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Love & Light Blog

Calling all introverts ... Meet powerful and radiant Sunstone, your new crystal for confidence.
It's perfectly natural to wonder, well, do I need a certification to learn about crystals? And the answer might surprise you.
The healing properties of turquoise are powerful. It helps to remove negativity and encourage you to live in the moment. Feel your mind become clear in its presence.
Sacred Geometry is an extremely complicated, detailed subject that's hard to deal with in an article of any kind of reasonable length.
The healing properties of Vera Cruz Amethyst are powerful and abundant. This stone will connect you to your higher self, promote spiritual growth, and more!
Lughnasadh marks the first harvest, and is the mid-point between Litha, the Summer Solstice, and Mabon, the Autumn Equinox.

Peridot is a beautiful lime-green stone that is excellent for shielding your energy field. A Crystal Message about the Healing Properties of Peridot: “Feel my energy shield you from harm

If you’re a spiritual seeker or a mystical soul, chances are you look for signs from the universe, listen to the whispers of your heart, and pay attention to the
Larimar is a rare, blue variety of Pectolite and although it's massive in its outward appearance, it has a triclinic crystal system. The blue color of this stone, often mottled
The healing properties of Chrysoprase will aid in allowing compassion to fill your heart and promote self-love and self-reliance.

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  • Learn how crystals can guide and support you on your unique journey.
  • Reconnect with your passion and purpose!
  • Take the first step toward a more aligned and meaningful life.
  • Learn how crystals can guide and support you on your unique journey.
  • Reconnect with your passion and purpose!

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How to Run a
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