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Healing Properties of Red Jasper: A Crystal for Passion & Life Purpose

Red Jasper is a form of quartz with traces of hematite (an iron-rich mineral), which gives it both its intense color and some interesting properties.

A Crystal Message about the Healing Properties of Red Jasper: “I am fully in touch with my creative fire, my passion, and my purpose in life.”



Common Healing Properties of Red Jasper:

  • Promotes grounding
  • Encourages justice
  • Stimulates intuitive insight and provides perspective into your problems and challenges
  • Helps you to remember your dreams
  • Aids you in asserting your personal boundaries
  • Brings peace and calming
  • Encourages you to lend a helping hand (or to receive one from others)
  • Promotes journey work and astral travel
  • Enhances energetic protection
  • Cleanses the energy body
  • Facilitates accurate pendulum dowsing sessions
  • Enhances will power
  • Stimulates courage
  • Helps you to organize your environment
  • Enhances energetic support during difficult times
  • Encourages nurturing attitudes and behaviors
  • Stabilizes your energy body


Colors: Brick red to dark, blood red

Zodiac Signs: Aries, Capricorn

Elements: Earth, Fire

Companion Flowers: Crocosmia

Companion Essential Oil: Cinnamon Bark

Companion Stone: Blue Kyanite

Common Origins: India, Africa

Wanna’ Get Science-y? Click Here to get more information about this crystal!


Other Uses of Red Jasper:

Red Jasper is a grounding stone, associated with strength used to promote the cause of justice.  Passionate Aries is ruled by Mars, and this stone amplifies Mars’ warrior spirit while at the same time keeping emotions under control.  But contrary to what this might imply, it’s also historically a stone of the Divine Feminine, associated with childbirth and courage in women.  For healing, Red Jasper is strongly associated with blood.

Red Jasper is a stone of reverence and dignity and mimics the honor and respect that was shown to animals who were killed during the hunt. This stone has a primal energy and allows you to better understand the earth’s natural cycles and of the cycles of life and death.


Red Jasper Lore:

While healing and other uses go back to ancient times, writers often used the word “jasper” to refer to any opaque stone, so it isn’t always easy to be sure what mineral they mean.  But generally, the brick-red form has been associated with strength and grounding.  The ancient Egyptians, for example, considered it the “blood of Isis” (along with Carnelian), and believed a teardrop-shaped red jasper pendant would give the soul the courage needed to face Osiris for one’s judgment in the next world. For more about the “Blood of Isis” please see Nicholas Pearson’s amazing book, Stones of the Goddess (P.S. This is an affiliate link, meaning I may earn a small commission if you make a purchase – yay!).



More About Jaspers:

Jaspers are primarily quartz (silicon dioxide, or SO2) which has been broken down and reformed within the earth, often picking up traces of other minerals in the process. Red Jasper, for example, contains traces of hematite. More complex jaspers may even include veins or small pieces of other minerals. Some jaspers are actually agates, rhyolites, or… well, whatever. For the sake of this list, we’re just going to go by what they’re commonly called. In general, jaspers are associated with grounding and connection to Mother Earth. The heavily patterned ones are often also associated with creativity and mental focus.

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Healing Properties of Red Jasper


Jasper stones are an incredibly diverse group of crystals, encompassing every color of the rainbow, a huge variety of healing properties, and a wide global distribution, so becoming familiar with the differences and similarities in these treasured crystals can be really helpful for any crystal lover. That’s why, in my Discovering Jaspers Course, I’ve shared information about the different energetic qualities of OVER 100 different types of Jaspers from around the globe. Intimately understanding the unique characteristics of these crystals deepens our understanding of the mineral kingdom as a whole!



In this 11-hour course series, you’ll learn key information about Jasper, like…

  • An introduction to Jasper stones including what makes a Jasper (and how they differ from other stones) along with a tour of some examples of the stones from Ashley’s collection
  • An in-depth look at over 100 different types of Jaspers including their origins, healing properties, historical uses and lore, alternative names, and common look-alikes or misidentifications


Discovering Jaspers Course


As crystal healers, it’s important for us to be able to identify and differentiate lots of different crystal types as well as to understand the similarities and subtle differences between the stones we work with for healing. You’ll learn more about all of this when you sign-up for my Discovering Jaspers Course!


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Are you interested in becoming a Certified Crystal Healer? Find out more about the CCH and Advanced Crystal Practitioner Program HERE!

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