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How to Pursue a Healing Arts Career the Right Way

Healing arts careerThere’s a question I get a lot when I’m speaking with people who are thinking of pursuing a healing arts career… how do you make the transition from a mainstream career into the wellness field the RIGHT way?


It can be terrifying to leave the comfort and security of your job to pursue your dreams.  So should you make the transition into a healing arts career slowly? This could mean leaving yourself a safety net by keeping one foot in the door at your current job (but perhaps sacrifice the ability to dive into your new career full force and accept that it will take you longer to build your sacred business).  Or should you take the other option: leap before you look, quit your job, and never look back because you’re pursuing your passion? This could perhaps leave you in a vulnerable financial position and create fear based blocks that hold you back from success.

How do you know when to play it safe or when to take a risk? How do you know if you can really make it work with a healing arts career?

The answer is… it depends.

If this is something you’ve been considering, or even just daydreaming about, then I have a special message for you.

This is a discussion I had with some of my students in our private Facebook group, but I think this message is so important, so I want to share it with you. 

Ready to get raw and real and put everything on the table?  Let’s have a heart-to-heart for a bit…



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How to Pursue a Healing Arts Career the Right Way
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How to Pursue a Healing Arts Career the Right Way
There’s a question that I get all the time when I’m speaking with people who are thinking about pursuing a healing arts career … how do you make the transition from a mainstream career into the wellness field the RIGHT way?
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Love & Light School of Crystal Therapy
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