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Healing Properties of Crazy Lace Agate: A Crystal for Removing Attachments

Healing Properties of Crazy Lace Agate A Crystal Message about the Healing Properties of Crazy Lace Agate: “I consciously let go of attachments and I immerse myself in the creative flow that surrounds me.”




Common Healing Properties of Crazy Lace Agate:

  • Protects you from outside energies
  • Enhances grounding
  • Helps you go with the flow during difficult times
  • Aids you when you’re recovering from exhaustion or fatigue
  • Increases emotional stability
  • Helps you release attachments to things that no longer serve you
  • Instills inner strength
  • Promotes active meditation
  • Balances your emotional, physical and intellectual energies
  • Harmonizes Yin and Yang energies in the body
  • Encourages clear decision making
  • Assists you in dealing with unresolved emotional pain
  • Helps you find laughter and joy
  • Increases stamina and physical energy
  • Helps you recognize patterns in your life and make necessary adjustments so you can work through them
  • Promotes vitality
  • Enhances creativity and allows you to sink into your creative flow



Healing Properties of Crazy Lace Agate

Colors: Swirls, stripes, and zig-zag patterns of yellow, orange, red, white, and gray

Associated Chakras: 2nd (Sacral), 3rd (Solar Plexus)

Zodiac Signs: Virgo, Pisces, Gemini, Libra

Elements: Earth, Fire

Companion Flowers: Blanketflower

Companion Essential Oil: Tangerine

Companion Stone: Purple Chalcedony

Common Origins: Mexico

Notes: Also known as Mexican Lace Agate or as Mexican Crazy Lace Agate

Wanna’ Get Science-y? Click Here to get more information about this crystal!



One Way to Work with Crazy Lace Agate:

To facilitate an active form of meditation, make yourself comfortable in your sacred space and while holding your Crazy Lace Agate stone, begin to trace its patterns with your eyes. Allow yourself to continue following the patterns as they swirl around the surface of the stone until you become immersed in the experience. When you feel ready, slowly soften your gaze, letting your eyes go in and out of focus, and bring your attention back to the present moment. Wiggle your fingers and your toes, becoming aware of your body, and take a few deep breaths to center yourself.

More About Agate:

Healing Properties of Crazy Lace Agate Agate comes in a huge variety of colors and patterns, many named for plants and animals. These names not only describe the stone’s appearance, they add meaning to the stone’s uses as well. Ancient Greeks called tawny-colored ones “lion skin agates.” These stones had great strength and could counteract a wide range of poisons, especially scorpion stings. In Hebrew tradition, one could gain courage by plucking a hair from a lion’s mane. However if that seemed a little too ambitious to start out with, you could substitute a lion skin agate instead!

On the other hand, ancient writers cautioned against keeping agates with the spotty pattern of hyena fur, claiming those would cause domestic trouble. The green of a tree agate would attract positive attention from the agricultural goddess Ceres. Farmers not only wore this stone as an amulet, they’d also tie a piece to the horn of their ox while plowing. Across many cultures and times, we’ve come to see and make use of many connections between plant, animal and mineral kingdoms, as well as connections with eternal realms.





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When it comes to instilling self-empowerment within ourselves and others, crystal energy can be an infinite treasure trove of support…

As crystal healers, it’s so important for us to know exactly how to leverage our stones’ distinct energies to create the profound shifts we want to see in our lives and those we are helping. With my Crystal Rituals for Personal Empowerment Course, you will learn how to harness the energy of crystals to kickstart these big changes, unlocking a world of endless possibilities.


Crystal Rituals for Personal Empowerment Course


From intention-setting ceremonies to sacred crystal grids, you’ll explore a wide range of transformative rituals that will help you harness crystal energy, deepen your spiritual connection and embrace self-care and healing.

This Course Includes:

  • 55-minute video course
  • 47-page printable class slideshow
  • 22-minute guided meditation for self-confidence
  • 15 printable crystal grid bases for self-love
  • 7-page self-love routine tracker worksheet packet
  • 10 Printable crystal-themed coloring pages


Crystal Rituals for Personal Empowerment Course


When you’re first starting out working with crystal energy for self-empowerment, being aware of the many ways you can use your crystals for manifestation can be so helpful. That’s why, in my Crystal Rituals for Personal Empowerment Course, I share practical techniques for you to work with radiant crystal energy to unleash your true potential!

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Healing Properties of Crazy Lace Agate: A Crystal for Removing Attachments
Article Name
Healing Properties of Crazy Lace Agate: A Crystal for Removing Attachments
The healing properties of Crazy Lace Agate will give you the power to let go of attachments and immerse yourself in the creative flow that surrounds you.
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Love & Light School of Crystal Therapy
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5 Responses

  1. I Love all 3 Stones my daughter Lindsey had got me but this oneCrazy Lace Agate I’ve not taken off. I would love to speak with you whenever you are available.

  2. I have just purchased a crazy lace agate heart shaped stone. I felt so drawn to it mainly the colours and the patterns. I did not know it’s properties at the time. I will start working with it tomorrow. Already feel better just by holding it. Been out of sync for awhile.

  3. My daughter just gave me a butterfly crazy lace agate. Can you tell me what to do with it and meaning behind a butterfly. Thank you

    1. Hi Cindy! Aw, I love that, so sweet! Usually, butterflies are known for symbolizing personal transformation. When we think of the butterfly, it reminds us of the transformative process of going from a caterpillar and emerging as a beautiful butterfly. The butterfly is here as a reminder to surrender, go within, trust the process, and allow the journey will transform us. Hope that helps! <3

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