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Healing Properties of Gaia Stone: A Crystal for Goddess Energy

Healing Properties of Gaia StoneA Crystal Message about the Healing Properties of Gaia Stone: “You are grounded, centered, and nurtured by the spirit of the earth.”

Common Healing Properties of Gaia Stone:

  • Enhances your connection with nature and with Mother Earth herself
  • Encourages love and compassion for all beings
  • Enhances all earth healing practices
  • Facilitates communication with beings of the animal and plant realms
  • Opens your heart and mind to the importance of environmental activism
  • Encourages you to “think globally and act locally”
  • Promotes harmony and balance for the good of all beings in the universe
  • Enhances grounding and centering practices
  • Nurtures you with the support of loving, earth energy
Colors: bright green

Associated Chakras: 1st (Root), 4th (Heart)

Zodiac Signs: Taurus, Virgo, Libra

Elements: Earth, Fire

Companion Flowers: Goat’s Beard

Companion Essential Oil: Fennel

Companion Stone: Lava Rock

Common Origins: Washington, USA

Notes: Created by heating the chromium-rich ash from the Mount St. Helens eruption. Also known as Helenite.

Wanna’ Get Science-y? Click Here to get more information about this crystal!

The staff at my new age shop, Mimosa Books & Gifts, had this to share:

Healing Properties of Gaia StoneGaia Stone is just one of the names given to the gorgeous volcanic glass associated with the 1980 Mount St. Helens eruption. It also goes by Green Obsidianite, Helenite, Emerald (or sometimes Ruby) Obsidianite, and Mt. Saint Helens Emerald.

The eruption itself produced no obsidian, but it was discovered afterwards in an interesting way: workers trying to salvage equipment buried in the blast noticed that the heat from their acetylene torches transformed the surrounding ash to brilliant glass — sometimes green, other times bright red.

While the Gaia Stone we see now is man-made, it’s colored by the same trace elements as the original: aluminum, iron, chromium, titanium and copper. Because this lucky find seemed like a gift from the Earth herself, it came to be known as Gaia Stone, after the ancient Greek Earth goddess. This connection helps us discover the stone’s heart-chakra properties of love and connection with Mother Earth.

Care and safety: Since this is a form of glass, it’s highly breakable.


More About Crystals for Earth Healing:



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Healing Properties of Gaia Stone


Your Goddess Guides can be such a great source of support as you follow your spiritual path.


If you’re wondering how you can connect more deeply with the energies of the Divine Feminine, our Goddess Crystals Oracle Deck has got you covered! Each of the 76 cards in this beautifully crafted deck have been infused with the energy of goddesses from different cultures and traditions, giving you the keys to access divine guidance, gain clarity, and make empowered decisions. 




This Printable Deck Includes:


  • 76 cards featuring a beautiful image of a Goddess and a crystal
  • Each card displays several symbols that can help you interpret its meaning
  • A guidebook containing keywords about the Goddesses featured on the cards
  • Plus, six different 3-card spreads that you can use for divination and personal guidance (General Guidance, Decision-Making, Self-Discovery, Love & Romance, Motivation & Focus, Action Plan)



The wisdom of the goddesses can teach us so much about ourselves! Order your Goddess Crystals Oracle Deck now, and start your transformative journey toward empowerment, intuition, and self-love:

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Healing Properties of Gaia Stone
Article Name
Healing Properties of Gaia Stone
The powerful healing properties of Gaia Stone will make you feel grounded, centered, and nurtured by the spirit of the earth.
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Love & Light School of Crystal Therapy
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4 Responses

  1. I hope you can help me. I keep reading that a lot of green obsidian/ gaia stones are fakes. Can you recommend a seller and hw would I know the difference?

    Thank you!!

  2. Hi! I know they are highly breakable but I was wondering what other care is good for a Gaia stone, can it be charged in the sun? Is it okay to go in salt? Water? Any advice is appreciated!

    1. Hi Katie! You could use Selenite to cleanse it, maybe invest in a Selenite plate or bowl and rest it there for at least 6 hours or overnight. And you can charge it in the moonlight or with sound therapy! 🙂 We have some very helpful blog posts on cleansing and charging so I highly recommending giving our blog a search to see if anything there resonates as well. <3 Sending crystal blessings!

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