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Healing Properties of Tree Agate: A Crystal for Grounding & Nature

Healing properties of tree agateA Crystal Message about the Healing Properties of Tree Agate: “Iroot into the earth and draw upon its nourishing energy.”



Common Healing Properties of Tree Agate:

  • Roots you into the earth so you feel more grounded
  • Instills a deep appreciation for nature and for all living things
  • Allows you to channel messages from the tree spirits
  • Aids in all types of growth (physical, mental, and spiritual)
  • Encourages exploration (especially for children)
  • Clears blockages occurring in the heart chakra


Colors: White with dark green, branch-like veining.

Associated Chakras: 1st (Root), 4th (Heart)

Zodiac Signs: Taurus, Virgo

Elements: Earth

Companion Flowers: Magnolia

Companion Essential Oil: Balsam Fir

Companion Stone: Smoky Quartz

Common Origins: Brazil, India

Notes: Very similar to Moss Agate, but displays a white matrix rather than transparent Quartz.

Wanna’ Get Science-y? Click Here to get more information about this crystal!


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Healing properties of tree agate


Are you drawn to the captivating beauty and healing energies of crystals, but want to uncover the mysteries behind what makes your beloved stones so special?

If you’re ready to graduate from crystal enthusiast to crystal expert, our Crystal Lover’s Course Bundle is the perfect way to start deepening your crystal knowledge today! 


Crystal Lover's Course Bundle


Bundling three of my best-selling courses into one for a discounted price, my Crystal Lover’s Course Bundle is your ticket to a round-the-world tour of Jasper, Amethyst and Super Seven stones. Packed with expert insights on these three essential stones for your toolkit, this exclusive bundle will equip you with the essential knowledge and confidence to deepen your connection with the realm of crystals. 


What’s Included in the Crystal Lover’s Course Bundle:


  1. Discovering Jaspers Course: Confidently identify the many varieties of Jasper, listen to their stories from all corners of the Earth, and embrace their unique energies to enhance your healing abilities (Value $99


Discovering Jaspers Course 


  1. Amethyst Crystals from Around the World Course: Embark on a journey through twelve different types of Amethyst, dive into their rich history, explore their unique characteristics, and gain insights from my personal collection (Value $49)


Amethyst Crystals from Around the World Course


  1. Understanding Super Seven Course: Unravel the mysteries behind the captivating Super Seven crystals and learn how to harness their profound potential (Value $49)


Understanding Super Seven Course


Total Value of my Crystal Lover’s Course Bundle: $197

Your Price: $167.45 (Save 15%!)


Enroll in my Crystal Lover’s Bundle and receive three incredible courses at a discounted price, making it even more accessible for you to embark on your crystal healing journey. Secure your spot now and start your crystal journey today!


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Are you interested in becoming a Certified Crystal Healer? Find out more about the CCH and Advanced Crystal Practitioner Program HERE!

Healing Properties of Tree Agate: A Crystal for Grounding & Nature
Article Name
Healing Properties of Tree Agate: A Crystal for Grounding & Nature
The Healing Properties of Tree Agate will connect you with nature by allowing you to root yourself in the earth and draw upon its nourishing energy.
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Love & Light School of Crystal Therapy
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3 Responses

  1. Glad you enjoyed Glastonbury. Its a special place although the High Street has changed over the past few years and has some problems. The Tor and the wells are rather special. Thank you for your crystal knowledge.

  2. Hola, podrías decirme cómo le hago para la traducción en español. No le encuentro aquí y si entiendo inglés pero no al cien , quisiera entender todo adecuadamente. He estado atado buscando una guía en la Geometría Sagrada para entenderla. Por qué? Lo único que se es que me llama internamente.

    1. Hola! Nuestra información está en inglés solo en este momento, me disculpo. Pero si estás buscando aprender en español, ¡recomiendo a Samady como maestra! Puedes aprender más aqui: Crystal Blessings <3

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