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Crystals & A Card Spread for Insight at Samhain

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Samhain (pronounced the Gaelic way, SAH-win) is celebrated on October 31. This holiday marks the beginning of the dark half of the year here in the Northern Hemisphere and is the perfect time to hold space for ancestor connection, intuition, the thinning of the veil, death, introspection, rebirth, divination, and honoring the dead! It’s a day to connect with ancestors and honor those who have passed on. Samhain is also an introspective time that can heighten intuition & divination, and call for meditation on death and rebirth. *If you live in the Southern Hemisphere, you’ll be celebrating the festival of Beltane today instead of Samhain to keep with the seasonal cycles. 


The 3 Best Crystals to work with on and around Samhain are:

    1. Black MoonstoneA darkly reflective crystal perfect for promoting intuition and personal insight. Use it wisely when you’re ready to ask big questions this month.
    2. Sangre Calcite – This deep red calcite is a powerful fire element symbol that makes it a great helper for vitality and motivation in the colder months.
    3. Howlite – This stone is associated with the world of dreams and that which lies “beyond the veil,” making it a good complement for connection with ancestors and the spirit realm.




More Samhain Crystals:

Black Obsidian


Black Moonstone

Black Onyx





Red Garnet

Red Sangre Calcite


Smoky Quartz

Snowflake Obsidian

Set Up Your Samhain Ritual Altar!

       Samhain Symbols

  1. Ale or Mead
  2. Pumpkin
  3. Skull
  4. Besom or Broom
  5. Beans
  6. Cauldron
  7. Bat
  8. Key
  9. Squash
  10. Pomegranate
  11. Nuts
  12. Apples & Cider
  13. Bones


Crystals and a Card Spread for Samhain

Samhain Herbs:






Rose Hips





Crystals and a Card Spread for Samhain


  1. Samhain is Also Known As/Related To:


All Hallows Eve

Calan Graeaf

Ancestor Night

Third Harvest

Final Harvest

Day of the Dead

Witch’s New Year


Bonfire Night

All Saints’ Day

All Souls’ Day

Celtic New Year





Open yourself up to the messages of illumination at this time of the Fire Festival with a Sacred Samhain Card Spread!


This reading will cover 6 aspects of the Final Harvest and shift into the Celtic New Year with highly specific info to help you:

  1. Uncover hidden influences that are affecting the events in your life and navigate the thin, mystical spaces
  2. Hear messages from the universe specific to your unique spiritual path, intuition, and connection to your ancestors or guides
  3. Look into what you need to focus on now on your soul path by gaining insight into what to sow and cultivate now until the light returns




Interpreting Card #1

What are you harvesting now from the energy of this past year?

This card helps summarize your journey over the past year and what has ripened and is now ready for harvest. Think of all you’ve been working to grow and create in your life – now is the time to reap the rewards of your efforts and call in the harvest.


Samhain Card Spread & Crystals

Interpreting Card #2

What should you sow and cultivate from now until the time when the light returns at Imbolc?

Now that you’ve called in the harvest and completed a cycle, what would you most like to sow the seeds of in this moment? What will serve you best in the coming year? The energy you focus on now will begin to show itself and come back to you in big ways by Imbolc. This card may hold some hints or inspiration on what to do next.


Samhain Card Spread & Crystals

Interpreting Card #3

What should you release into the darkness and burn away in the bonfire of your soul?

What needs to be released at this time? And what is no longer serving you? What is potentially holding you back from all that you’d like to embody in your life? This card is here to help you recognize and accept the things that are ready to be let go so that you can create space in your life for things that will better serve and support you in the coming year ahead.



Interpreting Card #4

Tips for navigating the thin spaces and walking between worlds as a powerful seeker.

Samhain is the time of the thinning of the veil – when worlds co-exist and we are able to walk between worlds. What are you seeking right now? What answers have you been searching for? How can you traverse the realm of shadow or the Otherworld while keeping one foot planted firmly in this realm?



Samhain Card Spread & Crystals

Interpreting Card #5

Future influences coming in at this time of the turning of the Wheel for the Celtic New Year.

This card helps give you insight into any new, fresh energy that’s coming into your life during this time of shift and change, What should you be on the lookout for? What may be on the horizon in the coming year? How will this energy affect you as you move forward?



Samhain Card Spread & Crystals

Interpreting Card #6

A special message from your ancestors and guides about what you most need to know right now.

This final card represents a special message to you from your ancestors of guides. What is it that they would like to communicate with you at this time? What lessons, knowledge, or wisdom are they passing on to you? How may you best heed their words?




Because Samhain is such a powerful time for intuition and divination, this is also a great time of year to practice the sacred art of charm casting:



In this method of divination, you’ll look at how the charms fall in relation to one another and use their positions and energies to tell a story.


Samhain Charm Casting Kit


 Get started with my Samhain Charm Casting Divination Kit!


Samhain Charm Casting Divination Kit


Are you interested in becoming a Certified Crystal Healer? Find out more about the CCH and Advanced Crystal Practitioner Program HERE!


Crystals & A Card Spread for Insight at Samhain
Article Name
Crystals & A Card Spread for Insight at Samhain
Samhain is celebrated on October 31. It is the perfect time to hold space for introspection, rebirth, divination, and honoring the dead.
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Love & Light School of Crystal Therapy
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4 Responses

  1. Hi, I would like to know if you can use any oracle cards to do this spread or is it just for tarot cards.
    Thank you in advance and thank you for the information.
    Kind regards and blessings

    1. Hi Caroline! You can absolutely use oracle cards for this spread, you could even combine multiple sets and draw 1 card from each deck! It’s completely up to you and your intuition on how you want to proceed! 🙂 Crystal Blessings! <3

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