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The Secret Uses of Record-Keeper Crystals – Revealed!

Secret Uses of Record-Keeper CrystalsRecord-Keeper crystals are quite desirable because of their unique attributes and abilities. The moment you locate that little triangle on the face of a crystal, you know that it’s even more special than you originally thought. Record-Keeper crystals can grant you access to valuable information, assist you in doing some serious past-life healing work, take you on journeys unlike any you’ve ever experienced, and so much more.

Record-Keeper crystals have very unique energy, matched only by their unusual appearance. These crystals can be identified by the appearance of raised or sunken “record-keeper” triangles on the faces of the crystal.

The record-keepers are typically formed when mineral-rich solution flowed over protrusions on the surface of the crystal point.  They are normally found on only a few of the crystal faces (not all) and they show the direction of the fluid flow as the geologic event that formed them was occurring.  Although most commonly found in minerals of the Quartz group (i.e. Clear Quartz, Smoky Quartz, Amethyst, Citrine, etc.), record-keepers are also sometimes present in the Corundum group (i.e. Ruby and Sapphire stones).

Many intuitives and healers believe that these record keeper triangles can used to access information that’s been stored within the crystal.  Some people think that these represent data or information implants that are actually within the stone itself, and that you can access this through meditation or simply by making it your intention to consciously access the information that may be stored in the crystal.  These crystals are often used to access the knowledge and wisdom of ancient civilizations and peoples (or of your ancestors).

These crystals have also been shown to activate dormant intuitive abilities and enhance ones psychic skills.  In particular, these crystals can help the user to develop clairvoyance and clairaudience.  For this reason, record-keeper crystals can be successfully used in meditation in order to connect and communicate with your personal spirit guides.

Some people report that these crystals have also facilitated access to the information stored within the Akashic Records.  For this reason, these crystals have shown to be especially useful for enhancing past life work (whether it be for exploration and gathering information, for healing trauma associated with the past lifetime, or for discovering past life connections to others).

Many also believe that these crystals are highly programmable, and that you can actually store your own information or data within the stone (even more so than with just a typical Quartz crystal).

Working with these crystals is best done by meditating with them, to connect with their energy one-on-one. However, if used in a crystal healing layout, small record-keeper crystals may be placed over the Third Eye Chakra in order to facilitate past-life healing.  For this reason, they are excellent when used during Shamanic journeying or Astral Travel to heal and clear negative energy from your ancestral line.  Record-Keeper crystals can also be useful when placed over a chakra containing a blockage, because they can help you to discover the reason for the blocked or stagnant energy, facilitating release and deep healing.

Check out this video for even more info about Record-Keeper crystals:



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Introduction to Crystal Healing Course

  1. Your Crystal Clear Year Course: Craft a Daily Crystal Practice (value $149)

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  1. Crystal Rituals for Personal Empowerment Course: Unlock Your Inner Potential (value $99)

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The Secret Uses of Record-Keeper Crystals - Revealed!
Article Name
The Secret Uses of Record-Keeper Crystals - Revealed!
Record-Keeper crystals are mysterious and complex. They have a very unique energy, matched only by their unusual appearance. These crystals can be identified by the appearance of raised or sunken “record-keeper” triangles on the faces of the crystal, and they are believed to hold many powerful abilities.
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Love & Light School of Crystal Therapy
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