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A Guided Crystal Meditation for Calm

Crystal Meditation for CalmI have found myself in a state of disbelief more than once over the last few weeks. Watching things unfold in the world, I have felt almost every emotion – frustration, disbelief, anxiety, shock, fear, hopelessness. But also acceptance, awe, gratitude, love, joy, compassion, and finally, calm.


When things feel out of control and chaos seems to be swirling around us, it can be so challenging to get to that place of calm.

It’s important to acknowledge our emotions and allow ourselves to feel what we’re feeling, but ultimately, we eventually need to find that place of center and balance in ourselves if we’re going to make it through the rollercoaster of emotion that the current world health crisis is triggering in most of us.

So … how do we find that calm place within ourselves?

Each of us likely has at least a few ways that we do this:

  • gardening
  • painting
  • writing in a journal
  • taking a hot bath

I personally really enjoy all of the above, but when I’m really feeling out of alignment, it can be difficult to enjoy even those basic comforts.

But there’s one thing I know I can always turn to, no matter what’s going on in my life, that can help get me back to that place of centered calm… meditation.

Meditation is a focusing of your mind until you reach a place of inner stillness. It should always be done for the self and not with any specific outcome in mind. Take it from me – over time, meditation can completely transform your outlook on life.

Crystal Meditation for CalmIncorporating crystals and crystal incense into your meditation practice can be a deeply rewarding experience.

As we continue to navigate the coming weeks, consider meditating any time you feel overwhelmed or lost in the sea of emotion that we’re all experiencing right now.

The following crystal meditation for calm has been an incredibly helpful part of my practice to stay connected to my place of inner calm, and I invite you to join me by following along. I hope it serves you and those you love as we move further into uncharted territory … let it help you navigate the uncertainties we currently face, as well as those that are still unfolding.

Wishing you and yours good health, safety, and an open heart. Let us support one another (even at a distance!) with kindness, compassion, and love.

Find a quiet place to sit, grab 2 crystals you feel drawn to and join me in this Crystal Meditation for Calm…



Are you looking for more ways to connect with crystal energy through meditation?

With my Crystal Meditation for Joy, you will learn how to harness the powerful synthesis of crystals and meditation to embrace more joy and happiness in your life. 



This 13-minute, immersive meditation is designed to help you inhale serenity, exhale your worries, and, through the healing energy of crystals, deepen your connection to your inner joy.



As crystal healers, it’s important that we stay in touch with our most authentic selves so that we can connect more deeply to the positivity in our lives. Learn all about this with my Crystal Meditation for Joy!


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A Crystal Meditation for Calm
Article Name
A Crystal Meditation for Calm
This crystal meditation for calm can help to bring you to a place of center and balance, which is especially important in current times of distress.
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Love & Light School of Crystal Therapy
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7 Responses

  1. This was a wonderful meditation. Thank you Ashley for knowing what is needed and offering guidance for peace and calm in such stressful times.

    1. Of course. <3 It helps me too. I appreciate your kind words, and I'm happy you enjoyed it. 🙂 Crystal Blessings

    1. 🙂 SO so happy to hear that. It’s completely my pleasure. <3 Crystal Blessings

  2. Thanks for the wonderful meditation Ashley?
    I found it at the perfect time, when I am working on connecting with my crystals??

  3. Thank you Ashley? I have avoided meditating…always coming up with an excuse or finding something else to do…knowing that what I really need to do is take time out and meditate. You have reminded me of how good it feels to decompress and go quiet for a brief moment. I will endeavour to make quiet meditation time more of a priority.
    Thank you again for this gift???

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