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Don’t Let This Common Mistake Ruin Your Healing Crystals

Healing crystal mistakesEver have that sick feeling in the pit of your stomach when you discover you’ve accidentally “ruined” one of your favorite stones?


Maybe you tried cleansing your Selenite in water only to see it has lost its definition and brightness.

Or maybe you placed your favorite deep, dark Uruguayan Amethyst crystal on the windowsill and later discovered that it had faded.

The horror!

Remember to use caution when placing your stones in the sunlight; some crystals will fade over time.  Colorful, transparent or translucent stones like Amethyst, Fluorite, Rose Quartz, Celestite, Smoky Quartz, and more will begin to lose their color if kept in the sunlight for too long.  

So why exactly does this happen? Well, photons found in UV rays (the kind of light emitted from the sun) fade your colorful crystals over time.

So are crystals really “ruined” when if they get washed out and faded by the sun?

The answer is…that depends.  And it depends on YOU.

The energy of the stone certainly won’t be affected and a faded crystal will work just the same as one of intense color.

However, if your goal of working with the crystal is to use it for its color energy, like in chromotherapy, then you may prefer a strong saturation of color.  Additionally, if it bothers you that the crystal just doesn’t look the same, then you’ll definitely want to keep it out of UV light. Ultimately, if you’re not feeling good about the crystal’s appearance (i.e. you’re bummed out that your deep, dark Amethyst is now pale lavender), then that may influence the way the stone is able to work with you energetically.

It’s also important to note that color saturation is often directly linked to the value of a stone, with the brighter, bolder colors usually fetching higher prices.  So if you’ve paid for a higher quality, brightly colored crystal and it fades, the monetary value of the stone will most likely decrease along with the reduced intensity in color.

So, if you’re worried about your stones fading, placing them in the sun is not a good idea.  As an alternative, moonlight is a bit more gentle (after all, it’s just reflected sunlight).  It won’t fade your crystals as long as you remember to retrieve them before the sun comes out for the day.

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What’s Included in the Beginners Course Bundle:

  1. Introduction to Crystal Healing Course: Embark on a Transformative Crystal Journey (value $299)


Introduction to Crystal Healing Course


  1. Your Crystal Clear Year Course: Craft a Daily Crystal Practice (value $149)


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  1. Crystal Rituals for Personal Empowerment Course: Unlock Your Inner Potential (value $99)


Crystal Rituals for Personal Empowerment Course

Total Bundle Value: $547

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Don't Let This Common Mistake Ruin Your Healing Crystals
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Don't Let This Common Mistake Ruin Your Healing Crystals
There are some healing crystal mistakes that you really need to watch out for... are you making any of them? Find out here - and learn how to avoid them!
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Love & Light School of Crystal Therapy
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2 Responses

  1. Don’t know if you have ever heard of anything like this. I have a laser crystal that I fell in love with many years ago. One day it slipped out of my pocket and clattered to the tile floor of the bathroom where I worked at the time and broke in half. My heart also dropped to that cold hard floor. With tears in my eyes I picked it up. My healer and crystal friends and books told to bury it in the earth. But my inner voice said glue it back together immediately when you get home. So I did. After over 20 years the glue has never been replaced. And my beautiful companion hums and purrs as it always did. And it seems to have grown back together. The 2 halves are different colors but it doesn’t seem to matter.

    Then a few months ago, I managed to leave a Zoecite(not sure spelling) pendulum in a pocket and washed it. The tip broke off and it looked battered. I remembered what my inner voice said about my laser crystal so I quick used Gorilla glue to put it back together. It seemed to be in shock for a few days. Then I rubbed it an oil and left it for a week or so next to my bed. It has recovered and now vibrates like it always did and guides me faithfully. Truly amazing.

    1. Hi Elaine 🙂 Absolutely! <3 Many people do glue their crystals back together when returning to the earth doesn't feel right at that time-- whatever works for your and resonates with you is the perfect thing to do for your crystals <3 So glad to hear both are still working perfectly for you. Crystal blessings!

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