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The Crystal Immersion Method: A Comprehensive Approach to Crystal Healing

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I’ve developed the Crystal Immersion Method ™ of teaching, specifically to help you deepen your crystal knowledge and spiritual development through 3 key pillars of training.

Picture of Ashley on the beach placing crystals around a clear quartz tower


I know from experience that developing these 3 key areas is important for all spiritual seekers. Intuition, Compassion, and confidence all play a role in creating a strong foundation for your work as a crystal healer.


Each part of this Crystal Immersion Method focuses on one of these 3 pillars to help prepare you for your journey ahead.

The Crystal Immersion Method: A Comprehensive Approach to Crystal Healing

It’s my hope that by developing these pillars within yourself, you’ll be better able to connect with your crystals, develop your healing skills, and feel more comfortable and confident when working with your stones.

Pillar #1: Intuition

Developing your intuition is the first pillar you need to master in order to deepen your connection to your crystals and the world around you. When you’re tuned in intuitively, you receive the messages the universe has for you and can act upon that guidance. Learning to listen to your intuition is the first step to being a better healer.

Remember, Your intuition is THE MOST important asset you have as a healer!

As long as you’re listening to your inner guidance…you can’t go wrong.

The Crystal Immersion Method: A Comprehensive Approach to Crystal Healing

Crystals for Intuition:




Lapis Lazuli



One way to work with these stones is to place one over your Third Eye Chakra for approximately 10-15 minutes to let it gently open this intuitive center.

The Crystal Immersion Method: A Comprehensive Approach to Crystal Healing


Pillar #2: Compassion

Holding compassion for yourself and others is the second pillar in our Crystal Immersion Method. This is where you really step up your game as a healer by learning to truly be of service to others (while still taking good care of yourself!). This pillar is all about empowering others to take charge of their own healing and supporting them on their journey while opening your heart to the fullest.

You can embrace compassion in your life by focusing on forgiveness and gratitude. Cultivating both of these is an important part of creating space in our lives for compassion to blossom and thrive. Focusing on forgiveness gratitude has a way of expanding our heart centers and helping us feel full and supported.

The Crystal Immersion Method: A Comprehensive Approach to Crystal Healing

Crystals for Compassion:


Pink Calcite

Pink Opal



Rose Quartz

One way to work with these stones is to wear a necklace made of one of these crystals on a long chain over your Heart Chakra so it fills this center with the energy of kindness and compassion all day long.

The Crystal Immersion Method: A Comprehensive Approach to Crystal Healing


Pillar #3: Confidence

Building confidence in your healing skills is the third and final pillar. By developing your intuition, creating space to support others through compassion, and getting world-class crystal training, your confidence skyrockets like never before! This pillar is all about acknowledging your own gifts and letting your light shine out into the world because you’re finally aligned with your soul path.

Building your confidence can help you overcome blocks that are holding you back from embracing your soul path and living your life to the fullest.

The Crystal Immersion Method: A Comprehensive Approach to Crystal Healing

Crystals for Confidence:


Clear Quartz

Golden Tiger’s Eye


Red Garnet

Rutilated Quartz

One way to work with these stones is to carry them in your purse or pocket and hold them in your hands for a moment any time you need a quick, supportive confidence boost!

The Crystal Immersion Method: A Comprehensive Approach to Crystal Healing


When you’re just starting out with crystal healing, the wealth of information out there can make it tricky to know where to start. That’s why, my Beginner’s Course Bundle contains all the crystal fundamentals you need to know.


Beginners Course Bundle


Bundling three of my best-selling courses into one for a discounted price, my Beginners Course Bundle is designed to provide you with the essential knowledge and skills to dive into the world of crystal healing – from understanding the energetic properties of crystals to practical applications and techniques, you’ll gain a well-rounded education that will empower you to confidently work with crystals. 

What’s Included in the Beginners Course Bundle:

  1. Introduction to Crystal Healing Course: Embark on a Transformative Crystal Journey (value $299)


Introduction to Crystal Healing Course


  1. Your Crystal Clear Year Course: Craft a Daily Crystal Practice (value $149)


Crystal clear year Course


  1. Crystal Rituals for Personal Empowerment Course: Unlock Your Inner Potential (value $99)


Crystal Rituals for Personal Empowerment Course

Total Bundle Value: $547

Your Price: $464.95 (Save 15%!)

Enroll in my Beginner’s Course Bundle and enjoy a discounted price, making it even more accessible for you to embark on your crystal healing journey. Start today and unlock the magic, wisdom, and healing power of crystals in your life!

Learn More & Sign up

Are you interested in becoming a Certified Crystal Healer? Find out more about the CCH and Advanced Crystal Practitioner Program HERE!

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The Crystal Immersion Method: A Comprehensive Approach to Crystal Healing
Article Name
The Crystal Immersion Method: A Comprehensive Approach to Crystal Healing
I’ve developed the Crystal Immersion Method of teaching to help you deepen your crystal knowledge and spiritual development through 3 key training pillars.
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Love & Light School of Crystal Therapy
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10 Responses

  1. Thank you for the information. I like the concept of learning how to become a more proficient crystal healer. The three pillars are important to develop when starting to use the crystals and with practice, leads to a continuous and dynamic skill enhancing abilities as a practitioner.

    1. Absolutely, Helen! 🙂 Very well put. <3 Thank you for being here - I'm glad the idea of becoming a more proficient crystal healer interests you too! I hope you continue to enjoy our school's resources! Crystal Blessings 🙂

  2. I have a strong pull to crystals,I would say I don’t really have a choice in this I feel vibrations and heat from my crystals .financially I can’t afford your class . But would love to learn all I can from your free lessons.

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