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Healing Properties of Blue Tiger’s Eye (Hawk’s Eye): A Crystal for Power & Communication

Healing Properties of Blue Tiger's EyeA Crystal Message about the Healing Properties of Blue Tiger’s Eye: “I feel myself making way for clarity, as if seeing something for the very first time.  I am able to look deeper into a situation to see the truth that lies behind the facade.  I’m prepared for what is revealed and I know that it is for my highest good.”



Common Healing Properties of Blue Tiger’s Eye:

  • Keeps you grounded
  • Enhances your psychic skills
  • Encourages the rising of the kundalini through the chakras (but only if you are ready for it)
  • Creates a protective shield around your aura
  • Encourages inner-strength
  • Enhances feelings of compassion in those with an overdeveloped masculine side
  • Helps you to sort through details especially when you’re completing tedious tasks
  • Helps banish negative habits
  • Aids you while working through depression
  • Energetically supports the healing of the eyes
  • Facilitates healing of male reproductive disorders
  • Energetically assists in healing broken bones
  • Facilitates strength in communication
  • Instills peace and calming
  • Helps you work through and overcome fears of all kinds



Colors: Deep blackish-blue with gray-blue in alternating bands that shimmer in the light

Associated Chakras: Solar Plexus (3rd), Throat (5th), Third Eye (6th)

Zodiac Signs: Leo, Capricorn

Elements: Air, Water, Earth

Companion Flowers: Stargazer Lily

Companion Essential Oil: Vetiver

Companion Stone: Red Tiger’s Eye

Common Origins: Africa

Notes: This stone is also known as Hawk’s Eye, Falcon’s Eye, or as Crocidolite

Wanna’ Get Science-y? Click Here to get information about the chemical composition, hardness, streak, etc. of this crystal from one of my favorite sites!


More About Blue Tiger’s Eye:

Like other forms of tiger’s eye, the blue variety (often called Hawk’s Eye) is a form of quartz in which silky asbestos fibers have been trapped within the SiO2, giving it a distinctive sheen. Don’t worry!  Even though it contains asbestos, it is safe to handle in its polished or tumbled form (the fibers are trapped within the Quartz). The form of asbestos is Crocidilite, an iron-bearing mineral that’s normally blue in color. When that iron rusts before it gets trapped within the silica, it turns brown and results in golden tiger’s eye. But if the silica infiltrates the fibers before the iron has time to rust, the blue color is retained, resulting in Blue Tiger’s Eye. Blue tiger’s eye contains crocidolite (blue asbestos) fibers. When the iron in these fibers oxidizes, the stone bearing it becomes red or golden tiger’s eye.

Combining the raw power of Tiger’s Eye with the blue color association gives an interesting and useful combination of metaphysical characteristics. All tiger’s eye is great for removing habits that no longer serve, plowing through details of your to-do list, and getting down to business. Tiger’s Eye is a great stone for putting “pedal to the metal,” taking charge of what you want and bringing it into reality. It’s also a traditional stone for warding off the evil eye. It can make you feel grounded, empowered and protected. Along with this, the blue variety boosts the power and effectiveness of all forms of communication. When it comes to setting and achieving goals, communication is an important factor that’s sometimes overlooked. Another traditional use is for averting the evil eye.

Since it contains asbestos, please don’t use it for crystal elixirs.

One way to use this stone: Blue Tiger’s Eye makes a great pocket stone — one you’ll want to keep with you throughout the day. It’s a great choice for a palm stone or worry stone, but a small polished piece in your pocket or bag can serve just as well. You might want to keep it on your desk as you work, study, and manage various projects in your life. Then when you’re done for the day, keep your Blue Tiger’s Eye near your other stones to “recharge” it overnight.


Feel like you need some Tiger’s Eye energy in your life? Get your crystal fix here from Mimosa!


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Healing Properties of Blue Tiger's Eye


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Amethyst Crystals from Around the World Course


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Understanding Super Seven Course


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Healing Properties of Blue Tiger's Eye
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Healing Properties of Blue Tiger's Eye
Do you know about the healing properties of Blue Tiger's Eye? This powerful stone can provide clarity and truth in any given situation, as well as bring out your inner strength and compassion.
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Love & Light School of Crystal Therapy
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9 Responses

  1. Yes, I learnt, as a chemist, the colours of the different Iron ions, according to the level of oxidation. So we get these different “Eyes”. They may even be bicoloured, mainly dark blue & yellow brown, and you surely know that these 2 colours can combine, resulting in green. I don’t think that Falcon’s Eye “is” Crocidolite (a kind of asbest) but an association of Crocidolite and Quartz. I’ve not studied especially Falcon’s Eye : I’d use it for problems of 5th & 6th châkra and mainly for the eyes. I’m much more attracted by Tiger’s Eyes : I like them and I’ve got many and pendulums as well. When I feel a little “weak” I’d take one of these pendulums (a lovely conic one) and let it turn freely in front of my 3rd châkra! And I’d feel better! I’ve got a beautiful wand but biterminated…Thank you for everything! Blessings!

  2. I love my large blue Tiger’s Eye. I waited 2 weeks to buy it and I find it grounding, protective and it helps me focus with my inner eyes and ears. Perfect for using now as there is a lot going on with the Leo moon and with Capricorn with two planets in the first house. Pouring the waters of a larger consciousness into the conscience mind; there is a trinity in Aquarius in the first house as well with the Sun, the south node of the moon and Venus. Blue tiger eye help me to connect to all of those signs in my own chart / parts. Now find myself wanting a red one for contrast.

  3. Thank You so much Ashely I so needed the info on Blue Tiger’s Eye. I so enjoy all the emails you send to Me so thank you once again.

    1. We appreciate you reading and we are SO happy to hear that you enjoyed it, Patricia! <3 Crystal blessings!

  4. I really enjoyed your podcast Ashley , Thank you for the wonderful wisdom you bestowed on this podcast .

  5. Thank you so much for this information. I received the link from a friend in Wales who said it was perfect for me. And she was so right. I’m in the US. So pleased to discover your site!

    1. Hi Susan! We are so happy you enjoyed the blog post and found it helpful! Crystal blessings! <3

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