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Healing Properties of Orange Aventurine: A Crystal for Inner Reflection

You’ve probably encountered Aventurine in its most common colors like green and blue, but Orange Aventurine, with its inclusions of Hematite or Goethite, is much a rarer find. Dive into the healing properties of Orange Aventurine to learn why its the ultimate crystal for inner reflection! 


The Healing Properties of Orange Aventurine: A bowl of tumbled orange aventurine crystals.

A Crystal Message about the Healing Properties of Orange Aventurine: “I take a sacred pause to release thoughts that weigh me down, making mental space for new clarity and inner guidance.”

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The Healing Properties of Orange Aventurine: A crystal affirmation for Orange Aventurine, "I take a sacred pause to release thoughts that weigh me down, making mental space for new clarity and inner guidance"


Common Healing Properties of Orange Aventurine:

  • Helps you become present to your feelings and emotions
  • Enhances feelings of happiness, joy, optimism, and contentment
  • Promotes relaxation
  • Allows you to discover the simple pleasures of life
  • Creates moments for sacred pause and reflection
  • Increases feelings of personal freedom and encourages exploration
  • Aids you in decision-making
  • Helps you overcome blocks to your creativity and encourages you to tap into hidden talents
  • Encourages you to enjoy the fruits of your labor
  • Promotes celebration and appreciation of your relationships


Healing Properties of Orange Aventurine: A Crystal for Inner Reflection


  • Helps you find the treasures, gifts, and lessons in difficult situations
  • Encourages inner reflection and silences your inner critic
  • Assists in shadow work
  • Allows you to discover and appreciate your personal strengths
  • Helps to calm intense emotions
  • Facilitates guided meditation journeys and visualizations
  • Encourages you to speak your true feelings
  • Increases vitality and resilience
  • Enhances confidence and instills feelings of courage and bravery
  • Helps you find inner stillness during meditation


Healing Properties of Orange Aventurine: A Crystal for Inner Reflection
Colors: Peach to pumpkin orange or burnt red-orange

Zodiac Signs: Taurus, Virgo


Healing Properties of Orange Aventurine


Elements: Earth

Companion Flowers: Fritillaria


Healing Properties of Orange Aventurine


Companion Essential Oil: Calendula

Companion Stone: Blue Aventurine


Healing Properties of Orange Aventurine


Common Origins: India, Chile

Notes: Aventurine is more commonly found in colors like green and blue, but the color in Orange Aventurine is attributed to inclusions of Hematite or Goethite.

Wanna’ Get Science-y? Click Here to get more information about this crystal!


Healing Properties of Orange Aventurine


One Way to Work with the Healing Properties of Orange Aventurine:

If something is troubling you or weighing on your mind, hold your Orange Aventurine stone in your hands, take a few deep breaths, and allow any thoughts pertaining to the situation to flow through your mind. Let these thoughts flow for about 30-60 seconds and then write in your journal or on a scrap piece of paper all of the things that popped into your head. Let the energy of the Orange Aventurine support you as you clear out the mental clutter that may be preventing you from seeing clearly or determining the best way forward.

After jotting down everything you can think of, take a few moments to hold your stone again and reflect on what you’ve written. Hold the intention to release the thoughts that are just mental clutter and gain insight about the way forward from the thoughts that remain.

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Healing properties of Orange Aventurine: Promotes relaxation, aids you in decision making, assists in shadow work, helps to calm intense emotions, facilitates guided meditation journeys and visualizations, encourages inner reflection

Want to enhance your daily crystal practice for an entire year?

Crystals can be such a support when we’re planning our weeks and months ahead.

That’s why, in my Your Crystal Clear Year Course, I share ways to connect with your crystals daily through meditations, self-care exercises, and more – because I know firsthand that connecting with your crystals daily can create more happiness, success, and alignment in your life!


Your Crystal Clear Year Course


This course includes self-check-ins, journal prompts, and more to support you on your crystal journey, like…

  • a crystal grid recipe for motivation (plus a printable grid template)
  • weekly planning template with crystal & planetary correspondences for each day
  • an introduction to birthstones and zodiac stones (month-by-month)
  • in-depth properties and write-ups for each of the 12 birthstones
  • 8 easy techniques to help you create a sustainable self-care practice
  • 7 Guided Crystal Meditations (1 for each day of the week)
  • monthly card spreads for performing tarot or oracle card readings for the month ahead (with tips for interpretation)


Crystals for the Days of the Week


As crystal healers, it’s important for us to stay in alignment and flow all year long. When you sign-up for my Your Crystal Clear Year Course, I’ll share practical ways that you can connect with your stones each and every day to craft a crystal practice that supports you as you step fully onto your path as a crystal worker.



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Healing Properties of Orange Aventurine: A Crystal for Inner Reflection
Article Name
Healing Properties of Orange Aventurine: A Crystal for Inner Reflection
The healing properties of Orange Aventurine will help you mentally, emotionally and physically, allowing you to take a sacred pause, relax and reflect.
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Love & Light School of Crystal Therapy
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4 Responses

  1. My necklace with orange aventurine crystals on it cut to twi pieces in a very weird way, so I was wondering what it means. Is it a good sign or a bad sign?

    1. I’m not entirely sure what you mean by that, I think it must have been the jeweler’s design if it was cut intentionally. But that’s neither good nor bad. As long as it’s something that you enjoy and feel positive about you should have no problems working with it! <3 Crystal Blessings

  2. My orange Aventurine seems to have gotten lighter in color a few weeks after I got it. It has not been in the sunlight or subjected to any chemicals or anything, it lives in my pocket every day.
    Any thoughts of why it would change colors?

    1. Hi Matt! Although prolonged sunlight and soaking in water can indeed cause fading and damage to the stone, it sounds like this is not the issue for you. Most market available stones are buffed with oils or polish in order to enhance the appearance of the stone and give it a fine finish, its possible with the prolonged use of being in your pocket those “enhancers” are rubbing off which is causing the faded appearance. So sorry your aventurine is fading, but as long as the energy of the stone still feels good to you, then you can continue working with the crystal. Hope that helps! Crystal Blessings! <3

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