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Healing Crystals For A Passionate Sex Life: Stones to Activate Your Sex Drive & How to Use Them

Crystals for a Passionate Sex LifeAre excitement, passion, and intimacy lacking in your love life these days? Would you like to rekindle that fire with your partner naturally? You can do all of those things and more for your romantic relationship by incorporating the use of healing crystals in your bedroom. Here are a few tips on how well-chosen, thoughtfully placed stones can help you find that passion again in your sex life.

UPDATE: This article previously listed Shiva Lingam stones among the recommended stones for enhancing sexual energy. This is an incorrect use of these sacred ritual objects and the article has been updated to reflect this change since the use of the stones in this manner is culturally appropriative, especially shared by the author here (who is white), and does not honor their intended cultural and historical use. This article has been updated to reflect this change.

When it comes to spicing up your sex life, you might have trouble deciding where to begin.  Some people are shy, embarrassed to speak up to their partner, or scared of the reaction they may be faced with from their significant other.

Healing crystals are a simple and accessible way to create a stronger sexual connection between yourself and your partner.  Each crystal has its own unique properties: physical, mental, emotional, or spiritual.  When the crystal is brought into your environment, it can shift the energy in the space to help you connect with those desired traits.

Some great crystals known for enhancing sexual energy include Ruby, Carnelian, Pyrite, Fire Quartz, and Sunstone.  These stones are best used by placing them in the four corners around your bed (either on the floor beneath the bed, or between the mattress and the box springs).  This geometric arrangement of crystals is known as a crystal grid and is commonly used for shifting the energy in a space.  By surrounding the bed with the stones that enhance sexual energy, you can really spice up your love life.

Alternatively, you could place a Spessartine Garnet, known for increasing desire for your partner, in each of your pillowcases.  This can really help to activate your sex drive and enhance the connection you feel with your partner.

If your sex drive is low due to a lack of romance in your relationship, you might try placing a bowl of tumbled Rose Quartz stones or a Roselite crystal on your bedside table.

If you deepen the romantic connection between you and your partner, then you may find that your sex drive naturally returns to the relationship.

To increase overall passion in your relationship, you and your partner can both try carrying some crystals with you during the day.  Smoky Quartz, Ruby-Zoisite, and Pink Spinel are all known for increasing passion.  Carry a few of these stones in your pocket, or in your handbag, to bring more passion into your relationship.  Your body will absorb this energy vibration from the crystals during the day and when you return to your partner, you’ll feel a renewed sense of passion for him or her.

You can use these tips and tricks on their own or in combination to help you supercharge your sex life with healing stones.

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Crystals for a Passionate Sex Life


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Healing Crystals For A Passionate Sex Life: Stones to Activate Your Sex Drive & How to Use Them
Article Name
Healing Crystals For A Passionate Sex Life: Stones to Activate Your Sex Drive & How to Use Them
When it comes to spicing up your sex life, you might have trouble deciding where to begin. Using crystals for a passionate sex life is a simple and accessible way to create a stronger sexual connection between yourself and your partner.
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Love & Light School of Crystal Therapy
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4 Responses

  1. Shiva Lingams?! Really, they are sacred and are for worship for spiritual upliftment, for meditation. Don’t use terms that belong to a different culture so you can make your business seem exotic. It’s total nonsense and quite disrespectful.

    1. Prathi – Thank you so much for your comment. You are absolutely correct that I was wrong for including the sacred Shiva Lingam stones in this article. I wrote this article back in 2015 and was basing it on things I had been taught by other (white like myself) healers that I had learned about crystals from. I have since the writing of this article learned how incorrect and problematic it is to work with these stones in this manner. I am in the process of slowly going through each of my articles and updating them, but had not gotten to this one yet. I am so grateful for you bringing it to my attention so that I could address it now. I am very sorry for including a sacred object here in a manner for which it was not intended. I have removed the Shiva Lingam stone from the article and I have also included an update at the top of the article explaining the reasons for the update for other readers so that they may learn from my mis-steps. Again, I am grateful for your comment and I apologize deeply for the harm I have done in perpetuating these culturally appropriative teachings.

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