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Healing Properties of Smoky Quartz: A Crystal for Spiritual Grounding

Healing Properties of Smoky QuartzA Crystal Message about the Healing Properties of Smoky Quartz: “Connect to the energy of the earth and bathe yourself in the grounding, protective energy it has to share with you.”



Common Healing Properties of Smoky Quartz:

  • Promotes grounding
  • Enhances protection from negative energy
  • Increases energy during meditation
  • Encourages environmental concern and ecological consciousness
  • Supports you as you work to reduce your stress
  • Promotes peace and calming
  • Supports you as you work through personal fears
  • Enhances passion
  • Dispels bad dreams
  • Enhances accuracy in scrying divination
  • Promotes intuitive insight
  • Stimulates concentration
  • Promotes communication
  • Aids in stilling the mind for successful meditation
  • Aids in manifesting
  • Assists one in managing detailed projects

Colors: Light to medium (sometimes very dark) smoky brown and transparent to translucent.

Associated Chakras: 1st (Root)

Zodiac Signs: Capricorn, Scorpio, Taurus, Virgo

Elements: Earth

Companion Flowers: Bloodroot

Companion Essential Oil: Cardamom

Companion Stone: Mookaite Jasper

Common Origins: Brazil, Australia, Colorado (USA)

Notes: Also commonly spelled “Smokey” Quartz.

Wanna’ Get Science-y? Click Here to get information about the chemical composition, hardness, streak, etc. of this crystal from one of my favorite sites!

The staff at my new age shop, Mimosa Books & Gifts, had this to share:

Smoky quartz is a form of quartz with traces of lithium and/or aluminum, which give it a gray-to-brown shade, ranging from pale to almost black. It’s a great stone for grounding higher energies, making it an excellent helper for those working with dream healing, astral travel, and shamanic journeying. Smoky quartz offers great protection against negative energies that can interfere with healing work or spiritual growth. It is the national gemstone of Scotland, and the ancient Celts used it to adorn both ceremonial jewelry and weapons.

It is one of the traditional birthstones for Scorpio.

This crystal is wonderful for meditation and spiritual endeavors, but also very helpful for stress, anxiety, panic attacks, and dealing with negative energy in everyday life. If your own emotions and moods sometimes get in the way of inner peace, try “filtering” out negativity by selecting a piece of smoky quartz that speaks to you personally and working with it on a regular basis.

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What’s Included in the Crystal Lover’s Course Bundle:


  1. Discovering Jaspers Course: Confidently identify the many varieties of Jasper, listen to their stories from all corners of the Earth, and embrace their unique energies to enhance your healing abilities (Value $99


Discovering Jaspers Course 


  1. Amethyst Crystals from Around the World Course: Embark on a journey through twelve different types of Amethyst, dive into their rich history, explore their unique characteristics, and gain insights from my personal collection (Value $49)


Amethyst Crystals from Around the World Course


  1. Understanding Super Seven Course: Unravel the mysteries behind the captivating Super Seven crystals and learn how to harness their profound potential (Value $49)


Understanding Super Seven Course


Total Value of my Crystal Lover’s Course Bundle: $197

Your Price: $167.45 (Save 15%!)


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Healing Properties of Smoky Quartz
Article Name
Healing Properties of Smoky Quartz
Smoky Quartz is an amazing stone with many diverse healing properties. Allow it to connect you to the energy of the earth and bathe you in grounding, protective energy.
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Love & Light School of Crystal Therapy
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5 Responses

  1. Love my smoky quartz! I like to sleep with mince between my feet. Would Love to have one like your favorite!

  2. Hi,
    I was wondering if Smoky quartz and Lithium quartz is the same thing, because the pictures portraying the one and the other appear slightly different at my Internet searches.

    Thank you in advance for your help

  3. Hi,
    I just want to say that I absolutely enjoy all of the info you provide on your website! It’s been incredibly helpful for me on my path <3 However, I was wondering if you could answer this question for me: One of my older cats has been recently diagnosed with stage three kidney disease and has large kidney stones, and I'm curious if there are any crystals that I can use to help. Also, is smokey quartz a good option? (While there aren't a lot of options as to what to do, traditionally speaking, for kidney disease, I want you to know that I am not just relying on crystals.)

    Thank you for reading this and answering in advance!

    1. Hi Gabriella, so sorry to hear about your kitty’s health. 🙁 Smokey quartz, hematite, and tiger iron have been identified to be able to help with kidney function. Just keep in mind that using these crystals can complement and enhance traditional medicine by taking a more holistic approach and looking at the emotional, mental, energetic makeup and how that interacts with the body, but shouldn’t replace traditional medicine. Hope that helps! <3

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