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Increase Your Energy with Healing Crystals

Crystals for increasing energyWhether it’s a post-lunchtime slump, an early-evening stupor, or the inability to drag ourselves out of bed in the morning due to intense lethargy, we all have times when we feel absolutely exhausted. But did you know we can fight against fatigue by using crystals for increasing energy?

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Much has been written about certain ‘superfoods’ that can help us combat lapses of energy and bouts of tiredness. Comparatively, less has been written about the effectiveness of crystals for increasing energy and fighting fatigue. Take a look at the following ten crystals that have proven to be potent assets in uplifting energy and spirits.

Top 10 crystals for increasing energy:


Green Tourmaline:

Crystals for increasing energyGreen Tourmaline crystals are said to boost power. With their rich green hue, tourmaline is a popular gemstone in the making of jewellery. As well as looking unduly beautiful, tourmaline is said to be a potent energy provider. Its healing properties help dispel toxins from the body, restore balance and bring back positive energy. This makes us feel more energised.



Crystals for increasing energyCitrine is believed to be one of the best crystals for increasing energy. Ranging from lighter yellows to darker browns, citrine crystals are one of the most aesthetically stunning crystals in existence. It is also believed to be one of the most energy-boosting. Citrine works as a powerful regenerator of the cells of the body. By regenerating the cells, it acts as an effective chakra activator and energiser.


Crystals for increasing energyAmber is associated with luck, good health, pain relief & powerful healing energy. It is widely believed that crystals which are naturally red, orange and yellow are the most effective in terms of boosting energy and power. When we think of citrus-coloured gemstones, amber immediately springs to mind. With its golden hues, this stunning crystal is meant to be one of the most dynamic and stimulating. When placed in our presence, it can make us feel much more energised and positive.


If you are wanting to boost your energy levels through crystals, Carnelian is a fabulous crystal to work with. This slightly translucent stone was considered to be the symbol of life in Ancient Greek and Egyptian cultures. Today this beautiful gemstone is still used to boost stamina and energy. For some, wearing a pair of carnelian earrings is more effective in heightening energy levels as a cup of coffee.



Ametrine is said to regenerate the physical body & strengthen the immune system. It is one of the lesser known crystals but is one of the most powerful when it comes to boosting power and energy. Being a potent amalgamation of citrine and amethyst this stunning yellow and purple gemstone helps improve clarity and focus. Being able to think straight and in harmony ultimately helps boost our confidence, energy and optimism.



The properties in Seraphinite are believed to effectively heal brain cells, the nerves, eliminate toxins and purify the blood, organs, kidneys and liver. Having the ability to cleanse and heal such a multitude of organs and remove toxins from the body, seraphinite is one of the most energy-boosting crystals in existence.

Clear Quartz:

Crystals for increasing energyClear Quartz is one of the most popular crystals as a healing crystal. Clear quartz is regularly cited by healers as being the “battery of the soul”. Similar to green tourmaline, clear quartz jewelry or pieces of stone help dispel toxins in our body. By ridding the body of sludge-enhancing toxins, quartz restores energy in our body. It makes us feel more spirited and ready to tackle what life throws at us.


Crystals for increasing energy

One of the most popular and well-known of the crystals, Amethyst has been the ‘stone of spirituality’ for quite some time. As well as helping people overcome addictions, the unique properties of amethyst creates a protective field of energy around its wearer, which assist in transforming negative energy into positive energy.

Ocean Jasper:

Known as the stone of “joy and high spirits”, Ocean Jasper helps lift wearer’s moods. The circular patterns in this aesthetically-stunning crystal help regulate breathing and by doing so boosts our energy levels. Ocean Jasper also assists with the removing of toxins, making us feel significantly more energised and on top of the world.

Ruby Zoisite:

Ruby Zoisite is said to strengthen our spiritual connections. Wear a ruby zoisite pendant around your neck and feel your physical vitality be rejuvenated. This stunning green and purple tinged stone is well-known for relieving lethargy, boosting physical energy and turning negative energy into positive energy.


Meditation can be an amazing way to hone your skills at sensing the energy of your stones…


That’s why I’ve created my Crystal Energy Guided Meditation!


Crystal Energy Guided Meditation


This 15-minute, immersive meditation is designed to help you tune into the unique energies of your crystals and develop a deeper understanding of their healing properties, allowing you to enhance your connection with the crystal realm.


Crystal Energy Meditation - 15 Minute Guided Meditation


As crystal healers, it’s important that we get to know each of our crystals intimately, so that we can be sure we’re maximizing the healing potential of our stones. Learn how with my Crystal Energy Guided Meditation


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Are you interested in becoming a Certified Crystal Healer? Find out more about the CCH and Advanced Crystal Practitioner Program HERE!

Increase Your Energy with Healing Crystals
Article Name
Increase Your Energy with Healing Crystals
We all have times when we feel like no matter what we do, our energy levels are exremely low. But have you tried using crystals for increasing energy?
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Love & Light School of Crystal Therapy
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