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What is the Fairy Moon? | Meaning, Magic, and How to Harness Its Energy

Have you heard of the Fairy Moon? This rare celestial event, also known as a Black Moon, occurs when there’s a second new moon in a single calendar month, marking a powerful time for transformation, intention-setting, and connecting with mystical energies. Let’s dive into the wonder and mystery of the Fairy Moon and explore how you can make the most of this enchanting event!

Crystals for the Fairy Moon | Meaning, Magic, and How to Harness Its Energy

What is the Fairy Moon?

The term fairy moon (also referred to as a black moon) refers to a second new moon that occurs within a calendar month. The appearance of a fairy moon is special as they don’t happen often. The next Fairy Moon is set to take place this year on the night of December 30th.



An Introduction to the Fae and the Fairy Moon:

In Irish and English folklore, fairies are often referred to as “The Good Neighbors” or “The Fair Folk,” names that show respect and reverence. This reflects the belief that one should always speak respectfully about the fae to avoid offending them. In Irish lore, the fae live in a parallel world, often called the “Otherworld” or “Tír na nÓg” (the Land of Eternal Youth). This world is believed to be a place of beauty, enchantment, and sometimes danger, where time flows differently. You may find that time feels like it moves differently during the Fairy Moon.

Crystals for the Fairy Moon | Meaning, Magic, and How to Harness Its Energy


Why is the Fairy Moon Significant?

Ever since humans began gazing at the stars, the new moon has held spiritual significance. Liminal spaces and times (twilight, forest edges, Samhain) when the veil is thin (like it is at the time of the Fairy Moon) are ideal for connecting with the fae because they are “in-between” and, like the fae themselves, neither fully one thing nor another.

The Fairy Moon is a mystical lunar event, a time when the veil between worlds is thin. This thinning of the veil offers us a special opportunity to work with the energies that are normally more subtle or even hidden from us. During this time of heightened energy, this celestial event is said to open a portal to the realm of the fae.

In folklore, the fae are believed to be more active and visible on moonlit nights. The Fairy Moon’s darkness creates more space for mystery and magic, encouraging inner reflection, inviting intuitive insights, and important dreams.


Crystals for the Fairy Moon | Meaning, Magic, and How to Harness Its Energy


What to Do During the Time of the Fairy Moon:


The appearance of a fairy moon is traditionally said to amplify the significance of the new moon phase. Many contemporary spiritual practitioners view fairy moons as a time when lunar energy is especially potent — making it the perfect opportunity to inspire and enliven that fresh start you’ve had in mind…so this Fairy Moon happening JUST before the new year will be an especially auspicious time for BIG changes! This is a time for awe and wonder, imagination and creation.

The Fairy Moon is a time of great magic and mysticism and is the perfect opportunity to:

1. Rest and find comfort & coziness in the darkness

2. Make wishes and set intentions

3. Create big magic or spellwork

4. Charge your magical tools or ritual items

5. Practice divination for insight and clarity

6. Leave an offering for the Good Neighbors (the faery folk)

7. Create a special Fairy Moon charged water

During the time of the Fairy Moon, you may whisper a wish or intention into nature, with the idea that it will be held and nurtured by the land. The focus here is on harmony, wishing not only for yourself but also for the wellbeing of the natural world.

Crystals for the Fairy Moon | Meaning, Magic, and How to Harness Its Energy


Affirmations for the Fairy Moon:

1. “I welcome new beginnings with grace and courage.”

2. “I am open to the magic and mystery surrounding me.”

3. “I honor the land and the spirits that reside here.”

4. “I am in harmony with the cycles of nature and my own growth.”


Crystals for the Fairy Moon | Meaning, Magic, and How to Harness Its Energy


How to Honor the Fae at the Time of the Fairy moon:

The fae are often seen as guardians of nature, so the time of the Fairy Moon is seen as a time for honoring the Fae and the Spirits of the Land.

Rituals and traditions that honor the Fae should be rooted in respect and humility. They typically involve reverence and honor for the Good Neighbors and should never attempt to summon or control them. Before doing any magical work that involves natural spaces, you may want to ask permission from the fae and give thanks to maintain balance and harmony in your relationship with them – reciprocity goes a long way toward relationship building (just like any relationship, one-sidedness is not in integrity).


Crystals for the Fairy Moon | Meaning, Magic, and How to Harness Its Energy


In traditional folklore, it was common to leave small offerings (like milk, bread, or honey) to the fae as a sign of respect. Offerings should be left as symbols of thanks rather than as demands or with expectation of favors. The Fairy Moon is a great time to leave simple, respectful offerings in a safe, secluded natural spot while this veil between the worlds is thin. Be sure that you’re leaving things only in an area where you have permission to do so, and please only leave natural offerings that will not harm the plants, animals, or ecosystem in the area (biodegradable things like flowers or herbs are best…the goal is to leave nothing permanent behind).

The fae are closely tied to natural places, particularly those that seem relatively untouched by human activity. It can sometimes be best to honor these places by simply appreciating their beauty or by leaving them cleaner than found, as a gesture of goodwill. You could offer some words spoken from your heart, a dance, a song, or an act of service rather than a physical offering.


Crystals for the Fairy Moon | Meaning, Magic, and How to Harness Its Energy


If you’re unable to go to a place where you feel the presence of the Fae (or you’re more comfortable doing this type of magical working from your sacred space), then you may instead try:

1. Lighting a candle in their honor or leaving some offerings on a small altar in your space

2. Meditating or reflecting on the importance of the natural world and its impact on your life (you could even journal about your connection with the land where you live or spend the most time, thinking about your role in the local environment)

3. Speaking words of gratitude for the land and the unseen forces of the faeries


Crystals for the Fairy Moon:

1. Moss Agate

2. Tree Agate

3. Amethyst (especially Seer Stones shapes)

4. Cross Stone

5. Hag Stone

6. Kambaba Jasper

7. Rainforest Jasper

8. Labradorite


Crystals for the Fairy Moon | Meaning, Magic, and How to Harness Its Energy


9. Rainbow Moonstone

10. Black Obsidian (especially spheres)

11. Angel Aura Quartz

12. Angel Aura Rose Quartz

13. Celadonite Phantom Quartz

14. Chlorite-Included Quartz

15. Clear Quartz

16. Spirit Quartz


Crystals for the Fairy Moon | Meaning, Magic, and How to Harness Its Energy


Where to Find the Fae:

In both Irish and English lore, fairy rings (rings of mushrooms in lawns or meadows) were thought to mark places where the fae had danced or gathered. These fairy rings were treated with respect, as disturbing them could bring unwanted attention from the Good Neighbors. 

In some Irish traditions, certain trees like hawthorns and oaks are considered sacred to the fae. Cutting down these trees was believed to bring misfortune, as it could anger them. And for those of us with a deep respect for nature, we know how the loss of these beautiful, majestic trees deeply impacts the energy of the landscape.


Crystals for the Fairy Moon | Meaning, Magic, and How to Harness Its Energy


Embracing the Mystery of the Fairy Moon:

Approach the fae and the time of the Fairy Moon with an open heart and respect for the unseen. The true essence of the Fairy Moon lies in its mystery and the invitation to explore it with curiosity and a sense of wonder and reverence for nature and the wisdom found in the land. Hold gratitude in your heart and appreciate the magic that is present during this special opportunity to connect with the fae and for the guidance that nature provides you in your life. Especially as crystal healers, it’s so important for us to be in flow with the natural rhythms of the universe to unlock the different energies they have to offer. You’ll learn all about all of this in my Crystals for the Fairy Moon Course, where I show you how to use crystals and the amplified lunar energy of this celestial event to manifest new beginnings and connect with the Fairy Realm.


Crystals for the Fairy Moon | Meaning, Magic, and How to Harness Its Energy

In this course you will learn: 

1. The energies to work with during the fairy moon

2. The best crystals to work with during this magical time

3. A special oracle card spread to get clarity on your path

4. A gem water recipe tailored to the energy of the Fairy Moon

5. Fairy offering suggestions and lore

6. A fairy moon crystal grid recipe

7. A special, herbal fairy tea blend recipe


Crystals for the Fairy Moon | Meaning, Magic, and How to Harness Its Energy

This class includes lots of materials to enhance your Fairy Moon experience:

1. Downloadable video recording of the class (just under 30-minutes long)

2. 21-page downloadable class slideshow PDF

3. 17-page downloadable workbook PDF (including printable goodies like a fairy moon altar card, crystal grid template, gem water labels, journal pages, & more!)

Tap into this rare celestial event with my Crystals for the Fairy Moon Course!

Are you interested in becoming a Certified Crystal Healer? Find out more about the CCH and Advanced Crystal Practitioner Program HERE!

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