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How to Celebrate Spring Equinox | Crystals, Rituals and a Card Spread for Ostara

It was just a few days ago that the first Snow Drops poked their heads above the soil and let the warmth of the spring sunshine fall over the top of them. Here in Wisconsin, along with the sound of the Sandhill cranes returning from their migration south, this is one of the first signs of spring…and something that I absolutely cherish. Though by this point each year I’ve likely already spent weeks daydreaming about getting back outside into my garden, it’s the discovery of the year’s first snowdrops that tells me that Spring is officially on it way. Keep reading to discover how to celebrate Spring Equinox with crystals and a card spread!

How to Celebrate Spring Equinox | Crystals, Rituals and a Card Spread for Ostara

This is the time that I start my transition from my Imbolc altar to my Spring Equinox altar, do a bit of spring cleaning in my sacred space, and begin to welcome in the magic that this season has to offer. At this time of change and transformation, which feels stronger this year than it ever has, I also look for some guidance and direction – sometimes tuning into my inner knowing as I listen to the wind on a blustery spring day, or paying attention to the symbols that surround me on an early spring hike, but most often by pulling a few cards, with intention and anticipation for the what they may share with me.

Set up your Ostara Altar with me!

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Ostara, or the Spring Equinox here in the Northern Hemisphere, is the first of the quarter days, which marks the second of the spring holidays (the mid-point between Imbolc and Beltane). Ostara is traditionally celebrated on the day of the Vernal Equinox, determined by when the Sun is directly over the earth’s equator (this date may range from March 19th through March 22nd each year depending on the Sun’s position). The Spring Equinox is celebrated as a time of new beginnings and the re-emergence of life after the depth of winter.

Ostara welcomes in the Spring, the return of longer days, and the renewal of the land. At this time, plants and animals are beginning to wake up from their winter slumber, and nature seems to come alive as the earth begins to warm. As the land thaws from its winter freeze, seeds can be sown, new crops can be planted, birds and bees return to the sky, and livestock born at Imbolc are growing and being reared by their mothers.

To share some inspiration with you this season, I’ve pulled together a list of the best crystals and a card spread for the Spring Equinox!

How to Celebrate Spring Equinox | Crystals, Rituals and a Card Spread for Ostara


Some of my favorite crystals to work with on and around the Spring Equinox are:

  1. Pink Calcite – a stone that represents the energy of spring blossoms unfurling and their qualities of expansion and sweetness.
  2. Golden Calcite – a crystal that represents the radiant light of the sun and its qualities of energizing and renewal.
  3. Aqua Calcite – a stone to represent the energy of new shoots emerging and their qualities of growth and healing.

How to Celebrate Spring Equinox | Crystals, Rituals and a Card Spread for Ostara

Other Suggested Crystals for the Spring Equinox:

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Open yourself up to messages of hope and inspiration during this season of rebirth with a Sacred Card Spread for the Spring Equinox!

This reading will help you elebrate new beginnings and the re-emergence of life and guide you through this season of renewal, bringing forth growth, inspiration, and the promise of spring’s embrace.

Interpreting Card #1: EMERGENCE

This card represents the new energies, ideas, and beliefs that are emerging for you this Spring season. The seeds that were planted during seasons past are now sprouting and burgeoning forth, so take note of the patterns and small (seemingly insignificant or disparate) moments that are actually interconnected and carry deep wisdom for you this Spring!

How to Celebrate Spring Equinox | Crystals, Rituals and a Card Spread for Ostara

Interpreting Card #2: BLOSSOMING

This card represents the areas of your life in which you feel yourself blossoming forth into new ways of being. What knowledge have you integrated into deeper wisdom to feed and nourish your soul? How is this new knowledge and awareness helping you blossom and step more wholly into your authentic self?

How to Celebrate Spring Equinox | Crystals, Rituals and a Card Spread for Ostara

Interpreting Card #3: DARKNESS

This card represents the ways in which you are leaning back into the comforts of the previous season – the stillness, solitude, and general quiet of winter is giving way for new things as the Spring season rolls in. How can you lean back and be held by this energy while still remaining firmly planted in the present energy of awakening?

How to Celebrate Spring Equinox | Crystals, Rituals and a Card Spread for Ostara

Interpreting Card #4: RADIANT LIGHT

The Spring Equinox heralds the light half of the year – from this point forward, the days will be longer than the nights and your focus shifts to all that the light illuminates in your life. This radiant light stirs awake the magic within the land, and within you!


How to Celebrate Spring Equinox | Crystals, Rituals and a Card Spread for Ostara

Tap into springtime renewal, purification, and joy with these crystals and a card spread for the Spring Equinox!

Sources & Suggested Reading:


Embrace Spring’s Radiance With Our Spring Equinox Kit!


Spring Equinox Kit


Are you prepared to embrace the essence of spring’s awakening, sow the seeds of transformation for Ostara, and harness the rejuvenating power of crystal energy?

Dive into the vibrant awakening of Ostara with our Exclusive Spring Equinox Kit, your gateway to crystal magic and spiritual renewal during a season of transformation. This unique kit has been carefully curated to usher you through the radiant realm of Ostara, empowering you to embrace the emerging light and vibrance of this seasonal milestone.

Your Spring Equinox Digital Download Kit includes:

  • A Spring Equinox Guidebook — A comprehensive guide to Ostara’s crystals, energies, and correspondences, perfect for the season of abundance and renewal.
  • A Guided Meditation — A downloadable meditation to connect you with Ostara’s light, joy, and the wisdom of Goddess Eostra’s.
  • An Ostara Card Spread — A tarot/oracle card spread to clarify intentions and harness Ostara’s spiritual potential for growth.
  • A Crystal Grid Recipe & Template — Enhance your crystal practice with a template for amplifying spring’s energies of renewal and growth.


Spring Equinox Kit


Whether you’re an experienced practitioner or a crystal novice, this kit is filled with wisdom and tools to enhance your spiritual practice.

Embrace the radiance, renewal and joy of the longer and brighter days ahead! Get your Spring Equinox Digital Download Kit now and open the doors to a season filled with light, new beginnings, and transformative spiritual work.


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Are you interested in becoming a Certified Crystal Healer? Find out more about the CCH and Advanced Crystal Practitioner Program HERE!

How to Celebrate Spring Equinox | Crystals, Rituals and a Card Spread for Ostara
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How to Celebrate Spring Equinox | Crystals, Rituals and a Card Spread for Ostara
Discover some of the best ways you can celebrate Ostara and get into the seasonal spirit of transformation and renewal!
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Love & Light School of Crystal Therapy
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