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Healing Properties of Ametrine: A Crystal for Knowledge & Connection

Also known as Bolivianite, Trystine, Amethyst-Citrine, or as Citrine-Amethyst. This stone is a combination of Amethyst and Citrine found in the same stone.

Healing Properties of Ametrine

A Crystal Message about the Healing Properties of Ametrine: “Allow yourself to be playful, open-minded, and curious as you explore the mineral kingdom on this amazing crystal journey!”


Common Healing Properties of Ametrine:

  • Enhances lucidity
  • Aids in decision-making
  • Increases knowledge and wisdom
  • Protects you against outside energies
  • Enhances motivation & creativity
  • Promotes positive dreams and aids in their interpretation
  • Assists with emotional balance
  • Aids in receiving and interpreting Divine guidance
  • Helps you become open to your intuition and psychic abilities
  • Enhances meditation & facilitates a connection with the spirit
  • Helps you to manifest abundance, wealth, and prosperity
  • Encourages sharing
  • Promotes happiness and joy
  • Encourages a positive attitude
  • Enhances concentration
  • Helps you to overcome your fears
  • Increases communication
  • Balances your emotions
  • Instills inner-strength, power, self-esteem, and confidence




Colors: violet with gold

Associated Chakras: Solar Plexus Chakra, Third Eye Chakra, Crown Chakra

Zodiac Signs: Aquarius, Leo, Virgo

Elements: Air, Fire

Companion Flowers: Crocus

Companion Essential Oil: Lavender

Companion Stone: Prehnite

Common Origins: Bolivia, Brazil

Notes: Also known as Bolivianite, Trystine, Amethyst-Citrine, or as Citrine-Amethyst. This stone is a combination of Amethyst and Citrine found in the same stone. This combination is due to uneven heating during the crystal’s formation. Therefore, it also embodies the properties of both of these stones.

Wanna’ Get Science-y? Click Here to get more information about this crystal!

The staff at my new age shop, Mimosa Books & Gifts, had this to share:

Ametrine is a naturally occurring combination of amethyst and citrine. Both minerals have the same chemical composition, but when exposed to high heat purple Amethyst transforms into golden citrine. In ametrine, that transformation was only partially finished, creating a beautiful golden-to-violet range of color, uniquely combined in each individual piece. The combination makes it an interesting crystal metaphysically, connecting the solar plexus with the higher chakras, connecting physical and mental planes. In fact, it’s a wonderful crystal for communication, especially when connecting with the spiritual realm. Most pieces on the market are heat-treated amethyst since naturally occurring ametrine is uncommon. In fact, it was unknown in Europe until Spaniards brought some back from South America to the Queen of Spain.

Ametrine Lore:

There’s a legend that goes along with this origin story, saying that the ametrine mine was a wedding gift to a soldier marrying the daughter of the chief of the Ayoreo tribe. But soon it was time for the soldier, Don Felipe, to go back to Spain. His bride Anahi was torn between her husband and her tribe, but in the end, decided to go back to Spain with Don Felipe. The tribe didn’t want to lose her, though, and some of them conspired to kill Don Felipe.

Anahi warned her husband of the plot in time to save him, but was herself accidentally injured in the attack. As she lay dying, she gave Don Felipe a piece of ametrine, telling him the two colors represented her divided loyalty. He took some of the precious stone back to Spain, along with a broken heart. There’s still an Anahi Mine named after the young woman in Bolivia, where the stone comes from.

One Way to Work with Ametrine:

If there’s someone on the other side you want to communicate with, you can use ametrine to help make that connection. Find some small thing that belonged to them, or a photograph of them, or if that’s not possible simply write their name on a piece of paper. Place the ametrine on top of this, and cover the ametrine with both your hands. Be very focused on the person you want to communicate with. You may feel a message coming from them, and/or feel called to deliver a message to them. This technique also works for connecting with animal archetypes, guides, angels, etc.


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Healing Properties of Ametrine


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Healing Properties of Ametrine: A Crystal for Knowledge & Connection
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Healing Properties of Ametrine: A Crystal for Knowledge & Connection
The healing properties of Ametrine are diverse and abundant, encouraging you to be playful, open-minded, clear-headed and curious.
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Love & Light School of Crystal Therapy
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