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Healing Properties of Iolite: A Crystal for Direction & Guidance

Healing Properties of Iolite

A Crystal Message about the Healing Properties of Iolite: “I allow myself to be guided by the positive energies around me and within me.”


Common Healing Properties of Iolite:

  • Used to navigate the sea, this stone helps you find direction when you feel swept away by the current of life
  • Instills hope during difficult times
  • Promotes feelings of peace, calming, and tranquility
  • Assists in communication with your inner-self so you can better understand how you’re feeling
  • Works as a crystal ally companion for journeying
  • Heals and aligns the body, mind, and spirit
  • Provides you with a deeper spiritual understanding of your life path
  • Helps you circumvent obstacles that you may face in the future
  • Encourages inner strength & courage
  • Allows you to trust the important messages from your intuition rather than second-guess them
  • Encourages you to step out on new paths and get excited about exploring new realms (inner & outer)



Colors: Cornflower blue to deep indigo

Zodiac Signs: Sagittarius, Pisces, Cancer

Healing Properties of Iolite

Elements: Water, Air

Companion Flowers: Squill (Scilia)

Healing Properties of Iolite

Companion Essential Oil: Blue Spruce

Companion Stone: Pyrite

Healing Properties of Iolite

Common Origins: India, Tanzania, Myamnar, Austria

Notes: Also known as Water Sapphire, Cordierite, and Viking’s Compass.

Healing Properties of Iolite

Wanna’ Get Science-y? Click Here to get more information about this crystal!



More Information About Iolite:

Iolite is sometimes called “water sapphire,” but that’s a little misleading, since it isn’t really a type of sapphire at all. It’s actually the gemstone variety of cordierite.

Healing Properties of Iolite


Iolite Lore:

Iolite is known as the “viking’s compass,” because it can be used to determine the position of the sun on a cloudy day. It has an optical property called pleochroism, meaning the stone takes on a completely different color depending on the direction of whatever light is illuminating it. Even on a cloudy day, light always comes from the actual direction of the sun. So the sailor could find the sun’s position by positioning the stone at various angles until the right color appeared, and by knowing where the sun was, he could figure out his own position and direction. On a viking ship, the crystal would be set within a marked frame to help the navigator interpret this information.

Healing Properties of Iolite


One Way to Work with Iolite:

If you have an important choice to make, you can use iolite for divination. Write each of your options on a piece of paper, then hold the iolite crystal over each one in turn. The intensity of the crystal’s color can give you guidance in making a choice.

Healing Properties of Iolite


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If you’re looking for more ways to use crystals to deepen your intuition, try calling upon powerful lunar energies through meditation!

Full moon meditation


Getting tuned into the power of the Moon, with her historical connection to guidance and illumination, can have a profound effect on enhancing your intuition. Meditating at the time of the Full Moon is the perfect way to tap into these powerful lunar energies, which is why I’ve created this Full Moon Guided Meditation for Intuition.


Full Moon Guided Meditation for Intuition


The moon, being our nearest celestial body, has such a deep impact on us, so as crystal healers, it’s important for us to be in flow with the natural rhythms of the universe. You’ll learn more all about this with my Full Moon Guided Meditation for Intuition!


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Are you interested in becoming a Certified Crystal Healer? Find out more about the CCH and Advanced Crystal Practitioner Program HERE!

2 Responses

  1. Hi Ashley
    It was nice to see a podcast on Iolite. I have a few pieces of the tumbled stone & I absolutely love it. The coloring of it is just beautiful! I didn’t realize it had so many healing properties. Thank you for all the info! ????

  2. Hi Ashley,

    This was a wonderful article. I love Iolite (both rough, polished, and Iolite-Sunstone) and learned a lot from this podcast. I was surprised to see the astrological signs that it resonates with since I have a Sagittarius Sun, Cancer Moon and Pisces Ascendant (Rising) — no wonder I love it. Thanks for this information.

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