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Stone Scents: Using Crystal Incense for Enhancing Meditation

Stone Scents
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Holding a crystal, placing one on or near the body, or wearing crystal jewelry are all excellent ways to experience their healing energy, but what if I told you there are other less common ways experience them? You can actually enhance your meditation experience by burning crystal incense in your space. A nice fragrance in addition to the healing properties of the crystal will undoubtedly create a beautiful and peaceful meditation session.

Incorporating crystals into your meditation practice can be a deeply rewarding experience.  However, the ways in which the stones can be used during meditation can be somewhat limited at times.  Using crystal incense is a fun and different way to incorporate crystal energy into your practice.

There are several crystal incense varieties commonly available for sale.

One of my favorite lines of crystal incense is the Shoyeido Jewel Series.  This line of incense includes scents for Amethyst, Diamond, Emerald, Ruby, & Sapphire.  Here is how Shoyeido describes each fragrance:

  • Amethyst – A silky combination of sandalwood and cinnamon – great to use anytime.  Sandalwood, cinnamon, saussurea, & spices.
  • Diamond – Sparkling frankincense, cinnamon and ginger lily shape this treasured fragrance.  Sandalwood, ginger lily, frankincense, & cinnamon.
  • Emerald – A green, woodsy bouquet comprised of sandalwood and clove. Sandalwood, fennel, cinnamon, clove, & spices.
  • Ruby – Cinnamon and patchouli add soft fire to a rosy sandalwood base.  Cinnamon, sandalwood, saussurea, patchouli, & spices.
  • Sapphire – Crisp tones of clove and vetiver are highlights of this soothing blend.  Sandalwood, vetiver, clove, benzoin, & spices.

Disclosure: The link here is an affiliate link, meaning I may earn a commission if you click through and make a purchase. Yay!

The fragrance blends in each complement the energy of the associated stones.   These scents are perfect for enhancing meditations done with their respective crystals, deepening the meditative experience.

There are also several companies that make Moldavite incense:

Hem makes an inexpensive Moldavite incense, but I much prefer the premium Moldavite incense over the Hem brand.  This high vibrational fragrance can be used with Moldavite to promote shamanic journeying, astral projection, or other out of body experiences during meditation.

I recommend trying a few different crystal incenses, experimenting with each during your meditation practice.  You may find that different scents help promote specific experiences during your meditative sessions.

Meditation can be an amazing way to hone your skills at sensing the energy of your stones…


That’s why I’ve created my Crystal Energy Guided Meditation!


Crystal Energy Guided Meditation


This 15-minute, immersive meditation is designed to help you tune into the unique energies of your crystals and develop a deeper understanding of their healing properties, allowing you to enhance your connection with the crystal realm.


Crystal Energy Meditation - 15 Minute Guided Meditation


As crystal healers, it’s important that we get to know each of our crystals intimately, so that we can be sure we’re maximizing the healing potential of our stones. Learn how with my Crystal Energy Guided Meditation


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Stone Scents: Using Crystal Incense for Enhancing Meditation
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Stone Scents: Using Crystal Incense for Enhancing Meditation
Want to diversify your healing routine? Using crystal incense is a fun and different way to incorporate crystal energy into your practice.
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Love & Light School of Crystal Therapy
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