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Yule Altar Guide | Set up a Seasonal Nature Altar for Winter Solstice!

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The Winter Solstice, commonly referred to as Yule, is the perfect time for celebrating hope, generosity, rebirth, celebration, introspection, and the return of the Sun!  Discover the best symbols, herbs and crystals for the Winter Solstice and how to create a seasonal Yule Altar!

Yule Altar with Pine Cones, Pomegranate, Evergreen and a Lantern

So what is the Wheel of the Year?

Separated into 8 main holidays, the Wheel of the Year represents seasonal cycles focusing on the 4 Solar Holidays of the year (also known as the quarter days). This stems from the Anglo-Saxon cultural observations of the solstices and equinoxes, with the addition of the 4 Gaelic, agrarian, seasonal celebrations (the mid-points between the solar holidays known as the lunar cross-quarter days or fire festivals).


Although some of the holidays observed in the Wheel of the Year are quite old, The Wheel of the Year as a whole is fairly modern (being developed in the late 1950s). Though I don’t personally follow the tradition that created the contemporary Wheel of the Year, I find it a helpful way to think about the passage of time and what’s happening at each time of year.

An Introduction to Winter Solstice (Yule):

Winter Solstice is the last of the annual quarter days (the solar festivals), which marks the second of the winter holidays (the mid-point between Samhain and Imbolc).

It’s traditionally celebrated on the shortest day of the year, determined by when the Earth’s pole is at maximum tilt away from the sun (this date may range from December 20th-23rd each year in the Northern Hemisphere, and between June 20th-22nd in the Southern Hemisphere). From this point forward, the days will begin to grow longer until we reach the time of equal day and night at the Spring Equinox (sometimes called Ostara), followed by the longest day of the year at the Summer Solstice (sometimes called Litha).

Yule Altar Supplies

Yule Energies:

Yule is a time of deep introspection, renewal, and hope. As the longest night of the year gives way to the gradual return of the Sun, this sacred season invites us to pause, reflect, and align with nature’s rhythms. It’s the perfect time to connect with the stillness of winter landscape, release what no longer serves us, and set intentions for new beginnings. Whether through creating a seasonal altar, working with crystals, or simply embracing the quiet magic of the season, Yule offers a powerful opportunity to honor cycles of transformation and welcome the light back into our lives.

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*If you live in the Southern Hemisphere, you’ll be celebrating the festival of Litha today instead of Yule to keep with the seasonal cycles.

Let’s Dive into Everything You’ll Need to Set Up Your Yule Altar!

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Crystals for your Yule Altar:

Moss Agate

Tree Agate


Green Aventurine





Winter Solstice: Creating a Seasonal Nature Altar for Yule

Red Pyrope Garnet

Green Uvarovite Garnet

Red Jasper

Snowflake Obsidian

Winter Solstice: Creating a Seasonal Nature Altar for Yule

Clear Quartz





Symbols for your Yule Altar:



Apples & Cider

Deer & Antlers

Evergreen Trees

Snow & Snowflakes

Yule Log




Holly Berries & Leaves

Winter Solstice: Creating a Seasonal Nature Altar for Yule

Ivy Leaves

Oak Trees








Lights & Lanterns

Mushrooms & Toadstools




White Feathers






Standing Stones

Herbal Tea

Herbs & Oils for your Yule Altar:










Winter Solstice: Creating a Seasonal Nature Altar for Yule






Bay Leaves




Colors for your Yule Altar:







Gods & Goddesses for your Yule Altar

Aine (Irish)

Arianrhod (Welsh)

Baldur (Norse)

Cailleach (Celtic)

Cerridwen (Welsh)

Danu (Irish)

Deer Mother (Norse)

Dionysus (Greek)

Flidais (Irish)

Frigga (Norse)

Green Man

Hestia (Greek)

Hodr (Norse)

Holly King (Modern Paganism & Wicca)

Jesus (Christian)

La Befana (Italian)

Lady of the Lake (Avalonian)

Mithras (Roman)

Morgen Tyronoe (Avalonian)

The Norns (Norse)

Oak King (Modern Paganism & Wicca)

Saturn (Roman)

Skadi (Norse)

Sol Invictus (Roman)

Sulis (Celtic)

Vesta (Roman)

Virgin Mary (Christian)

Winter Solstice: Creating a Seasonal Nature Altar for Yule

How to Set Up Your Yule Altar:

Step 1: Tap into Yule Energies

One special way to celebrate the Winter Solstice is through the creation of a Yule Altar. This may even be quite similar to some of the activities you already do to decorate your home for the winter holiday season (but with a special crystal touch!).

But before you start collecting items for your Yule Altar, it’s important to align yourself with the energies of the season. Slow down, tap into the present moment, and really connect with the stillness of the winter season. You can start by asking yourself these questions:

What is the weather like today?

How does this affect the natural world around you?

How can you embody these lessons in your day to day?

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Nature plays a pivotal role in our grounding and centering practices. By closely observing the current season and creating a nature altar that embodies this energy, you can better align your mind, body, and spirit to make sure you’re present in the here and now.

Step 2: Set Your Intentions for this Yule Season

Next, start by choosing a crystal from your collection that you feel really connected to for this practice – one that helps you feel in sync with the stillness and pause of the winter season. If you need some help choosing, see the list of Winter Solstice crystals above.

 Cleanse your crystal and yourself. Then, hold your crystal in your hands and take a few deep breaths. Feel the energy of this crystal enter through the palms of your hands and slowly spread throughout your body. Set an intention for your crystal to help you be more aware of the beauty of the current season all winter long.

Step 3: Gather Your Yule Altar Supplies!

While keeping your crystal comfortably in your hand (or in your pocket), bundle up and go on a nature walk to collect a few special items for your Yule altar. It’s really magical to do this in silence while holding the intention to discover the energies you most need to connect with at this time.

Cinnamon & Anise for your Yule Altar

Feel free to use the suggested symbols, crystals, herbs, oils, goddesses and colors I’ve rounded up above as inspiration for your Yule altar, but be open to anything you may find out in the winter landscape. You never know what you’ll come across! Please only take things you have permission to take, and be mindful of the plants and animals and the environment. Don’t take more than you need and don’t cause any damage to plants or natural areas.

Here are some ideas for items you may find in nature to add to your Yule altar:


Holly berries


Fallen sticks

Pine cones

Pine Needles


Seeds & nuts

A bowl of water or snow from a natural source

Seasonal herbs, such as mistletoe or cedar

Seasonal fruits or vegetables, such as pomegranate, apple, oranges, or winter squash

Step 4: Set Up Your Yule Altar!

When you return home, you can start setting up your Yule altar space. Choose a small tabletop, a little corner of your kitchen, the top of your bookshelf, or whatever feels best in your space. Cover the surface with a cloth if you’d like, and then start by placing your crystal in the center. As you place your stone, hold the intention that it anchors in the energies of the Winter Solstice and of all the special things you collected for your altar while you were communing with nature.

Next, arrange the seasonal nature items you found around the crystal. Feel free to add anything else you’d like such as candles, more crystals, and other sacred items you have that will help you stay mindful of the blessings of the season.

Winter Solstice: Creating a Seasonal Nature Altar for Yule

You can also pull a few oracle cards, tarot cards, or runes to keep on your Yule Altar throughout the season!

Here are a few ideas of queries for your cards or runes:

What do I need to let go of as I embrace the winter season?

What do I need to do to stay mindful of the blessings of the season each day?

What is a new project I should focus on during Winter Solstice to increase my energy and stay connected to my intuition?

Step 5: Spend a few moments each day at your Yule altar to remind yourself of the beauty of the winter holidays and of the intention you set with your crystal.

As crystal healers, it’s important for us to stay in alignment and flow with each season and its unique energies. And because the Winter Solstice is such a potent time for turning inward and manifesting new beginnings, it’s the perfect moment to call upon crystal energy to guide you through this period of deep reflection and reawakening.

Winter Solstice Kit

That’s why, my Winter Solstice Digital Download Kit is specially crafted to carry you through the wonders of Yule, helping you to tap into the magic of the season and enrich your spiritual practice. Packed with expert insights and thoughtfully-curated resources, this kit is your key to unlocking the full potential of crystal magic during this festive period.

Winter Solstice Kit Materials: guidebook, crystal grid base & guided meditation

This comprehensive, digital kit includes:

Yule Guidebook

Guided Meditation for Yule

Winter Solstice Card Spread

Yule Crystal Grid Recipe & Template

Harness the power of crystal energy, meditation and divination to immerse yourself in the seasonal energies of Yule with my Winter Solstice Digital Download Kit!

Buy Now

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