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Crystal Grids for World Healing: Let’s Make #OneMillionCrystalGrids

Crystal Grids for World HealingThese are unprecedented times, which have left many of us feeling helpless. It can be difficult trying to figure out what to make of the world health crisis that has been unfolding over the last several months.


It’s understandable to feel this way, but now  – more than ever – YOU are needed. Your gifts, your light, and your ability to raise energy are needed.

I’m asking all healers, lightworkers, and crystal lovers to pledge to join me in creating #onemillioncrystalgrids for world healing.

Let’s be of service, lift each other up, and create a massive global energy shift!


Crystal Grids for World HealingHow? By putting our healing gifts to work and creating distance crystal grids for world healing worldwide.

The more of us who are able to come together and manifest healing and compassion, the more we will be able to create an energy of hope, positivity, and support for others during this difficult time.

If you want to join, but need some more in-depth instructions about creating crystal grids, you may want to watch this video first.

This is just a small act that we can each do to show others that they’re not alone. We’re wishing for their health and safety, and we are all holding space for compassion and positivity, even amidst this chaos.

This is how we can hold space for one another when we can’t hold each other in any other way.

I’ve even created 2 free, printable crystal grid bases that you can use to create a world healing grid of your own.

Will you help me bring together a powerful community of crystal grid makers? Join me in creating #onemillioncrystalgrids for world healing.

Watch this video on Crystal Grids for World Healing to learn more:

I’d love to see the magic you create! Feel free to tag me @loveandlightschool and use the hashtag #OneMillionCrystalGrids to share your world healing grid with me.

If you feel called to spread the word about this project, please share this article or video on social media.

Please stay safe and take care of one another.

With love, light, and gratitude,



When you combine crystals with sacred geometry, you create a powerful vortex of energy that can be used to call in any of your intentions.


So whether you’re looking to enhance your healing, manifestation, protection or meditation practices, crystal grids are your ultimate companion for unlocking the extraordinary potential of your crystals. 


Crystal Grid Templates Pack


With my Crystal Grids Template Pack, you will receive 75 Printable Grid Bases, plus a Step-by-step Guide to grid creation, so that you can confidently craft your own powerful crystal grids from the comfort of your home! 


Crystal Grid Templates Pack Materials


Get started on your own sacred geometry journey with my Crystal Grids Template Pack! 


Buy Now

Are you interested in becoming a Certified Crystal Healer? Find out more about the CCH and Advanced Crystal Practitioner Program HERE!

Crystal Grids for World Healing: Let's Make #OneMillionCrystalGrids
Article Name
Crystal Grids for World Healing: Let's Make #OneMillionCrystalGrids
Right now, the world needs healers and lightworkers to come together. Join me in using crystal grids for world healing to create a global enerygy shift.
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Love & Light School of Crystal Therapy
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27 Responses

    1. 🙂 So happy to hear that! Thank you for participating <3 Crystal Blessings

  1. I took Love and Light’s CCH Program back in 2013. The grid class was one of my favorites. I have crystal grids all over my apartment. I made two more in March; one to help those suffering from Covid-19. The second is to aid the scientists in coming up with a cure. I cleansed the crystals for both my Earth Healing and Love & Compassion grids. Then I changed the intentions to both so that they are more appropriate for this time.

    1. Oh wow <3 So happy you enjoyed the class when you took it. 🙂 And what you are doing is beautiful. Thank you for it! Crystal Blessings <3

  2. Ashley I feel very drawn to this. Unfortunately I have very few stones. How do I obtain stones to work with on my own? I have many “rocks” that I have been drawn to and collected through the years. I don’t know what they are. Is there a good referance guide with pictures of the different presentations of the same stone. One thing else…else…I am always finding rhombus shaped stones. What is this?

    1. Any combination of crystals used with intention are perfect for this kind of grid… no need for multiples of the same stone. 🙂 But if you want some new stones to work with, you can always check out our official metaphysical shop, Mimosa ! You can always post your crystal ID questions in our Crystal Lovers Facebook group as well! 🙂 Crystal Blessings

  3. Ashley: This is an awesome idea… thank you. I have sent this on to my many students. They all work with crystals for healing, and this is a great opportunity to expand and connect with so many other healers worldwide. The collective energies of the light workers and enhanced by the crystal energies is so needed right now. We are now in an amazing energy force. Passover begins today, Good Friday and then Easter this weekend, besides a full moon cycle. WOW!
    Bless you. Pat

    1. Thank you SO much Pat. 🙂 I really appreciate it. It is a powerful time indeed! Wow is right <3 Thanks for being here! Crystal Blessings

  4. I’m excited to start working on my grid! I’ll be sure to tag you and put the hashtag as well! Thank you, Ashley!

  5. I love this…Thank you. I have shared it with many friends and family members. I have not however been able to print out the grids…any suggestions? I have tried several times and just continue to get a blank page.

    1. 🙂 That sounds beautiful, what great crystal selections! Crystal Blessings

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