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Love & Light Blog

You know what it’s like to be around negative vibes, right? If someone close to you such as a co-worker, friend, or even a family member is constantly complaining or

If you feel like you’ve “been there done that” with Amethyst crystals, you might be thinking there are other more interesting and exotic crystals you’d rather work with. Well guess

Creating your own Crystal Vision Board is the perfect way to set the manifest the positive things in your life, so why not make one to set the intention for

One of Earth’s rare and precious treasures, Pink Samadhi Quartz is a type of crystal that not too many people know much about. Because this precious Quartz is in such

Black Tourmaline is the heavyweight of the mineral kingdom, a fierce and loyal protector of any person or place it is intended to guard. If you’d like to enlist the

A Crystal Message About the Healing Properties of Moss Agate: “I help you listen to the whispers of the earth. I connect you with the flutter of fairy wings and

No words can properly convey the excitement I felt on my trip to Vancouver where I completed my training with world renowned crystal expert, Melody (author of “Love is in

If you want to work with a crystal that can do it all, Quartz is the go-to mineral for you! One of the most versatile crystals in the mineral kingdom,

Are you interested in alternative forms of healing? Do you feel a calling to help others heal physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually? Would you love to turn your passion for

If you’re looking for a stone that’s “out of this world,” look no further – it’s Moldavite! Moldavite, a type of Tektite, is an incredible high-vibrational stone that can help

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Become a Certified Crystal Healer!

Limited-time Enrollment NOW OPEN!

Limited-time Enrollment NOW OPEN!

  • Gain expert knowledge & mentorship
  • Grow your healing confidence
  • Connect with a community of crystal lovers

Gain expert knowledge, grow your confidence, and connect with a supportive community of crystal lovers.

But hurry – enrollment is only open for a limited time!

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Ready to go from Crystal Lover to Certified Crystal Healer?

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Our Certified Crystal Healer (CCH) & Advanced Crystal Practitioner (ACP) Programs Open for LIMITED-TIME ENROLLMENT Soon!

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When life pulls you away from your inner wisdom, it’s time to come home to yourself.

Sign up for my free Discover Your Soul Purpose Class and:

  • Take the first step toward a more aligned and meaningful life.
  • Learn how crystals can guide and support you on your unique journey.
  • Reconnect with your passion and purpose!
  • Take the first step toward a more aligned and meaningful life.
  • Learn how crystals can guide and support you on your unique journey.
  • Reconnect with your passion and purpose!

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How to Run a
Crystal Healing Session

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