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Healing Properties of Alexandrite: A Crystal for Metamorphosis & Change

Alexandrite is a phenomenal, color-changing variety of Chrysoberyl. The color-changing quality of this stone is known as pleochrosim.

Healing Properties of Alexandrite: A Crystal for Metamorphosis & Change

Common Healing Properties of Alexandrite:

  • Brings peace and calm when you’re feeling anxious or nervous
  • Supports you as you work to banish jealousy
  • Balancing your body, mind, and spirit
  • Helps you go with the flow and adapt to new people, surroundings, or circumstances
  • Helps you direct anger in a useful and productive way by transforming it into action
  • Promotes positive change and transformation

Notes: Also known as Chameleon Stone or as Diaphanite. The form of chrysoberyl known as Alexandrite has the amazing property of changing color in different lighting. Alexandrite is associated with Thursday (Thor’s Day) and is also an alternative birthstone for the month of June (instead of Pearl or Moonstone).

Wanna’ Get Science-y? Click Here to get more information about this crystal!

More Information About Alexandrite:

If you search for images of chrysoberyl online, you’ll see it has quite a wide variety of appearances, from transparent golden gemstones to greenish cat’s-eyes, to a garnet-like red. The less expensive variety, though not exactly gemmy, is a very pretty blue. This mineral was only identified a couple of hundred years ago. But because the form of chrysoberyl known as Alexandrite has the amazing property of changing color in different lighting, it’s also known as Chameleon Stone! Chrysoberyl is said to have a strong association with the planet Mercury, connecting it to shapeshifting and bringing messages.

As crystal healers, it’s so important for us to know exactly how to leverage our stones’ distinct energies to create the profound shifts we want to see in our lives and those we are helping.

With my Crystal Rituals for Personal Empowerment Course, you will learn how to harness the energy of crystals to kickstart these big changes, unlocking a world of endless possibilities.


Crystal Rituals for Personal Empowerment Course


From intention-setting ceremonies to sacred crystal grids, you’ll explore a wide range of transformative rituals that will help you harness crystal energy, deepen your spiritual connection and embrace self-care and healing.

This Course Includes:

  • 55-minute video course
  • 47-page printable class slideshow
  • 22-minute guided meditation for self-confidence
  • 15 printable crystal grid bases for self-love
  • 7-page self-love routine tracker worksheet packet
  • 10 Printable crystal-themed coloring pages


Crystal Rituals for Personal Empowerment Course


When you’re first starting out working with crystal energy for self-empowerment, being aware of the many ways you can use your crystals for manifestation can be so helpful. That’s why, in my Crystal Rituals for Personal Empowerment Course, I share practical techniques for you to work with radiant crystal energy to unleash your true potential!

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