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Crystal Gifts for Enhancing Friendships

Tips for Enhancing your Friendships with Crystals - Love and Light School of Crystal Therapy

Giving and receiving crystals as gifts is one of the most beautiful ways to share in the world of crystal energy.  

UPDATE: This article previously mentioned White Sage and Palo Santo among the recommended methods for cleansing your stones. Smoke cleansing using these materials is culturally appropriative in the context it was previously described, especially shared by the author here (who is white). This article has been updated to reflect this change. Additionally, this article previously used the term “mojo bag” to describe a charm bag or pouch containing various meaningful items. Using this term is culturally appropriative (as this is a term rooted in African spiritual practice).

My very first crystal teacher taught me that the act of giving a crystal could amplify its energy tenfold. There’s something about sharing these beautiful gifts of the earth with someone you care for that really make them shine! And let’s be real for a moment…who doesn’t love receiving a crystal as a gift?

Is there someone special in your life that could use a crystal pick me up?

If so, you might be wondering what stone to give.  Crystals, in general, are symbols of friendship because they’re solid, sturdy, and practically everlasting.  More specifically, there are a few stones that have traditional associations with friendship and support.

  • Pink Botswana Agate to aid friendships during rough patches and difficult times
  • Apache Tear to encourage strong bonds
  • Citrine to promote happiness between friends and to share in joyful experiences with each other
  • Emerald for loyalty and supportive friendships
  • Pink Halite to heal damaged friendships
  • Brecciated Jasper to strengthen friendships and pull people back together
  • Lepidolite to encourage new friendships to blossom and grow
  • Snowflake Obsidian to represent balance and appreciate the unique gifts you each bring to the friendship
  • Boulder Opal to promote harmony in friendships
  • Pink Opal to make it easier and more comfortable when making new friends
  • Rose Quartz as a symbol of friendship and kindness
  • Rhodonite to strengthen your existing friendships
  • Pink Tourmaline to enhance friendships in all ways
  • Unakite to facilitate friendships to grow




Tips and Tricks for Enhancing Friendships with Crystals - Mojo Bags & Medicine Pouches via Love and Light School of Crystal Therapy

You can give these stones as gifts, but you can also use them in charm bags and crystal grids.

To give the stones as a gift, think about the person you’d like to give the gift to and then tune into your stones. Which one calls out as being just what that person most needs at this time? Which crystals feels like it will be for their highest good? Give the stone a good cleansing, place it in a gift bag or box, and pass it along with positive intention and good wishes. It’s just about guaranteed that your gift will brighten that person’s day and fill them with joy. You may even want to include an herbal cleansing bundle made of something like lavender, rosemary, or mugwort and teach your friend how to keep their crystal cleansed.

To use the crystals in a charm bag, choose a stone, or combination of stones, from the list above and place them in a small pouch.  As you drop each stone in the bag, focus on enhancing the qualities above, filling the stone with positive thoughts and good vibes.  Then, write your name on a small piece of paper along with the names of your friends and place the paper in the bag with the intention of strengthening your friendships.  Alternatively, you can arrange your chosen stones into a geometric crystal grid and place the slip of paper in the center to send positive, friendship-affirming energy to your friendships.


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Tips and Tricks for Enhancing Friendships with Crystals - Love and Light School of Crystal Therapy


There are so many ways to work with your crystals to unlock your inner bliss, but meditation is probably one of my favorites.

With my Crystal Meditation for Joy, you will learn how to harness the powerful synthesis of crystals and meditation to embrace more joy and happiness in your life. 



This 13-minute, immersive meditation is designed to help you inhale serenity, exhale your worries, and, through the healing energy of crystals, deepen your connection to your inner joy.



As crystal healers, it’s important that we stay in touch with our most authentic selves so that we can connect more deeply to the positivity in our lives. Learn all about this with my Crystal Meditation for Joy!

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