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Transform Your Home into Sacred Space with Healing Crystals

Crystals for the homeMost of us turn to crystals when we need to shift the energy in our body, mind, or spirit, but did you also know that crystals for the home can be used to shift the energy in your environment?



UPDATE: This article previously used the term “totem animals” to describe animal archetypes that may hold meaning for someone. Using this term is culturally appropriative (as this is a term rooted in Indigenous spiritual practice) in the context it was previously used, especially shared by the author here (who is white). This article has been updated to reflect this change.


Knowing how to use crystals for the home to positively affect the flow of energy in the rooms of your house is the key to creating a positive living space for yourself and your loved ones. For each area of the home, I’ve suggested a few stones for you to add so you can transform your home into sacred space.

Living Room:

This is the space in which we restore our vital energy after a long day. Using stimulating, energizing stones here is a great way to recharge and rejuvenate yourself.

Carnelian: Adds an invigorating energy to the space

Red Jasper: Grounds the energy in the space so that you may utilize it day-to-day

Dining Room:

The dining room is where we gather with friends and family for sharing and exchange (not just of food, but also of wisdom). The dining room is often seen as corresponding with the knowledge area of our lives.

Chrysocolla: Gives you access to knowledge from ancient cultures

Azurite: Provides intuitive knowledge


This is an intimate space for love (either love for the self, or of that shared with a partner). It’s a space to feel nurtured and it corresponds to relationships.

Crystals for the homeRhodochrosite: Creates a passionate energy environment

Pink Calcite: Fills the space with soft, nurturing energy


The bathroom is strongly connected with water and with the idea of cleansing and renewal, and is strongly linked to the career aspect of our lives.

Crystals for the homeBlack Onyx: Helps to manifest your ideal career

Sodalite: Reveals the best career for you (i.e. that which is for your highest good)


Hallways are places of movement and change. They are also the space where we greet guests. Hallways correspond the the Helpful People aspect of our lives.

Crystals for the homeClear Quartz: Aids in manifesting helpful people into your life

Rutilated Quartz: Calls in helpful guides, angels, animal archetypes, etc.


This is likely the space where you work from home, pay your bills, etc. For this reason, the office is connected with wealth.

Crystals for the homeBloodstone: Grounds prosperity energy so that you can use it in a practical way

Dragonstone: Aids in motivation and creativity as it relates to finances


The kitchen acts as a gathering place for family. It’s here that we share time together over meals and discuss the events of the day.  It’s where we come together, so it’s representative of the Family aspect of our lives.

Crystals for the homeGreen Aventurine: Promotes harmony in groups

Peridot: Clears negativity after family arguments/disputes




Suggested Reading

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Crystals for the home


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Transform Your Home into Sacred Space with Healing Crystals
Article Name
Transform Your Home into Sacred Space with Healing Crystals
Most of us turn to crystals when we need to shift the energy in our body, mind, or spirit, but did you also know that crystals for the home can be used to shift the energy in your environment?
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Love & Light School of Crystal Therapy
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8 Responses

  1. I use crystals throughout my house. Only room without them is my bathroom. It’s to small and really no good place to place any without fear of them falling off a shelf. I cleanse my crystals probably every couple of months or just when i feel they need some attention and i move them around my house depending on how i am feeling. I allow my feelings about them to guide where i place them and for how long. It works for me. I have just recently started looking at crystal grids and have purchased a couple of nice wooden grids to set up. I have located a protection grid just as you enter my home and i have not decided where exactly to place the other one but i am thinking my bedroom would be a good place for a love attraction grid. Still working on that one.

    1. That sounds SO fantastic, Eva! The bedroom definitely sounds like a good place for that love attraction grid 🙂 <3 Crystal blessings!

  2. I have always loved crystals and have began to collecting more and more as I get older, I have a blended family of 4 teenage girls and I was wondering what crystals you would recommend to help keep the peace and harmony in our home and to help me build my relationships with my children and also with my 2 step daughters? Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.

    1. Hi Kirsten! Thanks so much for your comment– great question. We’d recommend Rhodonite and Rose Quartz for deepening relationships & BLue Lace Agate & Aquamarine for a calm environment <3 Crystal blessings!

  3. Wow this was interesting. I use crystals around my little home. But I have a huge piece of clear quartz in my beloved garden in line with the moon and sun.my kitchen must admit never thought about. In my dinning area amethyst beautiful pieces, in my lounge area three types of rose quartz. By the front door in the hall way obsedion. As i work in an area that is very physical, emotionally and mentally draining. It is nice to come home and feel the calmness.
    My bathroom has clear quartz. My bedroom have a small display of crystal orbs, angels points and pendulum. I have created a small grid. In another area I have candle, singing bowl around a carved wood Dragon in it’s mouth I have placed a small piece of rose quartz and in the crook of it’s tail oppulite. My youngest daughter has her own collection, grids etch in her room. My eldest not interested yet has a good feel for crystals.

    1. Hi Jan! Wow– this sounds amazing; I bet your house is absolutely filled with healing energy! Thanks so much for sharing. Crystal blessings!

  4. I love crystals not only because they are effective but also because they look quite cool. I really appreciate when I see people going back to natural remedies like crystals for everyday problems. You mentioned different crystals effective for each part of a home. I like crystals of Ayana Wellness (http://ayanaproducts.com/) because of their quality and I purchase crystals very often from them. Keep educating us about crystals as we have a very limited source to know about these gems given by mother earth.

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