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Stones from Space: Using Tektites & Meteorites for Healing & More

Stones from spaceStones from space, such as tektites and meteorites, are some of the most interesting materials used by crystal healers.


Most people interested in crystals are familiar with the luxurious, green Tektite called Moldavite.  It’s an amazingly high vibrational stone that enhances meditation, deepens your connection with spirit, and even facilitates communication with your spirit guides.

But did you know that there are other tektites as well?

Libyan Desert glass is an amazing golden Tektite found along the Libyan-Egyptian border.  It was formed in the same way as other tektites: a meteorite collided with the earth, creating a natural glass.  This material was prized by the ancient Egyptians. It is most commonly associated with enlightenment, spiritual ascension, past-life recall, self-awareness, and karmic release.

Another popular Tektite is Darwin Glass.  This transparent, greenish-brown Tektite variety is from Tasmania. It is used for meditation and remaining grounded and centered.

There are also a wide variety of gray to black meteorites found throughout Asia. These include Indochinite Tektites, Guandong Tektites, and others.  These ethereal stones are great for promoting self-reflection, facilitating astral travel. They can also help you to see a situation from another point of view.

Because of their celestial origin, Tektites and meteorites share qualities relating to the upper chakras, spirituality, and the exploration of consciousness.

Similar to tektites, there are many varieties of meteorites: stony (chondrite), not stony (achondrite), and iron.

Iron meteorites are great for connecting to the energy and wisdom of your ancestors, enhancing shamanic journeying, and staying grounded during astral travel.

Chondrite meteorites enhance peaceful attitudes and promote feelings of safety and security.

Achondrite meteorites help you find order in times of chaos.

Tektites and meteorites are best used during meditation, or kept in your pillowcase (or on your bedside table) while sleeping.  Alternatively you can use these stones to create a crystal grid.  Placing these powerful stones in a sacred geometric formation really amplifies their energy, working to create an energy that’s stronger than the sum of the parts.  This is especially useful to create a background energy for activities like shamanic journey and lucid dreaming.


More About Tektites:

Tektites are a type of glassy meteorite formed when a meteorite hits the earth. The heat from the impact melts terrestrial silica-bearing materials, which get spewed out into the air. There it quickly cools, forming a type of glass. This glass contains other terrestrial minerals, and sometimes even traces of extraterrestrial ones. Some tektites have special names, like the Libyan desert glass of the Sahara or the Darwin glass of Tasmania. While tektites from different locations have distinctive qualities, we can generalize certain properties that are common to most: tektites work with both the root and third eye chakras, and are helpful for grounding and protection, shielding the aura, and psychic and intuitive skills. A small piece under your pillow can be a great tool for dream recall or lucid dreaming.

Moldavite is a special, forest-green tektite. This tektite was the result of an asteroid impact almost 15 million years ago — an impact so powerful it sent molten aluminum-laced silicon dioxide flying into the air, where it quickly took form and solidified. Moldavite, which comes only from the Czech Republic has a very high frequency that causes some people to experience strong reactions. The rarest specimens are known as “angel chimes“; pieces will actually “ring” if dropped onto a sheet of glass. Moldavite is a stone of spiritual transformation, traditionally used in ritual objects. Pieces even appeared at the same site as the Venus of Willendorf. Even though it’s not a crystal, moldavite is considered one of the most high-energy, high-vibrational minerals.

Are you drawn to the captivating beauty and healing energies of crystals, but want to uncover the mysteries behind what makes your beloved stones so special?

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Crystal Lover's Course Bundle


Bundling three of my best-selling courses into one for a discounted price, my Crystal Lover’s Course Bundle is your ticket to a round-the-world tour of Jasper, Amethyst and Super Seven stones. Packed with expert insights on these three essential stones for your toolkit, this exclusive bundle will equip you with the essential knowledge and confidence to deepen your connection with the realm of crystals. 


What’s Included in the Crystal Lover’s Course Bundle:


  1. Discovering Jaspers Course: Confidently identify the many varieties of Jasper, listen to their stories from all corners of the Earth, and embrace their unique energies to enhance your healing abilities (Value $99


Discovering Jaspers Course 


  1. Amethyst Crystals from Around the World Course: Embark on a journey through twelve different types of Amethyst, dive into their rich history, explore their unique characteristics, and gain insights from my personal collection (Value $49)


Amethyst Crystals from Around the World Course


  1. Understanding Super Seven Course: Unravel the mysteries behind the captivating Super Seven crystals and learn how to harness their profound potential (Value $49)


Understanding Super Seven Course


Total Value of my Crystal Lover’s Course Bundle: $197

Your Price: $167.45 (Save 15%!)


Enroll in my Crystal Lover’s Bundle and receive three incredible courses at a discounted price, making it even more accessible for you to embark on your crystal healing journey. Secure your spot now and start your crystal journey today!


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Are you interested in becoming a Certified Crystal Healer? Find out more about the CCH and Advanced Crystal Practitioner Program HERE!

Stones from Space: Using Tektites & Meteorites for Healing & More
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Stones from Space: Using Tektites & Meteorites for Healing & More
Stones from space, such as tektites and meteorites, are some of the most interesting materials used by crystal healers. Are you utilizing their power?
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Love & Light School of Crystal Therapy
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