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Best Crystals for Aquarius Season

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Aquarius season is here! This astrological season offers you the opportunity to embrace more freedom and joy with the help of your crystals. As we dive into Aquarius season (January 21 – February 19), the focus shifts to cultivating joy and allowing your authentic personality to shine through. Your energy, words, and actions can be a catalyst for inspiring others and supporting those in need of your connection and companionship. 

Best Crystals for Aquarius Season


After the busy pace of Capricorn season, now is the time to slow things down, savor moments of quality time with your loved ones, and let your communication skills flourish. Nurturing these relationships allows you to show others just how much you care about them. Communication is an important area of focus during Aquarius season, so, put your energy toward communicating clearly, sharing your ideas with others, and fostering the relationships that are most important to you.


Best Crystals for Aquarius Season


Working with the following Aquarius-aligned stones aligns you with the current celestial energies and is an excellent way to enhance the positive aspects of this astrological phase while balancing its challenges.


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Aquarius Season Correspondences:


  • Dates: January 21 – February 19
  • Symbol: The Water Bearer
  • Ruling Planet: Uranus
  • Modality: Fixed (Resistant to Change – related to determination, focus, and individuality)
  • Element: Air (Click Here to learn more about working with Elemental Crystals)
  • The Body: Legs and Hips
  • Keywords: Communication, Compassion, Fairness, Freedom, Inspiration, Joy, Logic, Nurturing, Unconventionality, Wit
  • Aquarius Season Gifts: Friendship, Intellect, Loyalty, Teamwork
  • Aquarius Season Challenges: Detachment, Stubbornness, Separation, Distance in Relationships


Best Crystals for Aquarius Season

Best Crystals for Aquarius Season:

During Aquarius season, select crystals that amplify joy, communication, and personal expression. It’s important to note that Zodiac crystals are a little different than birthstones (more on that here). You can work with the following crystals to enhance or balance the energies of Aquarius season. Whether enhancing positivity or addressing challenges by balancing out the more difficult energetic aspects of Aquarius, these stones are the best companions for the celestial journey ahead.


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  • Blue Lace Agate
  • River Agate
  • Amazonite
  • Amethyst
  • Chevron Amethyst
  • Ametrine
  • Angelite
  • Aquamarine
  • Azurite
  • Bloodstone
  • Aqua Calcite
  • Cavansite
  • Celestite
  • Blue Chalcedony
  • Cross Stone
  • Blue Fluorite
  • Rainbow Fluorite
  • Red Pyrope Garnet
  • Labradorite
  • Lepidolite Mica
  • Black Moonstone
  • Pumice
  • Blue Quartz
  • Himalayan Salt
  • Turquoise


Best Crystals for Aquarius Season

Top 3 Crystals for Aquarius Season:


Blue Fluorite: This crystal is associated with the Air element, so it’s naturally well-suited to Aquarius energy. Blue Fluorite promotes mental clarity which can support you during Aquarius’ emphasis on communication. It’s a great companion stone if you often struggle to find the right words or if you find it challenging to communicate in difficult or uncomfortable conversations. This stone can support you as you try to keep things light and uplift others.


Best Crystals for Aquarius Season


Blue Lace Agate: This stone enhances feelings of hope and optimism, which is useful for the joyous and inspiring energy of Aquarius. Furthermore, it encourages you to speak with purpose and can assist you in clearly expressing complex ideas. Since Aquarius season is a time to focus on friends and family, Blue Lace Agate makes an excellent companion due to its ability to foster harmony and group cooperation. This stone provides a calming influence that helps you feel at ease, even in large groups. It’s also helpful for making new connections and for building your social network.

Celestite: This crystal helps you tap into the energies of Aquarius’ ruling planet, Uranus. Celestite helps you tune into guidance from your guides, likely due to its correspondence to the air element which enhances communication.



Best Crystals for Aquarius Season

Best Crystals for Aquarius’ Ruling Planet (Uranus):

Each sign of the Zodiac is represented, or ruled, by a planet. This Ruling Planet is the planet that is held to have a particular influence over its corresponding sign of the zodiac, house, aspect of life, etc. Saturn was traditionally the ruler of Aquarius until the discovery of the planet Uranus in 1781. Uranus is associated with sudden changes, science, medicine, inventiveness, sexual energy, originality, impulsiveness, and communication.

  • Amazonite
  • Amber
  • Amethyst
  • Celestite
  • Ruby
  • Zircon


Best Crystals for Aquarius Season

Aquarius Season Crystal Ritual & Meditation:


Ritual Overview:

  • Light incense to symbolize the Air element.
  • Hold a Celestite crystal to your throat, focusing on clear communication.
  • Speak your thoughts aloud, letting the incense carry your words to the universe.
  • Visualize the smoke reaching your guides and await their communication.


Ritual Supplies:

  • A stick of incense & a fireproof incense burner or container
  • Matches or a lighter
  • A Celestite crystal for Uranus (Aquarius’ ruling planet) – you can substitute any of the Uranus stones listed above or any stone that corresponds to the Air Element (you can find a list of Air Element stones here).


Best Crystals for Aquarius Seasons


You can perform this short ceremonial practice at any time during Aquarius season. Begin by lighting a stick of your favorite incense in your sacred space and placing it in a fireproof incense burner. Make yourself comfortable and bring your attention to the incense smoke. It represents the air element, which corresponds to Aquarius. See the smoke waft gently toward the ceiling, knowing that this elemental ally will carry your thoughts out into the universe.

Pick up your Celestite crystal and hold it up to your throat, your center for communication. Think about something that you’d like to communicate to your guides, your ancestors, or the Universe – perhaps an affirmation statement, a show of gratitude, or a question that you’d like to ask. Speak this question or statement aloud. Close your eyes and visualize the smoke carrying the energy of your voice, your sacred words, out of your space, up into the sky, out into the cosmos until they reach your guides or ancestors. Take a few deep breaths and wait for any communication from your guides in return. Remain in this space until you receive a reply or until your incense stick has burned to completion. Then, take some deep, centering breaths, open your eyes, and return to the present moment.


Best Crystals for Aquarius Season

Crystals for Aquarius in Your Chart:


In addition to working with crystals during Aquarius season, you may also want to work with the following stones if you have Aquarius energy in your birth chart.

Each of us has many astrological influences that affect our energy and the way we interact with the world around us. The energies that have the biggest influence on you are your Sun Sign, Moon Sign, and Rising Sign. These are sometimes called “Your Big 3.” These can be determined by calculating of your natal chart using the full date, time, and place of your birth.


Best Crystals for Aquarius Season


  • Your Sun Sign is the astrological sign that the Sun was in during the time of your birth (also known as your Zodiac sign). The Sun is the center of all life and represents your personality and spirit.
  • Your Moon Sign is determined by the sign that the Moon was in during the time of your birth and influences your Soul expression. Your Moon Sign represents your emotions, moods, and your innermost-self.
  • Your Rising Sign, also known as your Ascendant, is the planetary influence that was on the Eastern horizon when you were born. Your Rising Sign is the starting point of the first house in your birth chart and has a good deal of influence on the characteristics of your personality (sometimes even outweighing those of your Sun Sign because your Rising Sign is the part of yourself that you share with others).


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If Aquarius is part of your Big 3, you can use the stones suggested below to enhance or balance its energy. Sunstone can always be used in place of a Sun Sign Stone (or you can use any of the Aquarius crystals listed at the beginning of this article), and Moonstone can be substituted in place of a Moon Sign Stone.


  • Stone for Aquarius as Your Sun Sign: Cross Stone or Turquoise
  • Stone for Aquarius as Your Moon Sign: Black Moonstone or Jet
  • Stone for Aquarius as Your Rising Sign: Rhodonite or Spirit Quartz


Best Crystals for Aquarius Season

Working with Crystals for Your Big 3:


To work with your 3 Astrological Crystals (Sun, Moon, and Rising Signs), you can craft a crystal energy pouch with corresponding crystals and symbols.

Starting with your Sun Sign, write out the name of your sign and draw its symbol on a small scrap of paper (you may even want to draw the symbol of its ruling planet for a boost of energy). These symbols will charge up your crystal with the energy of your Sun sign. Place this paper along with your Sun Sign Stone into the pouch. As you place the stone and paper into the bag, think about what energy your Sun Sign represents and brings into your life.


Best Crystals for Aquarius Season


Next, write out the name of your Moon sign and draw its symbol on another small piece of paper. Place this paper along with your Moon Sign Stone into the pouch. As you place the stone and paper into the bag, think about what energy your Moon Sign represents and brings into your life.

Finally, write out the name of your Rising sign and draw its symbol on the last small piece of paper. Place this paper along with your Rising Sign Stone into the pouch. As you place the stone and paper into the bag, think about what energy your Rising Sign represents and brings into your life.

After adding all the stones to the pouch, focus your intention on strengthening your positive traits and balancing the negative aspects of your unique astrological blueprint.


Best Crystals for Aquarius Season

Explore the unique energies of Aquarius season with these crystals, bringing joy, clarity, and enhanced communication into your life!


Best Crystals for Aquarius Season

Want to enhance your daily crystal practice for an entire year?

Crystals can be such a support when we’re planning our weeks and months ahead.

That’s why, in my Your Crystal Clear Year Course, I share ways to connect with your crystals daily through meditations, self-care exercises, and more – because I know firsthand that connecting with your crystals daily can create more happiness, success, and alignment in your life!


Your Crystal Clear Year Course


This course includes self-check-ins, journal prompts, and more to support you on your crystal journey, like…

  • a crystal grid recipe for motivation (plus a printable grid template)
  • weekly planning template with crystal & planetary correspondences for each day
  • an introduction to birthstones and zodiac stones (month-by-month)
  • in-depth properties and write-ups for each of the 12 birthstones
  • 8 easy techniques to help you create a sustainable self-care practice
  • 7 Guided Crystal Meditations (1 for each day of the week)
  • monthly card spreads for performing tarot or oracle card readings for the month ahead (with tips for interpretation)


Crystals for the Days of the Week


As crystal healers, it’s important for us to stay in alignment and flow all year long. When you sign-up for my Your Crystal Clear Year Course, I’ll share practical ways that you can connect with your stones each and every day to craft a crystal practice that supports you as you step fully onto your path as a crystal worker.



Learn More & Sign up

Are you interested in becoming a Certified Crystal Healer? Find out more about the CCH and Advanced Crystal Practitioner Program HERE!

Best Crystals for Aquarius Season
Article Name
Best Crystals for Aquarius Season
Explore the unique energies of Aquarius season with these crystals, bringing joy, clarity, and enhanced communication into your life!
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Love & Light School of Crystal Therapy
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4 Responses

  1. Such an amazing episode! I include crystals, astrology and essential oils in my yoga classes for a multisensory experience and this was so perfect – an episode I didn’t know I was missing, and I’m so excited for the others to come! Thank you!!!

    1. Thanks Charlotte!, so happy you enjoyed it!! We’re looking forward to continuing this series for each of the signs!! <3 Crystal Blessings

  2. WOW! This could easily be a full class! I learned so much, gained inspiration and I know I’ll be coming back to reference some things! The podcast was GREAT! Thanks for putting all of this together, I’m looking forward to the next sign!

    1. Thank you so much Jade!! We love hearing your feedback on this new series, we appreciate you so much! <3 Crystal Blessings

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