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Birthstones Exposed: Uncovering the Truth Behind Crystals and The Zodiac

Have you ever wondered where birthstones originated? Are birthstones and zodiac stones the same thing? Who decided which stone should be attributed to a certain month? While birthstones and zodiac stones have some similarities and crossovers, the truth is that zodiac stones have been around for ages – and birthstones came about long after. Here you will find the mystery behind these burning questions finally revealed!

Birth Stones & Zodiac Stones

Are birthstones and zodiac stones the same thing?

People have been wearing and using Zodiac stones and birthstones for thousands of years. In modern day, we often use these terms interchangeably, but they actually have very different origins and meanings.

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Birthstones are gemstones (both precious and semi-precious) that are assigned to a specific month. Our modern list of birthstones was created by the National Association of Jewelers (USA) in 1912. As you can imagine, this was mostly in an effort into motivate consumers to purchase expensive gemstones. Many of the gemstones chosen had traditional associations with the planets and the Zodiac.


Birth Stones & Zodiac Stones


However, birthstones, which go by the month rather than by the dates of the Zodiac, can be mis-leading. For example, if you were born in November, then your birthstone would be a Golden Topaz or a Citrine crystal. However, if you were born November 1st-22nd, then you are a Scorpio, but if you were born November 23rd-30th, the you are a Sagittarius. Scorpio and Sagittarius each have ancient connections with planets and gemstones that far pre-date the modern assignment of the stones to the months of the year. Additionally, the gemstones chosen for birthstones by the National Association of jewelers were among the most expensive of the stones traditionally associated with each. It certainly seems to me that this modern list is not as accurate in matching a stone’s energy to the wearer as the ancient associations are.

Should I use my Birthstone or my Zodiac stone?

Since Zodiac stones have a correspondence to the planet that rules over that zodiac sign, I recommend choosing a Zodiac crystal rather than a modern birthstone. Wearing or using crystals for their Astrological/Zodiac correspondences can be done to enhance the positive attributes of your sign or to balance its negative aspects. You can also carry or wear crystals to enhance or balance the energies of the current astrological cycle.


Birth Stones & Zodiac Stones

Which Crystals are Best for Your Zodiac Sign?

Capricorn Crystals (Dec. 22nd – Jan. 20th)

Birthstones and Zodiac Stones

Aquarius Crystals (Jan. 21st – Feb. 19th)

Birthstones and Zodiac Stones

Pisces Crystals (Feb. 20th – March 20th)

Birthstones and Zodiac Stones

Aries Crystals (March 21st – April 19th)


Birthstones and Zodiac Stones

Taurus Crystals (April 20th – May 20th)

  • Emerald
  • Rhodonite
  • Rose Quartz
  • Peridot
  • Carnelian
  • Pink Tourmaline


Birthstones and Zodiac Stones

Gemini Crystals (May 21st – June 21st)


Birthstones and Zodiac Stones

Cancer Crystals (June 22nd – July 23rd)

  • Ruby
  • Red Japer
  • Sunstone
  • Amethyst
  • Aquamarine
  • Blue Tourmaline


Birthstones and Zodiac Stones

Leo Crystals (July 24th – August 23rd)

  • Peridot
  • Carnelian
  • Golden Tiger’s Eye
  • Red Jasper
  • Clear Quartz
  • Garnet

Birthstones and Zodiac Stones

Virgo Crystals (August 24th – Sept. 22nd)

  • Blue Sapphire
  • Galena
  • Magnetite
  • Emerald
  • Peridot
  • Citrine
  • Carnelian


Birthstones and Zodiac Stones

Libra Crystals (Sept. 23rd – Oct. 22nd)


Birth Stones & Zodiac Stones

Scorpio Crystals (Oct. 23rd – Nov. 22nd)

Birthstones and Zodiac Stones

Sagittarius Crystals (Nov. 23rd – Dec. 21st)


Birthstones and Zodiac Stones


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In addition to working with your Zodiac stone, you may wish to explore Crystals for Your Big 3:


Each of us has many astrological influences that affect our energy and the way we interact with the world around us. The energies that have the biggest influence on you are your Sun Sign, Moon Sign, and Rising Sign. These are sometimes called “Your Big 3.” These can be determined by calculating of your natal chart using the full date, time, and place of your birth

  • Your Sun Sign is the astrological sign that the Sun was in during the time of your birth (also known as your Zodiac sign). The Sun is the center of all life and represents your personality and spirit.
  • Your Moon Sign is determined by the sign that the Moon was in during the time of your birth and influences your Soul expression. Your Moon Sign represents your emotions, moods, and your innermost-self.
  • Your Rising Sign, also known as your Ascendant, is the planetary influence that was on the Eastern horizon when you were born. Your Rising Sign is the starting point of the first house in your birth chart and has a good deal of influence on the characteristics of your personality (sometimes even outweighing those of your Sun Sign because your Rising Sign is the part of yourself that you share with others).


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To work with your 3 Astrological Crystals (Sun, Moon, and Rising Signs), you can craft a crystal energy pouch with corresponding crystals and symbols.

Starting with your Sun Sign, write out the name of your sign and draw its symbol on a small scrap of paper (you may even want to draw the symbol of its ruling planet for a boost of energy). These symbols will charge up your crystal with the energy of your Sun sign. Place this paper along with your Sun Sign Stone into the pouch. As you place the stone and paper into the bag, think about what energy your Sun Sign represents and brings into your life.

Next, write out the name of your Moon sign and draw its symbol on another small piece of paper. Place this paper along with your Moon Sign Stone into the pouch. As you place the stone and paper into the bag, think about what energy your Moon Sign represents and brings into your life.

Finally, write out the name of your Rising sign and draw its symbol on the last small piece of paper. Place this paper along with your Rising Sign Stone into the pouch. As you place the stone and paper into the bag, think about what energy your Rising Sign represents and brings into your life.

After adding all the stones to the pouch, focus your intention on strengthening your positive traits and balancing the negative aspects of your unique astrological blueprint.

Working with Elemental Crystals:


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To work with your elemental crystal, place it on your altar along with something representing that element (for example, a candle for fire, incense or a feather for air, a small fountain or shell for water, or a plant or crystal cluster for earth). Sit in front of your altar with your elemental crystal and envision yourself surrounded by the energy of element you’ve chosen. Feel it fill your aura and charge you up with positive energy.


Crystals can be such a support when we’re planning our weeks and months ahead…


That’s why, in my Your Crystal Clear Year Course, I share ways to connect with your crystals daily through meditations, self-care exercises, and more – because I know firsthand that connecting with your crystals daily can create more happiness, success, and alignment in your life!


Your Crystal Clear Year Course


This course includes self-check-ins, journal prompts, and more to support you on your crystal journey, like…

  • a crystal grid recipe for motivation (plus a printable grid template)
  • weekly planning template with crystal & planetary correspondences for each day
  • an introduction to birthstones and zodiac stones (month-by-month)
  • in-depth properties and write-ups for each of the 12 birthstones
  • 8 easy techniques to help you create a sustainable self-care practice
  • 7 Guided Crystal Meditations (1 for each day of the week)
  • monthly card spreads for performing tarot or oracle card readings for the month ahead (with tips for interpretation)


Your Crystal Clear Year Resources


As crystal healers, it’s important for us to stay in alignment and flow all year long. When you sign-up for my Your Crystal Clear Year Course, I’ll share practical ways that you can connect with your stones each and every day to craft a crystal practice that supports you as you step fully onto your path as a crystal worker.

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Are you interested in becoming a Certified Crystal Healer? Find out more about the CCH and Advanced Crystal Practitioner Program HERE!

Birthstones Exposed: Uncovering the Truth Behind Crystals and The Zodiac
Article Name
Birthstones Exposed: Uncovering the Truth Behind Crystals and The Zodiac
People have been wearing and using Zodiac stones and birthstones for thousands of years. In modern day, we often use these terms interchangeably, but they actually have very different origins and meanings. So what exactly is the truth behind crystals and the zodiac?
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Love & Light School of Crystal Therapy
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20 Responses

  1. This article explains a lot. Cancer Sun & Asc ? fascination with Amethyst and Aquamarine. Aires on my 10th Cusp of Career (crystal healing) perhaps explains my huge love of Clear Quartz. Thank you Ashley for great info !

    1. Fay, I had no idea that you were such an astrology expert! 🙂 Thanks so much for reading. P.S. I LOVE Aquamarine too (but I’m a Sag.). Crystal blessings!

    1. I’m a Sag. too Veta! Labradorite used to be one of my favorites, but I haven’t worked with it in a while. Your comment has inspired me to pick it back up and use it. 🙂 Thanks for reading!

    1. I completely agree Ginger – choosing is so hard! I’m a Sag. and out of the list associated with my stone I would probably choose Clear Quartz.Emerald and Rhodonite is such a sweet combo. 🙂 Thanks for your comment.

  2. I’m a Virgo and have loved blue sapphire since childhood. After reading this post and discovering citrine & carnelian are Virgo stones, I’m thrilled! I started seriously working with crystals about 3 years ago, and have found myself reaching for carnelian often (even when it’s not the “recommended” stone for the job) and I’m passionately attracted to smokey citrine. More evidence that one’s own intuition should be trusted as a reliable resource for energetic healing. Thanks for the enlightening post Ashley!

    1. Thanks so much for your comment Bobbie! Intuition really is key (more than any lists etc). However, it is fun to compare our insights to what other people throughout history have also felt intuitively and what they have seen results form in their own loves. 🙂 Thanks again!

  3. I’m a Scorpio born in October and I’m always drawn to moonstone (of course it is similar in appearance to opal which I also really like 🙂 ) Malachite and amethyst are stones I wear frequently as well. Very interesting article! When I was a little girl my birthstone was pink tourmaline then they started changing it to opal. I’m not a huge fan of pink so this was fine with me. Sometimes I still see both listed.

  4. I’m a Sagittarius & have worn Yellow Topaz for 40 years. While I love Topaz, I’ve always been drawn to Turquoise, and more recently, Labradorite. Now I know why. Very interesting!

  5. Thank you, Ashley! I agree completely with the preference you give to Zodiac rather than month!
    I’d like to add that the personal “resonances” of crystals for somebody are to be found in the complete birthchart. Of course you may find correlations with the Sun sign and/or the Ascendant but this is oversimplification. In fact the main factors are the prominent Planets in the chart and these are not always the rulers of Sun sign or of Ascendant. I think Planets are linked with colours, Signs are rather ways of being. For example I have always liked green and green stones because Venus (green) is prominent in my chart and it doesn’t result from my Gemini Sun sign, but I like multicoloured crystals as well because Gemini are multiple…Another problem is to know if a prominent element (planet, sign) in the chart should be emphasized : the answer generally is “yes” but sometimes “no”!

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