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Healing Properties of River Agate: A Crystal for the Water Element

Healing Properties of River AgateA Crystal Message about the Healing Properties of River Agate: “I live in harmony with the element of water and allow it to guide my creative expression.”

Common Healing Properties of River Agate:

  • Reduces negativity in your environment
  • Helps you find the humor in any situation
  • Enhances your intuitive abilities
  • Encourages you to go with the flow
  • Increases sexual energy
  • Promotes creativity and the expression of your emotions through creative endeavors
  • Assists you in recognizing your divine feminine power
  • Increases protective magic
  • Facilitates grounding
  • Enhances emotional stability
  • Harmonizes Yin & Yang
  • Enhances physical strength
  • Balances positive and negative energies and emotions
  • Assists you when you’re working with universal energies and spirit guides (especially the water element and water spirits)
  • Helps you tap into your inner power – like a river carving through rock


Colors: Swirly bands of red, orange, brown, yellow, and gray

Zodiac Signs: Aquarius, Pisces, Cancer

Elements: Water

Companion Flowers: Blue Flag Iris

Companion Essential Oil: Primrose

Companion Stone: Golden Hematoid Quartz

Common Origins: Brazil

Notes: Agate gets its name from the Achates River in Sicily where it was originally found.

Wanna’ Get Science-y? Click Here to get more information about this crystal!





More Information About River Agate:

Agate comes in a huge variety of colors and patterns, many named for plants and animals. These names not only describe the stone’s appearance, they add meaning to the stone’s uses as well. Ancient Greeks called tawny-colored ones “lion skin agates”; these stones had great strength, and could counteract a wide range of poisons, especially scorpion stings. In Hebrew tradition, one could gain courage by plucking a hair from a lion’s mane — but if that seemed a little too ambitious to start out with, you could substitute a lion skin agate instead!

On the other hand, ancient writers cautioned against keeping agates with the spotty pattern of hyena fur, claiming those would cause domestic trouble. The green of a tree agate would attract positive attention from the agricultural goddess Ceres; farmers not only wore this stone as an amulet, they’d also tie a piece to the horn of their ox while plowing. Across many cultures and times, we’ve come to see and make use of many connections between plant, animal and mineral kingdoms, as well as connections with eternal realms.



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As spiritual seekers, it’s essential to embrace the energies that support emotional balance, spiritual growth, and intuitive connection. The Water Element offers a profound pathway for nurturing these aspects of our lives. To help you align with its transformative power, I’ve created the Crystals for the Water Element Course—a unique journey into sacred flow and wisdom.


Crystals for the Water Element Course


In this immersive course, you’ll learn how to work with Water Element Crystals to deepen your spiritual practice, enhance emotional balance, and awaken your intuition. Whether you’re seeking personal transformation or tools to support your clients, this class provides the guidance and resources you need to connect with water’s healing energy.


Crystals for the Water Element Course


Course Materials Include:

  • An hour-long class video exploring Water Element Crystals and their uses.
  • A printable bonus handout with water element correspondences.
  • A soothing guided meditation for connecting with water’s energy.


Are you ready to bring the wisdom and nurturing flow of the Water Element into your life? Learn how to balance emotions, strengthen intuition, and embrace sacred transformation with the Crystals for the Water Element Course!


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Healing Properties of River Agate: A Crystal for the Water Element
Article Name
Healing Properties of River Agate: A Crystal for the Water Element
The healing properties of River Agate will allow you to rid negativity from your life, leaving room for creativity, humor and intuition.
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Love & Light School of Crystal Therapy
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7 Responses

  1. Thanks for the article — it’s informative. I have Red Sardonyx. I think that’s considered a type of river agate, right? If so, it should have the same properties mentioned in your article?? Thank you.

    1. So glad you enjoyed the article! 🙂 They do not quite have the same properties – but that’s a great question! <3 Crystal Blessings

      1. I cannot find a river agate at my local crystal store and they were asking if perhaps there is another name for it?

        1. Hi Elle! 🙂 There’s not another name for it.. but you can order it from our official metaphysical shop Mimosa’s website! Crystal Blessings <3

  2. I left a comment yesterday but I don’t see it here. Very interesting article as I hadn’t heard of River Agate before. I have two Red Sardonyx and I from the little research I did on River Agate, I read that Red Sardonyx or Sardonyx is a type of River Agate. If so, would this count as River Agate as far as the metaphysical properties, or are the River Agates you’re referring to a different stone? Thanks.


    1. River Agate and Sardonyx have different properties – but are very similar! Thanks for the question! <3 Crystal Blessings

  3. Hi Jolie,
    Thanks for your response. I see that my questions posted twice, LOL. Crystal Blessings in return,


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