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How to Pursue a Healing Arts Career the Right Way

Healing arts careerThere’s a question I get a lot when I’m speaking with people who are thinking of pursuing a healing arts career… how do you make the transition from a mainstream career into the wellness field the RIGHT way?


It can be terrifying to leave the comfort and security of your job to pursue your dreams.  So should you make the transition into a healing arts career slowly? This could mean leaving yourself a safety net by keeping one foot in the door at your current job (but perhaps sacrifice the ability to dive into your new career full force and accept that it will take you longer to build your sacred business).  Or should you take the other option: leap before you look, quit your job, and never look back because you’re pursuing your passion? This could perhaps leave you in a vulnerable financial position and create fear based blocks that hold you back from success.

How do you know when to play it safe or when to take a risk? How do you know if you can really make it work with a healing arts career?

The answer is… it depends.

If this is something you’ve been considering, or even just daydreaming about, then I have a special message for you.

This is a discussion I had with some of my students in our private Facebook group, but I think this message is so important, so I want to share it with you. 

Ready to get raw and real and put everything on the table?  Let’s have a heart-to-heart for a bit…



Ready to start a meaningful & exciting career in crystal healing?

We want to inspire you to start living the life that you were always meant to live, by developing your healing skills and, more importantly, by helping you to create a life that you truly love.  Follow your heart and let it be the compass on your life’s journey; if you follow your heart, then the universe will support you.



One person is all it takes to create a positive force for change. Integrating energy healing into your life and your sacred business WILL support the positive change of our planet. You have something special and sacred that is unique to you. You have a gift – share it with the world! Take the next step to sharing your gift and creating positive change by enrolling in our Sacred Business Mentorship Program!

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How to Pursue a Healing Arts Career the Right Way
Article Name
How to Pursue a Healing Arts Career the Right Way
There’s a question that I get all the time when I’m speaking with people who are thinking about pursuing a healing arts career … how do you make the transition from a mainstream career into the wellness field the RIGHT way?
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Love & Light School of Crystal Therapy
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13 Responses

  1. You had such an amazing journey since you knew you wanted it because you had so much passion to make it happen ?

    I feel drawn to learning healing for myself and then to help others but at this time I am struggling to make the utilities every month due to my husbands work getting so slow but I am going to get in your classes as soon as I can make it work and I hate what I do at this time so I feel a need for the first time in my life to do something that I love and I have always loved crystals and stones so I could actually love what I do. After listening to you I am going to try and make this happen as soon as I can and since I have fibromyalgia it has really already put me on the path of trying to heal myself with what little info I have found so this is my passion ??

    Thanks so much for sharing your story,

  2. Ashley,
    Thank you so much for sharing the recording post about changing careers. I’m in the process of trying to get my foot in the door of some different holistic wellness jobs. I’m not always sure I’ll be successful or end up where I’m supposed to, but this post really gave me hope and I want to thank you for that.

    Meridith Neal

    1. We are so so happy to hear that, Meredith! It’s definitely a struggle but will be so worth it when you find what’s right for you <3 Please let us know how your job search goes, sending you lots of good vibes for finding the perfect fit soon <3 Crystal blessings!

  3. Thanks so much for sharing your story…
    I got some clarity & inspiration to keep on going with my healing & learning to create a home business & the life I want to retire in…
    Feeling like I am going to be ok with the decisions I will make in the near future…
    Much Thanks…
    Jo xox

    1. So glad you enjoyed it, Jo! We wish you the very best on your journey as you go into this time of transition, and we would LOVE to hear how it goes! <3 Crystal blessings!

    1. Oh David, so glad to hear that!! <3 We hope it helped <3 Thanks so much for listening. Crystal blessings!

  4. I really needed to hear this today. I closed a part time soul based shop several years back and have been fearing the move back in that direction because of the past. I moved back into corporate jobs. My heart longs for the shop again. So, learning healing modalities to start with is my brave new venture toward bringing my soul’s desire back. Thanks Ashley for sharing the Facebook live video. I feel as if I just had a much needed soul-to-soul talk from a close friend.

    1. Oh Rose, this means so so much to us! <3 We are so happy you enjoyed the video and we hope your brave new venture goes fantastically! Let us know if there's anything we can do to help 🙂 Crystal blessings

  5. Ashley thank you so very much for your very inspirational story and advice. I find myself a similarity to your story. I believe myself to take it slowly, seriously, clear, secure and surely. I am taking advantage of learning to do a little bit of class from you. I thank God, angels, universe Crystals mother nature and you by spreading all the knowledge to me and to all of us. I thank you Ashley More blessings always..Lyn

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