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Healing Properties of Rainbow Fluorite: A Crystal for Clarity & Intuition

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Rainbow Fluorite, also known as Fluor Spar, is a stunning stone that displays an amazing range of colors. Some of the most beautiful pieces are found in Mexico, England, and China. However, Fluorite used to be mined in Southern Illinois in the United States. In fact, this was where my very first crystal digging experience took place.


Healing Properties of Rainbow Fluorite


When I was about 8 years old, I was visiting my grandparents over Spring break from school. Their home wasn’t far from a former Fluorite mining site at Cave in Rock, Illinois. My grandpa took me to search the mining “dump pile” for rocks with little bits of Fluorite on them. I was astonished to find gorgeous Fluorite crusts on some of the stones, ranging from purple to yellow. In fact, I still have one of the stones I found on that trip – and it’s one of my most treasured crystals (though it may not be considered conventionally beautiful).



A Crystal Message about the Healing Properties of Rainbow Fluorite: “Feel clarity wash over you as you consciously co-create with the universe.”


Common Healing Properties of Rainbow Fluorite:

  • Enhances energetic protection
  • Supports you while you work to reduce your stress
  • Transforms energy
  • Helps you to maintain balance in your energy body
  • Strengthens your intuition
  • Encourages accurate psychic readings
  • Improves mental clarity and concentration
  • Promotes self-confidence
  • Shows the truth in any situation
  • Aids in promoting objectivity and fair judgment
  • Stimulates the intellect


Colors: Bands of Clear, Violet, Purple, Lavender, Blue, Green, and Yellow

Zodiac Signs: Gemini, Libra, & Aquarius

Elements: Air

Companion Flowers: Cherry Blossom

Companion Essential Oil: Lemon Verbena

Companion Stone: Black Onyx

Common Origins: Illinois (USA), China, United Kingdom, Mexico

Notes: Also known as Fluor Spar.

Wanna’ Get Science-y? Click Here to get information about the chemical composition, hardness, streak, etc. of this crystal from one of my favorite sites!

Crystal Companions for rainbow fluorite


More About Rainbow Fluorite:

Healing Properties of Rainbow FluoriteFluorite, once called the “home of the rainbow,” is a stone of amazing variety. First, there are the colors: green, purple, blue, yellow, which are often found in beautiful banded formations. Only tourmaline shows more color variation.

Fluorite also shows fluorescence (and yes, it is the source of that word) under ultraviolet light, and, in some forms, with heating. One form called chlorophane will even glow if you simply hold it in your hand!

The name “fluorite” comes from the Latin word for “flow,” because fluorite melts at fairly low temperatures. And because it’s so easy to melt, it has long been shaped into figurines, drinking vessels, and other useful items. The Romans thought fluorite cups made their wine taste better — probably because of the resin melted in to make the cup hold its form. The chemical composition of Fluorite is CaF2.


Rainbow Fluorite promotes clear thinking and allows you to see what’s most important in a given situation.

If you’ve been feeling scattered or pulled in lots of different directions, work with this crystal to get you back on track. It can also bring clarity to your role in projects, relationships, or social groups and help you better understand what people expect from you. However, this doesn’t mean you need to agree with these roles. Whether you choose to conform or rebel against these societal expectations, Rainbow Fluorite will guide you on your path.

Healing Properties of Rainbow Fluorite

This crystal is known for providing mental clarity and for this reason, it’s deeply connected with the time of the Crow Moon (the Full Moon in March).

It pairs well with Black Tourmaline and Blue Apatite to shed some light on your current situation. Rainbow Fluorite can help give you the mental clarity to hone your skills and tackle your most pressing planning tasks. 

When your mind is clear, fresh ideas come with ease instead of with a struggle, and you’re better able to visualize the bigger picture of your life path.  This clarity allows you to see how all of the pieces fit together so that you can organize and prioritize your plans for efficiency and flow.

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Rainbow Fluorite Infograhic

If you’re looking for more ways to use crystals to deepen your intuition, try calling upon powerful lunar energies through meditation!

Full moon meditation

Getting tuned into the power of the Moon, with her historical connection to guidance and illumination, can have a profound effect on enhancing your intuition. Meditating at the time of the Full Moon is the perfect way to tap into these powerful lunar energies, which is why I’ve created this Full Moon Guided Meditation for Intuition.

Full Moon Guided Meditation for Intuition


The moon, being our nearest celestial body, has such a deep impact on us. So as crystal healers, it’s important for us to be in flow with the natural rhythms of the universe. You’ll learn more all about this with my Full Moon Guided Meditation for Intuition!

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Healing Properties of Rainbow Fluorite
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Healing Properties of Rainbow Fluorite
Rainbow Fluorite is a powerful stone, with meany unique healing properties. When you use this stone, you will feel clarity wash over you as you consciously co-create with the universe.
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Love & Light School of Crystal Therapy
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