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Crystal Co-Creation with the Plant Kingdom: Enjoy a Spectacular Spring Season with Moss Agate (Step 2 of 3)

1Grid Your Garden Space with Moss Agate CrystalsNot only can Moss Agate help you deepen your connection to nature, it can benefit your plants, too. In just a few easy steps and several tumbled Moss Agates, you’ll have a heartier, healthier, and happier garden!

In last week’s post, we shared with you the first of three easy ways to use Moss Agate for creating a spectacular spring season (by connecting with earth energy). If you missed it, you can click here to go back and check it out. This week’s post is all about co-creating with the plant kingdom!

Step #2 to a Spectacular Spring: Co-create with the Plant Kingdom.

Moss Agate has long been known for it’s connection with the plant kingdom. It has proven useful for those who pursue the studying of herbs or aromatherapy because of its ability to help humans tune in to plant spirit consciousness.

Moss Agate also encourages plant growth & attracts beneficial insects to your garden. Because of this, many people have reported increased harvest & yields after creating a Moss Agate grid for the garden. So, if you love your home-grown fruits and vegetables, be sure to pick up a few Moss Agate stones for a fun, outdoor gridding project! Moss Agates are generally inexpensive (less than $1 for a tumbled stone) so a 4-stone grid can help make a big impact on plant health and vigor for just a small investment.

How to create a Moss Agate crystal grid:

Place 1 Moss Agate stone at each corner of your vegetable bed or garden space. You can also add 1 single-terminated Quartz crystal along each side of the garden bed (about half way between the 2 Moss Agate stones that form the side of the garden bed). Although adding Quartz crystals to the grid is optional, it is highly recommended because of the Quartz crystals’ ability to amplify the energy of the Moss Agate stones (further enhancing the fruits of your labor). 🙂

Vegetable Crystal Grid

If you direct the energy of the grid in a clockwise direction (by pointing the clear Quartz terminations in a clockwise direction), it will help bring in universal energy to the garden space. Alternatively, you can point the terminations of the clear Quartz crystals inward toward your plants. When placing your grid, you may choose to bury the stones or just set them on the surface of the soil. Always be sure that you are using cleansed stones for creating your grid. You may choose to program your stones with a specific intention (for example, to increase plant vigor), but this optional.

Step #3 to a Spectacular Spring: Focus on the Physical” is coming in next week’s blog post – stay tuned!


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Spring Equinox Kit


Are you prepared to embrace the essence of spring’s awakening, sow the seeds of transformation for Ostara, and harness the rejuvenating power of crystal energy?

Dive into the vibrant awakening of Ostara with our Exclusive Spring Equinox Kit, your gateway to crystal magic and spiritual renewal during a season of transformation. This unique kit has been carefully curated to usher you through the radiant realm of Ostara, empowering you to embrace the emerging light and vibrance of this seasonal milestone.

Your Spring Equinox Digital Download Kit includes:

  • A Spring Equinox Guidebook — A comprehensive guide to Ostara’s crystals, energies, and correspondences, perfect for the season of abundance and renewal.
  • A Guided Meditation — A downloadable meditation to connect you with Ostara’s light, joy, and the wisdom of Goddess Eostra’s.
  • An Ostara Card Spread — A tarot/oracle card spread to clarify intentions and harness Ostara’s spiritual potential for growth.
  • A Crystal Grid Recipe & Template — Enhance your crystal practice with a template for amplifying spring’s energies of renewal and growth.


Spring Equinox Kit


Whether you’re an experienced practitioner or a crystal novice, this kit is filled with wisdom and tools to enhance your spiritual practice.

Embrace the radiance, renewal and joy of the longer and brighter days ahead! Get your Spring Equinox Digital Download Kit now and open the doors to a season filled with light, new beginnings, and transformative spiritual work.

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Crystal Co-Creation with the Plant Kingdom: Enjoy a Spectacular Spring Season with Moss Agate (Step 2 of 3)
Article Name
Crystal Co-Creation with the Plant Kingdom: Enjoy a Spectacular Spring Season with Moss Agate (Step 2 of 3)
Moss Agate has long been known for it’s connection with the plant kingdom. It encourages plant growth & attracts beneficial insects to your garden. Because of this, many people have reported increased harvest & yields after creating a Moss Agate crystal grid for the garden. Here's how you can create your very own...
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Love & Light School of Crystal Therapy
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