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Crystal Grid for Intuition: A Crystal Grid Recipe for Intuitive Awakening

Crystal Grid for IntuitionWhen it comes to opening up to your intuitive abilities, it’s natural to work with crystals as part of the process. But rather than simply wearing intuition stones as jewelry or carrying them with you for an intuitive boost, you can take things a step further by creating a powerful crystal grid!


This crystal grid for intuition opens your Third Eye center and encourages communication with your spirit guides and angels.

When creating a crystal grid, you should always start by setting an intention.

In this case, it should be something geared toward enhancing your intuitive gifts. If you have trouble creating an intention for yourself, you may use something like, “I feel my intuitive gifts awakening and I’m open to receiving intuitive guidance in all forms.”

This grid is created in the shape of an eye, to represent the Third Eye center.

Start by placing an Azurite crystal (corresponding to intuition and psychic skills) in the center of the grid.

The Azurite creates the pupil of the eye. As you place each stone in the grid, state your intention statement aloud or silently to yourself. If you don’t have Azurite to work with, you could substitute Labradorite, Blue Kyanite, or Charoite.

Next, you’ll create the outer shape of the eye around the center Azurite stone.

This is done using 8 Sodalite stones (corresponding to spirit guide connection). You’ll use 1 stone at each corner of the eye, 3 to create the top lid, and 3 to create the bottom lid. Again, state your intention statement aloud or silently to yourself as you place each stone in the grid. If you don’t have enough Sodalite to work with, you can use a mixture of stones. For example, Lapis Lazuli, Dumortierite, or Blue Apatite would work well.



Finally, you’ll add 2 Clear Quartz crystal points to amplify the energy of the grid.

Place 1 crystal point on each side of the Azurite stone pointing outward to the corners of the eye. This helps the Azurite energy expand outward, strengthening the connection between you and your spirit guides. Again, state your intention statement aloud or silently to yourself as you place each stone in the grid. If you don’t have enough Clear Quartz to work with, you can substitute Rutilated Quartz, Aura Quartz (of any variety), or Selenite.

To activate your grid, use a Clear Quartz or Selenite wand to draw 3 clockwise circles around the grid.

Alternatively, you can trace the shape of the eye to activate the energy of the grid.

You can leave this grid in place for a short time up to several months. Just be sure to check in with the energy of the grid at least weekly to hold space and invite the intuitive guidance into your life.

This grid recipe is adapted from the one featured in my book, Crystals for Energy Healing.

Crystals for Energy Healing Book



When you combine crystals with sacred geometry, you create a powerful vortex of energy that can be used to call in any of your intentions.


So whether you’re looking to enhance your healing, manifestation, protection or meditation practices, crystal grids are your ultimate companion for unlocking the extraordinary potential of your crystals. 


Crystal Grid Templates Pack


With my Crystal Grids Template Pack, you will receive 75 Printable Grid Bases, plus a Step-by-step Guide to grid creation, so that you can confidently craft your own powerful crystal grids from the comfort of your home! 


Crystal Grid Templates Pack Materials


Get started on your own sacred geometry journey with my Crystal Grids Template Pack


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Crystal Grid for Intuition: A Crystal Grid Recipe for Intuitive Awakening
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Crystal Grid for Intuition: A Crystal Grid Recipe for Intuitive Awakening
Creating a powerful crystal grid for intuition is the most effective way to open up your Third Eye center and boost your intuative abilities. Here's how...
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Love & Light School of Crystal Therapy
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10 Responses

  1. This afternoon I was feeling like I needed to work on my intuition, so I took about 15 minutes to lay on my bed with my brand new azurite on my forehead. In that time I felt the word “listen” was coming through. When I came back to my desk after that session, I had this email from you. So I listened. I love this grid and can’t wait to create it tonight. Thank you.

  2. I read your book “Crystals for Energy Healing” and completed some of your Crystal Grid online courses. There’s nothing like hearing it with those resources in reach for reference. This was right time learning for me and very helpful during my Crystal Journey.

  3. Thankyou for the wonderful podcast. Love working with this grid.
    I love how Ashley explains it and made it easy to understand. The knowledge about using different crystals in this grid is helpful too.
    Thankyou Ashley

  4. Thank you Ashley. For the blessing messages you delivered and share. I will happy to create one. Have a wonderful weekend. Love and light.

  5. I love your podcast and this blog is an excellent cross reference. I think I need your book! 🙂 Thank you for this wonderful resource.

  6. Just got out of the hospital again and was too late for the fairy class but as things turn out I received the crystal kit for the moon phases while I was in and my hubby brought it to me! Made my day Ashley you always show up at the right time <3 Thanks even when you don't know it <3 With getting home I'm hanging out in bed and headed to my cosmic book along with ogalling over my moonstones from the kit!!! So tickled !!!! Thank You Thank You Thank You and have a safe holiday weekend <3 Crystal Blessings

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