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Healing Properties of Green Aventurine: A Crystal for Wealth & Good Luck

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Green Aventurine is a variety of massive quartz with Mica inclusions that add a bit of sparkle and magic to this stone.

A Crystal Message about the Healing Properties of Green Aventurine: “I welcome wealth and abundance into my life by consciously creating space for thoughts of prosperity.”

Healing properties of green aventurine


Common Healing Properties of Green Aventurine:

    • Increases wealth and prosperity
    • Energetically protects gardens and homes
    • Encourages compassionate behavior
    • Stimulates willpower and confidence
    • Assists with past life work
    • Balances the mind, body, and spirit
    • Enhances creativity in artistic endeavors
    • Promotes inner peace and calming
    • Aids with emotional release
    • Encourages spiritual growth
    • Enhances inner-strength
    • Diminishes energetic blocks
    • Promotes love (for the self and for others)
    • Known for enhancing luck


Healing properties of green aventurineColors: Light or dark green with sparkly flecks
caused by Mica inclusions

Zodiac Signs: Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn, Libra

Elements: Earth, Water

Companion Flowers: Toad Lily

Companion Essential Oil: Common Garden Sage

Companion Stone: Rose Quartz

Common Origins: India, Brazil

Notes: Aventurine may sometimes contain small bits of Pyrite or Hematite. Also known as Love Stone, Indian Jade, Green Avanturine, or Green Adventurine. This stone is often mistaken for Green Quartz which is more or less the same but doesn’t have the sparkling Mica inclusions of Aventurine.

Wanna’ Get Science-y? Click Here to get more information about this crystal!

More About Green Aventurine:

The sparkles in green aventurine are natural and come from the fuchsite mica that gives this form of quartz its green color. It’s a go-to stone for financial success, and luck of all kinds — some people keep a piece of Green Aventurine with them whenever they need to take on financial challenges: a job interview, a tax audit, or even just paying the bills. In magic, carrying or wearing aventurine can help you remember your career and financial goals — and, in the process, do the things necessary to work toward them.

Healing properties of green aventurineThis stone encourages practicality (something that Virgo’s ruling planet, Mercury, demands) so working with Green Aventurine while the Moon is in Virgo can be very helpful. Organization, schedules, and routines are important during the Virgo Moon, but not if they over-complicate things. Green Aventurine helps you be mindful about what’s helping you be more successful and what’s just getting in the way.

Green Aventurine resonates with the energy of growth and expansion, so it’s a perfect companion for the Waxing Crescent Moon phase. Work with this stone when you want to add a little cosmic fertilizer to the intention seeds you planted during the previous New Moon.

Goal Setting Mini Ritual with Green Aventurine:

Write out some goals or intentions for yourself on a piece of paper, and hover your hands above it. Feel the energy of your intention and visualize yourself completing the steps to actualizing these goals. Place a Green Aventurine stone, representing the expansion of this energy, atop the paper to help nurture your goals and intentions.




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Healing properties of green aventurine


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Healing Properties of Green Aventurine: A Crystal for Wealth & Good Luck
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Healing Properties of Green Aventurine: A Crystal for Wealth & Good Luck
Harnessing the healing properties of Green Aventurine will bring you prosperity, abundance and wealth. Don't miss out on utilizing this powerful stone.
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Love & Light School of Crystal Therapy
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25 Responses

  1. oh my goodness coming up on this made me so happy because I actually have a green aventurine sitting on top of a piece of selenite for what im manifesting into my life…I so cannot wait to sign up for the class.

  2. Green Aventurine ring should be worn in which hand for luck, wealth and prosperity

    Dominant hand or non-dominant hand ?
    Which finger ?

    1. Hi Daniel! The ring should be worn on the non dominant (receptive) hand, to call wealth to you. Which finger it’s on isn’t as important – so trust your intuition there. 🙂 Crystal Blessings!

    1. Try holding the stone in your hands – visualize and feel what you’d like to call into you or your life. Pour your intention into the stone. Use your natural intuition and keep it nearby! 🙂 Crystal Blessings

    2. Do we have to have to program green aventurine to welcome wealth and prosperity or we can just wear it after cleansing and charging ?

      1. You don’t need to program it. 🙂 But working with a specific intention for any kind of crystal work is helpful! As is cleansing and charging it. Crystal Blessings!

  3. Im wearing a aventurine citrine bloodstone combined bracelet how will it help my financial situation

    1. What a great combo! Citrine and Green Aventurine in particular are great crystals for abundance. 🙂 So keeping them near you or your workspace can help with your intention and manifestation! Just make sure to keep them cleansed! Crystal Blessings

  4. Hello, I gave green Aventurine skull anfd Rose Quartz do you know if working with the two them help get rid of negative people? I sleep with rose quartz sometimes I have dreams of people use to date not sure if it’s trying heal those issues coming up. I notice when I wake only remeber parts of the dreams.

  5. I just received my green aventurine ring. A said a wee prayer then put it on my left hand which is my non dominant hand. Is this my receptive hand?? Many thanks

  6. Hi! just wondering if green aventurine is good for everyday wear? i recently bought a wrapped green aventurine necklace and was just wonder.

  7. Hi I have this green stone bracelet and I am kinda confused if it is aventurine or jade..kindly guide me through it that how I can differentiate between two….it feels really cool when I hold it in my hand

  8. Hi Ashley, I leave in South Africa. I just want to say thank you for the information you sharing with the world, I have learned a lot from you in the short time I’ve been following you. May you be blessed for having a good heart and for being humble. They say the hand/heart that gives is blessed more than the one that receives. I’m sending you lots of love and light.

    1. Hi Luanda! Glad you’re finding the information helpful! Crystal blessings! 🙂 <3

  9. Thank you so much for linking these podcasts from the Student Page! Whenever I find a new crystal, I turn to some go-to online sites for more information. When those sites aren’t selling what I have found, then it becomes difficult to synthesize the bits of information (or misinformation) found from various sources. This is a great idea and my new favorite resource.

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