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New Moon Crystal Ritual with Black Moonstone

New Moon Crystal RitualThe new moon is a time to plant the seeds for those things that you wish to create or manifest. This is the time to make plans and stay present in the moment. Make time for yourself and what’s most important to you. What better way to do this than through a new moon crystal ritual…


UPDATE: This article previously mentioned White Sage and Palo Santo among the recommended methods for cleansing your stones. Smoke cleansing using these materials is culturally appropriative in the context it was previously described, especially shared by the author here (who is white). This article has been updated to reflect this change. Further, the term “smudging” has been updated to “smoke cleansing,” since the term smudging was incorrectly applied to the act of cleansing crystals without the cultural context and deeper meaning connected with the act of smudging by Indigenous people.

Supplies You’ll Need:

  • A journal or some paper
  • A pen or pencil
  • Space clearing supplies like herbal smoke cleansing bundles, a bell, or a Selenite Wand
  • A black candle to represent the dark of the new moon
  • A Black Moonstone to connect you to the new moon energy
  • A Rhodonite, Golden Tiger’s Eye, or Rainbow Moonstone (optional)
  • Some relaxing music (optional)
  • Incense, especially Rose (optional)

Full & New Moons are particularly potent times for deep spiritual work. Tuning into their unique energies can be transformative for grounding yourself, strengthening your intuition, and so much more. That’s why I’ve created this FREE, printable Full & New Moon Lunar Calendar that shares all of the Full & New Moon dates for 2024, along with information about which Zodiac sign the moon is in.

Full & New Moon Lunar Calendar

You will also learn the special names for each monthly Full Moon, plus a bit about how you can work with these powerful lunar rhythms to enhance your spiritual practice!

Get Your Free Calendar Here Button

Step by Step New Moon Crystal Ritual:

      1. Gather all of the supplies you’ll need to perform this ritual well in advance.
      2. Start the ritual by going to your sacred space and taking a moment to ground and center yourself.
      3. Perform your favorite space clearing method to clear the energy in your space. Also take a moment to cleanse your stones and yourself using whatever method you prefer (smoke cleansing, sound, etc.).    
      4. Light some incense and play some soft music to help get you centered and aligned with spirit (optional).      
      5. Light your black candle make yourself comfortable.
      6. Focus on the candle flame. Allow your eyes to go in and out of focus and let your gaze soften. Pick up your Black Moonstone and close your eyes.
      7. Bring your attention to the upcoming lunar cycle and begin to think about what’s in store for you during this time.
      8. If you need some additional support as you create this new beginning for yourself, you may choose to hold your Rhodonite stone.
      9. Take a deep breath in and slowly exhale. Inhale. Exhale. Inhale. Exhale. With each breath, you become more present in this moment.
      10. Ask yourself what is most important for you to work toward during the upcoming lunar cycle. Ask the universe, your guides, or your higher self for clarity about your intention. ThinNew moon crystal ritualk about what it is that you’d most like to call into your life during this new moon for the upcoming lunar cycle. If you need help finding clarity about what you’re meant to bedoing, you may wish to hold your Golden Tiger’s Eye stone. Don’t yet worry about how you’ll accomplish this…just be open to whatever ideas flow to you from the universe.
      11. Stay in meditation for as long as you like while you allow any guidance, symbols, messages, or feelings to enter your mind and offer inspiration for your new moon intentions.
      12. When you’re ready, take a few deep breaths in and out. Then slowly open your eyes and set down your crystals.
      13. Write down everything that came through about your intention during your new moon meditation.
      14. You can also include drawings or doodles of any images or symbols you experienced.
      15. Take a few minutes to interpret these messages, feelings, and symbols as they relate to your intention and goals.  What is the universe trying to tell you about the direction you should take? Write your intention in your journal.
      16. Now condense this information into a concise intention statement and write it down on your paper or in your journal. If you need help, hold your Golden Tiger’s Eye stone for a moment or two for some clarity and guidance.
      17. Once you have your intention statement written down, pick up your Black Moonstone and take a few deep breaths in and out.
      18. Close your eyes and visualize yourself taking action and moving toward your goal.  See yourself accomplishing what you’ve put forward in your intention. Feel in your body, mind, and spirit the way you will feel when your intention has been realized. What will your life look like and feel like once you’ve manifested this?
      19. If you’re having trouble with this, you may choose to hold a piece of Rainbow Moonstone. This will help you overcome any obstacles or blocks that may be holding you back from fully visualizing your success. Visualize your intention coming to pass in as much detail as possible.
      20. Set your stones down next to you and take a moment to journal about how you feel about your new moon intention.New moon crystal ritual
      21. Next, create an action plan for your intention by brainstorming a bullet point list of all the steps that will move you closer to this goal. What actions will you need to take to manifest this goal? You may not know precisely how to achieve your goal quite yet, so this doesn’t have to be a complete list of every step that needs to be taken. However, it should be enough to get you started.  Don’t judge things as you write them down. Instead, let your creativity flow and just get things down on paper. You can revise this list as you begin taking action on these steps during the next lunar phase. The new moon is all about planning for the actions you will take in the future, so there’s no need to eliminate ideas before you even begin.
      22. When you’re ready, take a few deep breaths and write out your intention statement again on a fresh piece of paper. Place this on your altar or somewhere prominent in your sacred space.
      23. Place your Black Moonstone on top of your intention statement. This becomes a gesture that you’re planting the seed for your intention to grow and bloom.
      24. Leave this stone in place until the time of the full moon when you’ll switch gears from planning and intention setting to actively manifesting your dreams!

Because the New Moon is a time for enhanced magic and manifestation, the rare and mystical Fairy Moon (when two New Moons occur within the same month) is one of the most powerful times to tune into lunar energy with your crystals. In my Crystals for the Fairy Moon Course, you’ll learn how to use crystals and the amplified lunar energy of this celestial event to manifest new beginnings and connect with the Fairy Realm. 


Crystals for the Fairy Moon Course


In this course you will learn: 

  • The energies to work with during the fairy moon
  • The best crystals to work with during this magical time
  • A special oracle card spread to get clarity on your path
  • A gem water recipe tailored to the energy of the Fairy Moon
  • Fairy offering suggestions and lore
  • A fairy moon crystal grid recipe
  • A special, herbal fairy tea blend recipe


Crystals for the Fairy Moon Course

The Fairy Moon is a time for self-discovery, transformation, and connection to the realm of the Fae. As crystal healers, it’s important for us to be in flow with the natural rhythms of the universe to unlock the different energies they have to offer. You’ll learn more about all of this when you sign-up for my Crystals for the Fairy Moon Course!

Learn More & Sign up to my Crystals for the Fairy Moon Course

Are you interested in becoming a Certified Crystal Healer? Find out more about the CCH and Advanced Crystal Practitioner Program HERE!

New Moon Crystal Ritual with Black Moonstone
Article Name
New Moon Crystal Ritual with Black Moonstone
The new moon is the perfect time to plan, create and manifest. It's the perfect time to work on YOU. What better way to do this than through a new moon crystal ritual...
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Love & Light School of Crystal Therapy
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7 Responses

  1. Thank you so much Ashley . ???
    I really enjoy woriking with Crystals and your guidance is so helpful and blessing.
    Lots of love

  2. Thank you. I’m looking forward to my own New Moon ritual inspired by your steps thoughtfully documented for the first New Moon of 2023 i.e., 21 Jan.


    1. Hi Vic, thanks for reaching out! We hope your new moon ritual was amazing!! <3 Crystal Blessings

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