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Healing Properties of Larimar: A Crystal for Joy & Spiritual Communication

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Larimar, also known as Blue Pectolite, comes from only one place in the world (the Dominican Republic) and resembles the ocean when glistening with sunlight.

Larimar crystals in the shape of stars in a wood plate

A Crystal Message about the healing properties of Larimar: “I open my heart to the compassion of the universe.”

Larimar - I open my heart to the compassion of the universe. Healing properties of Larimar

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Common Healing Properties of Larimar:

  • Promotes peace and calming
  • Encourages emotional healing
  • Facilitating inner child work
  • Helps you connect with Divine energy
  • Assisting you with Earth healing energy work (for healing the land and the water)
  • Enhances communication (especially with creatures of the sea, as it is an ancient dolphin-energy stone)
  • Allows you to get in flow with the energy of the water element to assist you with release and letting go, promoting your intuition, and enhancing love
  • Encourages mental clarity
  • Facilitates states of expanded consciousness
  • Enhances feelings of oneness
Photo of larimar crystals with a blue flower. Healing properties of Larimar
Colors: Opaque, light blue with white or green swirls and occasional burgundy speckles

Zodiac Signs: Cancer

Elements: Water

Companion Flowers: Forget-Me-Not

Companion Essential Oil: Lavender

Partner Stone: Pink Thomsonite

Common Origins: The Dominican Republic is the sole locality for this stone. Other colors of Pectolite are available elsewhere, but this is the only known source of Blue Pectolite.

Notes: Also known as Dolphin Stone, Blue Pectolite, or Atlantis Stone (not to be confused with Atlantisite, which is a combination of green Serpentine and purple Stichitite). This stone is moderately rare as it comes from only one location, but it is readily available in most specialty shops as tumbled stones or set in jewelry.

Wanna’ Get Science-y? Click Here to get more information about this crystal!

Healing properties of Larimar

More About Larimar:

Larimar is a rare, blue variety of Pectolite and although it’s massive in its outward appearance, it has a triclinic crystal system. The blue color of this stone, often mottled with white or green, resembles the ocean when glistening with sunlight.  Lower-quality pieces will sometimes contain red or brown flecks.  High-quality Larimar sometimes displays a slight pearlescence. This beautiful blue stone seems to have the ocean written on it, like a reflection of the clear Caribbean waters of its origin, and all of its associations are with water. Larimar is a beautiful blue stone known for enhancing communication, whether with people, animals, or even elemental water spirits. It has a joyful yet peaceful energy.

Photo of larimar crystals with a blue. Healing properties of Larimar

Larimar is a gentle stone that offers you deep and profound healing while working with it.  It is also sometimes referred to as “Dolphin Stone” and facilitates all types of communication (between people, with animals, or with your guides).  Larimar corresponds to the water element and is a stone of empathy and compassion that can facilitate feelings of oneness and of belonging to the whole.

This blue variety of Pectolite is aligned with the water element and is most helpful when you work with it to wash away (physically and energetically) anything that no longer feels supportive in your life.

Larimar has a deep connection to all of the waters of the world and has a particular affinity with dolphins and fish. This stone embodies a “go with the flow” type of energy and helps you release attachment to doing things in a particular way. The healing properties of Larimar is here to support you in achieving your goals and dreams, but rather than letting you fight the current to get there, it shows you how to relax and be in flow. Larimar shows you that you will still reach your desired result, but the journey can be much easier than you’re making it.

The only mining area for Larimar is a steep hill with a Swiss-cheese-like appearance with deep, narrow mine shafts that can only be worked by hand.

Larimar Lore:

Although originally discovered in 1916, it wasn’t until the stone’s rediscovery in 1974 that it found popularity in the market. Some stones have worldwide histories rooted in centuries of folklore, but because of its recent introduction to the mineral market, it does not have any known historical uses. The Dominican people called it blue stone, and believed it was a gift from the sea. It was rediscovered by a Peace Corps volunteer and a Dominican man, who gave larimar its name — a combination of his daughter’s name, Larissa (which can itself mean “gull”), and the Spanish word mar, meaning ocean.

One Way to Work with Larimar:

Try holding a Larimar stone over your throat to promote clear and effective communication while speaking.  You may also wish to try placing 2 pieces of Larimar (1 near each ear) to enhance your clairaudient ability to receive important messages from your guides. Alternatively, you may try meditating while holding a piece of Larimar and try to tune into what the Universe most wants you to know at this time.


Join Adam Barralet, Kyle Perez , Ashley Leavy and Nicholas Pearson in Episode #16 of the Crystal Confab Podcast as they do a deep dive into Larimar meaning, including:

  • Larimar for abundance & love
  • Harmonising water & fire elements with Larimar
  • Larimar for healing your inner child
  • Full Moon in Cancer & Larimar

Tune in now for a deeper look at Larimar meaning!


As crystal healers, it’s so important for us to know exactly how to leverage our stones’ distinct energies to create the profound shifts we want to see in our lives and those we are helping.

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This Course Includes:

  • 55-minute video course
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  • 22-minute guided meditation for self-confidence
  • 15 printable crystal grid bases for self-love
  • 7-page self-love routine tracker worksheet packet
  • 10 Printable crystal-themed coloring pages


Crystal Rituals for Personal Empowerment Course


When you’re first starting out working with crystal energy for self-empowerment, being aware of the many ways you can use your crystals for manifestation can be so helpful. That’s why, in my Crystal Rituals for Personal Empowerment Course, I share practical techniques for you to work with radiant crystal energy to unleash your true potential!

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Infographic with properties of Larimar on it

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