract wealth and abundance into your life, banish negative attitudes, promote feelings of gratitude and thankfulness for what you already have, attract your ideal partner, facilitate a connection with nature spirits, aid in better understanding connection with sacred geometry, and enhance your energy body in order to raise it to a higher vibrational state.
MACHI MARBLES: See Moqui Marbles
MARBLE, ZEBRA: See Zebra Jasper
MELANITE: See Black Andradite Garnet
MELODY’S STONE: See Super Seven™
MERLINITE: Use to stimulate mystical experiences, foster protection in magic, enhance your intuition, and strengthen your psychic abilities.
MERLINITE: See Psilomelane (Not to be confused with genuine Merlinite of the same name)
MERLINITE, MYSTIC: See Indigo Gabbro
METEORITE, CAMPO DEL CIELO: Use to connect with your ancestors, regain past-life memories, facilitate shamanic journeying, and enhance astral travel & dream healing while maintaining a grounded connection to the earth.
METEORITE, CHONDRITE: Use to facilitate astral travel, promote dream healing, ground universal healing energy into the earth, and enhance peaceful attitudes and behaviors.
METEORITE, SIKHOTE–ALIN: Use to facilitate astral travel, aid in lucid dreaming, help prepare you for difficult situations or experiences, and work through feelings of anger (belonging to yourself or to others).
METEORITE, TEKTITE BLACK: Use to foster protection, shield your aura from negativity, promote lucid dreaming, enhance dream recall, and encourage psychic vision.
METEORITE, TEKTITE TIBETAN: Use to facilitate communication with higher spiritual beings, increase the benefits of astral travel, manifest the opportunity to learn from the air element, promote spiritual awakening, allow for nonjudgmental self-reflection, and help you to see a situation from another point of view. As Tibetan Tektite is a tektite meteorite, the properties associated with tektites also apply.
MICA, BIOTITE BLACK: (Also known as Black Biotite) Use to aid in grounding & protection, act as a mirror to allow you to see your strengths & weaknesses, and bring out the best of your astrological sign.
MICA, GREEN: See Fuchsite
MIMETITE: Use to connect with nature and nature spirits (i.e. fairies, elves, sprites, etc.), open your heart to new experiences, and help you emulate your rolemodels in order to become a better person for the good of all beings.
MIRIAM STONE: See Coquina Jasper
MOCHI MARBLES: See Moqui Marbles
MOISSANITE: See Silicon Carbide
MONK’S GOLD: See Goldstone
MONKSTONE: See Goldstone
MOOKAITE: See Mookaite Jasper
MOOKITE: See Mookaite Jasper
MOONSTONE, APRICOT: See Peach Moonstone
MOONSTONE, BLACK: Use to stimulate your intuition, bring a feeling of tranquility when you’re feeling overwhelmed or stressed, aid you in reflecting on yourself or on your relationships with others, and connect you with your feminine power or bring balance to an overly masculine energy. Moonstone is a variety of feldspar, with a distinctive sheen caused by light diffraction within internal layers of the orthoclase and albite. The most common moonstones are rainbow and white moonstone, though you may also see peach, black/brown and blue variations. The Romans believed it to be moon rays condensed into solid form. People have associated this mineral with the moon since ancient times, associating it strongly with lunar deities. It also connects with feminine and water energies. However, since moonstone contains aluminum, please don’t use it for making crystal elixirs. Moonstone is also a great protective stone for travelers. (Na,K)AlSi3O2
MOONSTONE, PEACH: (Also known as Apricot Moonstone) Use to increase your insight and intuition, bring chaos into order, foster peace and calming, encourage compassion, facilitate lucid dreaming, assist with ceremonies and rituals pertaining to the full moon, promote psychic powers, increase feminine energy, encourage your nurturing qualities, connect you with Goddess energy, ease stress, balance and soothe the emotional body, calm restless children, assist with the assimilation of nutrients, and promote rest. Moonstone is a variety of feldspar, with a distinctive sheen caused by light diffraction within internal layers of the orthoclase and albite. The most common moonstones are rainbow and white moonstone, though you may also see peach, black/brown and blue variations. The Romans believed it to be moon rays condensed into solid form. People have associated this mineral with the moon since ancient times, associating it strongly with lunar deities. It also connects with feminine and water energies. However, since moonstone contains aluminum, please don’t use it for making crystal elixirs. Moonstone is also a great protective stone for travelers. (Na,K)AlSi3O2
MOONSTONE, RAINBOW: Use to enhance mystical experiences, to enhance Goddess energy, to recognize and regulate energetic cycles and natural ebbs and flows, to stimulate intuitive insight, to aid in dream healing, to facilitate lucid dreaming.
MOQUI MARBLES: (Also known as Mochi Marbles or Maqui Marbles) Use to facilitate shamanic journeying, forge a connection with nature, aid in grounding & protection, balance your male & female energies as well as the yin & yang aspects of your personality; enhance esoteric knowledge of occult topics, and deepen your mystical experiences.
MOUKAITE: See Mookaite Jasper
MUGGLE STONE: See Mugglestone Jasper
NARMADA RIVER STONE: See Shiva Lingam Stones
NEPHRITE, GREEN: See Green Nephrite Jade
NUUMMITE: Use to facilitate astral projection, shield your energy body from psychic attack, open yourself up to new ideas, aid in removing old patterns and behaviors, assist in overcoming your self-limiting beliefs, stimulate intuition & psychic awareness, balance and align your body, mind, & spirit, connect yourself with beings from the fairy realm, help you see your inner beauty, and enhance divination practices.
OBSIDIAN, BROWN: See Apache Tear
OBSIDIAN, GOLD SHEEN: Use to stimulate your clairvoyant abilities (psychic sight), connect you with your ancestors for guidance, and assist you during scrying divination and shamanic journeying. Obsidian is the most abundant form of naturally occurring glass, the result of volcanic lava cooling quickly. Technically Obsidian may have any composition, but usually it’s a glass with inclusions of hematite and rhyolite. Because it’s easy to chip and forms a sharp point, it has been an invaluable material for toolmaking throughout history, thus contributing to the evolution of the human race’s evolution. Many cultures also used it to make mirrors and figurines. In fact, one way archaeologists can trace the development of trade is by testing the composition of Obsidian objects found along trade routes to find out where it originated, and thus how far it had traveled. More recently, Obsidian lore has made its way into popular culture as “dragon glass” in Game of Thrones, or as a “witch’s blade.” Obsidian breaks easily and forms sharp edges, so be careful you don’t get cut, and keep this in mind if children will handle it. When buying Obsidian, be careful of sellers promoting Obsidian in various bright colors; this material is usually fake.
OBSIDIAN, MAHOGANY: Use to enhance your vitality and zest for life, instill level-headedness in times of chaos and turmoil, help you find protection and balance between the spiritual and physical realms, connect you with the energies of the Goddess Pele, and establish a lasting connection with mother earth. Obsidian is the most abundant form of naturally occurring glass, the result of volcanic lava cooling quickly. Technically Obsidian may have any composition, but usually it’s a glass with inclusions of Hematite and Rhyolite. Because it’s easy to chip and forms a sharp point, it has been an invaluable material for toolmaking throughout history, thus contributing to the evolution of the human race’s evolution. Many cultures also used it to make mirrors and figurines. In fact, one way archaeologists can trace the development of trade is by testing the composition of Obsidian objects found along trade routes to find out where it originated, and thus how far it had traveled. More recently, Obsidian lore has made its way into popular culture as “dragon glass” in Game of Thrones, or as a “witch’s blade.” Obsidian breaks easily and forms sharp edges, so be careful you don’t get cut, and keep this in mind if children will handle it. When buying Obsidian, be careful of sellers promoting Obsidian in various bright colors; this material is usually fake.
OBSIDIAN, PEACOCK: (Also known as Velvet Obsidian) Use to stimulate your intuition and psychic awareness, facilitate communication with higher beings, to aid in your shamanic journeying or soul journeying, assist with astral travel of any kind, and access the dream consciousness while in the waking state. Obsidian is the most abundant form of naturally occurring glass, the result of volcanic lava cooling quickly. Technically obsidian may have any composition, but usually it’s a glass with inclusions of hematite and rhyolite. Because it’s easy to chip and forms a sharp point, it has been an invaluable material for toolmaking throughout history, thus contributing to the evolution of the human race’s evolution. Many cultures also used it to make mirrors and figurines. In fact, one way archaeologists can trace the development of trade is by testing the composition of obsidian objects found along trade routes to find out where it originated, and thus how far it had traveled. More recently, obsidian lore has made its way into popular culture as “dragon glass” in Game of Thrones, or as a “witch’s blade.” Obsidian breaks easily and forms sharp edges, so be careful you don’t get cut, and keep this in mind if children will handle it. When buying obsidian, be careful of sellers promoting obsidian in various bright colors; this material is usually fake.
OBSIDIAN, RAINBOW SHEEN: Use to stimulate emotional growth, guide your soul journeying or shamanic journeying, and promote self-realization, cleansing, balancing & alignment. Obsidian is the most abundant form of naturally occurring glass, the result of volcanic lava cooling quickly. Technically obsidian may have any composition, but usually it’s a glass with inclusions of hematite and rhyolite. The iridescent form known as Rainbow Obsidian contains nanoparticles of magnetite. Because it’s easy to chip and forms a sharp point, it has been an invaluable material for toolmaking throughout history, thus contributing to the evolution of the human race’s evolution. Many cultures also used it to make mirrors and figurines. In fact, one way archaeologists can trace the development of trade is by testing the composition of obsidian objects found along trade routes to find out where it originated, and thus how far it had traveled. More recently, obsidian lore has made its way into popular culture as “dragon glass” in Game of Thrones, or as a “witch’s blade.” Obsidian breaks easily and forms sharp edges, so be careful you don’t get cut, and keep this in mind if children will handle it. When buying obsidian, be careful of sellers promoting obsidian in various bright colors; this material is usually fake.
Obsidian, Spiderweb:
OBSIDIAN, VELVET: See Peacock Obsidian
OKENITE: Use to facilitate purification, uplift yourself spiritually, enhance a connection with your higher self, promote divine guidance, bring the light into even the darkest situations, aid you in seeing the good in all things, and remove your ego & let the spirit shine.
OPAL, ANDEAN BLUE: Use to promote compassionate attitudes, encourage heart-based speech & actions, enhance your Shamanic work, center yourself, quiet your ego mind, and to bring peace & tranquility. Opal is a variety of quartz in which water particles have become trapped between layers of silicon dioxide. This water refracts light, giving opal an inner “fire”. When the crystal forms in an enclosed space where the water can’t evaporate, the crystal-plus-water gel hardens to form opal. This stone may contain other impurities as well, which is why opal comes in a rainbow of colors. A lot of opal lore begins with the notion that in some sense opal is alive, maybe because of the play of colors that comes when you move the stone. Because of this living quality, opal was the original “mood stone,” sparkling when its owner was happy, or shooting fire if the owner was angry. But quite a few stories about opal talk about misfortune. For example, Queen Victoria loved opals, so for her coronation she chose an opal pin to fasten the back of her off-the-shoulders dress. When the pin popped out during the ceremony, the world got to see a little more of the young queen than was proper. Of course the opal was blamed. A darker legend comes from Australia, currently the main place opal is mined. Miners there talk about the mysterious “night stones,” opals so fiery they glowed in the dark. They would descend into the mines at midnight to find them–a practice that no doubt added to the mystery of the stones, but caused a lot of accidents as well. Because of these and many other similar stories, some people call opal “beautiful but dangerous.” Due to their water content, opals can be fragile and water-sensitive, and can also be damaged by excessive drying. It’s best to store them in a cool place, away from direct sunlight or moisture. They should never be used in elixirs.
OPAL, CHERRY: See Fire Opal
OPAL, FIRE: (Also known as Cherry Opal) Use to stimulate vitality & passion for life, enhance your connection to the fire element, instill creative inspiration, encourage happiness, strengthen telepathic communication, and activate your psychic abilities. Opal is a variety of quartz in which water particles have become trapped between layers of silicon dioxide. This water refracts light, giving opal an inner “fire”. When the crystal forms in an enclosed space where the water can’t evaporate, the crystal-plus-water gel hardens to form opal. This stone may contain other impurities as well, which is why opal comes in a rainbow of colors. A lot of opal lore begins with the notion that in some sense opal is alive, maybe because of the play of colors that comes when you move the stone. Because of this living quality, opal was the original “mood stone,” sparkling when its owner was happy, or shooting fire if the owner was angry. But quite a few stories about opal talk about misfortune. For example, Queen Victoria loved opals, so for her coronation she chose an opal pin to fasten the back of her off-the-shoulders dress. When the pin popped out during the ceremony, the world got to see a little more of the young queen than was proper. Of course the opal was blamed. A darker legend comes from Australia, currently the main place opal is mined. Miners there talk about the mysterious “night stones,” opals so fiery they glowed in the dark. They would descend into the mines at midnight to find them–a practice that no doubt added to the mystery of the stones, but caused a lot of accidents as well. Because of these and many other similar stories, some people call opal “beautiful but dangerous.” Due to their water content, opals can be fragile and water-sensitive, and can also be damaged by excessive drying. It’s best to store them in a cool place, away from direct sunlight or moisture. They should never be used in elixirs.
OPAL, GREEN: See Lemon Opal
OPAL, HYALINE: (Also known as Hyalite) Use to raise your energetic vibrations, remove feelings of jealousy or anger, connect with your inner child, and combine & balance the energies of the air & water elements within your body. Opal is a variety of quartz in which water particles have become trapped between layers of silicon dioxide. This water refracts light, giving opal an inner “fire”. When the crystal forms in an enclosed space where the water can’t evaporate, the crystal-plus-water gel hardens to form opal. This stone may contain other impurities as well, which is why opal comes in a rainbow of colors. A lot of opal lore begins with the notion that in some sense opal is alive, maybe because of the play of colors that comes when you move the stone. Because of this living quality, opal was the original “mood stone,” sparkling when its owner was happy, or shooting fire if the owner was angry. But quite a few stories about opal talk about misfortune. For example, Queen Victoria loved opals, so for her coronation she chose an opal pin to fasten the back of her off-the-shoulders dress. When the pin popped out during the ceremony, the world got to see a little more of the young queen than was proper. Of course the opal was blamed. A darker legend comes from Australia, currently the main place opal is mined. Miners there talk about the mysterious “night stones,” opals so fiery they glowed in the dark. They would descend into the mines at midnight to find them–a practice that no doubt added to the mystery of the stones, but caused a lot of accidents as well. Because of these and many other similar stories, some people call opal “beautiful but dangerous.” Due to their water content, opals can be fragile and water-sensitive, and can also be damaged by excessive drying. It’s best to store them in a cool place, away from direct sunlight or moisture. They should never be used in elixirs.
OPALITE: Use to clear and balance the energy center, connect with the air & water elements, transmute negativity into positive energy, restore emotional balance, instill a sense of child-like wonder, and promote a feeling of comfort and safety (as if in the womb). PLEASE NOTE: Opalite is a 100% manmade material, a type of glass. A small amount of opacifier — often fluorite or titanium dioxide — is added to molten glass, which is then cooled slowly enough that some of the SiO2 crystallizes. The resulting glass is very appealing, a semi-opaque glass showing flashes of blue and orange. Sometimes it’s also called Tiffany stone. Magic eggs: A special type of opalite is the feng shui egg, or magic egg. The “magic” refers to the amazing way the opalite and the shape come together to reflect light, changing as the light passes through the egg from different directions. Especially appealing when grouped and/or placed in water, they are a symbol for new beginnings, rebirth and regeneration. They may come with either a glossy or matte finish, a difference which can make a big difference in the way they reflect and distribute energy. Care and Safety: Since it is basically glass, opalite can break into sharp pieces. Kids love it, but please make sure they handle it carefully.
OPAL, LEMON: (Also known as Olive Opal or as Green Opal) Use for Lemon Opal is often pale chartreuse in color, but can range into a deeper olive green. The combination of water and fire element energies in this stone help promote mutual understanding and self-love.
OPAL, PINK: (Also known as Andes’ Pink Opal, Andean Pink Opal, or as Peruvian Pink Opal) Use to instill love and compassion, to enhance prayers and intentions for the highest good of all, to cool fiery tensions caused by family disagreements (especially those stemming from sibling rivalry), to encourage forgiveness, to instill feelings of nurturing and tenderness, for energetically supporting you while you’re recovering from emotional trauma, for energetic protection, to add a new spark to old relationships, to provide comfort for those who are terminally ill, to guide you down your life path, and to promote emotional stability and security.
OPAL, PINK ANDEAN DENDRITIC: (Also known as Pink Dendritic Peruvian Opal) Use to remind you to treat all beings with love, kindness, & compassion; extinguish feelings of anger and replace them with peace & understanding, and help you to recognize the oneness of all beings. As this is a variety of Andean Pink Opal, these properties also apply. Opal is a variety of quartz in which water particles have become trapped between layers of silicon dioxide. This water refracts light, giving opal an inner “fire”. When the crystal forms in an enclosed space where the water can’t evaporate, the crystal-plus-water gel hardens to form opal. This stone may contain other impurities as well, which is why opal comes in a rainbow of colors. A lot of opal lore begins with the notion that in some sense opal is alive, maybe because of the play of colors that comes when you move the stone. Because of this living quality, opal was the original “mood stone,” sparkling when its owner was happy, or shooting fire if the owner was angry. But quite a few stories about opal talk about misfortune. For example, Queen Victoria loved opals, so for her coronation she chose an opal pin to fasten the back of her off-the-shoulders dress. When the pin popped out during the ceremony, the world got to see a little more of the young queen than was proper. Of course the opal was blamed. A darker legend comes from Australia, currently the main place opal is mined. Miners there talk about the mysterious “night stones,” opals so fiery they glowed in the dark. They would descend into the mines at midnight to find them–a practice that no doubt added to the mystery of the stones, but caused a lot of accidents as well. Because of these and many other similar stories, some people call opal “beautiful but dangerous.” Due to their water content, opals can be fragile and water-sensitive, and can also be damaged by excessive drying. It’s best to store them in a cool place, away from direct sunlight or moisture. They should never be used in elixirs.
OPAL, PINK PERUVIAN DENDRITIC: See Pink Dendritic Andean Opal
OPAL, OLIVE: See Lemon Opal
OPAL, VIOLET FLAME: Use to develop your psychic skills, connect with the ascended masters and your guides, tap into the cleansing power of St. Germaine’s Violet Flame, enhance spiritual growth, help you be open to your psychic gifts without blocking them (consciously or subconsciously), and help you connect with your spirituality in everyday life. Opal is a variety of quartz in which water particles have become trapped between layers of silicon dioxide. This water refracts light, giving opal an inner “fire.” When the crystal forms in an enclosed space where the water can’t evaporate, the crystal-plus-water gel hardens to form opal. This stone may contain other impurities as well, which is why opal comes in a rainbow of colors. A lot of opal lore begins with the notion that in some sense opal is alive, maybe because of the play of colors that comes when you move the stone. Because of this living quality, opal was the original “mood stone,” sparkling when its owner was happy, or shooting fire if the owner was angry. But quite a few stories about opal talk about misfortune. For example, Queen Victoria loved opals, so for her coronation she chose an opal pin to fasten the back of her off-the-shoulders dress. When the pin popped out during the ceremony, the world got to see a little more of the young queen than was proper. Of course the opal was blamed. A darker legend comes from Australia, currently the main place opal is mined. Miners there talk about the mysterious “night stones” — opals so fiery they glowed in the dark. They would descend into the mines at midnight to find them–a practice that no doubt added to the mystery of the stones, but caused a lot of accidents as well. Because of these and many other similar stories, some people call opal “beautiful but dangerous.” Due to their water content, opals can be fragile and water-sensitive, and can also be damaged by excessive drying. It’s best to store them in a cool place, away from direct sunlight or moisture. They should never be used in elixirs.
ORPIMENT: Use to promote wellness and release negativity & toxicity. PLEASE NOTE: Orpiment contains Arsenic, so please wash your hands thoroughly after handling.
OX EYE: See Red Tiger’s Eye
PAPAGOITE: Use to support other energy healers, aid in manifesting abundance, instill an “attitude of gratitude,” remove any energetic blockages from the etheric body, liberate yourself spiritually, assist you in seeing the truth, work through feelings of grief, help in understanding and respecting the sacredness of all things and the oneness that connects them; enhance the power of crystal healing, enable you to understand crystal energies more fully, and facilitate the recollection of your past life memories.
PEACOCK ORE: See Bornite
PEARL, WHITE: Use to foster cooperation, provide a connection with Goddess energy, stimulate a nurturing attitude, and promote peace. A symbol of the mermaid; use Pearl for cleansing the energy body.
PEGRATITE: See Spiderweb Jasper, Green
PETALITE: Use to establish a connection with your guardian angels, enhance purification, shield yourself with white light when in negative energy environments, promote protection (especially of children or animals), help soothe the spirit, remind you of your divine nature, help babies and children (or after a near-death experience) to ease the transition from the other side into the physical world, and serve as constant reminder of the light and of your spirit when one is distracted by your ego-self.
PETOSKEY STONE: See Coral Fossil
PICASSO MARBLE: See Picasso Jasper
PICASSO STONE: See Picasso Jasper
PICTURE STONE: See Picture Jasper
PIETERSITE: Use to stimulate your intuition and psychic abilities, to increase vitality, to facilitate astral travel, for spiritual growth and exploration, to stimulate creativity and artistic vision, to enhance guidance received during meditation, to instill will-power and determination, and to aid in developing lucid dreaming skills.
PINOLITH: Use to maintain energy and put it to constructive use. Pinolith got its name because the dolomite in magnetite looks like pine nuts. It is a particularly great stone for work.
PLASMA: See Buddstone
PRASE: See Seriphos Quartz
PRASEM: See Seriphos Quartz
PRASIOLITE: (Also known as Green Amethyst, Praseolite, or as Amegreen) Use to facilitate a connection with your inner self, establish a connection with nature and with nature spirits, soothe your mind and spirit, and instill compassion and empathy. As this is a type of Amethyst, the properties of Amethyst also apply.
PREHNITE: Use to establish a connection with Earth energies and with nature, promote feelings of peace, aid in spiritual enlightenment, increase happiness, facilitate dematerialization and the letting go of worldly goods, encourage a feeling of spiritual fulfillment, enable communication with nature spirits such as faeries, sprites, gnomes, & elves; stimulate earth healing, instill compassion and empathy, and guide you down your life path.
PRESELI BLUE STONE: (Also known as Stonehenge Rock or as Stonehenge Stone) Use to promote altered states of consciousness, connect with extra-terrestrials, enhance ritual and ceremony, and connect you with the energy vortex at the Stonehenge site.
PROPHECY STONE: Use to enhance meditation, to enhance the connection between your conscious mind and your intuition, to instill a sense of wonder and mystery, to strengthen your connection to your spirituality, for mental clarity, to facilitate a successful divination session, and for enhancing ritual (especially for ancestor connection or ancestral healing). This stone is a pseudomorph of Goethite after Marcasite found in the Sahara Desert (some sources say it’s from Egypt’s White Desert).
PSILOMELANE: (Also known as Merlinite) Use to strengthen the etheric cord that connects the energy bodies to the physical body, dissolve blockages in the energy field, overcome self-limiting beliefs, banish outworn patterns & systems, and transmute negative thoughts into positive thoughts.
PURPURITE: Use to connect with the energy of St. Germaine and his violet flame of spiritual cleansing, clear karma & karmic patterning, and remove negative karma from your ancestral line.
PYRITE: (Also known as Fool’s Gold, as Inca’s Gold, or as Inca’s Mirror) Use to increase vitality, to give you energetic support as you work to conquer vices or bad habits, to assist you in building confidence, for energetic protection, to aid in business endeavors, to promote group cooperation, to help you remove unwarranted worries from your mind, to increase vitality, to balance the energy body, to enhance your grounding practices, to encourage creativity, to aid in focus and concentration, and to help you manifest abundance and prosperity. Pyrite is a metallic iron that naturally forms into geometric shapes. Because its smooth surfaces are naturally shiny, pyrite has been used since ancient times for mirrors both mundane and magical. Along with obsidian, pyrite can be used as a natural scrying mirror — a way to stimulate psychic abilities by gazing at a slightly distorted reflection. But while the iron in pyrite makes it shine, it’s the other element in it — sulfur — that causes it to make a spark when you strike two pieces of pyrite together (or strike a piece with another stone). This is very similar to the way a modern lighter works. Stone Age people could hit pyrite with a hammer close to some very dry kindling to get their fire started. In fact, the word “pyrite” means “fire stone.” Which sounds a bit more dignified than its nickname: Fool’s Gold! Still, because of its resemblance to gold, and because the two metals are often found close together, pyrite is often used to attract wealth. Chemical Formula: FeS2 Safety and care: Water can damage pyrite. Since it contains sulfur, it should not be used for preparing elixirs.
PYRITE, ISIS & OSIRIS: Use to balance male & female energies and correct other types of energetic imbalances, strengthen your personal power without using the ego, embrace the restorative energies of the sun & moon, enhance your relationship with your partner, and facilitate astral travel & dream healing.
PYRITE SUN: (Also known as a Pyrite Sand-Dollar) Use to bring the warmth and light of the sun into your etheric bodies, radiate confidence and will-power to all aspects of your self, promote joy and happiness, and aid in manifesting abundance. Since this stone is composed of Pyrite, the properties of this stone also apply. These formations are found in only one location, and it’s not a very exotic one: Illinois coal mines, where they formed millions of years ago between layers of coal shale. Also known as pyrite dollars or miners’ dollars, these formations are found hundreds of feet beneath the Earth’s surface. Because the coal shale forms in sheets, pyrite (an iron-based mineral) caught between the layers has no room to expand into its usual angular shape. Instead, it fans out from the center into a round formation, which looks so much like a sand dollar that people originally thought they were fossils. Miners would carry specimens out in their lunchboxes as a curiosity to share with family and friends. The mines that produced these treasures are shutting down one by one, with the last scheduled to close soon. When this happens, these fool’s gold dollars may very well grow in value.
PYROGUANITE, GOLDEN CAT’S EYE: See Golden Cat’s Eye Apatite
PYROMORPHITE: Use to instill in yourself a sense of child-like wonder, allow yourself to see beings from the fairy realm, assist in creating a relationship with & an appreciation for nature (down to the tiniest of beings), aid in walking a simple path in life, and help you to find balance in life between the natural world & the modern world (and to aid you in eventually realizing the oneness of these “separate” things).
QUARTZ, ACTINOLITE-INCLUDED: Use to help you more deeply understand the role that water plays in all life here on Earth and appreciate the differences each organism contributes to the cosmic dance of existence, to aid you in going with the flow, facilitate the release of that which is no longer serving you, assist you with centering and learning to be in the moment, and enhance your psychic skills.
QUARTZ, AJOITE-INCLUDED: Use to enhance communication (allowing yourself to speak form the heart), facilitate a connection with your guardian angels, enhance meditation, aid you in working through karmic obstacles, enhance your knowledge gained from shamanic journeying, and foster emotional balance & stability. Since this is a variety of Quartz, these properties also apply.
QUARTZ, AMETHYST AURA: (Also known as Lavender Aura Quartz) Use to bring about feelings of spiritual wholeness, instill happiness & joy, enhance meditation practices, give yourself a sense of child-like wonder, and connect with nature spirits & beings of the Faery Realm. Since this is a variety of Quartz, these properties also apply.
QUARTZ, ANGELIC AMPHIBOLE PHANTOM: Use for instilling harmony and serenity, boosting confidence, overcoming obstacles, cultivating joy, abundance, love, empathy and integrity; amplifying energy, facilitating selfless light work, promoting restful sleep, enhancing lucid dreaming, and aiding in clear decision making.
QUARTZ, ANGEL ROSE: Use to bring angelic energies into your heart, allow yourself to see the divine nature in all other beings and to truly experience the oneness of all, and foster protection of children & animals. As this is a form of Rose Quartz, these properties also apply.
QUARTZ, ANGEL (RUTILATED): Use to facilitate contact with the angelic realm and to enhance communication with your angels and guides, to help remove barriers interfering with spiritual growth, to open you to the Divine energy of the Universe, to soothe and repair the aura, to promote spiritual growth, to bring the light of the divine down to earth for restoring nature, to enhance the protective energy that your angels may provide you.
QUARTZ, APPLE AURA: (Also known as Emerald Aura Quartz) Use to purify your energy body, promote wellbeing, bring about necessary change, break old patterns or belief systems, instill courage, and help you to appreciate the beauty in life’s everyday happenings. Since this is a variety of Quartz, these properties also apply.
QUARTZ, AQUA AURA: Use to open yourself to psychic insight, allow yourself to speak your inner truth, help you to grow and evolve as a spiritual being, promote astral travel, and facilitate shamanic journeying. Since this is a variety of Quartz, these properties also apply.
QUARTZ, AZURE AURA: See Cobalt Aura Quartz
QUARTZ, BLUE JOY: See Fluorite-Included Quartz
QUARTZ, BLUE TARA: (Also known as Olenite-Included Quartz, as Indicolite-Included Quartz, as Indigolite-Included Quartz, or as Blue Tourmaline-Included Quartz) Use to promote Buddha-like attitudes, connect with the water element, spark change, facilitate a connection with the energy of the spiritual centers of Tibet, foster protection (especially of women and children), and banish anger and replace it with compassion. Blue Tara Quartz is a variety of Tourmalinated Quartz, so these properties also apply.
QUARTZ, CACTUS: See Spirit Quartz
QUARTZ, CELADONITE-INCLUDED: Use at the heart or over sensitive organs for protection and shielding when performing deeply penetrating energy work. This stone has a very gentle energy and is one of just a few stones that assists with these delicate forms of energy work.
QUARTZ, CELESTIAL AURA: See Tanzan Aura Quartz
QUARTZ, CHAMPAGNE: Use to bring Universal energy into the body for supporting all aspects of the self (this stone is especially supportive when worked with during your Shadow Work practice), to aid in spiritual growth, to connect you with divine wisdom, to open you up to new experiences, and to stimulate your present-moment awareness.
QUARTZ, CHLORITE-INCLUDED: Use to energetically support general wellness, and to connect one with nature and with mother earth herself.
QUARTZ, COBALT AURA: (Also known as Royal Aura Quartz, Steel Blue Aura Quartz, or as Azure Aura Quartz) Use to help dissipate feelings of anger, to aid in developing a state of non-attachment, to enhance meditative states, to facilitate a connection with the emotional body, and to provide the opportunity to learn from the water element (connected with intuition and the emotions).
QUARTZ, COPPER AURA: Use for grounding, to allow you to see your shadow side in order aid in self-growth and self-evolution, to aid in past-life work, to balance the emotions, and to enhance vitality.
QUARTZ, DIAMANTINA: Use to balance and align the energy body, to bring in restorative energy from the universe, and to project universal healing light into the universe for the highest good of all beings.
QUARTZ, DREAM: (Also known as Epidote-Included Quartz) Use to aid in dream healing, to facilitate astral travel, to enhance lucid dreaming practices, to help restore ailing house plants to health, and to help bring calming vibrations to distraught children.
QUARTZ, DREAMCICLE: See Melon Aura Quartz
QUARTZ, EDENITE-INCLUDED: Use to balance masculine and feminine energies, to help couples with working out relationship problems, to aid in banishing temptations that are not for your highest good, to bring order out of chaos, to aid in returning to your roots, and to assist with channeling (especially when communicating with your ancestors).
QUARTZ, ELECTRIC BLUE AURA: Use to enhance communication with your angels, guides, animal archetypes or familiars, or with your higher self; to promote spiritual growth; to instill peace and calming; to ease worries; to remove stagnant energy from the energy body; and to calm stress caused by putting pressure on oneself by helping you minfullty recognize when this is happening.
QUARTZ, EMERALD AURA: See Apple Aura Quartz
QUARTZ, FADEN: (Also known as Thread Quartz or as Tube Quartz) Use to enhance psychic energy, to gain spiritual insight, to enhance meditation, and to aid in facilitating a connection to and communication with your inner self or with your higher self. You may align the Faden “line” with your spine to support and balance the energy body. Align the Faden “line” between two people to enhance the energetic connection and enhance the ability to sense each other’s energy.
QUARTZ, FAERY: See Spirit Quartz
QUARTZ, FAIRY: See Spirit Quartz
QUARTZ, FERTILITY: Use to promote fertility of ideas, for increasing prosperity and abundance, to stimulate creative energies, and to balance divine masculine and feminine energies.
QUARTZ, FIRE: (Also known as Harlequin Quartz) Use to enhance vitality, to promote healthy sexual energy, to connect you with the energy of the fire element (transformation and action), to burn away feelings of shame or guilt by promoting self-forgiveness, to help soothe past life wounds by putting an end to repeating detrimental patterns, and to promote confidence and self-reliance (by banishing co-dependent habits and behaviors).
QUARTZ, FLAME AURA: See Rainbow Aura Quartz
QUARTZ, FLUORITE-INCLUDED: (Also known as Blue Joy Quartz or as Purple Fluor Spar Included Quartz) Use to connect you with the energies of the air element (clarity and swift action), to help you overcome challenges and obstacles by providing reassurance and allowing you to see that there are no impossibilities, to help you eliminate detrimental behavioral patterns, to promote clarity of mind, and to aid with memory.
QUARTZ, GIRASOL: (Also known as Girasol or as Opalized Quartz) Use s a way to stay connected with your inner self during times of turmoil and great change, to support you during times of personal growth, to aid in discerning unclear or clouded intuitive messages, to facilitate a connection to the angelic realm, to aid you in seeing the hidden meaning behind a situation, to protect your energy body with universal white light energy, to allow you to live your life for yourself (but not in a way that centers the ego), for spiritual awakening, for supporting the body, mind, and spirit, by way of divine energy, and to assist with channeling.
QUARTZ, GLACIAL (PINK): See Nirvana Quartz (Pink)
QUARTZ, GLACIAL (WHITE): See Nirvana Quartz (White)
QUARTZ, GOLDEN: Use to bring in success, aid in spirit cleansing, promote self-confidence, help you see your spiritual purpose, increase focus and creativity, facilitate spiritual communication over long distances, enhance psychic abilities and assist in meditation.
QUARTZ, GOLDEN HEALER: Use to enhance the flow of Universal energy during healing work, to assist you in staying grounded while performing energy healing or during meditation, to facilitate a connection between an energy healing practitioner and their client, to promote inner strength, and for helping you to feel energized and revitalized if you’ve been feeling burnt out.
QUARTZ, GRAPHITE: Use to send restorative & calming energy to others, break unneeded or unwanted bonds, cultivate independence, calm anger, facilitate channeled writing, and foster connection to the ethereal plane. Graphite Quartz is known for being a strong energy conductor.
QUARTZ, GREEN-GOLD: See Ouro Verde Quartz
QUARTZ, HEMATITE INCLUDED: Use to cleanse and purify the energy body, to stimulate vitality, for protection, to instill courage and bravery, for grounding after intense spiritual work, for guidance on one’s career path, for encouraging deeper states of meditation, to dispel negative thinking or to remove unwanted energy from the aura, and to enhance intuitive wisdom.
QUARTZ, HIMALAYAN: See Tibetan Quartz
QUARTZ, HIMALAYAN (PINK): See Nirvana Quartz (Pink)
QUARTZ, HIMALAYAN (WHITE): See Nirvana Quartz (White)
QUARTZ, HOLLANDITE: (Also known as Spider Quartz or as Star Quartz) Use to enhance your connection to the Divine, to open yourself to new spiritual ideals, to awaken your higher self, to enhance meditation, and to balance your mental and spiritual aspects.
QUARTZ, ICE (PINK): See Nirvana Quartz (Pink)
QUARTZ, ICE (WHITE): See Nirvana Quartz (White)
QUARTZ, INDIGO AURA: See Tanzan Aura Quartz
QUARTZITE: See Milky Quartz
QUARTZ, KIWI AURA: Use to instill a deep appreciation for nature, to connect you with nature spirits and beings of the Faery Realm, to ease energetic blockages caused by emotional wounds, to instill courage and bravery, to promote feelings of comfort and safety (especially when in strange places), and to encourage self-love and forgiveness.
QUARTZ, LAVENDER AURA: See Amethyst Aura Quartz
QUARTZ, LEMURIAN: See Lemurian Star Seed Quartz
QUARTZ, LEMURIAN (PINK): See Lemurian Star Seed Quartz (Pink)
QUARTZ, LEMURIAN SEED: See Lemurian Star Seed Quartz
QUARTZ, LEMURIAN SEED (PINK): See Lemurian Star Seed Quartz (Pink)
QUARTZ, LEMURIAN STAR SEED: (Also known as Lemurian Seed Quartz or as Lemurian Quartz) Use for drawing in Universal energy and gridding it here on the Earth, to connect you to ancient wisdom, to communicate the idea of oneness and love to all other crystals on the planet, and to transmit energy from the stars to the Earth. Lemurian Seed Crystals come from a specific mine in Brazil that some people believe to be located on the site of the ancient Lemurian society. They are typically very clear and have 6 sides (which commonly alternate between smooth and horizontally striated/grooved sides.
QUARTZ, LEMURIAN STAR SEED (PINK): (Also known as Pink Lemurian Seed Quartz or as Pink Lemurian Quartz) Use to bring Universal healing energy into the energetic bodies, to open energy channels that have closed due to emotional wounding.
QUARTZ, LITHIUM-INCLUDED: Use to banish sadness, to balance the energy of the mind, to promote tranquility and peace, to ease worried thinking, and to promote emotional easement (especially related to emotional wounding or grief).
QUARTZ, LODELITE-INCLUDED: See Shamanic Dream Quartz
QUARTZ, MELON AURA: (Also known as Tangerine Aura Quartz, Imperial Gold Aura Quartz, Dreamcicle Aura Quartz, or as Orange Mist Aura Quartz) Use to stimulate compassion, to promote forgiveness (of oneself and of others), to soothe the emotional body, to repair damaged relationships between parents and children, and to instill happiness and joy.
QUARTZ, METAMORPHOSIS™: Use to bring about necessary change in your life, to rebalance the energy body, to connect with the emotions and with the water element (which is connected to the intuition and the emotions), to increase your knowledge of crystals and crystal healing, and for transformation for the highest good of all beings.
QUARTZ, MILKY: (Also known as White Quartz, Snow Quartz, or as Quartzite) Use to stimulate creativity, to overcome intuitive blocks, to shield the psychic body, to bring inner peace and tranquility, to aid in deepening your meditation practice, for keeping you grounded during astral travel, and for use during prayer or ritual. When a crystal is milky or cloudy at the base, and clear toward the termination, it’s a metaphor for your own personal growth (in life we all start out a little cloudy and unsure, but as we move down our life path, we find clarity).
QUARTZ, NIRVANA (PINK): (Also known as Pink Ice Quartz, Pink Himalayan Quartz, or as Pink Glacial Quartz) Use to open the heart center, for protection (especially of mothers and children), to promote love and compassion for Mother Earth and all her children, for aiding in earth healing work and to encourage proper care of the earth, to enhance Lovingkindness meditation, to instill a sense of the importance of eco-friendly practices, for promoting spiritual growth, to enhance the love between partners, and to promote peace and harmony.
QUARTZ, NIRVANA (WHITE): (Also known as White Ice Quartz, White Himalayan Quartz, or as White Glacial Quartz) Use to energize you during healing and meditation work, to promote astral travel, to enhance the effects of healing work, to connect you with the knowledge of your ancestors, and to promote balance within the energy body.
QUARTZ, OPALIZED: See Girasol Quartz
QUARTZ, OURO VERDE: (Also known as Green-Gold Quartz or as Gold-Green Quartz) Use to bring spiritual illumination, to remove obstacles on your path to enlightenment, to enhance your inner knowing and self-confidence, to remind you of your soul lessons and lay your path before you, and to help facilitate astral travel for the purposes of growth or gathering information.
QUARTZ, PAPAYA: Use to help with stilling the mind during meditation, and to facilitate general energetic health and wellbeing.
QUARTZ, PECOS: See Pecos Diamond Quartz
QUARTZ, PECOS DIAMOND: (Also known as Pecos Valley Diamond, Pecos Valley Diamond Quartz, or as Pecos Quartz) Use for stimulating creativity, to enhance your intuitive guidance, to aid in the spiritual growth process, to stimulate sexual energy, to balance the emotional bodies, and to promote feelings of happiness and joy.
QUARTZ, PHANTOM: Use for inner growth and enhanced intuition. Phantoms are identified as faint crystal images found within crystals. They are created when a crystal stops growing, is covered with another mineral substance, and then resumes growth. The thin mineral layer becomes trapped and creates a “phantom” crystal image of a particular growth stage.
QUARTZ, PINEAPPLE: See Spirit Quartz
QUARTZ, RAINBOW AURA: (Also known as Flame Aura Quartz) Use to create a connection with the divine, to enhance your psychic insight, to facilitate a spiritual connection with nature, to aid in seeing and reading auras, to promote lucid dreaming and dream recall, and for promoting positive self-reflection.
QUARTZ, RAINBOW MAYANITE: Use to aid in raising your spiritual vibration, deepen your connection with ancestors, and enhance shamanic healing work.
QUARTZ, RED WINE: Use for powerful grounding and fostering balance during chaotic or even dangerous times. Red Wine Quartz is a hematite-bearing form of quartzite.
QUARTZ, ROSE AURA: (Also known as Raspberry Aura Quartz) Use to instill a sense of Lovingkindess; to help soothe emotional wounding; to aid in enhancing forgiveness; and to help you find a tactful way to communicate in difficult situations.
QUARTZ, ROSE (ELESTIAL): (Also known as Rose Skeletal Quartz or as Rose Jacare Quartz) Use to facilitate a connection between yourself and your ancestors, for protection during astral travel, to connect you with your angels, to aid in emotional balance, to promote feelings of safety and security, to balance the body, mind, and spirit, to aid in the spiritual growth process, to aid you in the realization that all is full of love, and to enhance healing meditations of all kinds.
QUARTZ, ROSE (LAVENDER): Use for allowing you to realize that all is full of love. This stone harmonizes the energies of Rose Quartz and Amethyst. Therefore, the properties of both stones apply.
QUARTZ, ROSE (JACARE): See Rose Quartz (Elestial)
QUARTZ, ROSE (SKELETAL): See Rose Quartz (Elestial)
QUARTZ, ROYAL AURA: See Cobalt Aura Quartz
QUARTZ, RUBY AURA: Use to instill vitality, to aid in energetic cleansing, for motivation, to help warm the spirit, to aid in moving stagnant energy throughout the body, and to promote balance of body, mind, and spirit.
QUARTZ, RUTILATED: (Also known as Golden Angel Hair Quartz or as Golden Venus Hair Quartz) Use for increasing vitality, to balance body, mind, and spirit, to cleanse the aura, to manifest spiritual abundance, to facilitate astral travel, for scrying divination and channeling sessions, to remove barriers interfering with your spiritual growth, to open you up to receive the Divine energy of the Universe, for protection from outside energy vibrations, to aid in past life work, to aid in acceptance, to facilitate positive change, to encourage forgiveness and compassion, to remove sadness, to soothe and repair the aura.
QUARTZ, SERAPHOS: See Seriphos Quartz
QUARTZ, SERAPHOS (GREEN): See Seriphos Quartz
QUARTZ, SERIPHOS: (Also known as African Jade, Prase, Prasem, Hedenbergite-Included Quartz, Seraphos Quartz, Seraphos Green Quartz, Seriphos Green Quartz, Seraphos, or as Seriphos) Use for aiding in the realization that all is full of love, to aid you to feel comfortable in yourself, to enhance your connection with nature and with the Earth, to promote a sense of ego-less pride, to enhance intuitive wisdom, to aid in manifesting prosperity and abundance, to balance the emotions, and to promote peace and calming.
QUARTZ, SERIPHOS (GREEN): See Seriphos Quartz
QUARTZ, SHAMANIC DREAM: (Also known as Lodolite-Included Quartz or as Shamanic Dream Stones) Use to aid in spiritual spiritual journeying, to connect you with the intuitive aspects of the water element, to enhance your conscious awareness, to deepen states of meditation, to promote meaningful astral travel, to induce ecstatic states of existence (as during spiritual experiences, etc.), to heighten your intuition and psychic powers, and to protect you during spiritual work. Shamanic Dream Quartz has the ability to stimulate amazing spiritual journeys and assists with pulling the astral body back down to the earth plane when you’re ready.
QUARTZ, SHOCKED: See Cataclysmic Jasper
QUARTZ, SICHUAN: See Tibetan Quartz
QUARTZ, SMOKY-CITRINE: Use to aid you in putting down new roots after times of turmoil or change, to help you to step outside of yourself to see problems caused from another perspective, to bring universal spiritual support into your day-to-day life, and to instill a sense of gratitude for what you already have in life (to banish excessive desire for unnecessary material things).
QUARTZ, SNOW: See Milky Quartz
QUARTZ, SNOWCAP: Use for communicating with faeries and nature spirits, to bring more playful energy into your life, to amplify positive thoughts, to cleanse the energy body, and to enhance any type of spiritual work.
QUARTZ, SPIDER: See Hollandite Quartz
QUARTZ, SPIRIT: (Also known as Fairy Quartz, as Faery Quartz, as Pineapple Quartz, or as Cactus Quartz) Use to facilitate a connection with your Guides, animal archetypes, familiars, or with beings from the Faery Realms, to promote feelings of safety and security (especially after emotional wounding), to connect one with your inner child, to facilitate spiritual growth, to aid in meditation, to promote psychic phenomena, and to open you to accept the restorative & powerful energy of the universe.
QUARTZ, SPIRIT (SUNSHINE AURA): Use to instill a sense of happiness and joy, to banish the blues, to enhance your self-esteem and personal power by providing a balanced emotional place from which to act, and for spiritual grounding. Sunshine Aura Spirit Quartz is a natural formation, where a coating of iron forms over spirit quartz, giving it a warm tone somewhere in the golden-to-amber range.
QUARTZ, STAR: See Hollandite Quartz
QUARTZ, STEEL BLUE AURA: See Cobalt Aura Quartz
QUARTZ, STRAWBERRY: Use to aid one in seeing the good in all beings, to encourage you to take time for the sweet things in life and to appreciate them, to enhance generosity by yourself or from others, and to connect you to your inner child.
QUARTZ, TANGERINE: Use to aid in finding balance after a challenging experience, to facilitate past life healing, for emotional release and balance, to enhance your creativity, to work through self-limiting beliefs, to remove outside energy from the aura, to aid in manifesting prosperity and abundance, to aid in receiving accurate outcomes in divination practices, and to assist with channeling.
QUARTZ, TANZAN AURA: (Also known as Tanzine Aura Quartz, Tanzanite Aura Quartz, Celestial Aura Quartz, or as Indigo Aura Quartz) – Use to connect you with the angelic realm, to facilitate astral travel, for dream healing work, to ease feelings of grief, to aid in connecting you with your ancestors, and to enhance intuitive guidance and the gift of foresight.
QUARTZ, TANZINE AURA: See Tanzan Aura Quartz
QUARTZ, TANZINITE AURA: See Tanzan Aura Quartz
QUARTZ, THREAD: See Faden Quartz
QUARTZ, TIBETAN: (Also known as Himalayan Quartz or as Sichuan Quartz) Use to enhance your connection to your ancestors, to increase your knowledge and understanding of the occult, to facilitate astral travel, for energetic protection and shielding while traveling, to facilitate an understanding of your spiritual beliefs and ritual practices, to facilitate a divine connection, to connect you to the element of water for emotional support, to dissolve the ego consciousness and gain an understanding of non-attachment, and to aid deeper states of meditation and of conscious awareness.
QUARTZ, TUBE: See Faden Quartz
QUARTZ, WHITE: See White Aventurine
QUARTZ, WITCH’S FINGER: Use for enhancing the power of crystal layouts or grids, for protection, to balance the body, mind, and spirit, to enhance meditation, to aid in the channeling process, and to enhance any spellwork or other magical workings.
RED ANGEL HAIR: See Red Rutile
RED VENUS HAIR: See Red Rutile
RHODONITE: Use for encouraging love, to promote group cooperation, to reveal hidden aspects of a given situation, for grounding, to balance your mind, body, and spirit, to encourage meaningful meditation, to encourage new friendships, to stimulate generosity and the spirit of giving as well as gratitude, to balance the emotions, to facilitate independence, to encourage compassion, empathy, and forgiveness, to bring peace and calming to your space, to enhance confidence. Rhodonite is a good companion stone to Rhodochrosite. When used together, the two stones will enhance each other’s energetic qualities. Rhodonite is a silicate mineral, an intense pink ore of manganese, usually showing black veins where that manganese has oxidized. It’s often used in close proximity to rhodochrosite, with which it has an energetic bond. Both are quintessential heart energy stones, well suited for emotional support and connecting with the great River of Compassion that flows through the universe. When you need to release a burden of fear, shame, resentment, or regret, rhodonite is a sure helper. It can also help you rebuild self-esteem and self-worth after difficult times and challenges. A lot of rhodonite is mined in the Ural Mountains of Russia. People in that area called the stone “orletz,” or “eagle stone,” because it was claimed that the great mountain eagles of the area carried chunks of it their claw to place in their aeries. Area residents decided to do the same, placing pieces of rhodonite in their babies’ cradle, the idea being to make the infant as strong as a mountain eagle. In St. Petersburg, there’s a beautiful altar carved from massive rhodonite at the Church of the Savior on the Spilled Blood in the Winter Palace. This church was built on the site where Czar Alexander II was assassinated. Rhodonite’s association with blood and with the heart seem to extend worldwide.
RHYOLITE, FLOWER GARDEN: See Flower Garden Jasper
RHYOLITE, LEOPARD SKIN: See Leopard Skin Jasper
RHYOLITE, RAINFOREST: See Rainforest Jasper
RHYOLITE, SQUIRREL TAIL: See Squirrel Rhyolite Jasper
RHYOLITE, STAR BURST: See Star Burst Jasper
ROSELITE: Use to enhance romance, increase passion, encourage love to grow, facilitate emotional bonding with another, and balance the emotional & spiritual aspects of the self.
ROYAL AZEL: See Sugilite
RUBY FELDSPAR: Use to enhance vitality, aid in developing emotional awareness, and foster balance. Ruby Feldspar contains bright ruby in a feldspar matrix.
RUBY-FUCHSITE: (Also known as Red Corundum-Included Fuchsite) Use to soothe the mind & spirit, create energetic balance, manifest abundance, and encourage compassion. This crystal contains Ruby and Fuchsite so it also displays the properties of these stones.
RUBY-KYANITE: (Also known as Red Corundum-Included Blue Kyanite) Use to cool anger and instill calming energy. As this stone is a combination of Ruby and Blue Kyanite the properties of these stones also apply.
RUBY, STAR: (Also known as Red Star Corundum) Use to enhance vitality, provide intuitive insights into your relationship with your partner, promote a feeling of love & compassion for all beings, foster protection, and stimulate Tantric energy. Since this is a variety of Ruby, these properties also apply.
RUBY-ZOISITE: (Also known as Anyolite or as Red Corundum-Included Green Zoisite) Use to increase vitality, stimulate passion, spark motivation, protect yourself against negative energies, promote positive dreaming, encourage accurate visions, help transform negative energy into positive energy, strengthen your leadership qualities, instill joy, promote love, boost courage, increase emotional strength, encourage wellness, stimulate altered states of consciousness, balance body, mind, and spirit; promote personal growth, access the soul’s past, aid in past life regression, amplify your unique characteristics, promote oneness, and enhance your auric field. This crystal contains Ruby and Green Zoisite so it also displays the properties of these stones.
RUTILE, GOLDEN: (Also known as Golden Angel Hair or as Golden Venus Hair) Use to help you to discover your divine nature, bring the golden rays of the sun into the auric body, disintegrate negative energy, and enhance the power of prayer or meditation.
RUTILE, RED: (Also known as Red Angel Hair or as Red Venus Hair) Use to promote vitality, connect with the energies of the earth, aid in grounding, help cool the flames of anger, and instill a sense of childlike wonder and curiosity.
RUTILE, SILVER: (Also known as Silver Angel Hair or as Silver Venus Hair) Use to enhance your psychic energy & powers of intuition, bring the celestial energies of the stars & moon into your body, assist with dream healing practices, promote safe astral travel, and help to make your wishes come true (as if they were wished upon a shooting star).
SAPPHIRE, BLUE STAR: (Also known as Blue Star Corundum) Use to open yourself to your intuitive powers, psychic awareness and divine healing energies; clear your energy field of attachments or imbalances, and connect with the wisdom of the universe and the Akashic Records. Since this is a form of Blue Sapphire, these properties also apply.
SAPPHIRE, YELLOW: (Also known as Yellow Corundum) Use to enhance spiritual illumination, aid in instilling feelings of oneness, promote self-love, strengthen concentration & memorization, soothe your inner child, foster protection, and allow you to speak your mind.
SCHIST: Use to encourage a sense of child-like wonder in yourself, help you to appreciate the beauty in all things, soften harsh personalities, encourage you to connect with your emotional side, and help you to shed old patterns & behaviors and to change and grow for the good of all beings.
SELENITE, DESERT ROSE: See Desert Rose Gypsum
SELENITE, GOLDEN: (Also known as Golden Gypsum) Use to bring the divine light of the universe into your body for powerful restorative experiences, cleanse and purify your body, mind, and spirit; instill a sense of ultimate compassion in you, promote karmic evolution, enhance meditation, and facilitate astral travel. Selenite is a pearly-white form of gypsum named after Selene, the Greek goddess of the full moon. Both the full moon and selenite purify energy, which is why selenite is one of only two stones that are energetically pure enough to clear quartz. (The other is apophyllite.) Gypsum’s otherworldly tendencies continue today in the white sands of New Mexico, which are so bright they can be seen from space. A crystal ball made of selenite can represent the full moon at times when the moon is in another phase or the night is cloudy. Since selenite has a reputation as a scrying stone and a record-keeper (from Atlantis, no less), this fits right in with this beautiful stone’s still-developing tradition. Selenite dissolves in water, so please don’t cleanse it in water or use it in an elixir. Small pieces may also come off in needle-like slivers, so handle it carefully.
SELENITE, PEACH: Use to balance the emotions, protect your energy (especially for highly sensitive people), encourage energetic purification of your aura and your environment, remove negative thinking when it’s not serving you, soothe emotional wounds left from past lives, promote communication with your ancestors, guides, or angels, instill inner peace and harmony, and tune you into divine guidance.
SERAPHINITE, BROWN: Use to remove thought patterns, lift yourself up on Angel’s wings during difficult times, foster protection from your guardian angels, promote inner strength, enhance psychic insight, bring order to chaotic situations & times in your life, connect with nature & the elements, and bring harmony & balance to your life. Brown Seraphinite is a recent find from Russia and is quite rare. If you are lucky enough to have this stone enter your life, it should be kept close and held dear.
SERAPHINITE, GREEN: Use to soothe your mind & spirit, promote a connection with the angelic realm, and instill a feeling of completion. Companions Include: Crystal: Angelite; Oil: Wintergreen; Flower: Pink Anemone; Elements: Earth, Air; Zodiac Signs: Pisces, Gemini, Capricorn
SERAPHOS: See Seriphos Quartz
SERIPHOS: See Seriphos Quartz
SERPENTINE: (Also known as New Jade) Use to aid you in meditation, to enhance your psychic abilities, to clear your energetic pathways, to aid in past life healing work, to help create balance between the mind, body, and spirit, to cleanse the energy body, to facilitate a connection with the angelic realm, for transformation (of thinking, habits, energies, etc.), and to promote compassion.
SHAMANIC DREAM STONES: See Shamanic Dream Quartz
SHAMANITE, MASTER: See Black Calcite
SHATTUCKITE: Use to enhance your intuition, for connecting you with the cosmos to help you find your place in the universe, to assist you in learning new things and integrating the wisdom to be found in them, and for protection of your energy body during astral travel and journeying.
SHELL: See Pacific Cat’s Eye Shell
SHELL, EAR: See Abalone Shell
SHELL MARBLE: See Shell Jasper
SHELL, PACIFIC CAT’S EYE: (Also known as Shiva’s Eye Shell, Turban Snail or as Shell) Use to facilitate creativity, promote self-expression (verbally or through the arts), connect with Lord Shiva, enhance your masculine energy, and amplify the positive energy in your environment and surroundings.
SHELL, PAUA: See Abalone Shell
SHELL, SHIVA’S EYE: See Pacific Cat’s Eye Shell
SHIVA LINGAMS: See Shiva Lingam Stones
SHIVA LINGAM STONES: (Also known as Narmada River Stone, Lingham Stones, as Lingam Stones, as Shiva Linghams, as Shiva Lingams, as Shiva Lingham Stones, as Lingams, or as Linghams) Use to increase vitality, bring balance between the male & female energies of the body, enhance your feeling of personal power & control over your life situations, worship and praise Lord Shiva, increase personal strength & will-power, and stimulate sexual or creative energies.
SHIVA LINGHAMS: See Shiva Lingam Stones
SHIVA LINGHAM STONES: See Shiva Lingam Stones
SILICA, GEM: See Druzy Chrysocolla
SILICON CARBIDE: (Also known as Carborundum, Moissanite, or Spectropyrite) Use to put the breaks on a situation in which you are dealing with accelerated karma (similarly to how this man-made stone has been used to make break pads in automobiles), and to slow things down so that they are more manageable. PLEASE NOTE: This stone is only referred to as Moissanite when found in nature (not man-made/synthetic).
SILVER: Use to enhance intuition, connect with the water element, aid in enhancing female energy, create emotional balance, allow you to look at situations objectively, aid you in the ability to return to your physical body after astral travel, connect with lunar energies, and open and clear your energetic meridians.
SILVER ANGEL HAIR: See Silver Rutile
SILVER VENUS HAIR: See Silver Rutile
SONORAN SUNRISE: See Sedona Sunset Jasper
SONORAN SUNSET: See Sedona Sunset Jasper
SPINEL, PINK: Use to enhance vitality, deepen passion for your partner, promote wellness & recovery, and help you to feel the oneness among all beings in the universe.
SPECTROPYRITE: See Silicon Carbide
SPESSARTITE: See Spessartine Garnet
STAUROLITE: (Also known as Fairy Cross or as Fairy Tear) Use to create balance (emotional & spiritual), encourage healthy grieving, establish a connection with the divine, promote emotional growth & stability, soothe childhood trauma, and facilitate a connection with earth spirits (fairies, sprites, nymphs, etc.).
STELLERIA: See Goldstone
STIBINITE: See Stibnite
STIBNITE: (Also known as Stibinite) Use to foster protection, draw up energy from the earth when you are feeling energetically depleted, allow yourself to recognize your fears and provide insight in how to overcome them, and shield and protect your aura.
STICHITITE: (Also known as Stichtite) Use to connect with the Divine cosmic energy, enhance meditation, tap into the knowledge of ancient cultures & peoples, and aid in holding the intention to act for the highest good of all.
STICHTITE: See Stichitite
STILBITE, PEACH: Use to help soothe emotional problems of the heart, aid you in working through the grieving process, and to instill a sense of self-worth and self-love.
STONEHENGE ROCK: See Preseli Blue Stone
STONEHENGE STONE: See Preseli Blue Stone
STROMATOLITE, SQUIRREL TAIL: See Squirrel Rhyolite Jasper
SUGALITE: See Sugilite
SUGELITE: See Sugilite
SUGILITE: (Also known as Sugelite, Sugalite, Lavulite, Luvulite, and Royal Azel) Use to aid in opening yourself to divine energy and spiritual love, enhance meditation, promote astral travel, stimulate lucid dreaming and dream healing, assist in learning and understanding shamanic practices and rituals, communicate with one’s ancestors or spirit guides, and facilitate working with the Violet Flame of St. Germaine. Sugilite was named for Ken-ici Sugi, the Japanese petrologist who discovered it. Its rich pink-to-purple color comes from the combination of metal elements within it, including iron, manganese and aluminum. It’s uncommon, and usually comes in small pieces. It can be a very helpful crystal to use at work and in other situations where group cooperation is needed, because it can help clear away “negative vibes” that remain after discussions, competitive situations, and other uncomfortable interactions. Even if there are no special problems in your workplace, Sugilite can help maintain a harmonious, cooperative environment. Sugilite is also helpful for many spiritual purposes, including shamanic work and personal transformation. You can make a spray mister to take to work to clear away negative energy and promote harmony. Just put a small piece of polished sugilite at the bottom of a glass spray bottle, and fill it up with purified water. If you plan to have it sitting around for awhile, you can add a little witch hazel or vodka to keep it fresh. Adding a couple drops of a purifying essential oil will make it smell nice and add an extra dimension of effectiveness; we suggest common garden sage, or an evergreen oil of some type.
SUPER 7: See Super SevenTM
SUPER SEVENTM: (Also known as Melody’s Stone or as Super 7) Use to promote Lovingkindness, enhance your intuitive abilities, aid in astral travel, help with cleansing cords, remove negativity, assist with increasing your psychic awareness, and aid in channeling the universal knowledge of the healing properties of crystals & minerals.
TANZANITE: (Also known as Blue Zoisite) Use to enhance your intuition, to facilitate communication with your guides and ancestors, to help you create a deeper connection with the universe, to enhance your awareness, to bring peace, calming, and serenity, to promote deep states of meditation, to facilitate astral travel, and to promote spiritual growth.
TEKTITE, GOLDEN: See Libyan Desert Glass
THOMSONITE: Use to cleanse & purify, promote wellbeing, and instill a compassionate attitude toward animals.
THULITE: Use to aid you when experiencing difficulty in social situations. Thulite in quartz is a relative of clinozoisite, and is known for its very gentle energy.
TIGER IRON: Use to aid in grounding, foster protection, instill creative energy in artists (especially for painters), bring your astral body back to earth after astral travel or dream work, provide strength during difficult times, boost your vitality and increase your life force energy, enhance self-confidence & will power, encourage inner-strength, aid in focus & concentration, and balance the influence of the elements on yourself. This stone is a composition of Golden Tiger’s Eye, Red Jasper, and Hematite, so the properties of these stones also apply.
TIGER’S EYE, RED: (Also known as Falcon’s Eye, Dragon’s Eye, or as Ox Eye) Use to aid in grounding, increase psychic powers, encourage the rising of the Kundalini, bring protection, stimulate compassion, assist you in sorting through details & completing tedious tasks, help with removing negative habits, encourage happiness, promote sensible actions, increase vitality, and spark motivation. Tiger’s eye is a form of quartz in which the SiO2 crystals have grown together with asbestos fibers, giving it a distinctive silky sheen. We’ll talk here about the basic golden form, but there are several related stones. Tiger’s eye is a great stone for putting “pedal to the metal,” taking charge of what you want and bringing it into reality. It’s also a traditional stone for warding off the evil eye. Since it contains asbestos, please don’t use it for elixirs.
TOPAZ, BLUE: Use to facilitate communication with your Guardian Angel, connect with the water element and bodies of water, stimulate your intuition & psychic powers, help you go with the flow and be open to what the universe has to offer, help you to channel your creative energies in a positive manner, and promote wellbeing.
TOPAZ, LEMON: Use to instill happiness & joy, help you embrace the light of the sun to foster contentment, harness inner strength & courage, and encourage wellbeing.
TOURMALINE, BLUE: (Also known as Indicolite or as Indigolite) Use to stimulate your intuition and bring clarity to your intuitive insights, help you stay in the present moment by encouraging conscious awareness, aid in the decision-making process, connect with the water element, facilitate positive communication by balancing your emotions (especially when communicating your psychic insights or “predictions” to another person), promote compassion toward all beings (allowing you to put yourself in another’s shoes in order to better understand that person’s actions or behaviors), and keep yourself focused on one thing at a time so as to keep you from feeling scattered or overwhelmed with information.
TOURMALINE, CUPRIAN: See Violet Tourmaline
TOURMALINE, ELBAITE GREEN: (Also known as Verdite, Verdelite, Verdalite, Verdalite Tourmaline, Verdite Tourmaline, or as Verdelite Tourmaline) Use for protection and shielding you from negative energy (especially the emotional body layer of your aura), for purification, soothing the mind and spirit; instilling virtuous behavior, promoting personal and spiritual growth, energetically supporting you as you open your heart after grief or loss, balancing and aligning your energy body, and connecting with nature.
TOURMALINE, ELBAITE PINK: Use to assist you in treating all with love and compassion, to encourage love, for emotional support, for balancing the mind and spirit, for enhancing friendships, for promoting feelings of safety and security, to instill joy, and to enhance enthusiasm.
TOURMALINE, RUBELLITE RED: Use to encourage love, promote emotional strength, align and balance the mind and spirit, enhance friendships, promote feelings of safety and security, instill joy, increase your enthusiasm for people or situations that may otherwise try your patience, assist you in releasing past life issues, banish negative patterns, and promote deep soul-level growth.
TOURMALINE, UVITE GREEN: Use to attract wealth, prosperity, & abundance; help you in determining your appropriate career path, banish envy, deter greed, instill a sense of gratitude within yourself, enhance the feng shui in a room by moving chi (life force energy), and promote balance & harmony.
TOURMALINE, VERDALITE: See Green Elbaite Tourmaline
TOURMALINE, VERDELITE: See Green Elbaite Tourmaline
TOURMALINE, VERDITE: See Green Elbaite Tourmaline
TOURMALINE, VIOLET: (Also known as Mozambique Tourmaline or as Cuprian Tourmaline) Use to release karmic debts, cool the heat of anger, and balance your mind & spirit.
Tourmaline, Watermelon: Click here to read the full article
TURBAN SNAIL: See Pacific Cat’s Eye Shell
TURQUOISE, SLEEPING BEAUTY: Use to protect your energy body, facilitate communication with your ancestors, stimulate astral travel, encourage journeying & growth while in the dream state, enhance your clairvoyant abilities (psychic sight), promote rest, and instill feelings of peace & tranquility.
T.V. ROCK: See Ulexite
T.V. STONE: See Ulexite
ULEXITE: (Also known as T.V. Stone, T.V. Rock, Television Stone, or as Television Rock) Use to bring clarity & lucidity to all activities (especially those requiring intense concentration), raise your energetic vibration, and help you to see the hidden meaning in a situation.
VANADINITE: Use to increase vitality, encourage wellbeing, manifest prosperity & abundance, create lasting bonds between family & friends, enhance creativity in artistic endeavors, and instill joy.
VARISCITE: Use to promote playfulness, connect with Earth spirits, instill a sense of child-like wonder, encourage inner peace, facilitate the act of meditation, and aid in earth healing.
VERDALITE: See Green Elbaite Tourmaline
VERDELITE: See Green Elbaite Tourmaline
VERDITE: See Green Elbaite Tourmaline
VESUVIANITE, PURPLE: (Also known as Purple Idocrase) Use to instill love & compassion for all beings, help you to recognize the oneness of all things, connect with the Goddess Quan Yin, and transform fiery or aggressive energy into positive energy.
VOGESITE: See Vogesite Jasper
WONDER STONE: See Wonderstone Jasper
WULFENITE: Use to increase strength & vitality, balance your emotions, aid in grounding, banish negative thoughts from your mind, and balance the fire element in some astrological signs.
ZEBRA ROCK: See Marble Jasper & Zebra Jasper
ZEBRA STONE: See Marble Jasper & Zebra Jasper
ZINCITE, GREEN: Use to encourage inner strength, enhance energetic restoration, stimulate intuition, and promote harmony & cooperation within groups.
ZOISITE, BLUE: See Tanzanite
ZOISITE, GREEN: Use to refresh your mind, enhance masculine energy if you are lacking it, create balance, and promote general wellbeing.