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Love & Light Blog

Dana Whitby has used and loved divination cards of all kinds since 1999. She holds an Undergraduate Degree in Psychology and a Masters Degree in Counseling. After a spiritual awakening
By dressing a candle with oils, herbs, and crystals you turn the candle into a tool for making magic.
Which crystals will balance your zodiac? Knowing the best crystals for zodiac signs are is vital to enhancing the power of your element.
A Crystal Message about the Healing Properties of Chrysocolla: “I open myself to receive the gifts of health, wealth, and happiness that the universe has in store for me."
I'm thrilled to be interviewing Nicholas Pearson. You may know him from previous interviews we’ve done, or maybe you have some of his amazing books that we'll be talking about.
Properly cleansing yourself, your stones, and your space goes a long way toward ensuring a positive outcome from your crystal work.
Why won't my stones work? If your crystals didn't work one time, it doesn't mean they DON'T or WON'T work for you again in the future.
Brigid’s connection with Imbolc is no coincidence. Her presence is felt at this time of year when the days of winter are behind us and we welcome in the warmth

Imperial Topaz is a Soft yellow-gold crystal, most commonly from Brazil, that is sometimes heated to enhance its color. Rarely, it may also appear peachy-pink! A Crystal Message about the

Wearing crystals for the days of the week will allow you to invoke the energy of their corresponding planets and deities. The days of the week were originally named for

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Become a Certified Crystal Healer!

Limited-time Enrollment NOW OPEN!

Limited-time Enrollment NOW OPEN!

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Gain expert knowledge, grow your confidence, and connect with a supportive community of crystal lovers.

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Our Certified Crystal Healer (CCH) & Advanced Crystal Practitioner (ACP) Programs Open for LIMITED-TIME ENROLLMENT Soon!

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When life pulls you away from your inner wisdom, it’s time to come home to yourself.

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  • Take the first step toward a more aligned and meaningful life.
  • Learn how crystals can guide and support you on your unique journey.
  • Reconnect with your passion and purpose!
  • Take the first step toward a more aligned and meaningful life.
  • Learn how crystals can guide and support you on your unique journey.
  • Reconnect with your passion and purpose!

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How to Run a
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