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Three Citrine Secrets for Prosperity & Balance

The smoky golden glow of Citrine crystals isn’t the only thing that makes them amazing, these gorgeous crystals are pretty powerful, too! Would you like to know how you can use Citrine to improve your life and quickly increase your ability to manifest? Revealed here are three Citrine secrets that will help you do just that.

Three Citrine Secrets for Prosperity & Balance

Citrine is a powerful stone with many abundant qualities. Do you know all its secrets? Use it for enhancing prosperity, controlling spending habits and building your confidence and inner strength.

Three Citrine Secrets for Prosperity & Balance


Citrine Secret #1 Revealed: 

Citrine is a wonderful stone for enhancing prosperity and wealth. It helps you manifest things into your life. To create a Citrine crystal prosperity grid, place four Citrine crystals (tumbled stones or points) in a perfect square shape. The overall size of the square does not matter, but small tabletop grids are my personal preference. The square is a symbol of stability and abundance, and so, these qualities are connected with the sacred geometric energy of the shape.

Three Citrine Secrets for Prosperity & Balance

By using Citrine to create a crystal grid, you will be combining its natural manifesting qualities with sacred geometry (the language of the universe). Crystal grids create a huge force for positive change. To charge the grid with energy, have a clear focus or intention for your grid in mind as you place your stones in the square arrangement. Don’t just have something vague or generalized like “Prosperity” as your intention. If you have a focused and precise intention, then your message will be crystal clear to the universe. Your intention may even be a specific goal connected to prosperity in your life (like an annual salary, number of clients per week, a set dollar amount to put toward savings each month, etc).

Three Citrine Secrets for Prosperity & Balance

Keep your crystals cleansed and make time to enjoy the energy of your grid regularly.

Citrine Secret #2 Revealed:

Citrine is awesome for helping people control spending habits. If you’re a little bit of a shopaholic, then you can use place a Citrine in your purse or wallet or keep one in your pocket (especially if you know you’re going to a store that’s particularly tempting). Your stone can help remind you to spend responsibly and curb your spending habits. At the same time, it works to bring prosperity energy into your field. I know it sounds simple, but it works!

Three Citrine Secrets for Prosperity & Balance

Citrine Secret #3 Revealed:

Citrine is amazing for self-confidence and inner strength. I know we are talking about using Citrine for prosperity, but since so many of us feel (consciously or not) like we’re not deserving of prosperity or wealth, self-confidence is often interwoven with our ability to manifest abundance in our lives.

Three Citrine Secrets for Prosperity & Balance

Citrine can help you to realize that you do deserve abundance in your life and helps you to be more open to receiving it. To use Citrine for increasing your self-confidence (and ultimately celebrate receiving abundance in your life), hold a cleansed Citrine crystal for approximately 8-10 minutes (1-3 times per day). It is best if you can do this while focusing on a specific intention (similar to the intention used for a Citrine crystal prosperity grid, but focused instead on self-confidence, inner-strength, self-worth, and the ability to receive).

You will need to intuitively decide when to discontinue this practice. It can be a slow process and may be quite some time until you start to feel differently and see results, but stick with it (making sure to change and refine your intention when you start to see changes).


Tune in now for a deeper look at Citrine meaning!


So, do you want to enhance your daily crystal practice for an entire year?

Crystals can be such a support when we’re planning our weeks and months ahead.

That’s why, in my Your Crystal Clear Year Course, I share ways to connect with your crystals daily through meditations, self-care exercises, and more – because I know firsthand that connecting with your crystals daily can create more happiness, success, and alignment in your life!


Your Crystal Clear Year Course


This course includes self-check-ins, journal prompts, and more to support you on your crystal journey, like…

  • a crystal grid recipe for motivation (plus a printable grid template)
  • weekly planning template with crystal & planetary correspondences for each day
  • an introduction to birthstones and zodiac stones (month-by-month)
  • in-depth properties and write-ups for each of the 12 birthstones
  • 8 easy techniques to help you create a sustainable self-care practice
  • 7 Guided Crystal Meditations (1 for each day of the week)
  • monthly card spreads for performing tarot or oracle card readings for the month ahead (with tips for interpretation)


Crystals for the Days of the Week


As crystal healers, it’s important for us to stay in alignment and flow all year long. When you sign-up for my Your Crystal Clear Year Course, I’ll share practical ways that you can connect with your stones each and every day to craft a crystal practice that supports you as you step fully onto your path as a crystal worker.



Learn More & Sign up

Are you interested in becoming a Certified Crystal Healer? Find out more about the CCH and Advanced Crystal Practitioner Program HERE!

Three Citrine Secrets for Prosperity & Balance
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Three Citrine Secrets for Prosperity & Balance
Citrine is a powerful stone with many abundant qualities. Do you know all its secrets? Use it for enhancing prosperity, controlling spending habits and building your confidence and inner strength.
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Love & Light School of Crystal Therapy
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