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Manifesting Magical Holiday Abundance with Crystal Grids

Manifesting Magical Holiday Abundance with Crystal Grids

Do you get a little panicky feeling inside when you start thinking about holiday shopping? Worry and panic are not uncommon feelings when it comes to funding a holiday shopping spree for your family and friends, but what if I told you there’s a way to alleviate some of that anxiety and start preparing that doesn’t involve merely scraping by? The Universe wants to provide you with support, so allow it to do just that by creating a crystal grid for wealth and abundance. When you put that intention out there, you have the ability to manifest what you need to make holiday shopping fun – just like it was originally intended to be!

As the holiday season approaches, many of us start to watch our budgets and tighten our belts in anticipation of the shopping and spending we will be doing to find great gifts for our friends and family.  Although this is a season for hope, happiness, and high spirits, it can be easy to get swept up in worry and stress about finances and income.

Manifesting Magical Holiday Abundance with Crystal Grids

There are lots of things we can do to cope with the added financial stress, like dip into our savings, shop the sale rack, or even cut back on the things we do to pamper ourselves (which are often most needed at this time of year).  My favorite (and proactive!) thing to do is to work with crystal grids for prosperity and abundance.  When we hold intention for positive manifestation and turn our worries over to the Universe, it helps to support us energetically as well as physically.


Watch the full Crystal Grid for Holiday Abundance set-up!

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This Prosperity Crystal Grid is the perfect way to create a subtle background energy to enhance our holiday manifesting abilities. You can create the grid any time, and once you’ve activated it, you can leave it up all season to support your connection with abundance.

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Manifesting Magical Holiday Abundance with Crystal Grids


Stones for your Crystal Grid for Holiday Abundance

  • This crystal grid recipe calls for a Quartz crystal generator in the center of the grid to amplify the energy of the supporting stones.  This will enhance their wealth-gathering energy while also increasing the energy output from the grid.
  • The Quartz crystal is surrounded by 6 tumbled Citrine stones.  Citrine helps to draw in wealth & abundance to best serve your needs at this time.
  • The outer edge of the grid includes 6 rough Pyrite clusters.  Pyrite adds a powerful energy to the grid focused on gratitude.  When we are grateful for what we already have in our lives, our ability to manifest prosperity and abundance flows freely and comes easier to us.  Remember…Ask, Believe, Receive – it’s all about the law of attraction.  Show your gratitude to the Universe and you will draw in more of what you are grateful for.
  • Finally, this crystal grid recipe calls for 6 tumbled Green Aventurine stones.  Green Aventurine is a stone of good luck – this might show up in the form of finding the perfect gift at the perfect price, scoring a bonus holiday sale deal, or sharing in the generosity of those around you.  Since it is also associated with wealth, this is the perfect stone to energetically support your holiday manifesting.


Crystal Grid for Holiday Abundance Setup with Christmas ornaments and festive decorations


After placing all of your crystals according to the image above, you should activate your crystal grid.  Check out this video for a demonstration of activation.  It is important to hold your intention of manifesting wealth and abundance while performing the activation…remember, crystals work wonders on their own, but when they are combined with the power of your intention, they’re unstoppable!


When you combine crystals with sacred geometry, you create a powerful vortex of energy that can be used to call in any of your intentions.


So whether you’re looking to enhance your healing, manifestation, protection or meditation practices, crystal grids are your ultimate companion for unlocking the extraordinary potential of your crystals. 


Crystal Grid Templates Pack


With my Crystal Grids Template Pack, you will receive 75 Printable Grid Bases, plus a Step-by-step Guide to grid creation, so that you can confidently craft your own powerful crystal grids from the comfort of your home! 


Crystal Grid Templates Pack Materials


Get started on your own sacred geometry journey with my Crystal Grids Template Pack


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Manifesting Magical Holiday Abundance with Crystal Grids
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Manifesting Magical Holiday Abundance with Crystal Grids
We all know that the holidays can be a very expensive time of year. Although they are a season for happiness, it can be easy to get swept up in worry and stress about finances and income. My favorite thing to do in this situation is work with crystal grids for holiday abundance.
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Love & Light School of Crystal Therapy
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