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Focus on the Physical: Enjoy a Spectacular Spring Season with Moss Agate (Step 3 of 3)

Physical Healing with Moss AgateThe benefits of Moss Agate are seemingly endless, especially in the spring season – and if you think you’ve seen all that this incredible stone can do, you’ve got another surprise coming. In addition to deepening your connection with nature and helping you attain a greener thumb, Moss Agate is an overall healer for your physical body as well! With a little assistance from this beautiful stone, you can experience a multitude of healing benefits this spring!

In last week’s post, we shared with you the second of three easy ways to use Moss Agate for creating a spectacular spring season (by co-creating with the plant kingdom). If you missed, part 1 you can click here to go back and check it out, or click here to check out part 2. This week’s post is all about co-creating with the plant kingdom!

Step #3 to a Spectacular Spring: Focus on the Physical

The winter months can take their toll on our bodies – lack of sunshine (and for many of us, a change in our physical routine) can lead to feeling a bit run down by the time the spring season arrives.

Moss Agate is an amazing crystal ally for getting our bodies back into a place of energetic wellness.

Moss Agate’s Hornblende and Chlorite inclusions add to this capability to heal and rejuvenate the body.

Healing with Moss Agate:

To get the best results, I suggest performing a “laying-on-of-stones” session (also known as a crystal layout) 2-3 times per week for 5-10 minutes each session.

You can intuitively choose a part of the body on which to place the stone, or you can hold it over your belly (the area in charge of distributing energy to the rest of the body). These mini healing sessions are a quick and easy (not to mention enjoyable!) way to get your physical body healthy, whole, and happy after a long winter. However, this can be done any time you’re not quite feeling your best.

Alternatively, you can create a Moss Agate elixir (using the indirect method of preparation for safety) and take 8-10 drops twice per day for about one month. You can do this just as the spring season is beginning so that by the time your month is over, you can get outside and enjoy the emerging beauty of leafy trees and the colorful blossoms of spring bulbs.

Embrace Spring’s Radiance With Our Spring Equinox Kit!


Spring Equinox Kit


Are you prepared to embrace the essence of spring’s awakening, sow the seeds of transformation for Ostara, and harness the rejuvenating power of crystal energy?

Dive into the vibrant awakening of Ostara with our Exclusive Spring Equinox Kit, your gateway to crystal magic and spiritual renewal during a season of transformation. This unique kit has been carefully curated to usher you through the radiant realm of Ostara, empowering you to embrace the emerging light and vibrance of this seasonal milestone.

Your Spring Equinox Digital Download Kit includes:

  • A Spring Equinox Guidebook — A comprehensive guide to Ostara’s crystals, energies, and correspondences, perfect for the season of abundance and renewal.
  • A Guided Meditation — A downloadable meditation to connect you with Ostara’s light, joy, and the wisdom of Goddess Eostra’s.
  • An Ostara Card Spread — A tarot/oracle card spread to clarify intentions and harness Ostara’s spiritual potential for growth.
  • A Crystal Grid Recipe & Template — Enhance your crystal practice with a template for amplifying spring’s energies of renewal and growth.


Spring Equinox Kit


Whether you’re an experienced practitioner or a crystal novice, this kit is filled with wisdom and tools to enhance your spiritual practice.

Embrace the radiance, renewal and joy of the longer and brighter days ahead! Get your Spring Equinox Digital Download Kit now and open the doors to a season filled with light, new beginnings, and transformative spiritual work.

Learn More and Get Yours Here Button

Are you interested in becoming a Certified Crystal Healer? Find out more about the CCH and Advanced Crystal Practitioner Program HERE!

Focus on the Physical: Enjoy a Spectacular Spring Season with Moss Agate (Step 3 of 3)
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Focus on the Physical: Enjoy a Spectacular Spring Season with Moss Agate (Step 3 of 3)
The winter months can take their toll on our bodies, and often leave us feeling run down at spring's arrival. Healing with Moss Agate is an amazing way to get our bodies back into peak performance mode; it aids physical healing, repairs damaged cells or damaged nerve endings, and detoxifies the physical body.
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Love & Light School of Crystal Therapy
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