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Transforming Negative Energy into Positive Vibes with Black Tourmaline

Transforming Negative Energy with Black TourmalineYou know what it’s like to be around negative vibes, right? If someone close to you such as a co-worker, friend, or even a family member is constantly complaining or bringing down the mood in some other way, it can really start to affect your outlook as well. While you may not be able to change that person, you definitely have the power to transform negative energy around you into positive energy, and Black Tourmaline can help.

Black Tourmaline is great for protecting yourself from unwanted or negative energy – usually negativity from others. It’s also great for protecting you from electromagnetic frequencies that are given off by computers, cell phones, Microwaves, etc.

Black Tourmaline helps to dissolve and disintegrate negativity within the self. So, if you’re feeling extra stressed or crabby, try wearing a little bit of Black Tourmaline or carrying some with you. It dissolves away negativity so that you can feel like you’re your happy, healthy self again. It can also help to pull negative energy from the body like a magnet.

Negative energy or negative thought forms have a trickle-down effect in the aura (or, more accurately, a trickle-inward effect). The negative energy goes through each layer of the aura, and they start to affect us more, and more, and more. If we don’t do anything about it preventatively (energetically), then that negativity can manifest in the physical body.


To clean up my aura, I like to place some pieces of Black Tourmaline under the soles of my feet. Then, I visualize all of the negativity going right into the crystals. Then, I see the unwanted energy moving through and out of the crystals. Finally, I visualize and intend that the energy is transmuted into something positive.

You shouldn’t just send all your “ookie” energy out into the universe expecting the earth or the universe to clean it up. Like I always say, “energetic littering is just as bad as physical littering.” Take responsibility for the act of creating some positive vibes – it feels great!

When I do this exercise, I like to visualize a big, cleansing waterfall (connected to universal source energy) that cleanses any negative energy and transmutes it into positive, healing energy for the highest good of all.

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Transforming Negative Energy into Positive Vibes with Black Tourmaline
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Transforming Negative Energy into Positive Vibes with Black Tourmaline
Black Tourmaline is great for protecting yourself from unwanted or negative energy - usually negativity from others. It's also great for protecting you from electromagnetic frequencies. Transforming negative energy with black tourmaline is easy - read on to find out how...
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Love & Light School of Crystal Energy
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