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Healing Properties of Rainforest Jasper: A Crystal for Love & Earth Connection

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Rainforest Jasper is actually a form of Rhyolite that gets its name from the gorgeous greens and brown patterns that look like a jungle canopy.

Healing Properties of Rainforest Jasper

A Crystal Message about the Healing Properties of Rainforest Jasper:

“I am gently grounded as I listen to the whispers of the earth and connect to the energy of my crystals.”

Healing Properties of Rainforest Jasper


Common Healing Properties of Rainforest Jasper:

  • Promotes a connection with nature
  • Enhances a “green thumb” and expands your knowledge of the plant kingdom (especially of herbalism)
  • Instills respect for all living things
  • Connects you with Gaia (the Earth Mother)
  • Stimulates creativity
  • Enhances love and trust in a relationship

Colors: Mottled spots of clear, brown, gold, and orange on a base of olive green

Zodiac Signs: Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn, Pisces

Healing Properties of Rainforest Jasper

Elements: Earth

Companion Flowers: Trillium

Healing Properties of Rainforest Jasper

Companion Essential Oil: Oregano

Companion Stone: Orange Aventurine

Healing Properties of Rainforest Jasper

Common Origins: Australia

Notes: Also known as Rainforest Rhyolite or as Rainforest Rhyolite Jasper.

Wanna’ Get Science-y? Click Here to get more information about this crystal!

Healing Properties of Rainforest Jasper


More Information About Jasper:

Jaspers are primarily quartz (silicon dioxide, or SO2) which has been broken down and reformed within the earth, often picking up traces of other minerals in the process. More complex jaspers may even include veins or small pieces of other minerals. Some jaspers are actually agates, rhyolites, or other types of stones. In general, jaspers are associated with grounding and connection to Mother Earth. The heavily patterned ones are often also associated with creativity and mental focus.

Healing Properties of Rainforest Jasper

Jasper comes in a huge variety of colors and patterns, many named for plants and animals. These names not only describe the stone’s appearance, they add meaning to the stone’s uses as well. Leopardskin jasper is particularly associated with animal communication — which makes a lot of sense, as leopards themselves have long been seen as messengers. Dalmatian jasper’s associations extend to its properties; it’s fun, loyal, and cheers you up when you need a friend. As you might guess, elephant skin jasper ties in with memory and wisdom. Across many cultures and times, we’ve come to see and make use of many connections between plant, animal, and mineral kingdoms.

Healing Properties of Rainforest Jasper

If this crystal shows up for you, it’s a reminder to clear your space – you’ll feel much better after you’ve removed any unwanted energies, people, or beliefs from your physical and mental space. It also reminds you to get in touch with the happiness of your inner child – to bask in the joy and light of the sun.


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Healing Properties of Rainforest Jasper


Jasper stones are an incredibly diverse group of crystals, encompassing every color of the rainbow, a huge variety of healing properties, and a wide global distribution, so becoming familiar with the differences and similarities in these treasured crystals can be really helpful for any crystal lover. That’s why, in my Discovering Jaspers Course, I’ve shared information about the different energetic qualities of OVER 100 different types of Jaspers from around the globe. Intimately understanding the unique characteristics of these crystals deepens our understanding of the mineral kingdom as a whole!



In this 11-hour course series, you’ll learn key information about Jasper, like…

  • An introduction to Jasper stones including what makes a Jasper (and how they differ from other stones) along with a tour of some examples of the stones from Ashley’s collection
  • An in-depth look at over 100 different types of Jaspers including their origins, healing properties, historical uses and lore, alternative names, and common look-alikes or misidentifications


Discovering Jaspers Course


As crystal healers, it’s important for us to be able to identify and differentiate lots of different crystal types as well as to understand the similarities and subtle differences between the stones we work with for healing. You’ll learn more about all of this when you sign-up for my Discovering Jaspers Course!


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Healing Properties of Rainforest Jasper: A Crystal for Love & Earth Connection
Article Name
Healing Properties of Rainforest Jasper: A Crystal for Love & Earth Connection
The healing properties of rainforest jasper will ground you as you listen to the earth and connect to the energy of your crystals.
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Love & Light School of Crystal Therapy
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8 Responses

  1. Hi Ashley,
    I’m struggling to differenciate rainforest and ocean jasper. Can you help? What are the properties of the ocean one compared to the rainforest?
    Thank you

    1. Good question! So you can view the properties of Rainforest Jasper in this post that you commented on. 🙂 And here are a few facts and properties about Ocean Jasper! –>

      Ocean Jasper has a connection with earth & sea, access to Akashic records, ancient wisdom & knowledge, instilling joy. positive attitude, healing & balance. It is typically used for the 1st, 4th, and 6th chakras. It can also be great for creativity and mental focus. <3

      I hope that helps a bit! Crystal Blessings

  2. What an incredibly beautiful stone.
    Just seeing these beauties was a real draw for me.
    Can’t wait to add this to my collection!
    Thank You!

    1. Isn’t it lovely? 🙂 I’m glad you agree & enjoyed the post! Crystal Blessings

  3. How interesting that this was in my inbox of my email today. Every morning before I head out to work, i cleanse myself with my selenite stick and get my bag of crystals ready. As I was looking over all the crystals on my altar, my rainforest jasper caught my eye, coincidence? I think not. Lol. Haven’t cleansed my surroundings in awhile so will definetly get to it? thanks again for all this great info!

    1. I love when that happens & things align nicely. 🙂 What a great affirmation! I’m glad you enjoyed the post as well. <3 Crystal Blessings

  4. I came across Rhyolite (Rainforest Jasper)
    several months ago. I had been having troubles with other people not respecting my place in the scheme of things. I was constantly interrupted by my husband before I could even complete my thoughts and at work I was struggling to be heard. I was at my wits’ end with it all and feeling vulnerable, like I was about to sink into some kind of depression about it.

    I began wearing the Rhyolite and within a day I noticed the difference in the way people were treating me. I suppose it brings our this self respect that shows because obviously everyone around me would only treat me differently if I changed something in the way I behaved with them.
    Another thing that I noticed is being in the NOW. When I wear this I absolutely am.

    I got a little Rhyolite charm for my 19 year old cat, who has always been somewhat aloof. I think we have picked up on some ways of communicating together since we both have the crystal. He’s much more trusting when I have to torture (groom) him. He has hyperthyroid illness and his fur gets badly matted and his skin is old and thin and it hurts. He now comes to be when I have the brushes. He hates it but he also knows he will feel better and be able to walk better, as the matted fur restricts everything. In return, I let him drink from the tap in the bathroom as a treat.

    Months on, I am still astounded by this crystal. I wear it every day and got another one to give the first one a bit of a break.
    I also got a pendulum and a couple of spheres to put next to my bed. I never leave the house without some on me.

    It appears for me to give me fantastic and therapeutic dreams as well.

    My favourite crystal.

    Someone asked how to tell the difference between Rhyolite and Ocean Jasper? Rhyolite has these ‘windows’ – it is not a Jasper but a volcanic stone. There are deep greens, creams, and oranges with windows of translucent material which is sort of mushroom coloured.
    The main thing you might notice about the energy is that it pours you into the moment you are living. And you swim in it. Big style.

    1. Hi Cat, that’s amazing you’ve been able to experience such transformation in your personal live when you began connecting with this stone. To see the difference in your cat’s behavior is beautiful as well. Thank you so much for sharing your experience <3 Crystal Blessings!

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