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The Secrets of the Synergy 12 Stones for Meditation & More

Synergy 12 StonesIf you’re familiar with the work of Robert Simmons and Naisha Ahsian, you may have heard of the Synergy 12 crystals. These high-vibration stones are super-powerful, both individually and collectively, and working with them in thoughtful meditation can be quite a treat indeed!

The 12 Synergy Crystals are a collection of minerals, first described by Robert Simmons and Naisha Ahsian in The Book of Stones.  This group of high energy crystals are thought to will help activate the light body as well as to quickly enhance the process of spiritual growth.

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The Synergy 12 Stones include:

  • Petalite
  • Moldavite
  • Phenacite
  • Danburite
  • Azeztulite
  • Brookite
  • Satyaloka Quartz
  • Scolecite
  • Tanzanite
  • Tibetan Tektite
  • Herderite
  • Natrolite

Some of the stones can be difficult to find due to their rarity (Phenacite, Brookite, Satyaloka Quartz, & Herderite), and one of them (Azeztulite) is trademarked, so it can be quite expensive.  The rest of these stones are typically readily available in any specialty crystal shop.

To work with the Synergy 12 stones, try placing a grid of these 12 high-vibrational crystals in a circle around yourself during meditation.

This meditative environment can be a little bit intense, so a short meditation of about ten minutes is best until you become familiar with meditating in this type of environment.  Alternatively, instead of trying the grid with all twelve stones around you, you may want to just take a few days meditating with one of the stones and then move onto the next stone, and then to the next, meditating with each for a few days until you have acclimated to the energy.  After working your way through the 12 stones in individual meditations, you can create a circle of 12 stones around you for meditation (and prepare yourself for an amazing meditative experience!).

You can also use the Synergy 12 stones in a full-body crystal layout.

Experiment with placing the 12 stones on different chakra points throughout your energy field.  You may want to stick with the 7 major chakras (doubling up the stones on some), or you may want to incorporate some of the minor chakras into your layout so that each energy center has its own stone.  For example, you could place one stone on each of the seven major chakras, one stone in each hand, one stone below each foot, and one additional stone between and below the feet (at the Earth Star Chakra). You could also try this with one stone well above the head (at the Soul Star Chakra) instead of at the Earth Star Chakra.

Get your own set of synergy 12 stones here!

Additionally, the Synergy 12 stones can be associated with the 12 signs of the Zodiac.

The traits of each sign correspond to the properties of the 12 stones.  The correspondences are as follows:

  • Capricorn: Brookite
  • Aquarius: Danburite
  • Pisces: Petalite
  • Aries: Azeztulite
  • Taurus: Moldavite
  • Gemini: Herderite
  • Cancer: Tanzanite
  • Leo: Phenacite
  • Virgo: Scolecite
  • Libra: Natrolite
  • Scorpio: Tibetan Tektite
  • Sagittarius: Satyaloka Quartz


Meditation can be an amazing way to hone your skills at sensing the energy of your stones…


That’s why I’ve created my Crystal Energy Guided Meditation!


Crystal Energy Guided Meditation


This 15-minute, immersive meditation is designed to help you tune into the unique energies of your crystals and develop a deeper understanding of their healing properties, allowing you to enhance your connection with the crystal realm.


Crystal Energy Meditation - 15 Minute Guided Meditation


As crystal healers, it’s important that we get to know each of our crystals intimately, so that we can be sure we’re maximizing the healing potential of our stones. Learn how with my Crystal Energy Guided Meditation


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The Secrets of the Synergy 12 Stones for Meditation and More
Article Name
The Secrets of the Synergy 12 Stones for Meditation and More
The synergy 12 stones are a collection of minerals, first described by Robert Simmons and Naisha Ahsian in The Book of Stones.  This group of high energy crystals are thought to will help activate the light body as well as to quickly enhance the process of spiritual ascension and evolution.
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Love & Light School of Crystal Therapy
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