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How I became a Certified Crystal Healer (& How You Can Too!) – An Interview with Ashley Leavy

Do you love working with crystal energy? Have you ever enlisted the help of crystals for healing yourself or others? If you’re as passionate about crystals as I am, you may want to consider becoming a Certified Crystal Healer! It takes some hard work and dedication to become certified in crystal healing, but it’s a path worth traveling if you’d like to work with crystals on a professional level and have some credentials to back up your practice. I did it and you can do it, too! Here’s how!

Crystal Healer

I was recently interviewed for two different projects about my experience of becoming a Certified Crystal Healer. I’ve combined these two interviews below to explain a bit about my journey and how I found my Soul’s Purpose. You can also listen in to my podcast episode where I share my story of going from crystal lover to an international crystal teacher! I hope that my story will inspire you to pursue your own dreams, whatever they may be…

Q: How long have you been practicing as a crystal healer?

A: I have been practicing professionally since 2007, but my self-study and treatment far pre-dates my professional work.

Q: Where do you practice?

A: My new age store has a small activity room where we provide sacred space for healers to use with individual clients. This is where I meet with healing clients, although much of my work is now done online (teaching others crystal healing techniques to start their own practices). Crystal healing may be performed anywhere the client and healer are comfortable.

Crystal HealerQ: What are the normal work hours?

A: One of the appealing things about this profession is the freedom that it provides. Healers typically set their own hours, but must be mindful of their clients’ schedules and flexibility.

Q: Is this job in demand enough to support ones self alone?

A: Absolutely! More than ever, people are looking to alternative therapies to support their traditional, allopathic treatments. The holistic health industry is growing more and more each year. The global alternative medicine sector is expected to reach close to $115 billion by 2015, according to Global Industry Analysts.

Q: What is the most important thing you’ve learned about practicing for others?

A: When you are performing a healing session, your client should be the center of your world. In that space, your only job is to facilitate a healing shift or experience for that person while supporting them through the shift. However, it is your client, and NOT you, that is actually doing the healing.

become a Certified crystal healer

Q: What is the most important thing you’ve learned about starting your own practice?

A: It takes time and lots of hard work to build a steady practice, but if you stay dedicated and don’t give up, you can build it into a thriving business that is fulfilling in all possible ways.

Q: What is your favorite part about having your own practice?

A: I love the freedom that it provides me as well as knowing that I have a career aligned with my inner beliefs.

Learn how to run a crystal healing session step by step

Q: What is the hardest part about having your own practice?

A: It can be challenging to stay the course while growing your business. In all honesty, it takes most people about two years to build their practice to the point where it can support them financially, but this is true of any new business. This initial period can be difficult, but once you get past the “hustle” phase of growing your practice, it is SO worth the reward of doing something you love and of being of service to others on a daily basis. 🙂

Q: What calls you to provide your services for others?

A: I love what I do and I can’t imagine spending my days any other way. I feel so fulfilled when I know that I have truly helped someone, and that’s what drives me to be the best I can be at what I do. It is so rewarding to make personal connection with like-minded people and to help people through big changes in their lives.

Q: What is your biggest hope for your professional or personal practice?

A: I am hoping to reach an even bigger global audience to bring knowledge and training to people who want to learn about crystals and pursue their passion.

Q: Are there any licensing or certifications that are required to preform crystal therapy? For example, if you own your own office for this type of healing would it be required by state to have a license for this practice?

A: Every country, state/province, county, and city can have varying laws and regulations about licensing and certification. When in doubt you should always check with your local department of regulations and licensing regarding specific legal requirements. In many places (including Wisconsin) there is no requirement for licensing or certification if crystal healing is practiced as a “no-touch” therapy. As long as the practitioner is not manipulating the soft tissues of the body (as one would do in massage), then licensing is not a requirement.

However, acquiring proper training in this healing art will give your clients peace of mind that you have been trained by a reputable school and instructor. It can also help to give you the confidence you need to be successful and sustainable in your practice. I always recommend having proper business insurance. When choosing a policy, it is important to be sure that it will cover you no matter where you are practicing. It is also advisable to have a qualifying (for your location) minister’s license, as this allows you to perform “spiritual healing” of almost any kind.

Q: What does the daily work life like of a crystal therapist?

A: Crystal therapy is among one of many new ways that a person can pursue their passions while becoming an entrepreneur. Since most crystal healers operate their businesses as sole proprietors, the daily tasks are quite varied. A typical crystal therapist may go to their office or healing space (whether this is a rented space or inside of the home) and begin the day by following up with clients (making appointments, answering questions by phone or email, etc).

Creating an outstanding healing experience for the client should be the focus of all healers (traditional or alternative). The healer will meet with scheduled clients, taking a few minutes to discuss and understand the reason for the client’s visit. The healer will then provide the treatment (typically lasting between 30-90 minutes per client). During the session, the healer will place crystals on and around the client’s body. This will facilitate an energetic shift in the client (resulting in physical, emotional, mental, or spiritual healing). After the session, the healer will speak with the client to assess the results. The healer will then make notes in the client’s file about the session for future reference during subsequent visits.

Between clients, the healer may work on larger projects such as marketing, bookkeeping, etc. Alternatively, he or she may spend time researching techniques and stones to use for future visits with the client. Since crystal healers are typically small business owners, the tasks can vary a great deal and will be different from day to day. It just depends upon what is needed most by the business at that time.

Q: Do you prescribe medicine? Or some thing else?

A: There is not prescription or medication involved in crystal healing. Crystal healing is a form of vibrational medicine. Subtle energy is given off by a crystal and is used to treat the body, mind, spirit, and emotions. Since both crystals and the human body have an inherent energetic blueprint, it is thought that the energies of the body can be balanced and healed by introducing the energetic vibration of a crystals into the body’s energy field. Using crystal in this way can actually help to repair energetic imbalances within the ethereal body.

Through entrainment, the human body will begin to mimic the perfectly stable, balanced energy of the crystal. For this reason, crystal healing can be performed on anything that possesses an energy field. This includes plants, animals, and the environment. The stable energetic vibrations from crystals can be used to re-align and direct the flow of energy. Not just within the physical body, but also the emotional, mental, and spiritual bodies. This helps to return them to a state of health and wholeness. Although crystals are used to treat the body, mind, spirit, and emotions, crystal healing is not meant to replace conventional medicine. Instead, it should be used along with allopathic treatments to compliment and enhance them.

Crystal healing should only be used with the understanding that it is not an independent therapy. It is part of a greater holistic healing approach. The most important thing to keep in mind when beginning to use crystals for healing purposes is that a crystal’s healing power is relatively inert until you intentionally direct its energy. It is not the crystal that possesses healing energy. It is your intent to heal, by way of the crystal, which can, when properly used, manifest results.


Q: What are the responsibilities of a crystal healer?

A: It is important for a healer to be sure that he or she is following all legal requirements. This is to ensure that a safe environment is being provided for the client. When someone goes to a healer for a session, they are completely in the care of the healer. This means that the healer should be sure that they have attended to basic safety requirements. These include making sure that all equipment (like massage tables, etc.) is safe and functioning properly.

The healer must also give their complete attention to the client. They must make sure to attend to the client’s needs, and make them as comfortable as possible. A responsibility that is unique to healing practitioners is ensuring that the healing space and healing tools (crystals, etc) have been properly cleansed (both physically and energetically). Healers must also make sure that their clients are sufficiently grounded and centered before leaving the space. This is to ensure that clients don’t feel “spacey” before driving their cars, etc.

Q: What is the salary range for crystal healers?

A: This can vary a great deal depending upon the healer’s personal preference and location. For example, most crystal healers charge an hourly rate for sessions. This is usually between $45-75 per hour. The hourly rate is usually determined by the healer’s experience, training, and location (i.e. what other healers are charging for similar services in the area). Most healers in the Madison, Wisconsin area charge about $50-60 per hour. However, there is additional time (such as discussing the client’s session goals, setting appointments, researching or reviewing appropriate techniques or crystals, etc.) that is typically not billed.

Q: How does someone move from a mainstream career into an alternative one (like crystal healing)?

A: Click Here to check out this great blog post on Following Your Heart. It should provide tons of answers and inspiration to help get you started!


Are you interested in becoming a Certified Crystal Healer? Find out more about the CCH and Advanced Crystal Practitioner Program HERE!

How I became a Certified Crystal Healer (and How You Can Too!) - An Interview with Ashley Leavy
Article Name
How I became a Certified Crystal Healer (and How You Can Too!) - An Interview with Ashley Leavy
I often get questions about how I became a certified crystal healer. It wasn't an entirely straightforward journey, but I knew that I was on my way to finding my soul's purpose - and now I've never been happier. I hope that this post will inspire you to pursue your own dreams, whatever they may be!
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Love & Light School of Crystal Therapy
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10 Responses

    1. Hi Annie! 🙂 We have 2 different programs that may interest you. The one mentioned here is our CCH program to become a Certified Crystal Healer. The program is 11 classes that we run over 11 weeks and is completely comprehensive on many facets of crystal healing– suitable for beginners or experts <3 We include lifetime access so you're welcome to work through in the 11 weeks or at your own pace. We only open access to the program twice each year so be sure to grab your spot in the waitlist, we'll be opening again in early August to those on the waitlist with an exclusive program discount! <3

      We also have our CCT program to become a Certified Crystal Therapist. This is a 3-class program that it designed for students to work at their own pace and is more suitable for massage therapists or other wellness professionals to add hands-on crystal services into their existing practice <3 You can find more about that here-

      If you’d like to chat more about either program, please feel free to contact me anytime directly at <3 Crystal blessings!

    1. Hi Barbara! <3 I just sent you an email with more info about the course-- can't wait to chat with you more soon! <3 Crystal blessings!

    1. Love and Light is an online school/business! So all of our content is shared online. 🙂 But we do have a physical/in person metaphysical shop! The shop for the school, Mimosa, is located in Madison, Wisconsin! <3 Crystal Blessings

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