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Crystal Layout for Emotional Healing

Crystal LayoutAs I discuss in my book Crystals for Energy Healing, when it comes to your overall wellbeing, your emotional health is an integral part of keeping yourself balanced and aligned. Using a crystal layout is a great way to help you achieve emotional balance.


The following crystal layout heals emotional wounds and shields you from outside energy that’s not for your highest good.

This layout includes:

  • 7 Selenite crystals
  • 2 Rhodochrosite crystals
  • 4 Blue Lace Agate crystals
  • 1 Cross Stone

When performing any layout, be sure that you’re working with cleansed stones in a place you won’t be disturbed. Your sacred space or healing room is great for this.

Start by placing the 7 Selenite stones around the entire physical body in the shape of a 7-pointed star with the top-most point directly above the head.

The human aura has 7 layers. Each of these points represents and connects with one of these auric layers. Since Selenite is a powerful energy cleanser, it helps to dissolve any energetic imprints that have been stored in your aura. These imprints are created when we experience emotional trauma. By cleansing these imprints you start to heal the emotional body. Additionally, the 7-pointed star shape is known for being highly protective. It works to shield your energy body even after you leave the layout.

Next, you’ll place the Rhodochrosite stones next to each ear just behind the earlobe where the head meets the neck.

This is the location of the past-life chakras. Emotional debris and information from your previous incarnations can be stored in these minor chakra energy centers. Rhodochrosite enhances acceptance and promotes forgiveness. Therefore, these stones work to release any residual resentment, fear, or negativity from these centers that have carried over from past lives into your current lifetime.

After the emotional body has been repaired you should rebalance the energy in the aura.

To do this, surround the body with the 4 Blue Lace Agate stones. Place one above the head, one directly beneath the first below the feet, and one on either side of the body about halfway between the top and bottom stones. The energy of Blue Lace Agate works to calm and soothe the energy body and begins the process of bringing it back into balance.

To enhance and amplify the overall effectiveness of the layout, place the Cross Stone over the heart with the “arms” of the cross aligned with the Blue Lace Agate stones. Cross Stone creates a protective shield around the emotional body. This sets energetic boundaries and keeps outside energy from entering the aura.

Now that all the stones have been placed you should remain in the layout for 15-20 minutes or until you intuitively feel your emotional energy has been balanced.

Finally, remove the crystals in the opposite order they were placed. Cleanse your crystals thoroughly, and ground yourself before returning to your daily activities.


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  1. Your Crystal Clear Year Course: Craft a Daily Crystal Practice (value $149)


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Crystal Layout for Emotional Healing
Article Name
Crystal Layout for Emotional Healing
Using a crystal layout is a great way to achieve emotional balance. The following layout heals emotional wounds and shields you from negative outside energy.
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Love & Light School of Crystal Therapy
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6 Responses

  1. Can’t wait to try it….I love having new crystal layout options in my crystal healing toolbox….. thank you so much!???

  2. Thank you for this layout , I was directed here by a L&L employee who answered my query about crystals for healing grief. Can not wait to give it a try ??

  3. Thank you for this information. This is so timely because my co-worker was just discussing about a family member who needs help and this is the lay out that I am looking for. I have been thinking about it since yesterday and blog just happen to be there while I was searching for something else. Serendipity!!! More crystal blessings to you Ashley!!!????????

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