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Healing Crystals for Negative Neighbors

Dealing with negative people can be a challenge, especially when those people are your neighbors.  Your home is a sacred space where you retreat, rejuvenate, and restore your energy. So when you feel bombarded by bad vibes from neighbors, it can really stop you from enjoying your home space.

Healing Crystals for Negative Neighbors

To shield yourself and your family from these bad vibes, you can use protection stones. Stones such as Black Tourmaline and Smoky Quartz can be placed in the corners of your property to create a protective grid. Adding clear Quartz next to each protection stone can amplify the protective qualities of those crystals.

You could add some Rhodonite stones to your doorway. This will invite in positive connections with others and facilitate friendly attitudes. Rhodonite is one of the very best stones for new beginnings. Therefore, even if you’ve had some bad encounters in the past, this stone may help you smooth things over and move forward in a positive way.

Healing Crystals for Negative Neighbors


If you do happen to find yourself in a situation where you’ve had a negative encounter with a neighbor, be sure to cleanse your energy field AND your home space.  

Keeping a Selenite wand on hand to sweep negativity from your aura is a good quick fix. However, you may also consider adding some Selenite pieces to your protective grid. This will keep the vibes high around your home space.  Try placing them along the exterior walls of your home and near each door and window.

Healing Crystals for Negative Neighbors

Finally, remembering to remain compassionate and empathetic, even when your boundaries are being tested, can go a long way.  Place some Rose Quartz near the center of your home and intend that its peaceful energy radiate outward for the highest good of all.  It’s a great energetic reminder to be kind and remember that we are all connected. That we are all energy.

Healing Crystals for Negative Neighbors


Try This! Create a “Happy Community” Crystal Bowl.

To create some good vibes and positive energy among members of your community, gather some or all of the following crystals:

Healing Crystals for Negative Neighbors

  • Lepidolite for harmony
  • Aquamarine for release
  • Rose Quartz for compassion and empathy
  • Citrine for positivity
  • Rhodonite for fresh starts
  • Ametrine for forgiveness
  • Angelite for support from angels and spiritual guides

Healing Crystals for Negative Neighbors

Cleanse the stones thoroughly and place them in the bowl, one at a time. While doing this, speak aloud the intention for each. Hover your hands over the bowl (palms facing down toward the stones) and visualize sending universal, healing, white light toward the stones. Ask the universe for safe, positive, friendly relationships with all neighbors in your immediate community.  You may even choose to write a specific intention down on a little piece of paper and tuck it into the bowl, call in your angel team for support, or send Reiki energy to the situation. The possibilities are limitless.

Healing Crystals for Negative Neighbors


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Healing Crystals for Negative Neighbors
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Healing Crystals for Negative Neighbors
Dealing with negative people can be a challenge, especially if they're next door! I use these crystals for negative neighbors to form positive connections.
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Love & Light School of Crystal Therapy
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