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Soothing the Soul with a Crystal Energy Bath for Self-Care

Create a Soothing Crystal Energy Bath
Create a Soothing Crystal Energy Bath

In celebration of Bubble Bath Day (that’s right – there really is a holiday just to honor the beautiful luxury that is a sudsy tub of bubbles!) I’m sharing some tips on creating a healing bath with crystal energy.  This exercise allows you to bathe in crystal energy until your energy body is balanced and healthy.

Creating a Crystal Energy Bath:

  1. Begin by drawing yourself a nice, warm bath.
  2. Place at least one tumbled crystal (be sure you’re using a safe, non-toxic, non-radioactive stone!) into the bath water.
  3. If you like, you may add a few drops of an essential oil (again – safety is key here!) to the water.
  4. You might also choose to light a candle or some incense to create a peaceful environment.
  5. Ease yourself into the bath water being sure not to step on (or sit on) any of the tumbled crystals.
  6. Bathe yourself in the energetically-infused water.
  7. Visualize absorbing the crystal energy from the water into each part of your body.
  8. See this energy as a bright light coming from the stones, into the water, and then into your physical and energetic bodies.
  9. As the energy is transferred into your body, see yourself glowing with the light of healing.
  10. You may remain in the bath for as long as you like.

Giving yourself a crystal energy bath can restore and rejuvenate you…not to mention, it’s SUPER relaxing.  This is a great technique for self-care because it’s simple to set up and works quickly to bring you back into balance.  It’s great if you can make time for this at least once per week, but drawing a crystal bath at least once per month will help keep your energy body in great shape.

As crystal healers, it’s so important for us to know exactly how to leverage our stones’ distinct energies to create the profound shifts we want to see in our lives and those we are helping.

With my Crystal Rituals for Personal Empowerment Course, you will learn how to harness the energy of crystals to kickstart these big changes, unlocking a world of endless possibilities.


Crystal Rituals for Personal Empowerment Course


From intention-setting ceremonies to sacred crystal grids, you’ll explore a wide range of transformative rituals that will help you harness crystal energy, deepen your spiritual connection and embrace self-care and healing.

This Course Includes:

  • 55-minute video course
  • 47-page printable class slideshow
  • 22-minute guided meditation for self-confidence
  • 15 printable crystal grid bases for self-love
  • 7-page self-love routine tracker worksheet packet
  • 10 Printable crystal-themed coloring pages


Crystal Rituals for Personal Empowerment Course


When you’re first starting out working with crystal energy for self-empowerment, being aware of the many ways you can use your crystals for manifestation can be so helpful. That’s why, in my Crystal Rituals for Personal Empowerment Course, I share practical techniques for you to work with radiant crystal energy to unleash your true potential!

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4 Responses

  1. Greeting Ashley and happy new year.

    As I was perusing your crystal bath recipes, I am wondering if you meant to use 4 rose quartz tumbled stones for the self-love bath instead of citrine stones? I would appreciate hearing your clarification on that.

    Thank you and enjoy your newsletters!

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